divine talisman

Chapter 1328 Killing the God Blood Original [Part 1]

In the Three Realms, the Immortal King Realm seems to be the supreme existence, almost eternal and eternal.

But "supreme" does not necessarily become "supreme".

For those who are in the Immortal King Realm, their eyes have long gone beyond the scope of the Three Realms, and they have looked to a higher level.

Conferring the gods is the higher realm pursued by the Immortal King Realm.

And the "God" in this Fengshen is the "God".

The so-called gods are like the sun and the moon, shining through the ages, immortal and eternal, so they are omnipresent.

For example, among ordinary people, there is a saying that there are gods standing three feet above the head, which means that gods are everywhere, and one thought can perceive the cause and effect in the world.

In the early days of chaos, creatures, gods and demons born from chaos can all be called gods. At that time, the gods competed for the hegemony of the world, and the sages contended for the eight wildernesses. It can be called the most splendid and prosperous period in the history of practice.

However, with the shattering of the Primordial World and the division of the Three Realms, gods are rarely able to appear.The reason is that the realm of conferring gods is too insurmountable.

Of course, most of the so-called gods in the world are "river gods", "temple gods", and "fire gods", which are completely different from the gods in the eyes of the Immortal King Realm.

Because after transcending the Immortal King Realm and reaching the Conferred God Realm, they can already be called "Chaos Gods"!


After hearing all these secrets, Chen Xi's mind was shaken, and he couldn't recover for a long time.

He originally thought that the Immortal King Realm was already the supreme being in the Three Realms, omnipotent, but he never expected that above the Immortal King Realm, there was even the Conferred God Realm...

How far is the road?

Will the Conferred God Realm be its end again?

All of this was too far away from Chen Xi, so that he didn't dare to speculate. He even suspected that even Diandian, Shi Yu, and Xiang Liuli existed in the Immortal King Realm, so they didn't dare to confirm where the end of the road was.

"In this world, is there any known Conferred God Realm?"

Chen Xi couldn't help asking.

Hearing this, Diandian, Shi Yu and Xiang Liuli all laughed.

"Of course there is."

This is the unanimous answer of the three.

Chen Xi was startled, but after careful consideration, it was indeed so. Shi Yu and Xiang Liuli came from Nuwa Dao Palace, one of the highest Taoisms in the Three Realms, and they were in the realm of Immortal Kings.

But their identities are only descendants, and how can they be able to teach the existence of disciples like them, how can they be in the realm of mere fairy kings?

In the past, Chen Xi was not clear about these secrets, or in other words, he hadn't thought about them carefully at all, but now he accidentally learned all these secrets from the mouths of the three Immortal Kings. ups and downs.

This is the limitation of vision.

Without the guidance of these immortal kings, how could he, a big Luo Jinxian, know this?

With a different field of vision, the way of looking at things is different. Perhaps when Chen Xi returns to the fairyland after this operation, his eyes will no longer be restricted to those of his peers, but will see higher and farther...


"Let's go, the road will not be peaceful."

After the banquet was over, Shi Yu stood up, his eyes opened and closed, his eyes were filled with fire, and he suddenly looked to a place far away, and with his voice, his expression instantly returned to a deserted and lonely look.

"I have figured out that there are a lot of calamity obstacles along the way, I'm afraid it's the method of the teacher. It seems that they can't wait..."

Xiang Liuli smiled lightly, wisps of silver divine radiance permeated her whole body, covering it, and a halo of wisdom circulated between her brows.

"From now on, you just need to stay by my side, maybe you can witness a battle of the Conferred Gods." But Diandian blinked at Chen Xi, with a relaxed expression and not much fear.

Chen Xi could only nod his head, but sighed in his heart, the battle of the Conferred Gods?Even if he wanted to intervene in that level of confrontation, it would be impossible to achieve it.


With a wave of his sleeve, Shi Yu suddenly burst into dazzling eyes, shooting straight into the sky like divine fire, and in an instant, together with Diandian, Xiang Liuli, and Chen Xi, he disappeared out of nowhere.



The earth trembled, rumbling everywhere.

In the wilderness in the distance, came a majestic figure as tall as the sky, the clouds could barely reach his waist, and his upper body was above the clouds!

He is too tall, every step he falls, one after another mountain peaks are easily trampled down, one after another lakes are stepped into abysses, and the land along the way is cracked into pieces of ruins and fault zones, the scene is horrifying.

Suddenly, a big hand covering the sky protruded from the abyss, wrapped around the ancient Dao pattern, and its five fingers were like a pillar of the sky, and it grabbed the tall figure fiercely.

"Damn bastard, don't you have eyes?"

A rumbling shout came from above the clouds, and with the sound, the tall figure suddenly raised his foot, and stepped on the big old hand that shrouded the sky.


The earth crashed and collapsed, rocks crumbled and rivers broke in a radius of one hundred thousand miles, as if a terrible earthquake had occurred.

And that big hand was trampled to a bloody mess, with bones looming, struggling violently,

"Roar! The great sage stepping on the sky forgives my sins. My eyes are covered by the avenue, and my heart is filled with blood. I have been imprisoned here for millions of years. I didn't know it was the great sage who came. Now I know that I am wrong!"

Suddenly, there was a painful begging for mercy from under the abyss, resounding through the whole world.

