divine talisman

Chapter 1333 Changes Steep Rise [Part 3]


While speaking, Suiren Ting waved his sleeve robe, and the simple black jade pagoda spun, gushing out streams of golden fairy king's blood, which turned into long rivers and passed through the sky.

That golden plasma contained wisps of Immortal King's law, releasing a terrifying and monstrous aura, converging into a long river, shining as brightly as the shining sun shining through the ages, shocking.

These bloods all come from the two Immortal King Realm existences Le Qianchou and Bei Haoling!

Like them, they were also the masters of a sect and the lord of a sect in Hongmeng Taoism before, but now they are killed in the hands of Suirenting in an instant. Even if they die, their body, soul, blood, and cultivation are completely sacrificed. It is simply a great tragedy.

This is the method of the Supreme Master!

Ruthless and ruthless, in order to achieve his goal, he will run amok!


Looking at the golden river of fairy king's blood turning into a long rainbow, crossing the boundless void, and pouring into the "Nine Heavens of Calamity and Dao Extermination Array" that had been ambushed in the distance, Suirenting breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thanks to the help of Kuiyuan Shengdao Pagoda this time, otherwise it would take a lot of effort to kill these two guys."

Suirenting said with a smile.

"It's just two idiots whose Dao heart was blinded by greed. Once they heard the four characters of Dao Fengshen, they became our pawns. It's really pitiful."

Jiang Ling on the side smiled and said disdainfully.

Immediately she frowned slightly, and said, "However, Senior Brother Suiren, although there are two Immortal King Realm sacrifices in the Calamity Nine Heavens Dao Extermination Formation, it still seems not enough to completely wipe out Shi Yu and the others. .”

"Junior Sister, don't worry, Master has already deduced the means prepared by Nuwa Dao Palace when I came to Hongmeng Remains this time. That's why I specially handed over the 'Infinite Sky Mirror' to me for safekeeping."

Suirenting looked proud and confident, "Now that I have placed these artifacts in the divine formation, it is easy to kill the three of them in the Immortal King Realm. What we have to do now is to wait for the result. "

Speaking of this, a scorching gleam suddenly appeared in his eyes, "When the time comes, all the treasures they carry will be ours, hahahaha."

At the end, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

Jiang Lingxiao stood aside, also pursing her lips and chuckling, her demeanor became more gentle and quiet, but her pair of star pupils were indifferent.


I don't know how long it took.

When Chen Xi's five sense organs and six senses recovered, the battle had calmed down.

In the field of vision, there are blood corpses, blood stains, white bones, and fragmented void areas floating all over the sky... The violent turbulence of time and space is returning to silence, but the overwhelming bloody killing atmosphere is still lingering for a moment.


Those tens of thousands of ancient blood god corpses and four ancient immortal king corpses were all put to death?

Chen Xi opened his eyes wide, still unable to believe the scene he saw before him.

Logically speaking, he should be happy, but when his eyes fell on Diandian, Shi Yu, and Xiang Liuli beside him, he felt a thud in his heart.

Because their expressions are extremely dignified now, even more serious than before the battle, and there is a heavy look between their brows.

Could it be... the battle is not over yet?

Yes, not yet!

Very soon, Chen Xi noticed that although those ancient corpses were completely dead, the four sacred mountains were still floating in the surroundings, and the broken corpses, red blood stains, and piles of white bones all over the sky... did not dissipate at this moment. , but was shrouded by an invisible force and was wriggling a little bit.

That force showed an obscure black color, and spread in every inch of space in this world, exuding a terrifying aura of disaster force.

"This is……"

Chen Xi was terrified, and an uncontrollable panic spread throughout his body, as if he was about to suffer some catastrophe.

"The Calamity Nine Heavens Exterminates Dao Divine Formation, one of the ancient divine formations inherited by the Supreme Master, can suppress and kill gods and destroy the Dao.

In the ears, came a little voice, with an unmistakable heaviness in his tone.

Only then did Chen Xi suddenly realize, but a turmoil arose in his heart. All of this was indeed the work of the Grand Master, and judging by the current situation, the other party actually wanted to catch them all and completely kill them here!

"Then...why don't you break the formation?"

Seeing that the three immortal kings were motionless, Chen Xi couldn't help asking.

"The Taishangjiao's method will not be so simple, let's just wait and see what happens." Shi Yu replied calmly, "If you act rashly at this time, I'm afraid you will be caught in the big formation, and it will be dangerous at that time."

Chen Xi frowned, but in his heart he did not agree with this point of view of sitting still.

He raised his head and deduced it secretly in his heart, but in the end he had no choice but to find that this ancient god formation inherited from the Supreme Master contained an obscure power, which he could not deduce and detect at all.

It's not because of the insufficient cultivation base of Fu Dao, but because his cultivation base is too low, and his cognition of that kind of power is completely unfamiliar, and he can't deduce the reason at all.


