divine talisman

Chapter 1330 River Map Mutation [Part 3]

After tea time.

After a massacre ended, thousands of ancient corpses of the blood god fell to pieces, shattered into pieces, and dyed the wilderness into rivers of blood, which was shocking.

However, when Shi Yu, Xiang Liuli, and Diandian were about to collect the Dao Lingzhu in the field, the sudden change——

A black flowing shadow suddenly appeared out of thin air, and the wings fluttered, setting off a blue light all over the sky, abruptly snatching away most of the Dao Lingzhu, and then flashing the wings, it was about to dodge away.

"Hongmeng Swallowing Sky Bat? Hmph! To snatch treasures right under my nose, you're looking for death!"

Shi Yu suddenly let out a cold snort, and slashed his sword, a thick pale sword energy pierced through the air, and the next moment, it appeared thousands of miles away, and slashed down at the black flowing shadow.

This sword seemed to run through the eternal river and cross the boundaries of time and space. The quick Chen Xi didn't even have time to react when he heard a miserable howl resounding from far away.

"Bone God Luo Dao! It really is the offal of Nuwa Dao Palace! You wait, the Conferred God Realm is the place where you will be buried!"

This voice was extremely venomous, full of overwhelming hostility, rumbled in the sky and the earth, but the black stream had disappeared.

"Hmph! This damned beast is obviously a descendant of Hongmeng's orthodox 'Vientiane View', yet he dares to threaten us, and I'm going to take his life!"

Xiang Liuli let out a cold snort, and was about to use the method of teleportation to chase after him, but was stopped by Shi Yu.

"Don't chase after it. The Sky Swallowing Bat comes from the Grandmist Dao Lineage, and is more familiar with this Primitive Relic than us. Maybe he is just a pawn, deliberately trying to lure us to go."

Shi Yu frowned.

While speaking, he stretched out his hand and put away the remaining Dao Lingzhu in the air.

And during this process, Diandian stayed by Chen Xi's side all the time, not seeking to kill the enemy, but seeking to protect Chen Xi's safety, it can be seen that in her heart, Chen Xi was at least more important than killing the enemy.

This warmed Chen Xi's heart after he realized it. It was indeed impossible not to be moved by an immortal king treating him like this.

"What kind of existence is the Nahong Mengtun Tianbat?"

Chen Xi couldn't help asking.

"The alien species of Hongmeng, known as the ten fierce beasts, was also a group that should not be underestimated in the period of Hongmeng. It founded the famous Wanxiangmen of Hongmeng. However, with the establishment of the Three Realms, the Wanxiangmen suffered great changes. Annihilation is roughly similar to the fate of Naxutian Sect."

Dian Dian quickly said, "The guy who appeared just now is in the realm of the Immortal King. Presumably, he should be the master of the Hongmeng Daoist Vientiane Sect, Bei Haoling."

Bei Haoling!

Chen Xi calculated carefully, this should be regarded as the existence of the seventh Immortal King Realm that he heard about after stepping into the Forsaken Land of Hongmeng.

This made him feel emotional again, if it wasn't for this action, he couldn't believe that there would be so many fairy kings frequenting his side in this world.

"The situation is really not good. Although the evil animal was hit by my sword just now, it didn't hurt its bones. It's not weak. I wonder if he is the same as Le Qianchou, the leader of Xutian. The Taishangjiao Suirenting and the others united together."

Shi Yu frowned and muttered, "After all, Junior Sister Li and I have deduced together before, and we have never deduced that this catastrophe will happen. It is obvious that someone secretly concealed some cause and effect."

After a pause, he continued: "It's not something ordinary fairy kings can do to conceal cause and effect. Even Junior Sister Li can only rely on the Nine Purity Crown passed down from the sect to do this."

"So, it must be that Suirenting used the power of the 'Kuiyuan Shengdao Pagoda' to secretly help Bei Haoling once?" Dian Dian raised her eyebrows.

Shi Yu and Xiang Liuli exchanged glances, and both nodded: "It should be so."

A trace of solemnity floated between Dian Dian's brows: "It seems that the Supreme Master has made sufficient preparations for this opportunity, but in my opinion, those people of the primordial orthodox lineage may not necessarily have the same heart as the Supreme Master."

Hearing this, Chen Xi also nodded and said, "That's right. In the face of an opportunity, everyone wants to keep it for themselves, so disputes and conflicts will inevitably occur. Only then will we be able to see who is in favor of the situation."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Chen Xi was a little embarrassed, and said embarrassedly: "I am talking nonsense, everyone, don't take offense."

But he didn't expect that Shi Yu, Xiang Liuli, and Diandian's eyes lit up as soon as these words came out, as if they remembered something.

"Haha, you're right, what's wrong with you?"

Shi Yu said with burning eyes, "We were indeed too worried before, and we were used to deducing the secrets to judge good and bad, but we forgot that the most impermanent thing in this world is the human heart! How can the power of deduction be able to predict the ulterior motives of the human heart?" ?”

Xiang Liuli and Diandian also nodded with a smile.

Chen Xi was surprised, but also quite happy in his heart.Of course, he is still very enlightened, and he is very clear that it is not because his words are extremely mysterious, but because these Immortal Kings exist, he has never kept these details in his heart.

"Go, keep going!"

Shi Yu waved his sleeves, and led the crowd to continue galloping towards the Bloodland of Killing God.

