divine talisman

Chapter 1334 Clear Sword Lotus [Part 1]

boom! boom! boom!

The light curtain formed by five-color stones was constantly being attacked, shaking violently, and making a rumbling and concussive sound.

Shi Yu's face was pale and dignified, his whole body seemed to be on fire, he forced himself to rotate the five-color stone in his hand, propped up the five-color light curtain, and stubbornly resisted the attacks from all directions.

Beside him, Xiang Liuli also rotated the Nine Purity Crown to block it with all her strength. Her cheeks were paler than Shi Yu's, almost transparent, and the corners of her lips were already overflowing with golden blood stains, and her whole body was trembling slightly.

Obviously, under this kind of confrontation, her existence in the Immortal King Realm has also been injured to a certain extent.

All of this stems from the "Infinite Sky Mirror"!

Previously, under the leadership of Shi Yu, they used five-color stones to open the way. Armistice Mirror", caught them off guard and severely injured them in one fell swoop.

If Shi Yu hadn't reacted so quickly and blocked them with all his strength with the five-color stone, they would have been almost wiped out by this blow!

Although they are now out of the fatal danger, they can only rely on their own cultivation to resist with all their strength, but they can no longer rush to kill.

That kind of feeling is like a trapped beast in a desperate situation. If this situation continues, they will definitely be suppressed and killed on the spot because of the exhaustion of their strength!


In the big formation, the divine light of calamity poured down like a torrential rain, covering the entire world. These divine lights of disaster, presenting an obscure and pitch-black color, were as thick as a bucket, and they were fiercely descended by divine thunder, pouring down, sealing off all their escape routes .

As for Shi Yu and the others hiding under the five-color light curtain, it was as if they were under a torrential rain, isolated and helpless, and were under endless attacks all the time. Once the five-color light curtain was damaged, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Not only that, in all directions of the formation, there are densely packed ancient corpses of blood gods constantly rushing towards them, and among them are four ancient corpses of immortal kings.

These ancient corpses had already been beheaded by them, but after being repaired by the aura of calamity and the blood of the Immortal King, they recovered again, and their fighting power was more than twice as strong as before.

All of this brought endless pressure to them!

"How to do?"

At this moment, Xiang Liuli couldn't help but feel anxious, "The infinite cloudy sky mirror is in the hands of the leader of the Supreme Sect. It can confuse the secrets of heaven and block cause and effect. With this mirror sitting in the magic circle, we can't find any broken ones at all." If this continues, we can only sit and wait to die!"

From her point of view, there is an ancient bronze mirror hanging in the sky in the far distance. It is about the size of a palm, and the whole body is round. Evil light.

This is the immeasurable armillary mirror!

A mighty and extremely terrifying supreme divine treasure.

Not only can it confuse the secrets and block cause and effect, but it can also create layers of "mirror spaces", like superimposed spaces, densely covering every inch of void.

These "mirror spaces" can transform the opponent's attack into a calamity light. The stronger the opponent's attack is, the more and more terrifying the calamity light will be transformed.

As early as the beginning of Hongmeng, the Taishangjiao used this treasure to slaughter countless gods, trap and kill many powerful people who reached the sky, and established a great reputation.

Today, the Suirenting of the Supreme Sect has not only set up the "Nine Heavens of Calamity and Dao Extermination God Formation", but also sacrificed the existence of two Immortal King Realms with blood. It is full of murderous intentions, perfect and thoughtful, and it is obvious that they are completely suppressed and wiped out here.

Under such circumstances, could Xiang Liuli not be anxious?

"It's really not good... I will try my best to send you out later!"

Shi Yu was silent for a long time, and a look of determination suddenly flashed across his cold and lonely face. He knew very well that even though they had made sufficient preparations this time, they still underestimated the ruthless methods of the Supreme Master.

Whoever it was, I'm afraid they would never have imagined that before reaching the altar of conferring gods, the Supreme Master would spend so much money to wipe them all out in one go.

This was indeed too unexpected, so they were caught off guard.

But now it's too late to understand, the only choice right now seems to be to risk your life!

And sacrificing one's life means sacrificing!

Unless forced to a desperate situation, no fairy king would be willing to do so.

Hearing Shi Yu's resolute words, Xiang Liuli was stunned for a moment, and then his heart sank to the bottom of the valley, with grief and anger at the same time, and his mood was extremely complicated.

"Chen Xi... Chen Xi... wake up... wake up..."

From the side, little voices sounded, with anxiety and a trace of panic.

At this time, her face was pale, her clothes were stained with blood, and she looked at Chen Xi beside her, her brows were full of concern and anxiety, and she was a little out of control.

Seeing this, Xiang Liuli became more and more confused.

When they rushed to kill before, they were caught off guard by the Wuliang Cloudy Sky Mirror, and even Immortal King Weiyang was also injured, which naturally affected Chen Xi.

