divine talisman

Chapter 1332 Blood Sacrifice Immortal King [Part 2]

The sacred mountain came through the sky, with great momentum, sitting on four poles, completely sealing off the escape route.

Just like the sacred mountain I saw before, under the other three sacred mountains, there are thousands of ancient corpses of blood gods as high as hundreds of feet, and above the sacred mountains, there is an ancient corpse of an immortal king sitting in town!

The sudden appearance of this scene caused Shi Yu and the others to change their expressions slightly.

This level of power is enough to threaten them!

"The situation is not good, we seem to be caught in an ambush!" Shi Yu's eyes opened and closed, divine flames flowed, and dazzling radiance burst out from his whole body.

Such a scene happened too strangely, as if he had been waiting for them, which made him feel a little uneasy.

As for the four ancient immortal king corpses and the densely packed ancient blood god corpses, they didn't feel much pressure. After fighting hard, they could still get out of trouble safely.

The only worry is, is all this a trap that has been ambushed long ago?

"This road leading to the Conferred God Altar is called the 'Sorrow of the Immortal King'. We know it well, and presumably he also knows it well. If they enter here ahead of time and ambush them, it is quite possible."

While Xiang Liuli spoke quickly, she also circulated her whole body's cultivation, and her whole body was shrouded in the celestial light of Jiuqing, like a dream.

"However, my only doubt is, how can the Supreme Master drive these ancient corpses of immortal kings?"

Dian Dai's eyebrows were slightly frowned, and there was a cold look in her beautiful eyes.


This time, it was Chen Xi who answered. After he was shocked, he judged in an instant that the directions of these four sacred mountains were closely spaced, covering and locking the four directions and eight poles, echoing each other from a distance, and forming a seamless one.

This is only seen on the surface, and Shi Yu and the others can also judge it.

However, the formation that Chen Xi was referring to was not like that, but outside of these four sacred mountains, there was also a fluctuation that was restricted by the formation. Although it was invisible and insubstantial, how could it be hidden from his eyes?

And the current situation is that the forbidden fluctuations shrouded outside are the root cause of all these changes.

After hearing Chen Xi's explanation, Shi Yu and the others understood it almost instantly, and their faces sank again. Doesn't this mean that even if they killed all the ancient corpses present, they might still suffer from other opponents? s attack?




Just as Chen Xi and the others were quickly deducing the situation, suddenly there was a burst of shocking shouts, uniform and uniform, like the shouts of gods and demons, and at the same time, they rang out at the same time, chilling the bloody atmosphere and shaking the wind and clouds in all directions.


Under the four sacred mountains, a group of ancient corpses of the blood gods in bronze armor were dispatched, tearing apart the void, and violently killing them from all directions.

In an instant, the entire world turned into a sea of ​​blood, and endless evil energy rolled, releasing a terrifying aura that almost burned the sky and the earth.

This scene is indeed terrible!

Chen Xi asked himself, if he were here alone, he might not have to struggle at all, and he would be wiped out completely.

But luckily, he's not alone.


A pale, majestic sword qi soared into the sky, containing the law of the supreme immortal king, sweeping across all directions like a sky-shattering blade.

"No more hesitation, kill first and then talk!"

At the same time, Shi Yu let out a long roar, his long hair fluttered, and his whole body was dazzling, like an unrivaled king, holding the sword of Shenxuan, he pierced through the air.

"Then senior brother Lao Shiyu has two ancient immortal king corpses on the other side, and Miss Weiyang and I will each deal with one. As for the remaining ancient blood god corpses, it will not be too late to kill them later!"

Xiang Liuli said quickly, a hint of arrogance and ruthless power surged from her fresh and beautiful face at this moment, and she was already rushing towards one of the sacred mountains, shaking her hands lightly.

"So best!"

Diandian also dispatched, of course, she took Chen Xi to kill the enemy.

He did this because he was also worried that something might happen to Chen Xi. After all, in a duel of this level, the current Chen Xi was as fragile as an ant, and a single ancient blood god corpse was enough to easily kill him.


The terrifying battle erupted suddenly, the divine splendor exploded, and the blood soared to the sky, causing the world to crumble and be eclipsed, as if caught in a doomsday catastrophe.

This is a competition at the level of the Immortal King!

With a wave of hands, the sky is turned upside down, the sun falls, the moon falls, and the stars shatter. If it is placed in the fairy world, or even a continent, it will be destroyed in an instant!

In the face of this level of confrontation, Chen Xi's five sense organs and six senses all lost their senses, and he couldn't feel anything. He could only feel that his body was constantly moving and shifting...

This terrified him, and he couldn't imagine how miserable his situation would be without the presence of the three Immortal Kings.


At the same time, [-] miles away from the void where the battle broke out, there are figures surrounded by gods and gods, with the most arrogant and disdainful figures.

A total of four people.

But like the four masters of heaven and earth, standing there at will, there is a demeanor of a king who looks down on the common people and controls the universe, sun and moon.

These four people are the Suirenting who ranks second among the seven true disciples of the Taishang Sect, Jiang Lingxiao who ranks fifth, Le Qianchou, the master of the Taixu sect, and Bei Haoling, the master of the Vientiane sect.

