divine talisman

Chapter 1329 Ancient Blood God Corpse [Part 2]

Chen Xi was stunned, and raised his eyes to look at Diandian.

Dian Dian said thoughtfully, "I thought you were overwhelmed by the aura of the god-killing blood and was planning to wake you up. I didn't expect you to wake up so soon."

Speaking of this, she reminded: "The power in this god-killing blood field can even affect half-step immortal kings, thereby disturbing the mind, and even worse, going crazy. You don't want to look around anymore."

Chen Xi's heart shuddered, and he nodded in agreement.

Because there are three fairy kings around to defend everything, he has not considered this point, and at this time, the behavior just now is indeed a bit rash.

Fortunately, the fragments of the river map rescued him in time, otherwise the consequences would have been unimaginable.After all, the scene of the sea of ​​blood and bones piled up just now was really too terrifying and penetrating.

"Be careful, the ancient blood god corpse has appeared!"

Suddenly, Shi Yu's voice transmission came from ahead, with a hint of chill in his voice.




Before his voice fell, there was an extremely sharp roaring sound from the depths of the god-killing blood field.


The next moment, there seemed to be thousands of troops and horses galloping from a distance, the earth shook, and the chaotic sky instantly turned into blood, which was about to drip.

Then, one after another figure pierced through the air, completely blocking the road ahead.

Among those figures, there was a ferocious beast with a height of ten thousand zhang. Its eyes were empty, burning with bloody flames. Every inch of its bones was covered with a thick layer of dark red blood, as if it had just stepped out of a sea of ​​blood.

There are still some wearing broken bronze armor, like gods and demons, their skin has been withered, their muscles have shrunk, and their bodies are also covered with dark red blood, which is extremely permeating.

They can no longer be called living creatures, they are covered with bloody and dead energy, and they are immeasurably powerful, like an abyss like a prison, covering every inch of space, making people tremble.

Facing these existences, Chen Xi felt that he was as insignificant as a speck of dust, and a gust of wind could blow him away.

"This is the ancient corpse of the blood god. It is the corpse of a god that fell here in the age of primordial origin. It has gone through endless ages and is immortal. It has lost its sanity, and only the instinctive killing and brutality remains."

A little bit of sound transmission came from Chen Xi's ear, "Their strength is roughly equivalent to that of a half-step Immortal King, and some might even reach the level of an Immortal King, but it's extremely rare."

While speaking, Shi Yu in the distance suddenly let out a long cry, and said, "You help me sweep the formation, and I will kill these corpses!"

The sound was like thunder, filled with the majesty of the Immortal King, and reverberated all over the world.

Accompanied by the sound, streams of heaven-reaching sword energy gushed out from Shi Yu's body and rushed straight to the sky, illuminating the heaven and the earth, spreading out a chilling, fierce, and unparalleled aura.

Those sword qis all contained the law of the Supreme Immortal King, freezing the void and freezing time, like billions of bright streamers of light, whistling in all directions.


The sword energy surged, and at that moment, it covered the entire world, dazzling.

Chen Xi only felt a stabbing pain in front of his eyes, and he was also horrified in his heart. Is this the power of the Immortal King Realm?It's too scary!

Puff puff……

Those ancient blood god corpses were submerged in the endless sword energy before they approached. The corpses were pierced through, pulverized, and turned into blood rain and exploded.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen ancient blood god corpses were wiped out by Shi Yu in one fell swoop!

Chen Xi clicked his tongue when he saw it. They were existences comparable to half-step immortal kings, but now under Shi Yu's attack, they were vulnerable to a single blow and had no power to fight back. They were like chickens and dogs. !

Of course, Chen Xi is also very clear that this does not prove that the blood gods of the ancient corpses are weak, it only shows that as an existence in the Immortal King Realm, Shi Yu's power is really too powerful, beyond all of Chen Xi's imagination.

Moreover, this is also the first time he has seen an Immortal King make a move at such a close distance. The shocking power cannot be described in any words.

The sword qi roared, tending to silence, while Shi Yu standing in midair, like a king in the sword, overlooking the world, arrogant and unparalleled.

He turned around and returned to the team, and there were thumb-sized blood-colored beads in his palms, shining brightly and exuding a thick and obscure aura.

"I was lucky this time, and I collected seven Dao Lingzhu."

Shi Yu chuckled, and gave four of them to Xiang Liuli and Diandian respectively, kept two for himself, and handed the last one to Chen Xi: "This bead contains the power of gods, and it is the ancient who fell here. The essence of a god's cultivation is of great benefit to the cultivation of the Immortal King Realm, but you are currently limited by your lack of cultivation, so you should not refine it for the time being, and it will not be too late to refine it when you advance to the half-step Immortal King Realm in the future."

Just as Chen Xi wanted to refuse, he heard a little smile and said, "Just accept it. Those who see it will have a share. This is the rule."

"Hehe, you don't need to be surprised. There are still many treasures on the Godslaying Blood Field. Unfortunately, most of them are useful to us in the Immortal King Realm. Brother Chen Xi, you have to hurry up and practice, otherwise no matter how many treasures there are, you can only stare blankly. Eye."

Xiang Liuli also smiled lightly at the side, and said slightly teasingly.

