divine talisman

Chapter 1324 Surprises again and again [Part 2]

boundless sea.

Evil waves roared, angry waves roared, between heaven and earth, lightning flashed and thundered, dark clouds rolled, dazzling arcs tore through the void, and sprinkled pieces of pale and penetrating luster.

The time and space here are chaotic, turning into a storm, sweeping over the sea, the sky seems to be collapsing, collapsing, and turning into long and narrow black cracks, densely filling the space between the sky and the earth.

This scene is extremely terrifying!

Da Luo Jinxian, who controls the method of space teleportation, would not dare to go beyond it, because the space storm can swallow everything in an instant.

Here is the northernmost area of ​​the fairy world, a sea of ​​storms adjacent to the boundless fairy city.


The void fluctuated for a while, and two figures appeared, it was Diandian and Chen Xi.

At this moment, circles of illusory halos were steaming all over her body, enveloping her and Chen Xi, and standing on the surface of this extremely dangerous sea, she was unexpectedly unaffected.

"This is the boundless sea? It's really terrifying..."

Chen Xi glanced around, secretly startled.

After obliterating the old Taoist Ge Yun, Diandian took him and teleported directly from the city of guilt to this place. According to Diandian, he crossed this dangerous ocean and passed through a world barrier. , you can reach the legendary Hongmeng Remains.

"Heaven's law is broken here, without the power of the world to maintain it, it will be so violent, but you don't have to worry, I will take it with you, and no accidents will happen."

Little by little, the figure flashed, leading Chen Xi towards the depths of the boundless sea.

She didn't use the teleportation method. Obviously, the space-time storm in this area was too fierce, so that she, the Immortal King Realm, did not dare to take it lightly.

Bang bang bang!

Accompanied by a little bit of speeding, some storms, lightning, and space-time storms surged on the road, slapping the halo in front of the two of them, making a thunderous sound.

But what made Chen Xi feel at ease was that in the blink of an eye, that halo was able to defuse all these attacks, and it was as strong as gold, and it couldn't hurt even a hair on him.

And looking at the relaxed appearance, it is obvious that all these dangerous environments do not have any deterrent effect on her.

"By the way, why didn't senior take action just now, and just wiped out all the sinners in the Wuya Immortal City?"

After relaxing, Chen Xi couldn't help but think of the previous incident, and asked aloud.

"Can't kill."

Explained a little bit casually.

According to her, the city of sins is like a natural prison. Although no one is guarding it, as long as the sinner escapes into it, he will never be able to get out of it for the rest of his life.

Because around Wuya Xiancheng, there are hunting immortals who come to hunt the sinners every day, which invisibly plays the role of guarding the prison.

Moreover, this Immortal City of Boundless is adjacent to the Boundless Sea, but its resources are extremely scarce. The only way for those sinners to survive is to go to the Boundless Sea to open up and search for various resources.

Although this boundless sea is extremely dangerous, entering it is almost a narrow escape, but there are also unimaginable resources, and there are even secret realms, broken worlds, and hidden small worlds.

The only means of survival for those sinners is to go here to take risks and find resources. This is invisibly helping the fairy world to open up many new territories.

This is the meaning of the existence of the city of crimes. Those sinners seem to no longer be hunted down, but in fact they have entered a prison by themselves, and they have used their lives and blood to help the fairy world open up many secret realms and positions in the boundless sea. noodle.

Of course, if you want to destroy the city of guilt, it will be effortless for all the forces in the fairy world. The fairy world has caused great disasters.

It turned out to be the case.

Chen Xi suddenly realized, and his heart was filled with emotion. He was very clear that the sinners in this world could never be killed, nor could they be stopped, because new sinners would be born every day.

And the existence of this city of crimes seems to provide a place for the world's sinners to escape, but in fact it is also an excellent way to resolve the disasters in the fairy world, and its significance is extraordinary.


Suddenly, a terrifying roar resounded from the sea in the distance, shaking the surrounding fields and scattering all the black clouds in the sky.

Then Chen Xi saw, on the sea in the distance, a huge snake that was as long as ten thousand feet, rushed out of the sea suddenly, and rolled up thousands of waves!

It is covered with black scales and has a human face, which is extremely ferocious. Its eyes are as red as a pair of suns, and its bloody mouth is wide open. The power of one after another condensed law, filled with a terrifying power, as soon as it appeared, it was like an overlord in the sea, terrifying and incomparable.

Just that monstrous and fierce aura made Chen Xi startled.

Turn into a snake!

Hongmeng legacy!

Rumor has it that it is a natural disaster beast. Wherever it haunts, it will inevitably attract a torrential flood, submerge the city, and harm all living beings. It is extremely powerful.

The transforming snake in front of me is full of laws intertwined and roaring, and its aura is overwhelming. When it comes to fierce power, it must definitely be above the Daluo realm!

"I forgot, you are only one step away from reaching the holy fairyland. Although the blood of this snake is impure, its way of life is at least ten thousand years old. The snake beads between its pupils are of great help to your practice." benefit."

