divine talisman

Chapter 1322 Daoist Ge Yun [Part 4]

This is indeed the city of guilt.

While Chen Xi was sitting alone in the lobby on the first floor of the Dragon Soul Immortal Pavilion, three conflicts broke out in the restaurant, but before they started, they were picked up one by one by the shopkeeper and thrown out like a dead dog.

For this, the other guests present have long been used to it, so it is not surprising.

"Friend, would you mind having a drink together?"

Suddenly, a young man in brocade clothes came to Chen Xi's side, and smiled gently. His face was like a crown of jade, his complexion was fair, his eyes were clear and bright, and he looked like a handsome and romantic son.


Chen Xi replied calmly, "I'm waiting for someone, you can go find someone else."

The brocade-clothed young man blinked his eyes, but he didn't understand what rejection meant. Sitting opposite Chen Xi, Shi Shiran said with a smile, "There are so many bad guys here. Does my friend want me to drink with those bad guys?"

At the end, the corners of his lips curled up, showing a pitiful look.

But Chen Xi felt a chill in his heart, this guy is too sissy, how can a big man be so hypocritical?There are too many bad guys, doesn't he know that this is the city of sin?

But immediately he was stunned, and only then did he realize that the body of this handsome young man in front of him was moist and clean, and even with the power of the eyes of divine truth, it was difficult to find a trace of guilt.

"So, you came here for another purpose?" Chen Xi glanced at the other party thoughtfully.

The young man in brocade clothes was startled, then nodded with a smile, and said, "Yes, I'm waiting for someone too."

"Oh? What a coincidence." Chen Xi raised his eyebrows.

"It's really a coincidence."

The young man in brocade clothes poured himself a glass of wine with a smile, then cupped his cheeks in both hands, stared straight at Chen Xi, and sighed faintly, "Unfortunately, that person didn't recognize me so close, it's so sad. "

Chen Xi's eyes suddenly widened, and he took a sip of wine in his throat, almost suffocating, and took a while to swallow the drink. He looked at the young man opposite him strangely, with a look of sudden enlightenment.

"Now, you finally see it?" The brocade-robed youth blinked his eyes.

"Yes, I can tell." Chen Xi nodded, "So you are a man."


The young man in brocade spouted out the drink in one gulp, stared at Chen Xi in astonishment, and said, "A man?"

Immediately, he laughed happily, a pair of shallow pear dimples appeared on his cheeks, his clear eyes were full, and his smile became a pair of crescent moons, his lips were ruddy and curved beautifully, in an instant, there was a touch of peerless elegance.

Then, Chen Xi finally realized that he had misunderstood, and he couldn't help being a little embarrassed.

The young man in front of him is naturally the mysterious woman who calls herself Diandian, but it's not to blame for Chen Xi not being able to recognize her, and she doesn't know what kind of secret method she used to cover up her aura so completely that no one can see her true identity Come.

"Why did you choose the location here?"

Seeing that the other party couldn't stop laughing, Chen Xi immediately changed the subject. To be honest, he didn't expect the other party to come so early. It was like wasting 1 yuan of immortal stones to book a room.

"Only here can we lead to the Forsaken Land of Hongmeng."

Dian Dian restrained her smile, picked up the jug and played with it in her palm, her fingers were slender and shiny, as delicate and white as suet jade, extremely beautiful.

Hongmeng Remains!

Chen Xi's eyes narrowed. It really was like this. According to the news he got from Ling Bai, the current Grandmist Remains is a place where the Three Realms began to be chaotic, with wars raging everywhere and disasters happening frequently. Going there at this time will undoubtedly take risks. great risk.

"For what?" Chen Xi couldn't help asking.

Dian Dian smiled and said: "Naturally, it is a chance. The Hongmeng Remains is the oldest territory in the Three Realms. It retains the power of the world law of the Hongmeng period. Not only that, many orthodoxy of the Hongmeng period are also buried in it. Now with the It is where the turmoil of the Three Realms broke out, and some places of opportunity will also break out of the ground."

After a pause, she stared at Chen Xi with radiant eyes, and said, "This is a rare opportunity. If you miss this time, the Primordial Land will be completely annihilated and disappeared."

Chen Xi frowned, "I'm only worried that I'm not strong enough. If something unexpected happens, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Don't worry, I'm here." Diandian slightly parted her cherry lips, exhaled like blue, with a calm and confident look on her face.

"I just can't figure it out until now, how can I help this trip?" Chen Xi asked.

"I'll tell you more about it when I arrive at the ruins of Hongmeng. In short, after the matter is completed, the fragment of the river map will be yours. Anyway, it's useless to keep it in my hands."

Speaking of this, Diandian's expression suddenly became serious: "Tomorrow morning, we will travel across the boundless sea to the ruins of Hongmeng. At that time, there will be two disciples from Nuwa Taoist Palace going with us. See you soon! You don’t have to pay attention to them, just stay by my side.”

Nuwa Taoist Palace!

Chen Xi's heart was shocked again. He never expected that this trip to the Forsaken Land of Hongmeng would have something to do with Nuwa's Taoist Palace.

This also made him realize more and more that the opportunity they planned for this trip must not be small!

