divine talisman

Chapter 1327 Proving the Secret of Conferring the Gods [Part 3]

This Fengling Wanlu hairpin is obviously a rare treasure, filled with auspicious aura.

From afar, Chen Xi could feel a pure auspicious aura rushing toward his face, which made people feel refreshed and peaceful, and if he wore it on his body, he would definitely be able to gather luck and avoid evil.

This made Chen Xi a little unbelievable. After reaching the Immortal King Realm, his lifespan was already long and almost eternal. How could he still be thinking about such trivial things as birthdays?

And looking at the appearances of Diandian, Shi Yu, and Xiang Liuli, they seem to take this very seriously.

"Thank you sister Weiyang."

Xiang Liuli took the golden jade hairpin and smiled happily.

"I originally planned to give a birthday gift later, but now it seems that I can only show my ugliness."

As he said that, Shi Yu flipped his hand casually, and a shiny and transparent bead appeared in the palm of his hand, which was the size of a baby's fist. There were circles of divine light floating in it, intertwined together, and turned into three simple ancient bead. Seal characters - Fu, Lu, Shou.

As soon as this bead appeared, it emitted three astonishing auras, one was blessing, one was wealth, and the other was longevity, all of which were like real substances, reflecting divine brilliance in midair, and drifting down wisps of clear, golden, The black flowers enveloped the whole world, the fragrance was tangy, and there was a faint sound of nature spreading.

Chen Xi was stunned for a while, it was the first time he had seen such a treasure, it was able to contain all the three auras of fortune, wealth and longevity, it could be called an unrivaled rare treasure.

This birthday is too grand, right?

If it is like this every year, this Immortal King Xiangliuli may not be able to receive all the gifts...

"Hehe, I knew Daoist Shi Yu had already prepared for it. These three auspicious treasure qi beads are the most precious treasure in the hands of the master of the precious light world outside the territory. Could it be that you killed that stupid black elephant?"

Diandian glanced at Shi Yu thoughtfully.

But upon hearing this, Chen Xi suddenly remembered that when he was participating in the inner court assessment outside the territory, he had seen a fairy king fighting an extremely huge black jade elephant in the depths of the boundary river. Suddenly, the stars exploded, and the sun and the moon were crumbling. Those huge scenes are still imprinted in Chen Xi's mind.

Thinking about it now, Chen Xi suddenly realized with astonishment that that fairy king must be Shi Yu, the number one disciple of Nuwa Taoist Palace in front of him, right?

"Did you really kill that black elephant?"

Xiang Liuli held the three auspicious precious qi beads in both hands, and stared at Shi Yu happily.

Shi Yu glanced at Chen Xi, and then said helplessly, "It's sort of."

Back then on the battlefield outside the territory, Li Fuyao, the third disciple of Shenyan Mountain, prevented him from taking Chen Xi by force. In order to repay his apology, he entered the depths of the boundary river and beheaded the Black Emperor Prison Elephant, the lord of the Precious Light Realm. The bead was given to him.

It was precisely because of this reason that Shi Yu couldn't help but feel a little depressed. Although the treasure was given to a beautiful woman, he didn't pick it up by himself, so he was naturally a little regretful.

"As long as it is."

Xiang Liuli smiled lightly, filled with joy, and there was a hint of admiration in her clear eyes.

At this moment, Chen Xi finally understood that Shi Yu and Xiang Liuli also seemed to have a relationship, and they might have already become Taoist couples...

But immediately, he didn't dare to think about it anymore. Everyone else gave birthday gifts, so he had to express himself, right?But... I am a big Luo Jinxian, can the birthday gift I prepared be able to enter the eyes of an immortal king?

Chen Xi couldn't help but feel a little hesitant.

"Didn't we collect a lot of fairy materials along the way? I heard that you are a master chef. If you cook a dish now, it will be a birthday gift for Miss Li."

Dian Dian smiled and said to Chen Xi, seeming to see through Chen Xi's thoughts.

As soon as these words came out, both Shi Yu and Xiang Liuli were startled, and immediately understood the situation in front of Chen Xi, and they both laughed.

"Okay, then I have to try this little brother Chen Xi's skills." Xiang Liuli was also very generous and didn't embarrass Chen Xi.

After all, they had only met for the first time, and even though she was an immortal king, she did not look at the monk's face or the Buddha's face, and with Immortal King Weiyang around, she would not be able to embarrass Chen Xi.

"Okay, then let's have a taste of brother Chen Xi's craftsmanship."

Shi Yu laughed heartily. He suddenly discovered that it is an extremely rare enjoyment to have a true disciple of Shenyan Mountain cook a meal for them.

Because he knew very well how arrogant those guys in Shenyan Mountain were, and it was simply impossible for them to condescend to prepare some dishes for him.

Of course, Shi Yu didn't have any malicious intentions, just a kind of "curiosity hunting" mentality.

Of course, Chen Xi couldn't guess what Xiang Liuli and Shi Yu were thinking, and he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with such an order. Seeing that the three immortal kings were looking forward to his culinary skills, he was rather proud.

After all, there is no master chef in this world who can personally cook for the three fairy kings...

In particular, that Shi Yu actually called himself "Brother Chen Xi" and did not call himself a senior, which made Chen Xi feel quite good.

