divine talisman

Chapter 1326 The Realm of the Gods [Part 2]

Thank you Lemon Boy and Daoist Benji for your support~


The two figures stood on the top of the ancient mountain.

A figure was majestic and tall, dazzling and arrogant, like a burning divine flame, brighter than the stars, more dazzling than the sun and the moon, brilliant and unstoppable.

The other figure was slender and graceful, with fluttering skirts, black silk in a bun, wearing a delicate garland, and faint silver halos lingering around her body, making her look like a goddess walking from a painting.

This man and woman, no matter which one they are, are immeasurably majestic and mighty in the sky, like two kings standing between heaven and earth, looking down on the world, their stalwarts are supreme.

Undoubtedly, they must be descendants from Nuwa Taoist Palace.

What really shocked Chen Xi was that the man's voice just now called Diandian "Wei Young"!Doesn't this mean that the beautiful, charming woman next to her is one of the four great immortal kings in the fairy world, "Immortal King Weiyang"?

Thinking of this, Chen Xi couldn't help feeling complicated emotions in his heart.

Before, he had been full of admiration for the four great immortal kings, like all living beings in the fairy world, curious about their appearance and existence, but he never thought that he would be surrounded by Immortal King Weiyang, and he did not recognize it until now...

"You never asked my name."

Diandian blinked at Chen Xi, smiled lightly, and led him to the top of the ancient mountain.

"Brother Shi Yu, Miss Li."

Smiling, he nodded towards the two of them, and at the same time sent a voice transmission to Chen Xi, "On the left is Shi Yu, the chief disciple of Nuwa Taoist Palace, and on the right is Xiang Liuli, a descendant of Xiangliu's clan, and she is also a member of Nuwa Taoist Palace. One of the true disciples, both of them are above the Immortal King Realm, and this time they will walk with us."

Chen Xi's heart shook violently, there were two Immortal King Realm existences again!

This reminded him of Shenyan Mountain. Among the thirteen disciples of Shenyan Mountain, apart from himself, most of the other senior brothers and sisters might be at the level of the Immortal King, right?

Of course, this is just his speculation. Perhaps only they know how high the cultivation level of the disciples of Shenyan Mountain is.

"This is Chen Xi, my friend. This time, we will go to the Conferred God Realm with us." After speaking, Diandian briefly introduced Chen Xi's identity.


In an instant, Chen Xi felt two gazes scanning his body, as if being stared at by two supreme gods, which made his whole body depressed, as if all the secrets inside and outside his body had been probed by the other party.

But in just a split second, these two eyes withdrew, making Chen Xi almost think that all of this was just an illusion.

"Huh, that's not right."

Immediately, that Shi Yu opened his mouth in surprise. When he spoke, his whole body shone with radiance, revealing his true face. This was actually a thin man with sword-like temple hair, wide eyebrows, and a black crane cloak.

His complexion is fair and crystal clear, and on his left ear is a bone flying sword earring as thin as a needle, adding a cold and arrogant aura like a monster.

At this moment, he frowned and looked at Chen Xi, as if he remembered something.

"What's wrong?"

Diandian casually played with the soft blue hair beside her ear, and spoke slowly. While speaking, her figure flashed without a trace, and stood in front of Chen Xi.

"Sister Weiyang really takes care of this little guy in every possible way."

Seeing this, Xiang Liuli on the other side looked at it thoughtfully, then smiled lightly, like a flower bud blooming after rain, fresh and beautiful, extremely moving.

This woman wears an exquisite flower crown, and her clothes are fluttering. Her temperament is graceful and quiet, her body is slender, and she looks as if she is about to fly away in the next moment.

"No way, the safety of the people I brought is naturally my responsibility."

Diandian shrugged her shoulders, as a matter of course.

"I remember, when I was on the battlefield outside the territory, I once took a look at you from afar."

At this time, Shi Yu raised his head, and between the opening and closing of his eyes, the divine light surged. He stared at Chen Xi, but there was a strange and complicated taste in his expression, "So...you are that kid..."

This answer made Diandian and Xiang Liuli slightly startled, not knowing why.

Not only the two of them, but even Chen Xi was stunned. He couldn't remember even if he broke his head. When he was on the battlefield outside the territory, when did he see this Nuwa Taoist Palace in front of him in the Immortal King Realm.

"Senior brother Shi Yu, what have you guessed, why don't you tell me?"

Originally, Xiang Liuli didn't care much about Chen Xi, but it was obvious that Shi Yu's reaction made him suddenly realize that this little fellow whose cultivation base is only in the Great Luo Realm seems to have a very complicated background.

Shi Yu shook his head, his attitude was very firm: "It's not interesting, just don't talk about it."

Of course he wouldn't tell the other party that when he was on the battlefield outside the territory, he almost snatched the Kyushu Divine Cauldron obtained by the kid in front of him, and also almost fought with Li Fuyao, the third son of Shenyan Mountain...

Of course, the most important thing is that Li Fuyao told him one thing at that time, the kid in front of him might be involved in a disciple who had just reincarnated and returned from their sect.

He hasn't confirmed all of this yet, so naturally he doesn't want to say more.

But even so, Shi Yu vaguely understood why Immortal King Weiyang brought this kid by his side and joined them in this action.

It's a pity that the strength is not enough...