While speaking, Dian Dian made a random move, and in the middle of the air in the distance, suddenly a distorted white lightning struck down, like a sharp blade of judgment from the sky, it easily cut off the head of that snake!


Blood rained from the headless snake's huge body, and then fell into the sea with a plop.

Just like that, an immemorial remnant whose strength was comparable to the existence of a saint, was easily wiped out with a single blow before it was too late to let out a miserable cry!

With a whoosh sound, a fist-sized, clear and bright red bead fell into the palm of a little bit, like a small sun, filled with an astonishing red radiance, and a clear fragrance, which made people feel refreshed.

"Put it away first. This snake-transforming pearl is very useful in consolidating your cultivation and condensing your immortal energy. After you break through to the Holy Immortal Realm, you can swallow it and refine it."

Diandian smiled and handed this bead to Chen Xi, not giving him a chance to refuse at all, "Don't be shy, I will have to rely on you to put in a lot of effort when I enter the Forsaken Land of Primordial Mist."

Seeing this, Chen Xi could only accept it, but felt emotional in his heart, traveling with the Immortal King Realm is good, there is no need to worry about anything along the way, and there are many benefits to be gained, it is no different from bumping into a great opportunity.


The farther you go into the boundless sea, the worse the environment will be. The storm of time and space that fills the sky almost fills the sky and the earth, and there are broken space cracks everywhere. It exploded with a bang and turned into a turbulent flow of time and space, which is hard to guard against.

In this case, Diandian's speed obviously slowed down a lot, and when he shuttled through those space-time storms, his expression became a lot more serious.

After all, once you get involved, even if you can survive, you will be lost in an instant and can't find your way, because in the depths of space, there is an endless space of different dimensions.


Not long after, the figures of ferocious beasts suddenly appeared on the violent sea again. They had the head of a tiger and the body of a jellyfish, and they were thousands of feet long. Their whole body was yellowish brown, and there were sharp and cold spikes standing on their backs.Looking from a distance, there are at least a thousand of these fierce beasts haunting the surface of the sea.

This is a group of Tiger Jiao!

The same kind of primordial remnant has a bloodthirsty temperament. In the primordial age, there was once a powerful man who practiced and proved the way of the tiger dragon, who could easily tear the gods to death, which was extremely terrifying.

"The fire of this group of tiger dragons is not enough, so they are only equivalent to the ability of Houtian saints, but their heart essence and blood are excellent materials for refining Taiwu rank immortal treasures, roughly similar to medicine primers, which can temper the impurities of immortal treasures. "

Pointed casually a little bit.

Next, the bloody surface of the sea floated, piled up with the corpses of tiger dragons, and the essence and blood of its heart were all put into a mutton jade bottle.

Thinking about it, facing such an unrivaled immortal king like Diandian already doomed the fate of these tiger dragons.

Without exception, Chen Xi had harvested a thousand catties of tiger dragon heart blood essence, which was enough to exchange for several pieces of Taiwu rank immortal treasures in the fairy world.

This made Chen Xi feel even more emotional. In the eyes of outsiders, this Boundless Sea is full of dangers and rage, and they dare not take a step beyond the threshold. However, in the eyes of the Immortal King Realm, it is like a cornucopia full of all kinds of wealth and opportunities. There is no room for negotiation.

This made Chen Xi feel extremely fortunate, this trip really came at the right time!

On the way that followed, they encountered all kinds of primordial remnants again, all of which were ferocious beasts that were rare in the outside world, but in Dian Dian's eyes, they were just like the fairy medicine planted in the back garden of their own home. When they saw something useful to Chen Xi, they Pick it up, and ignore the useless ones.

"This is Kui cowhide, which can be tempered into an immortal treasure of war drums. During the Hongmeng period, there was a powerful person who gathered [-] pieces of Kui cowhide to refine the supreme fairy treasure [Leixian Drum]. With a light tap, The sky and the earth roared, millions of miles of mountains and rivers turned into powder, it was extremely powerful."

"This is the bone of Jiao. Jiao is a descendant of Hongmeng True God Candle Dragon. He was born to control the law of water and fire. His natal bone can be used to refine immortal treasures with water and fire attributes. It is also a good gadget."

"This is Pulao Immortal Grass. It is rumored that it is transformed by the soul of the Primordial Beast Pulao. It can enhance the cultivation of mental power. It is extremely rare. You must keep it carefully. There is no mental cultivation of the 'heart baby' level, but you can't touch it. Touched the threshold of the Immortal King."

"This is Bai Zejin..."

"This is the true soul..."

Along the way, as Diandian hunted and killed more and more ferocious beasts, Chen Xi obtained more and more rare immortal materials, and they were all rare treasures that would be of great benefit to his future cultivation.

This surprised Chen Xi again and again, and even later, he felt a little numb. There was no way, there were too many treasures, and he was dazzled by looking at them, and he couldn't recover for a long time.



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