divine talisman

Chapter 1325 Xuansha God Ridge [Part 1]


A dreamlike divine rainbow breaks through the sky, passing through the storms of time and space, and flashes across the dangerous boundless sea.

After three full hours.

When Chen Xi was still immersed in that feeling of surprise and numbness, he was dressed in a brocade robe, like a jade tree facing the wind, suddenly stopped, and said in a crisp voice, "Here we are."


Chen Xi was startled for a moment, and suddenly he came to his senses. He raised his eyes and saw that a hundred meters away, an invisible light curtain stretched between the sky and the earth, blocking the entire Boundless Sea from the outside.

The light curtain is like an eggshell, clear and bright, filled with divine brilliance, exuding a majestic, ancient, and grand atmosphere.

The space-time storms, space turbulence, and turbulent waves in the boundless sea... before this light curtain, they all suddenly became quiet, without a trace of deterrence.

Hongmeng Barrier!

Chen Xi recognized at a glance that this must be the barrier formed by the condensed world power of the Grandmist Forgotten Land, through this barrier, one can enter the Grandmist Forgotten Land.

Chen Xi couldn't help feeling a little unsatisfied. He didn't expect that this trip to the Boundless Sea would be so smooth. In just a few hours, he had already arrived outside the Primordial Land.

He even wanted to stay in the Boundless Sea for a little longer. After all, there were so many amazing wealth and rare immortal materials in the sea. It would be regrettable to leave here.

Of course, Chen Xi was also very clear that all of this was due to this little Immortal King Realm being in command, otherwise he would not have dared to set foot in the Boundless Sea by himself.

"A bit sad?"

Dian Dian smiled and glanced at Chen Xi. When she spoke, her whole body was filled with sunlight, and the lavender light and rain fluttered. In the blink of an eye, she had already changed into another appearance.

In the past, she was dressed in brocade clothes and jade belt, handsome and romantic.

But now she has a flowing purple dress, black eyebrows like willows, black eyes, clear face, graceful figure, a head of jet-black hair dancing like a waterfall, and a bright white forehead shining with wisdom. .

The beauty that transformed in an instant was filled with a strong visual shock, which made Chen Xi stunned for a moment, completely amazed.

"It's really a bit sad."

Chen Xi admitted quite frankly that the rare treasures he collected for him along the way would either be of great benefit to his future cultivation, or be of unimaginable value. Adding up all these things together, the value was simply astronomical. Estimate.

Diandian smiled and said: "These are things outside the body, compared to the chances in the Hongmeng Remains, these are nothing."

Chen Xi nodded and smiled freely.

He only has a little regret, but he will not be obsessed with it.

"The power of the world in this Primordial Remains is different from that of the Three Realms. In addition, it is full of turmoil, frequent disasters, and many dangers. After entering, remember not to act without authorization to avoid any accidents."

With a little order, and with a throw of the plain hand, a purple ax immortal treasure overflowing with divine light flew into the air, drawing a sharp arc like a purple waning moon. A long and narrow crack.


The little figures were filled with divine brilliance, enveloping Chen Xi, flashed into the crack in an instant, and disappeared.


Hongmeng Remains.

After the establishment of the Three Realms, the only piece of ancient relics that survived from the Hongmeng period preserved the power of the ancient world laws of the Hongmeng period.

The ancient customs of the Hongmeng period are preserved in the Hongmeng Relics, and there are many ancient orthodoxy left over from the Hongmeng period, also known as the Hongmeng Taoism.

These orthodoxy, with the changes of the boundless years, disciples are extremely rare, and some of the orthodoxy have only three or two people, and no more than ten people at most, like the "Yuanzong" of the orthodoxy where Zhen Liuqing and Tatian Dasheng belonged, plus their master Taoism The lack of real talents is only three people.

However, although the disciples of Hongmeng Taoism are rare, all of them are extremely tyrannical existences, and there are many such big figures in the Immortal King Realm.

In the final analysis, it lies in the inheritance of Hongmeng Taoism, which has a long history like Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa Taoist Palace, and Supreme Sect. They were all famous and supreme Taoism in the Hongmeng period, just like the overlord.

It's just that with the establishment of the Three Realms, time changes, and many catastrophes in the world, these primordial orthodoxy gradually declined, leaving behind in this primordial land.

In the eyes of all living beings in the Three Realms, these members of the primordial orthodox lineage are also called "ancient immortals".

Now, as the Hongmeng Remains became the place where the Three Realms were in turmoil, disasters occurred frequently in the Hongmeng Remains, and the power of the world collapsed, which made everyone in the Hongmeng Daoist system feel in danger and began to look for a new way out.

However, in the eyes of those big figures in the Three Realms, this disaster that happened in the Forsaken Land of Hongmeng was also accompanied by a supreme opportunity, which was coveted.

But not everyone can get a share of it.

Just as Chen Xi guessed, in this great opportunity accompanied by endless dangers, without the power of a half-step Immortal King, one would not even be able to enter the Primordial Remains, let alone get involved in the opportunity.


Reckless Cangshan, vast and fertile soil.