Seeing that Shi Yu didn't want to say more, he smiled a little, but Xiang Liuli couldn't help but look at Chen Xi again, but was disappointed to find that there didn't seem to be anything special about this little guy.

And when he heard the other party calling him "little guy" one by one, Chen Xi couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart, is he really that small?

However, he also knew that the three Immortal Kings present existed. Regardless of their youthful looks, they had been cultivating for many years when it came to Taoism. It would not be an exaggeration to call them old antiques.

Of course, he wouldn't call each other senior one by one, anyway, he is also a disciple of Shenyan Mountain, so he can't lose his status in front of the disciples of Nuwa Taoist Palace!


Soon, Shi Yu shifted his mind away from Chen Xi, and said directly: "According to my deduction before, the Realm of the Conferred Gods will reappear in three days, but this time it's a bit tricky, not only for the Supreme Master, but also for many People of the Hongmeng Dao lineage also regard the Conferred God Realm as their target, and I'm afraid there will inevitably be disputes at that time."

The Domain of the Conferred Gods?

Chen Xi was stunned. Although he was extremely unfamiliar with this name, he instantly judged that the opportunity for the three Immortal King Realm to come to the Land of Primordial Meng in front of him must be in the Conferred God Realm.

"Has anyone been found out?"

At this time, Diandian's expression also became serious, and there was a look of contempt and majesty in his calmness.

"Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao, one of the seven true disciples of the Supreme Sect."

It was Xiang Liuli who answered, her starry eyes were illusory, with layers of divine brilliance rippling, and she said slowly, "Sui Renting is the second among the seven disciples, he is a descendant of the Suiren family, and controls the Supreme Sect Kui Yuansheng Dao Pagoda, its strength is comparable to Dao Brother Shi Yu."

"Jiang Lingxiao ranks fifth among the seven disciples of the Supreme Master Sect. She has a mysterious origin and her strength cannot be predicted. According to calculations, this girl's strength must be above the Immortal King Realm, so she should not be underestimated."

The Supreme Master taught the true seven disciples!

Descendants of the Suiren clan!

Kuiyuan Holy Path Pagoda!

Each of these words was so unfamiliar to Chen Xi, but it allowed him to have a deeper understanding of the Supreme Sect. Although it was still vague, it was no longer as blank as before.

"Sui Renting, Jiang Lingxiao..." Diandian frowned slightly, "If that's the case, with the strength of the three of us, we can securely win the other side. Is there any mystery in it?"

Shi Yu nodded: "Sui Renting and the others arrived earlier than us. According to the information I got, Le Qianchou, the leader of the 'Xu Tian Sect' in Hongmeng Taoism, has agreed to cooperate with them."

"Le Qianchou? How strong is this guy?" Diandian was stunned.

As far as she knows, this "Xutian Sect" was also a dominant sect during the Hongmeng period, but the orthodoxy of the Xutian Sect was extreme, and its disciples acted without scruples, using the means of enslaving the souls of all races to preach, which finally angered Shen Yan. A certain heaven-reaching person in the mountain destroyed his mountain gate, cut off all his disciples, and even destroyed his orthodoxy. This incident caused a sensation in the world at that time and shocked all races.

But to Diandian's surprise, the Xutian Sect survived, and now there is another Xutian Sect leader, Le Qianchou.

"This old guy's aptitude is blunt. He has practiced for no less than 10 years, and he has just stepped into the threshold of the Immortal King Realm. It is not difficult to say, but it is a bit troublesome."

Shi Yu frowned and said, "Le Qianchou is very popular and has contacts with many forces in Hongmeng Taoism. What I am worried about is that the Supreme Master uses Le Qianchou as a pawn to attract more forces to join in."

Dian Dian thoughtfully said: "This is indeed a bit tricky, but the Conferred God Realm doesn't necessarily benefit from more people, and there are many gods' prohibitions in it. It is not that simple to break it."

Regarding their conversation, Chen Xi was completely unable to intervene, and was even more confused when he heard it. He could only act as a bystander and silently memorize some useful information.

For example, besides them, the forces going to the Conferred God Realm this time also include Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao, the two heirs of the Supreme Master Sect, and Le Qianchou, the leader of Xutian Sect.

For another example, in the domain of the gods, there is the existence of "Forbidden Gods".

These messages may be of no use to Chen Xi for the time being, but they might come in handy after entering the Conferred God Domain.

"Forget it, I won't mention this today, so as not to spoil the fun."

Shi Yu suddenly changed the subject, looked at Xiang Liuli who was beside him, a gentle look appeared on his lonely and cold face, "Today is Junior Sister Li's birthday, although she is no longer in the sect, this Wait for the grand day, and celebrate it."

Xiang Liuli was stunned, and a strange gleam suddenly burst into Yingying's clear eyes, as if she was quite pleased that Shi Yu could remember her birthday.

"Oh? Then congratulations to Miss Li. This is a Fengling Wanlu hairpin, and it will be my birthday present."

Dian Dian raised her eyebrows, turned her palm, and there was a golden and gorgeous jade hairpin, engraved with many auspicious patterns on the surface, and golden streamers filled the air, full of auspiciousness, it was really beautiful.


ps: Today there are 5 more additions, 16 in total, so much pressure~~ The third update is around 12 o'clock!

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