divine talisman

Chapter 1335 The Power of Dao [Part 2]

The clear sword lotus in the sky is in full bloom, floating in every inch of the void, devouring the light of calamity pouring down one after another, and then turning into strands of invisible power, gathering together, and pouring into the sword of calamity in Chen Xi's body middle.


As the divine light of calamity was swallowed more and more, Dao's sword was blood-red, and there were bursts of sword chant sounds, from low and inaudible to high-pitched and passionate, like a dragon chant, resounding through the world.

The sword chant was like a tide, full of supreme divine power.

At this moment, the "Nine Heavens of Calamity and Dao Extermination Formation" was also disturbed and fell into a state of stagnation.

Puff puff!

And the densely packed ancient corpses of the blood god received infinite blows at this moment.

They are filled with aura of calamity, and they have also become the targets of the blossoming clear sword lotus.From each of the clear-colored sword lotuses, strands of horrific and chilling sword energy were released, suppressing and killing, killing an unknown number of ancient blood god corpses in an instant, and the scene was horrifying.

Even with the cultivation levels of Shi Yu, Xiang Liuli, and Diandian, when they saw such a scene, they couldn't help being amazed. This is the power of the Dao Evil Sword, which is born to be the nemesis of the power of disaster!

Based on their knowledge, they are naturally aware of the shocking calculation that happened in the ancient times. The grievances and grievances between the Supreme Master and the Chaos God Lotus back then came from this Dao Evil Sword.

For this reason, the Taishang Teacher spent a lot of effort, and just now when the chaos god lotus proved to be the ultimate way, he calculated the latter.

It's a pity that the Taishangjiao still failed to snatch the Dao E sword in the end, and this incident became a heart problem for the Taishangjiao. No one thought that this legendary ancient magic weapon would fall into the world. In Chen Xi's hands.

"Let's do it too. It would be great if we can snatch that Wuliang armillary sky mirror!"

Shi Yu took a deep breath, and suddenly fixed his eyes on an ancient bronze mirror suspended in mid-air in the distance, his expression was full of cold and murderous intent.

Before, he was forced to almost fight with his life, and he had already accumulated a lot of anger in his heart. Now that the situation has turned around, how can he hold back anymore.


Holding the five-color stone in his hand, he stepped on the void and charged away.

"Let's go too, take this opportunity and leave this place as soon as possible, I can't wait to settle a score with those bastards of the Supreme Master!"

Xiang Liuli turned her head to look at Diandian, and said softly, her expression also returned to her usual contempt and arrogance, how could such immortal kings like them swallow this breath when they were forced to such a degree.

"Okay, but I have to take care of this guy first." Diandian smiled and glanced at Chen Xi beside him.

At this time, Chen Xi had regained his sanity and heard their conversation, but he was unable to act for a while, because in his body, the sword of Dao E was humming, swallowing the divine light of disaster, causing his whole body to tremble. no longer under its control.

Even, he couldn't speak anymore.

This was the first time Chen Xi encountered such a situation, but this Dao E sword was given by Dao Lian, and it would definitely not hurt him, so he was not worried about any accidents.

I'm just a little curious, how could the Dao'er sword suddenly change at this moment?

Chen Xi planned to ask a little bit when he was able to act, because the other party had clearly recognized the origin of this sword long ago.


at the same time.

In the void a hundred thousand miles away from here.

Suirenting's face suddenly changed: "Not good!"

"what happened?"

Jiang Ling was taken aback with a smile.

"Damn it! It's actually the breath of Dao's sword!"

Suirenting felt it carefully, and his face sank immediately, "This sword is left by the Chaos God Lotus back then, and it is born to restrain the calamity power of my Supreme Master!"

"What? Didn't this sword disappear long ago? We destroyed the Jiuhua Sword Sect and never found it. How could it appear in the hands of Nuwa Taoist Palace?"

Jiang Lingxiao's face changed slightly when he heard the word Dao'er's sword. He never expected that such an accident would happen when things progressed to this point.

Dao's sword!

This is a thorn in the hearts of their grand masters, if they don't pull it out, they will have trouble sleeping and eating!

"Shi Yu, Xiang Liuli, Immortal King Weiyang...they shouldn't have this sword, otherwise how could they be able to hide it from the leader's perception?"

Suirenting took a deep breath, forced himself to suppress the irritability in his heart, frowned and muttered.

"No, we missed someone!"

A moment later, infinite flames suddenly burst out from Sui Renting's eyes, as if they were about to burn the sky, it was extremely frightening, "Damn it, fate is covered by heaven's secrets, no wonder even the infinite cloudy sky mirror can't detect the existence of the other party!"

"Fate was concealed by heavenly secrets? So, the aura of Dao'er's sword was also concealed? So that's how it is..." Jiang Lingxiao understood everything in an instant.

At this moment, Suirenting let out a muffled groan, his eyes shrank suddenly, and his face became ugly in an instant, "This damned Shi Yu is actually calling the attention of the infinite cloudy mirror!"

This series of events caught Jiang Lingxiao off guard.

But she is very clear that this time's careful layout may be in vain again...

"Damn it! An unknown fate has actually affected all our plans. If I know who this son is, I must kill him!"