Even if Chen Xi stopped being polite, he took that Dao Lingzhu into his hand.


However, before he could examine the bead carefully, a strange wave suddenly surged out of his body, instantly taking away the spirit bead in his hand, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Chen Xi was startled, and raised his eyebrows suddenly, it turned out to be another fragment of the river map!

Does it...does it need the power of the Dao Lingzhu?

"what happened?"

Dian Dian keenly noticed the change in Chen Xi's expression, and couldn't help but wonder.

"It's nothing."

Chen Xi shook his head. Of course he wouldn't say that the Dao Lingzhu he had just obtained was taken away by the fragments of the river chart. This was the first time that the fragments of the river chart took the initiative to take something from his hand, so he was inevitably a little shocked.

Didian smiled, thinking that Chen Xi felt uneasy when he accepted Shi Yu's gift, and immediately explained in a warm voice, "Although this spirit bead is the essence of the ancient gods, but the boundless years have passed, and these essences have already flown away for seven or seven years. Eighty-eight, what can be left is only a small handful, so it is not so precious."

It was only then that Chen Xi realized that this spirit bead contained a rich source of power from the origin of the gods, but it did not have the mystery of conferring gods that the Immortal King Realm urgently needed, so naturally it was not very precious.

However, for the half-step Immortal King Realm, this Lingzhu is a rare and priceless treasure, and it will greatly help the impact on the Immortal King Realm.

As for Chen Xi, no matter how precious and rare the Dao Lingzhu was, he would not be able to use it for the time being. There was no other way, his cultivation base was too low, so he didn't feel distressed when he was taken away by the fragments of the river map.

At the end of the conversation, they have continued to move forward, heading towards the depths of the blood field of killing gods.

This dead and silent wilderness seemed to be boundless, and the deeper he went, the slower Shi Yu's speed became, as if he felt a certain pressure.

Of course, no matter how great the pressure was, Chen Xi couldn't feel it right now.

Because the Dao Lingzhu was taken away, he has been observing the fragments of the river map in the sea of ​​consciousness all the way, but he found nothing, which made him feel a little uneasy.

How is this going?

Why did the fragments of the River Map never do this before, but why did they act abnormally after entering the God-killing blood field in the Hongmeng Remains?

Not only did it help him resist the terrifying aura of the Theological Seminary before, it saved him from a disaster that intruded his mind, but now it has taken away his Dao Lingguo. These consecutive actions are a bit weird...

But soon, Chen Xi couldn't care less about it.

Because in the depths of the god-killing blood field, terrifying ancient corpses of the blood god reappeared again. What's more important is that the number this time was more than a hundred times greater, no less than a thousand.

As far as the eye can see, the blood is soaring into the sky, and the corpses of the gods are everywhere, covering the vast wasteland, covered with blood, like a sea of ​​blood, filled with an extremely depressing and terrifying bloody evil spirit.

Thousands of people!

In other words, opponents at the level of thousands of half-step Immortal Kings are waiting for them!

At this moment, even Shi Yu couldn't help frowning, and murmured: "Things seem to be changing, but unfortunately I can't figure out why."

"It should be Suirenting of the Supreme Master used the power of Kuiyuan Shengdao Pagoda to cover up all their causes and effects, so I waited for me to deduce the reason."

Xiang Liuli said softly, her fresh and beautiful eyebrows shone with the luster of wisdom, "But don't worry, I also used the power of the Nine Purity Crown to cover us and others, and the other party can't deduce our actions either. "

"Perhaps, it's just a coincidence. From my point of view, Suirenting and the others should not mess around before entering the Conferred God Realm, otherwise it would be extremely unfavorable to them."

With a little trick, Huangji Shenyue flew into his palm, and said with a light smile, "No matter what, let's get rid of these ugly things in front of us first."

Shi Yu and Xiang Liuli both nodded when they heard the words.


Brilliant streaks of sword energy shot out from Shi Yu's body again, pouring out into the sky!

hum ~ hum ~

At the same time, Xiang Liuli pinched the magic formula with her hands, and the nine-color celestial light from the nine-color crown on her head was filled with billions of feet, like a rainbow of gods, rushing towards the group of ancient blood god corpses in the distance.

"Watch from the sidelines, be calm, don't be intimidated by Dao Xin, it will be detrimental to cultivation." Dian Dian smiled and instructed Chen Xi.

The next moment, a look of contempt and majesty suddenly appeared in her expression, and with a simple move, the purple ax flew into the air, and in an instant, arcs of light in the shape of a crescent moon flew out.

Every arc of light contains a law of the Immortal King.

Millions of arcs of light gathered together, like rounds of purple moons in the sky, and the momentum seemed to tear a hole in the world!

Even though she had already been ordered to do so, when she saw this horrifying scene, she still couldn't help shrinking her eyes and gasping for air.

The three Immortal King Realm powerhouses shot at the same time!

How many people in the entire Three Realms could witness such a grand and shocking scene?

Battle breaks out!

The offensive of Shi Yu, Xiang Liuli, and Diandian was like a storm, tearing the thousands of ancient corpses of the blood god into three parts.

The majesty of the Immortal King is fully reflected at this moment.

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