At this moment, above the sky, golden torrential rain fell from all directions at the same moment. The raindrops were golden and crystal clear, containing the power of supreme terror, and the power contained in each drop was majestic and powerful. , now turned into a torrential rain, that kind of scene is more than a terrifying one.

The torrential rain poured down on the sky and the earth.

After the golden rain poured on the broken corpses, bones, and bones, an astonishing scene happened.

The ancient corpses of the blood gods were condensed again, but at this time, they were different from before. They were completely entwined with strands of golden blood light, and there were streaks of catastrophic gray energy, and their aura was completely improved compared to just now More than double!

Moreover, the four ancient immortal king corpses that had been violently killed and shattered into pieces all began to condense and recover at this moment, and they were all filled with golden rain of light and aura of disaster.

At this moment, Chen Xi was suffocating, and he could clearly feel that even a single raindrop on his body was enough to kill him!

"The blood of the fairy king!"

"Sure enough, the Supreme Sect has used cruel and ruthless sacrifice methods! It seems that they have already killed the members of the Hongmeng Taoist lineage who cooperated with them!"

Almost at the same time, Shi Yu and Xiang Liuli spoke at the same time, their expressions becoming more serious.

"We can't wait any longer, we must break the formation!"

He frowned a little, speaking decisively.

This was exactly what Shi Yu and Xiang Liuli thought.

"Hmph, Suirenting thinks that with this little trick he can catch me all in one go, it's too naive!"

Shi Yu let out a cold snort, flipped his hand casually, and a colorful stone sprang out of his palm. As soon as it appeared, colorful divine lights shot out, straight into the sky.

Five-color stone!

At the beginning of Hongmeng, the four poles were ruined, the nine states were split, the sky was not covered, the earth was not full, disasters occurred frequently in the world, and the survival of all races was difficult, so Nuwa, the master of the Dao Palace, filled the sky with five-color stones, with the supreme The strength of the whole body can suppress the luck of thousands of people!

This is a rumor, but it can also be seen from it that the five-color stone is amazing, it can repair the sky, it can perfect the laws of heaven, how can it be a mortal thing?

Now, seeing Shi Yu take out such a fetish, Diandian couldn't help exclaiming: "I didn't expect that you also prepared such a killer weapon this time."

Shi Yu smiled, and immediately turned serious, saying: "Now, everyone, please follow me closely, let me take the lead, so as to break through this big formation in one go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure stretched out and flew into the air suddenly. The five-colored stones in his hands turned into divine splendor, swaying and floating in all directions, and actually dissolved the golden rain that filled the sky, making a screeching sound.

At the same time, Xiang Liuli, Diandian, and Chen Xi also followed closely behind, charging away.


The great battle broke out again, the sky was full of divine splendor, and the terrifying power flooded the land of a hundred thousand miles.

Unfortunately, Chen Xi once again lost his power of perception, he couldn't see anything, he could only feel that this fierce battle was even more terrifying and fierce than before, if he hadn't allocated a little bit of strength to defend it, I'm afraid that in an instant, his whole body will be evaporated in this vast battlefield.

This feeling is very uncomfortable!

It's like fate is shackled and at the mercy of others, but unable to fight against it.

Chen Xi didn't like this feeling, he hated it from the bottom of his heart, but he also knew that without the three Immortal Kings by his side, he was really not as good as a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.


A voice resounded in Chen Xi's heart. Although it was just a few words, it expressed his desire to the fullest, because only power can change all this, and it will make him no longer have to experience this feeling of powerlessness to fight!

"Not good! This is the power of the infinite mirror!"

"What? That bastard Suirenting actually used the Infinity Mirror as the foundation of this formation!"

"Be careful--!"

Next to the ears, the extremely frightened and angry voices of Shi Yu, Xiang Liuli, and Diandian suddenly came from, completely waking Chen Xi awake.


Before he could react, he felt his whole body shake violently, his bones seemed to be smashed and incinerated, the unparalleled aura of calamity and the blood of an immortal king poured into his body like a wild horse running wild , an indescribable pain surged through his body, torturing him so much that he couldn't help but cry out in pain.

At this moment, Chen Xi felt that his whole body was about to explode!


At this critical moment, a strange fluctuation suddenly came from the sea of ​​consciousness, spreading all over his body like a tide, like a shark smelling blood, sweeping away the rampant blood energy of the immortal king in his body.

In this way, the severe pain in Chen Xi's body was slightly reduced, but the power of calamity was still there, and it was even going to corrode his Dao foundation and wipe out his soul!

However, almost at the moment when the fragments of the river chart fluctuated, the sword of Dao'er, which had been silent and motionless in the pagoda of the Buddha in Chen Xi's body, also suddenly buzzed, and the sword body overflowed with blood, blooming layers upon layers of flowers. Stacked dense lotus pattern.


When that lotus flower pattern condensed into shape, a terrifying fluctuating aura not only swallowed up the aura of disaster within Chen Xi's body, but even rushed out of his body with a bang!


ps: One chapter is added, and 14 are still owed.

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