Bursts of beast roars like thunder came from the gloomy and deep mountains, startling the heavenly god bird, flapping its wings and flying into the boundless blue sky.

These sacred birds have gorgeous wings, and their bodies cover the sky and the sun. They whizzed past under the blue sky, just like flying clouds, dyeing the sky brightly.


The golden-haired apes, which were as tall as mountains, galloped and whizzed among the mountains. They crushed the peaks with each step, leaped into the sky with one jump, and grabbed the divine birds with their arms stretched out. He just bit it, chewed it and swallowed it into his stomach, with a terrifying power.

But at this moment, there was a big hand protruding from the endless abyss, the five fingers were like pillars of the sky, filled with ancient Dao patterns, and with a light grasp, the entire sky was covered!

Puff puff!

In front of that big hand that covered the sky, those golden-haired ancient apes, who were taller than the sky, were like a group of small insects. They were caught in the palm of their hands, their bodies burst into pieces, and turned into plasma, which fluttered from the fingers, like a group of small insects. There was a rain of blood, which dyed the world red.


With a dissatisfied cold snort resounding through the sky and the earth, the big hand that covered the sky returned to the abyss again, and there was no more movement.

When Chen Xi entered the Primordial Remains with little guidance, he saw such a shocking scene, and was shocked and speechless for a moment.

Whether it was those divine birds or those golden-haired ancient apes, they were all incredibly powerful, but they were the ancient alien species of Shenguang Xuanniao and Zhuyan, but in the end, they were all easily wiped out by that big hand from under the abyss!

This made Chen Xi click his tongue. Under that abyss, what kind of terrifying existence is dormant?

"This is the land left by Hongmeng."

Dian Dian's clear eyes filled with divine radiance, his hands behind his back, standing alone, filled with a majestic aura, spreading out, like a king, deterring the creatures within a million miles.

That's right, this is the remnant of Hongmeng!

Looking around, it is wild, ancient and long-standing, with ferocious beasts running rampant and divine birds flying everywhere, and there is a prehistoric atmosphere in the soil, sky, and air.

Standing in it, it is like returning to the age of primordial age before the boundless years, when gods contended for hegemony, saints contended, endless ancient alien species and fierce beasts occupied all directions, turbulent and primitive.

Feeling this unique primordial aura, Chen Xi was also in a trance, and his thoughts flew like flying. Even though he is now a Daluo Jinxian, and he is only one step away from stepping into the ranks of saints, but in this primordial relic, but with There is a feeling of insignificance.

Yes, it is tiny!

Compared with the divine light bird, Zhu Yan, and the big hand that came from under the abyss, his current realm and cultivation really seemed weak.

"No wonder, since ancient times, there have been very few rumors of the Remains of Primordial Origin in the fairy world, because only those half-step Immortal Kings and above can set foot here..."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, his eyes quickly regained his composure, and he remained calm.

He will not belittle himself because of this.

He is very clear that this time the action is not something he can get involved in, so he will not worry about gains and losses because of this, and question his ability.

On the contrary, Chen Xi quickly adjusted his mentality, and regarded this action as a rare experience. Broadening his horizons and accumulating experience will definitely be of great benefit to his future practice, and he will no longer look at the sky like a frog in a world like before.

Thinking of it this way, his mind is completely clear, the ancient well is still, and his eyes that look around are no longer in a daze and amazement like before.

Sensitive to the change in Chen Xi's mentality, the corners of her cherry lips could not help but smudged with admiration, and immediately said softly: "Let's go, let's go to Xuansha Shenling. If there is no accident, the colleagues of Nuwa Taoist Palace should Already waiting there."


As soon as the voice fell, Diandian led Chen Xi through the void and flew away at full speed.

On the way, Chen Xi couldn't help asking curiously, "How big is this Primordial Remains?"

Diandian replied casually: "It's no different from a big world, and there are still many independent small worlds in it. Unfortunately, it won't be long before this land left by the primordial world will also collapse and disappear..."

Chen Xi was stunned, but he knew clearly that this was because the Grandmist Remains had become the place where the turmoil in the Three Realms began and ended, and when the chaos broke out, it was inevitable that they would not be able to survive.

Immediately, Chen Xi remembered another thing. The Great Sage Tatian had heard about his father Chen Lingjun in this Primordial Remains, but he didn't know... where exactly is he now?

Will he be able to meet his old man during this trip to Hongmeng Remains?

After contemplating for a long time, Chen Xi took a deep breath, and finally shook his head, not having any illusions anymore, so as not to disturb his state of mind.

It would be great if we meet each other by fate.

If there is no chance to meet each other, as long as the other party is well, it is enough.

"Junior Sister Li, look, Fellow Daoist Weiyang is here."

At this moment, a sound as cold as a bell and drum suddenly resounded, awakening Chen Xi who was in deep thought. When he raised his eyes, he saw an ancient mountain peak appearing in the distance.

On the mountain peak, there are two figures standing upright.


ps: I wish beautiful Liya a happy birthday today. She is in the United States, take care of herself, eat well, drink well and sleep well~~

The second update is around 10 o'clock, and the third update is around 12 o'clock.

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