Although at the moment of life and death, Wei Young helped him block the fatal blow, but because his cultivation base was too weak, he was rushed into his body by a force of disaster and the blood of the Immortal King, and now his whole body was in disorder, screaming in excruciating pain , may die at any time!

"Could it be that this time... has our fate been doomed?"

Xiang Liuli's heart was extremely complicated, and inexplicably remembered in her mind that this path leading to the Conferred God Altar was originally called "The Death of the Immortal King"...

Throughout the ages, I don't know how many existences in the Immortal King Realm have hated it.

But Xiang Liuli never thought that one day such an encounter would happen to them...


At this moment, a burst of violent power surged in, causing the five-color light curtain to vibrate violently, causing Shi Yu to spurt out a mouthful of blood.

In an instant, his face became paler and uglier.

"I can't wait any longer, Junior Sister Li, I will do everything I can to fight a bloody road later, you take Wei Young and the others to take this opportunity to leave!"

Shi Yu turned his head and stared firmly at Xiang Liuli.


Xiang Liuli choked for breath, her heart ached beyond measure.

"It's decided in this way, remember, you must enter the Conferred God Altar, and you can fulfill my wish to prove the Dao and Conferred God for my brother!" Shi Yu's lips curled into a smile, revealing a mouthful of snow-white teeth.

Immediately, his expression suddenly became solemn, and his brows were filled with a look of determination, but just when he was about to sacrifice himself to break the predicament in front of him, the sudden change suddenly occurred——


An invisible wave of terror suddenly spread out. At that moment, Shi Yu, Xiang Liuli, and Diandian, the three Immortal Kings, could not help but froze, and felt a chill all over their bodies.

Before they could react, they heard a strange humming sound resounding between the heaven and the earth.

In an instant, clear lotus flowers bloomed suddenly between heaven and earth. Each lotus flower presents 36 petals, layered upon layer, perfect and crystal clear.

In particular, those lotus petals are clear and hazy, shaped like Dao swords, combined together, like a blossoming sword of clear lotus, releasing the supreme power that reaches the sky.

This scene was too astonishing. Countless clear-colored sword lotuses descended from the sky, filling every inch of space in the world, rendering the world holy and vast.

"This is?"

Shi Yu, Xiang Liuli, and Dian Dian were all stunned, and wisps of divine brilliance burst out in their eyes.


In their field of vision, those clear-colored sword lotuses bloomed between the sky and the earth, releasing waves of terrifying divine brilliance, which actually devoured the divine light of disaster that filled the sky!

Looking from a distance, it seems that those calamity lights are rivers flowing into deep lotus black holes, so natural and so easy.

From the beginning to the end, not only did those calamity gods fail to hurt the pure sword lotus, they even poured into the latter's embrace like Wanliu returning to the clan!

And the place where "all streams return to the clan"...


The gazes of Shi Yu and the three of them turned to one side in unison, and they fell on Chen Xi. Immediately, everyone couldn't help showing a look of surprise on their faces.

Because they suddenly saw a sword!

A four-foot-long, bright red blood sword, and inside the sword body, there are many simple and vigorous lotus flowers imprinted. In each lotus flower, there are wisps of chaotic energy floating, turning into tall The old man in ancient clothes recites the scriptures, and suddenly turns into a beautiful young girl and dances lightly, in various poses and with different expressions, and the spirit is extraordinary.

But in the eyes of Shi Yu and the three of them, they saw a vast bloody battlefield, the gods roared, the holy screamed, the sky poured down with blood, and the earth was piled up with the bones of gods!

This sword, at this moment, was filling Chen Xi's body, and the blood was transpiring, and waves of terrifying and invisible power surged out, spreading throughout the world, and evolved into a sky-filled clear-colored sword lotus!

"The Sword of Dao!"

In an instant, the three of Shi Yu and the others all recognized the origin of the second sword, their expressions were filled with astonishment, and then there was a touch of shock, as if they never expected that this sword would be in Chen Xi's hands!

"Hahaha, God will not kill me!"

Shi Yu couldn't help laughing up to the sky any longer, his voice shook all directions.

He had made up his mind before that he would go to death in exchange for other people's lives. Who would have thought that at this critical moment, he would find a glimmer of life!

Xiang Liuli also chuckled lightly, filled with joy, "The sword of Dao'er, this is the most troublesome magical weapon of the Supreme Master!"

Speaking of this, she looked at Dian Dian thoughtfully, and said with a smile: "No wonder you insisted on bringing little brother Chen Xi along. Could it be that you have already calculated all of this?"

Diandian was also extremely happy at this moment, with a smile on her face, because she discovered that the injuries in Chen Xi's body had returned to calm at this moment, and she was no longer in the state of being violent and chaotic and on the verge of death.

But when she heard Xiang Liuli's words, she was startled slightly, and immediately pursed her lips and said with a smile, "I can't deduce this, but I know very well that this guy is not ordinary."

"It's really extraordinary. Is there any Daluo Jinxian in this world who can actually save the lives of three immortal kings?" Shi Yu laughed loudly, not hiding his appreciation for Chen Xi.

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