On the way, Shi Yu also distributed the more than sixty Dao Lingzhu he had harvested to others one by one. Chen Xi got fourteen, but just as soon as they were in his hands, he was taken away by the fragments of the river chart again. Not left!

This made Chen Xi speechless for a while.

what on earth is it?

It was also because of this change that along the way, Chen Xi once again focused on the fragments of the river map in the sea of ​​consciousness, carefully observing them.

Now, he already has five fragments of the river map, and only four pieces are needed to make up the complete river map.

At present, he already knows that the sixth fragment of the river map is hidden in Daohuang Academy, and the seventh fragment is in Diandian's hands. As for the remaining two fragments, there is no clue yet.

But even so, Chen Xi had already obtained too many benefits from the fragments of the river map he had obtained, but he never thought that the fragments of the river map would ask him for something.

The scene happening right now made him extremely surprised, and he vaguely sensed that the movement of the fragments of the river chart might have something to do with the God-killing Blood Origin...


Just when Chen Xi's thoughts were flying, he suddenly noticed that the fragments of the river map in the sea of ​​consciousness seemed to have not changed, but they became more and more integrated.

In the past, the five fragments of the River Map were fused together, and there were slight cracks between them, which looked incomplete after all, but now Chen Xi suddenly discovered that although the slightest cracks still existed, they were obviously more likely to be healed than before. Quite a lot.

That change was extremely slight, and Chen Xi wouldn't have noticed it if he hadn't observed carefully.

"Could it be that the power contained in that spirit bead is able to make the fragments of the river map blend with each other?" Chen Xi frowned, vaguely feeling that it might not be that simple.

Like this kind of fetish, even if it changes a little bit, it may produce incredible wonders!

And as far as Chen Xi knows, the Dao Lingzhu is the essence of the origin of the original life left in the corpse after the fall of the ancient gods. He is extremely unfamiliar with this kind of power, but according to Shi Yu, the Dao Lingzhu is essential for cultivation in the Immortal King Realm. All of them are of great benefit, making the Half-step Immortal King covetously envious, it must not be a mortal thing.

And seeing the reaction of the fragments of the river map now proves this point even more.

"No matter how it changes, if you collect more Dao Lingzhu, maybe the fragments of the river map will undergo some kind of transformation..." Chen Xi thought for a long time, and finally focused on Dao Lingzhu.

It's a pity that, limited by his cultivation, he can only sit and wait to meet more ancient blood god corpses, and thus be hunted down by Shi Yu and the others, and then distributed to himself...

I have to say that this is indeed very troublesome, but there is no way to do it. Who told him that he is only in the Daluo realm?

What disappointed Chen Xi in particular was that until they reached the end of the Blood God Slaughter Origin, they had never encountered an ancient corpse of the Blood God again!

This made Shi Yu, Xiang Liuli, and Diandian a little bit surprised. This situation is a bit weird. The God Killing Blood Origin is the place where gods are buried, and the most indispensable thing is the ancient corpse of the blood god.

But now, they only encountered two batches of ancient blood god corpses along the way, which was somewhat unexpected.

"It seems that someone has already wiped out this god-slaying blood field before us, and it can't be ruled out that those guys are from the Supreme Master..."

Shi Yu said in a deep voice.

When everyone heard the words, they all deeply believed it.

The next moment, they all turned their gazes to the distance.

At the end of the god-killing blood field, there is a sea of ​​blood!

The sea of ​​blood was boundless, but it was dead silent and calm.

And in the middle of the sea of ​​blood, there are actually two giant bronze doors soaring into the sky!

The giant bronze gate soars into the sky, submerged in the chaotic and obscure sky. From a distance, it looks majestic and majestic, with a simple and simple shape, like a portal leading to a mysterious place.

The gate is embossed with dense and mysterious textures, which have been invaded by endless years and are immortal, exuding a thick, ancient, vicissitudes, and eternal atmosphere.

Between the two huge bronze doors, a gap of more than ten feet has been opened at this time, and wisps of obscure halos are faintly emitted from the inner door.

The ray of light was as obscure as chaos, blurred, rendering the giant bronze gate as if it were the entrance to hell, as if it wanted to choose someone to devour, which made people palpitate.

"It has already been opened in advance!"

Suddenly, Shi Yu's face darkened, and his cold and lonely face was full of murderous aura, which made the surrounding space hum and tremble.

Not only him, Xiang Liuli and Diandian's expressions also changed slightly, as if they didn't expect that the portal that was supposed to be opened three days later was now opened ahead of schedule!

Chen Xi on the side was slightly startled, but after seeing the reactions of the three Immortal King Realm beings, he also roughly understood that behind those two giant bronze doors must be the entrance to the Realm of Conferred Gods.

But now for some unknown reason, this entrance was opened in advance.

"It seems that we were calculated by those bastards of the Supreme Sect. They not only brought the 'Kuiyuan Shengdao Pagoda', but also the 'Infinite Armillary Mirror' of the Supreme Sect, which interfered with our movement virtually. The power of deduction!"

Shi Yu said expressionlessly, his eyes were icy cold.

"The Infinite Sky Mirror? This is not the property of the leader of the Supreme Master..." Diandian and Xiang Liuli were also shocked, and immediately realized that their expressions sank as they guessed everything.

Only Chen Xi was at a loss, the infinite cloudy sky mirror?What level of treasure is this?


ps: It’s gone tonight, Calvin, and I still owe 14 plus changes~

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