At their level of practice, how could Suirenting not understand that the unknown means variables, and the variables in a lifetime, no matter how small, can be enough to turn things around as long as they are captured by the existence of the Immortal King Realm.

Suirenting didn't dare to hesitate any longer, his long red hair flew up, and billions of feet of fire suddenly surged all over his body, like the emperor in the fire, he suddenly stretched his arms towards the distant void.


A hundred thousand miles away, an ancient bronze mirror suddenly tore through the void, and in a blink of an eye, it had crossed the boundless time and space in an instant, and fell into the palm of Suirenting.

"Let's go! This time the layout has failed, we can't stay any longer, we can only play by ear!"

Suirenting's face was gloomy, and with a wave of his sleeves, a long road of flames spread out under his feet, leading straight to the depths of the void, and disappeared in an instant.

"Next time? I'm afraid there won't be such an excellent opportunity..."

Jiang Ling smiled and sighed inwardly, quite unwillingly, but her figure flashed in her mouth, turning into a blue and flowing rainbow, and going away through the air.



The divine brilliance exploded, and the four sacred mountains standing in the void burst into pieces, turning into turbulent currents, sweeping across the surrounding void for millions of miles. Wherever they passed, big stars burst into pieces, and pieces of land floating in the void collapsed Flying off, the scene is terrifying.

So far, the "Nine Heavens of Calamity and Dao Extermination" formation has been completely destroyed!

"Hmph! It's fast to escape!"

In the dispersal of smoke and dust, Shi Yu's solitary and majestic figure rushed out, dazzling and blazing, showing the supreme contempt of the Immortal King Realm.

He looked far into the distance, but in the end he didn't pursue it.

In this battle, not only did he consume a lot, but Xiang Liuli and Wei Young also suffered some injuries and needed to rest. If not for this, he would have chased and killed him all the way.

"Senior Brother Shi Yu, don't be impatient. This time in the Domain of Conferred Gods, there will definitely be a chance to meet him again."

Xiang Liuli also came over and said softly.

Shi Yu nodded, and immediately said: "By the way, how is brother Chen Xi?"

Mentioning Chen Xi, Xiang Liuli couldn't help but smile: "There is no serious problem, it's just that I can't move for the time being."

"I'll go see him."

Shi Yu turned around and left. Previously, he was only looking after Shen Yanshan's face, and he took good care of Chen Xi. The relationship could not be said to be very deep. After all, the other party was only a Golden Immortal of the Great Luo Realm, and he was too far away from him.

But after going through this accident now, Chen Xi seemed to have saved his life, and Shi Yu would never treat Chen Xi like before.

Seeing this, Xiang Liuli smiled slightly, and followed immediately.

Her mind is roughly similar to Shi Yu's, but she didn't know Chen Xi's origin before, and her knowledge of Chen Xi only came from Immortal King Weiyang. Although she took good care of Chen Xi along the way, it was only out of a kind of senior Attitude towards juniors.

But now, she didn't dare to think so. The fact that Chen Xi possessed the Dao Evil Sword made her dare not treat Chen Xi as normal.


At this time, Dao's sword had returned to silence.

However, Chen Xi still keenly discovered that after absorbing a large amount of calamity divine light, there seemed to be some subtle changes in the Dao Evil Sword, but he couldn't find out why when he went to investigate it specifically.

And then, Chen Xi finally discovered that he was not only able to move, but also his own cultivation level had improved a little bit, and his whole body's energy mechanism felt full and swollen, as if he was about to break through.

This made him happy, and he knew that if there were no accidents, when he returned to the Immortal Realm from the Conferred God Realm this time, he might be able to step on the sacred road and advance to the Saint Immortal Realm!

"I didn't expect that during this catastrophe, not only the fragments of the river map changed, which helped me to resolve the invasion of the blood of the fairy kings, but even the Dao'er sword buzzed out, resolving a catastrophe... ..."

Everything that he had experienced before was like a dream, and Chen Xi couldn't help being in a daze just thinking about it.

He can roughly judge now that the change of the fragments of the river map should be related to the domain of the gods, and the change of the sword of Dao is related to the disaster power of the Supreme Sect.

"No matter what, this time, after all, the danger was saved..."

Chen Xi took a deep breath and opened his eyes.

Then he saw beside him, three Immortal King Realm existences, Diandian, Shi Yu, and Xiang Liuli, all looking at him with smiles, their expressions were gentle, with a touch of concern from the heart, without any pretense.

Chen Xi couldn't help being flattered by this. There are so many great Luo Jinxians in this world, but which one can receive the unanimous care of the three beings in the Immortal King Realm?

This kind of blessing, others can't get it even if they smash their heads!

"Brother Chen Xi, you saved our lives this time." Seeing Chen Xi wake up, Shi Yu laughed out loud, not hiding his appreciation.

"That's right, without you this time, I'm afraid I would have been killed." Xiang Liuli also smiled lightly from the side.

"I just said, he is not comparable to ordinary people." Diandian blinked, also smiling.

Being praised by the three immortal kings, Chen Xi can't help being a little embarrassed at this moment...


ps: It's gone tonight, and tomorrow's Singles' Day... well, it will be 4 more.

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