He knew very well how big the difference in identity and status was between a Daluo Jinxian and an Immortal King.


Kui beef tendon as thick as the mouth of a bowl, green pheasant meat covered with fine grains, a pair of winged fish, bone marrow that is as bright as wine and fragrant as wine...

All kinds of rare immortal materials, under the amazed eyes of Diandian, Shi Yu, and Xiang Liuli, turned into ingredients in Chen Xi's hands, which were fried, cooked, stewed, or stir-fried...

A series of movements are like flowing clouds and flowing water, completed in one go, filled with an indescribable wonderful feeling, making people pleasing to the eye.

"It's amazing. It's really rare that the way of cooking can reach this level."

Shi Yu commented that he was quite surprised that Chen Xi was really a great master of spiritual chefs, and his methods had reached a level of dao charm, which was comparable to that of ordinary spiritual chefs.

"It is indeed very good. I remember that a million years ago, there was a powerful person in the Taotie clan who used a five-qi fairy pot to forcefully cook all the creatures in the black dove world outside the territory. Banquet' is well-known all over the world, little brother Chen Xi is limited to a low level of cultivation, otherwise he will definitely not be inferior to that powerful gluttonous person back then."

Xiang Liuli also praised with a smile.

Didian responded to this, but she pursed her lips and chuckled lightly, she didn't say a word, but she was very happy for Chen Xi in her heart. This was the admiration of the two Immortal King Realm, which Da Luo Jinxian could usually get it?

Soon, the fragrance overflowed and filled the air, making people salivate.

The dishes were arranged properly, and everyone sat at the table. Shi Yu took out a bottle of divine wine and poured a cup for everyone one by one. Wonderful use, immeasurable value.

Xiang Liuli also took out some rare fairy fruits of various colors, and asked Chen Xi to taste them one by one. They were all rare treasures in the Three Realms.

After all, this is a private collection from an existence in the Immortal King Realm, so how could it be a mortal thing?Not to mention Chen Xi, even the other immortal cultivators in the immortal world had never enjoyed such treatment.

Soon, everyone was chatting and dining, and it was a scene of joy and harmony, as if this dangerous Hongmeng Remains was a place for a picnic...

Through talking, Chen Xi became acquainted with Shi Yu and Xiang Liuli. Although there was not much friendship, at least they were not as unfamiliar as before.

In this way, Chen Xi was already very satisfied.

These are two existences in the Immortal King Realm, and being able to meet them is a great opportunity in itself. No matter how lofty the status of other people is, they can't grab their heads.

Chen Xi was very clear about his future path. Whether it was revenge against the Zuoqiu clan, or confronting the Supreme Master, it would be difficult to do it with one person's strength alone.

That's why he came to Daohuang Academy, and through outstanding performances time and time again, he won the appreciation, favor and support of many old antiques in the academy, and the favor and admiration of many fellow disciples, and at the same time established his own influence" Chenmeng".

It can be said that his prestige in Daohuang Academy is not weaker than that of Ye Tang and Ling Qingwu, and even higher.

Perhaps, these forces can't see much power for the time being, but when he really decides to take revenge, he will exert unimaginable power.

This is the power of connections, relationships, and background!

Of course, all of this is based on his own strength and skill, and at the same time, he achieved it through his own efforts step by step, and there is no fluke at all.

Especially now that he has established friendship with Weiyang Immortal King, Shi Yu and Xiang Liuli, the heirs of Nuwa Taoist Palace, so that he has a higher level of connections invisibly. It shows its value.

At the end of the conversation, Chen Xi couldn't hold back, and asked about the Conferred Gods Domain.

Diandian smiled, glanced at Shi Yu and Xiang Liuli, and told the secret.

It turns out that not only the power of the world of the Hongmeng period is preserved in this Hongmeng relic, but also many opportunities are distributed. Among these opportunities, some are left by the Hongmeng Taoism that was annihilated in the long river of history, and some are the relics of the gods and sages of the Hongmeng period... …

Among these opportunities, the only one that can attract the powerhouses of the Immortal King Realm is the Realm of Conferred Gods.

It is rumored that the supreme secret of proving the Tao and conferring the gods is hidden in the realm of the gods. Since the Hongmeng period, all those who have reached the realm of the fairy king have set foot in it without exception, looking for the method of proving the Tao and conferring the gods. Among them, the most famous ones are Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa Taoist Palace, and the founder of the Taishang Sect!

Of course, there are also ancestors of ancient clans such as the Suiren clan, Youchao clan, and Xiangliu clan, as well as some innate gods and demons and spirit bodies born in chaos.

However, those who enter the realm of conferred gods, most of the time may not be able to obtain the method of proving the way and conferring the gods, but as long as they obtain such methods, they will all step on a higher level above the fairy king realm, jump out of the three realms, and become The real supreme existence!

This is also the reason why the Realm of the Conferred Gods makes any existence in the Immortal King Realm unable to be indifferent.


That is the Dao Realm pursued by the Immortal King Realm!


ps: This chapter is supplemented with more updates, and I still owe 15, ah, ah, the pressure is so great, I will work hard tomorrow and the day after tomorrow to make 4 updates every day!Ask for a monthly ticket to encourage and stimulate~~

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