"Hmph! Stink bug! For the sake of your deceased ancestor, I will let you go for now!"

Above the clouds, there was a cold snort, and immediately, the figure as tall as the sky raised the soles of its feet, turned and walked towards the distance.


Accompanied by the thunderous footsteps, the great sage stepping on the sky has disappeared into the distance.

But under that abyss, there is an ancient dragon turtle groaning in pain and sucking in cold air. Its body is a million miles in size, but its limbs are imprisoned by chains wrapped around mysterious Dao patterns. It cannot be moved.

"Hmph, the realm of the gods! Back then, my ancestor was only seeking the magic of conferring gods, but unfortunately fell into it. How can you set foot in such a dangerous place? It's best to die in it all!"

There was a venomous luster in the bloodshot eyes of the ancient dragon turtle.

"Huh? It seems that the Weiyang Immortal King and his colleagues from Nuwa Dao Palace have already left."

In front of the Xuansha Mountain, the sky-holding figure of the Great Sage Stepping on the Sky suddenly flashed, and he had turned into a tall man of ten feet, and landed on the top of the mountain.

He glanced at the ground, and then silently deduced it in his heart, his expression was suddenly slightly startled, showing a look of surprise: "It's so familiar... Could it be that little guy who came too?"


The Great Sage Tatian's face darkened suddenly, and he began to curse, "That is the realm of the gods. Since ancient times, countless immortal kings have fallen in it. How can this kid be so stupid and dare to step into this dangerous opportunity?"

"Come on, let me go and have a look..."

Amid the irritated sighs, the Great Sage Tatian stopped walking this time, but turned into a black lightning, and disappeared in place with a chirp.


woo woo woo~~ woo woo woo~~

Because the speed was too fast, the distorted space changed rapidly in front of his eyes, and there was a sharp sound of tearing the eardrums, like a fleeting image, making Chen Xi unable to see anything clearly.

When his vision became clear again, he had come to a barren plain.

This wilderness seems to be boundless, and it can't be seen as far as the eye can see. There is no grass, it is dry, and the soil is full of cracks like cobwebs, like a ruins and barren land.

The sky here is chaotic, while the ground is as if poured with fresh blood, it is dark red, and there is a palpitating atmosphere in the air, ancient, dead, desolate... It is extremely depressing.

"This is the blood field of killing gods. The ground is covered with bloodstains of ancient gods. The entrance to the domain of gods is at the end of the blood field of killing gods."

Shi Yu introduced it casually, and his expression became serious and stern, "Everyone, be careful, I'm afraid there are many opponents in ambushes here now, if anyone dares to stop later, they will be killed without mercy!"


Accompanied by the words, the slender white bone fairy sword hanging by his ear suddenly flew up, lingering around his fingertips, spinning endlessly.

The sword of Shenxuan!

The Taixu Divine Weapon in Shi Yu's palm, inherited from the ancient times, is one of the ancient swords inherited from Nuwa Taoist Palace!


Although Xiangliu Liren didn't move, the exquisite and gorgeous corolla above his hair suddenly emitted wisps of divine light, covering his whole body like a dream, releasing supreme divine power.

This is another ancient fairy treasure of Taixu rank, named the Crown of Nine Purities, which is filled with the divine light of Nine Purities, separates clear and turbid, prevents all evils from invading, and is infinitely wonderful.

Seeing this, Diandian smiled, and tossed it casually, a round of purple axe that looked like a crescent moon rose into the air, circulating around its body, purple air was transpiring, mysterious and vast, it was called Huangji Shenyue, and its power was infinite.

The three beings in the Immortal King Realm sacrificed their immortal treasures at the same time, and in an instant, a wave of terrifying power spread from the three of them, disturbing the heavenly secrets, covering all directions, and immediately dispelling the ubiquitous monster in the blood field of killing gods. Depressed breath.


Shi Yu took the lead and plundered into the depths of the God-killing blood field.

His speed was obviously much slower, and it seemed that there was some danger in this god-killing blood field, which made him, who was in the Immortal King Realm, quite afraid.

Xiang Liuli followed closely behind, and the Nine Purity Crown on her head was filled with nine clear lights, namely Shangqing, Yuqing, Taiqing, Yuanqing, Xuqing, Huaqing, Lingqing, Muqing, and Xuanqing. Envelope them all.

Dian Dian is at the rear, Huangji Shenyue soars into the air, floats slowly, swallows purple divine radiance, and waits for it, not daring to be negligent.

Only Chen Xi was left alone, and under the protection of the three Immortal Kings, he couldn't help at all, and could only use the eyes of the divine truth to look around.

This investigation didn't matter, a thick sea of ​​blood suddenly rushed towards the face, and poured into the vision of the Eye of Divine Truth. The sea of ​​blood was full of bones and corpses, filled with endless killing intent and resentment.

Seeing this moment, Chen Xi's mind trembled with horror, and he felt an indescribably terrifying aura, which was so suppressed that he couldn't breathe, as if the next moment, he would be submerged in the sea of ​​blood, completely Perish generally...


However, at this moment, in his sea of ​​consciousness, the fragments of the river map produced a strange fluctuation, like a storm, completely obliterating and dispersing all the sea of ​​blood, bones, and god corpses!


Before Chen Xi could take a breath, there was a bit of surprise in his ears.

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