"Since the descendants of Nuwa's Daoist Palace are all present there, shouldn't there be other Taoist people also mixed in?" Chen Xi asked with a frown.

He didn't mention the names of Shenyanshan and Taishangjiao, but he believed that Diandian would understand the meaning.

"I only know that the Supreme Master seems to have sent some people, but they are not with us." A meaningful smile appeared on the corner of Didian's lips, "As for Shenyan Mountain... I don't know."

This smile made Chen Xi's heart thump, and he vaguely felt that he might have already guessed his identity with this little bit, but since she didn't say it clearly, he wouldn't take the initiative to admit it.

For a moment, Chen Xi fell silent.

It will take him a while to digest the shocking news.

As far as he knew, if he wanted to enter the Great Remains from the Immortal Realm, it was not just as simple as crossing the boundless sea, but he also had to pass through a barrier condensed by the world power of the Great Remains.

And this barrier does not have the ability of a half-step immortal king, but it is impossible to shuttle back and forth at all. The reason why Ling Bai and the others were able to go to Douxuan Immortal City to find themselves was because Tatian Dasheng helped them open this barrier. barrier.

"It seems that this time, no matter whether it is the Nuwa Dao Palace or the Supreme Master, the masters who go to the Hongmeng Remains will definitely not be weaker than the half-step fairy king... Maybe even the existence of the fairy king level !"

Thinking of this, Chen Xi couldn't help raising his eyes to look at Diandian on the opposite side, only to see that the latter was also staring at him with a smile, which made him startled, and finally suppressed all the doubts in his heart.

He didn't think too much about it anymore, as long as the other party could guarantee his safety, then this time he would not get any chance to go to the Hongmeng Remains, as long as the other party could hand over the fragments of the river map to him as promised, that would be enough.

"The two brothers are so handsome, why don't we have a drink?"

At this moment, a rough and tough man came over. This man had a very majestic appearance, a swallow jaw and a tiger beard, and big eyes with copper bells, but his speech was soft and delicate, which was extremely penetrating.

Especially his attire, green clothes and red trousers, hair in a bun, mouth as red as rouge, extremely gaudy, waist swaying when walking, giving people a very weird feeling.

Chen Xi and Diandian looked at each other, feeling a chill in their hearts, this guy is simply too disgusting!

"Haha, this Lu Biao is going wild again!"

"It's disgusting enough. If his strength hadn't reached the level of a saint, I would have killed him long ago!"

"But this guy has a really good personality. No matter who abuses him, he never fights back. I don't know what he committed in the outside world. He was forced to flee to the city of sin."

"Don't worry about what to do, let's watch the show quickly. The faces of these two young people are very strange. I'm afraid they are newcomers. Maybe they will be put on the bed by Lu Biao, haha."

A group of people in the hall roared with laughter, and all looked at this side unscrupulously.


Chen Xi was stunned, but he didn't expect this disgusting guy who was neither male nor female to have such abilities.

Dian Dian looked calm, and looked at Chen Xi with a smile, without saying a word.

"You two brothers, don't listen to their nonsense. I, Lu Biao, like to make friends the most, especially handsome brothers like you. I really like them from the bottom of my heart."

Jiao Didi's incomparably feminine voice came from Lu Biao's bloody mouth. He twisted his waist and sat on the side of the desk, looking at Chen Xi and Diandian with a "coquettish smile".

Chen Xi had goosebumps all over his body, and almost impulsively wanted to chop him alive.

At this moment, Diandian seemed to notice something, and a pair of watery eyes suddenly glanced at the street outside the window.


At this moment, there was a violent fluctuation in the sky above the street, and a figure staggered and fell out. The black clothes were stained with blood, and the lonely and indifferent face was pale. It could be clearly seen that on his left shoulder, there was a The blood hole was the size of a bowl, and the blood flowed horizontally, which could not be stopped.

This person is indeed Wan Jiansheng!

It's just that he was obviously severely injured at this time, and he was forced out of the void even to escape.

Chen Xi suddenly got up.

How could this be?

He was still wondering before, why there was no news of Wan Jiansheng after entering Wuya Immortal City, never thought that the other party would appear in front of him in this way.


Just as Wan Jiansheng staggered and fell out of the void, there was another burst of void fluctuations, and a tall, skinny and sullen old man in Taoist robes walked out of it.

As soon as he appeared, a terrifying coercion spread out, making Chen Xi feel a great pressure.

Half-step Immortal King level!

In an instant, Chen Xi's face darkened, and he judged the opponent's ability. That power was even more terrifying than that of a saint. He had experienced it with many old antiques in the academy, so how could he not be able to tell the difference.

"Daoist Ge Yun!"

"His old man actually dispatched..."

"That guy actually provoked his old man, he really courted death!"

Everyone exclaimed, recognizing the identity of the skinny and sullen old man, their expressions showed deep fear and awe.

Apparently, this being known as "Daoist Ge Yun" is a terrifying figure in this city of guilt.


ps: 4 updates are completed, 2 updates have been made up tonight, and I still owe 9, I will continue to work hard tomorrow, and I am eager to ask for a monthly ticket~ I will drop No.10 soon...

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