Everyone is an existence in the Immortal King Realm!

"The Disaster Nine Heavens Dao Extermination Divine Formation of the Supreme Master Sect is really extraordinary. It is amazing that it can drive the ancient blood corpse with the power of disaster."

Le Qianchou opened his mouth. He had gray beard and hair, kind eyebrows and kind eyes. He was leaning on a green bamboo cane in his hand. In his words and deeds, he was quite flattering to Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao beside him.

"It's nothing, I just hope that we can kill Shi Yu and Xiang Liuli from the Nuwa Dao Palace, as well as the Immortal King Weiyang, and our operation will go smoothly."

Suirenting spoke indifferently, his beard and hair were as red as fire, his face was like a crown jade, and he was wearing a fiery red Taoist robe. He was like a king of fire, controlling all fires in the world!

He is a descendant of the Suiren clan of the ancient tribe, and the blood of the gods already flows in his body. In addition, he is the second-ranked existence of the seven true disciples of the Supreme Sect. , with an arrogance and arrogance.

"Haha, Fellow Daoist, you are being modest." Le Qianchou laughed out loud, with an eager expression.

Suirenting glanced at him, then frowned and sighed, "It's just a pity."

Le Qianchou was startled: "What a pity?"

"Although the Nine Heavens of Disaster and Dao Destroyer Formation has been set up and the fish have entered the net, there is still a slight flaw that cannot make it complete."

The answer was Jiang Lingxiao. Her clothes were plain, her temples were simple and her hair was simple, and her appearance was soft and delicate. When she spoke, there was always a smile on her lips, which made people feel good about her unconsciously.

"What's wrong?"

Le Qianchou frowned.

Suirenting glanced at him meaningfully, "You really want to know?"

At this moment, Le Qianchou's heart tightened inexplicably, and there was an uncontrollable sense of horror all over his body, which made his face change slightly, and he forced a smile: "If I shouldn't know, it's okay if you don't tell me, fellow daoist."

But he secretly decided in his heart, after entering the Conferred God Altar, he must immediately set a boundary with these ruthless monsters of your Supreme Sect, otherwise he will not even know how to die.

"Since you asked, how can I not tell you?"

Suirenting smiled lightly, but the smile was indifferent, accompanied by his voice, suddenly a black and simple jade pagoda appeared out of thin air, covering Le Qianshou directly!

This scene happened too fast and suddenly, and Suirenting's original strength was about to stabilize Le Qianchou, which immediately caught the latter off guard. shrouded.

"Fellow Suiren, what are you doing? Damn it! You... you want to kill people to silence your mouth? Damn it! You are so capricious, wolf-hearted, and ruthless as animals!"

Le Qianchou's frightened and angry voice came out, roaring endlessly.

This sudden scene also caused Bei Haoling, the head of the Vientiane Sect, to change expression suddenly, showing fear, staring at Suirenting in disbelief.

This guy, just one question is going to kill the fairy king Le Qianchou?


Before Bei Haoling could react, the ancient black jade pagoda exploded with billions of feet of black light, rumbled and swayed, emitting an incomparably terrifying divine brilliance.

Immediately, an incomparably shrill scream was conveyed before death, and immediately there was no movement.

Le Qianchou, the Immortal King, was suppressed and killed on the spot!


Seeing this, Bei Haoling also reacted extremely quickly, without asking Suirenting's reason at all, the moment his figure flashed, he turned into a black phantom and wanted to run away.

How could he not be clear, Le Qianchou died, how could he possibly survive?

For these ruthless fellows of the Taishang Sect, he dared not take any chances at all.

"Fellow Daoist, don't you want to know what that flaw is?"

However, what made Bei Haoling's heart sink was that just as soon as he took action, Jiang Lingxiao blocked his way forward. There was a smile on the corner of the other party's lips, which seemed gentle, but the eyes looking at him were It was indifferent, like staring at a dead object...

In an instant, Bei Haoling's face became extremely ugly, forced a stiff smile, and said: "I still have urgent matters, so I won't bother you two..."

When he was speaking, a ruthless look suddenly flashed in his eyes, his whole body rumbled and released billions of meters of black mist, he stretched out his arms, tore apart the void, and ruthlessly locked the opponent's throat!

This blow locked the void and imprisoned time, and it was extremely ruthless.

But Jiang Lingxiao's movements were not seen, and a terrifying and majestic force suddenly shrouded Bei Haoling's figure, as if frozen.

Then, he saw a simple black jade pagoda covering his whole body...


The black jade pagoda was glowing, and the body of the pagoda was red with blood. Along with its operation, there were bursts of shrill screams, but after a short while, it fell silent.

So far, another existence in the Immortal King Realm was suppressed and killed on the spot!

If this scene spread to the outside world, it would definitely cause shocks in the Three Realms, but to Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao, it seemed that they had done a trivial thing, and their expressions were calm and indifferent.

"Sacrifice with the lives of the two immortal kings, this time, it's enough to kill those guys..."

In the cold and indifferent voice, Suirenting looked far away, where a fierce battle was going on.

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