divine talisman

Chapter 1323 The Prestige of the Immortal King [Part 1]

The City of Sin is a turbulent area, full of filth and disorder, gathering vicious sinners from all over the fairy world.

These sinners are also strong and weak, and most of them are at the level of Xuanxian. Those who can have the cultivation level of Daluo can already live very well in the city of sin.

And the sinners in the Holy Immortal Realm are like the overlords in the city, no one dares to provoke them, but the most dreaded and dreaded are the existences at the half-step Immortal King level!

Like the Daoist Ge Yun in front of him, he is a half-step immortal king who has sinned to the sky, like the supreme king among the sinners, looking down on the whole city, no one dares to disobey his will.


"In just one hour, you killed my 37 sons and nine concubines, you young man is so courageous!"

Wearing a Taoist robe, with a thin and sullen face, Daoist Ge Yun stood in the air with his hands behind his back, his whole body filled with terrifying coercion, covering the whole world.

In front of him, Wan Jiansheng was coughing up blood from the corner of his lips, standing alone, with a stubborn look on his pale face.

Facing the existence of this half-step fairy king, even though he is one of the seven scorching suns in the fairy world, he still looks so small like an ant.

At this moment, Chen Xi keenly noticed that the time and space on the street seemed to be frozen, and the scene he saw in his field of vision seemed to have turned into a static picture.

This is the power of the Half-step Immortal King?

Chen Xi's heart was shocked, he was worried about Wan Jiansheng, the space was imprisoned, how could he escape from this half-step fairy king Ge Yun?

Wan Jiansheng was indeed unable to move, like a bug caught in a spider web, like a fish frozen in ice, he could only maintain a standing movement, he couldn't even blink his eyes.

That appearance, like a imprisoned lamb waiting to be slaughtered, made Chen Xi's heart twitch.

As for what Ge Yun said, Wan Jiansheng killed his 37 sons and nine concubines, Chen Xi didn't care at all.

According to what he knew about Wan Jiansheng, he would never kill innocent people indiscriminately.

"You don't need to struggle anymore. Under my space law, if you can escape, I will immediately kill myself on the spot."

Old Daoist Ge Yun spoke indifferently, staring at Wan Jiansheng with dark eyes, as if staring at a prisoner who was being judged, aloofly.

In particular, his voice was full of absolute control and confidence, which made the people around him even more frightened and fearful. This is the power and influence of the half-step fairy king, which is breathtaking.

"Is he your friend?"

In this silent, tense, and oppressive atmosphere, Diandian suddenly spoke, and glanced at Chen Xi beside her. Her voice was sweet and clear, like a gurgling spring.

Everyone was startled, never expecting that someone would dare to speak at this moment.

Old Daoist Ge Yun on the street was also stunned, turned his head abruptly, his eyes were like black lightning, and he came towards Diandian coldly to assassinate him.

For this, Diandian didn't seem to realize it, and looked calm and calm.

Seeing this, old Taoist Ge Yun couldn't help raising his brows,


Chen Xi nodded.

Then he smiled a little, and the corners of his ruddy lips curled up in a helpless arc, "Then why didn't you say it earlier."

Accompanied by the sound, she tapped lightly in mid-air.


There was a crisp cracking sound like colored glass being shattered. The sound ranged from weak, to passionate, and finally roared like a turbulent wave, spreading across the entire world.

Then, Chen Xi was shocked to discover that the still image in his field of vision was like a piece of glass being smashed, splitting into countless spider web-like traces, and spreading out suddenly.


Under the horrified gaze of everyone, in just a split second, the whole world seemed to be shattered and pulverized by a supreme force, and the endless power of space roared continuously like a stormy sea.

There were exclamations and panic.

Even Chen Xi shrank his eyes at this moment and felt an unspeakable palpitation. With his eyesight, he could see that the shattered world was actually the power of space that was shattered and subverted!

"You... you are..."

In the midst of the turmoil, the frightened and angry voice of Ge Yun old man came, as if he had been greatly stimulated, and there was even a touch of unspeakable panic.

But immediately, his voice stopped abruptly.

In other words, everything in the whole world fell into absolute stillness at this moment, space, time, dust, light, sound, bloody bugs in the corner, people in the restaurant... everything seemed to be frozen, Turned into a completely still picture.

Including the old Taoist Ge Yun, standing in the air like a sculpture at this moment, motionless, with a froze expression of shock and anger remaining on his cheeks.

You know, this is a half-step fairy king!

But now he can no longer move a single bit. This scene is too terrifying and beyond imagination.

Chen Xi was also shocked, but he unexpectedly discovered that he could still move!

He couldn't help turning his head to look at Dot, only to see a smile on the corner of the other's lips, with a peaceful and carefree look on his face, as if everything just now was just a simple thing she did casually.

Such an understatement.

But it's so shocking!

"Immortal King Realm! She must be an immortal king who has all-powerful Taoism and stands proudly at the top of the Three Realms!" At this moment, Chen Xi finally dared to be convinced that the charmingly beautiful woman beside him was indeed an immortal king!

Only at the level of the Immortal King can the laws of space be brought to such a state of perfection that the universe will be reversed and the world will change in just a few seconds!

"Cough cough..."

A burst of violent coughing sounded, causing Chen Xi to wake up completely. He turned his head to look, but saw Wan Jiansheng on the street, who was also looking up at his side, and landed on Dian Dian.

On his lonely and indifferent face, there was a rare look of shock at this moment, as if he couldn't believe that he would be rescued at this critical moment of life and death.

In other words, what shocked him even more was his ability to turn decay into magic.

"Thank you."

Wan Jiansheng cupped his hands, looking serious.

This scene was very weird. The entire street, restaurant, and even the entire world were absolutely still, like a frozen picture, and Chen Xi, Wan Jiansheng, and Diandian became the only ones in this picture who could move. , the existence of speaking.

This is the power of space law.

With Chen Xi's mastery of the laws of space, it is difficult to touch this step, so it is even more shocking.

"You should thank Chen Xi, not me. After all, I don't know you anymore."

Opening her mouth a little bit, Yurong returned to calmness, and in that calm and calm demeanor, there was a sense of supreme, stalwart, overlooking the world.

That is the aura that only the Immortal King Realm exists, and other people can't learn it at all.

Seeing this, Wan Jiansheng was even more shocked in his heart, as if he didn't expect Chen Xi to have such a close relationship with an immortal king.

He took a deep breath, cupped his hands towards Chen Xi and said, "Brother Chen, thank you very much, I, Wan Jiansheng, owe you my life today."

Chen Xi was stunned, and hastily said, "Senior Brother Wan, you don't have to be so polite."

In fact, he smiled wryly in his heart. He has been practicing all the way so far, and he has rescued countless people. It seems that every time, someone has a serious face and says that he owes his life.

Of course, this is not just a casual statement, whether it is Wan Jiansheng or those people in the past, they will definitely remember him, but this way of repaying kindness makes Chen Xi feel a lot of pressure.

Wan Jiansheng was obviously not good at words, and fell silent after speaking.

Seeing this, Chen Xi turned his eyes to Diandian.

"We have something important to do this time, let's send him away first."

Talking little by little, with a wave of her hand, there was a bang, a passage was forcibly opened in the void, and then she looked at Wan Jiansheng, and said, "You are seriously injured, it will only be more dangerous if you stay, the opposite of this passage is Weiyang Xianzhou .”

Seeing this, Wan Jiansheng understood a little bit of meaning. He bowed his hands to Chen Xi again, and without any hesitation, he immediately walked into that void passage, and disappeared in an instant.

Watching Wan Jiansheng leave, Chen Xi couldn't help but marvel in his heart. The methods of the Immortal King Realm are simply too terrifying. With a simple swipe, one can open up a large teleportation void channel. There is nothing in this world that the existence of the Immortal King Realm can't do. ?

"This is the law of space."

As soon as Wan Jiansheng left, the familiar smile appeared on the corner of Diandian's lips again. She glanced at Chen Xi, then stretched out her slender and white right hand, and gently shook it.


In the still picture, Old Daoist Ge Yun stood in midair as stiff as a sculpture, as if being grabbed by an invisible big hand, his whole body was instantly shattered, turned into blood foam, and smashed into pieces!

It's as easy as crushing an ant!

Chen Xi's eyes suddenly expanded. This... is a half-step Immortal King!Was it easily wiped out like this?

This is the power of Immortal King Realm!

Step through the cage of heaven and earth with one foot, and open the gate of life and death with both eyes!


Once Ge Yun died, the laws of time and space between heaven and earth were restored to their original state.

In the field, Diandian and Chen Xi had disappeared.

After a while, everyone in the restaurant woke up one after another, but everyone's cheeks had a look of shock and fear from the bottom of their hearts. Some people even trembled with fright and peed in their pants.

Although they couldn't move before, their minds were still there, and they saw everything that happened in that scene clearly, especially when they saw that the mighty old Taoist Ge Yun in the city of sins was easily wiped out by others, they every time I can hardly believe my eyes!

"Immortal King! That young man is actually an Immortal King!"

"God! I was frightened, how could there be an immortal king in our city of sin? Is the sky going to change again?"

Everyone murmured, these blood-stained, incomparably vicious sinners were so frightened that they lost their souls at this moment, as if they were mourning a concubine. It can be seen how shocking the scene just now brought them.

Especially Lu Biao, who was neither male nor female, was so frightened that he sat down on the ground, trembling all over his body, and murmured in his big scarlet mouth: "I... I went to hook up with a fairy king just now!" ...God... my little heart is going to fly out..."

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