divine talisman

Chapter 1336 Fusion of the Sixth River Map [Part 6]

Thank you for the 100000 reward given by x Hao Singles Day~ The mighty domineering is shocking!


I'm sorry, but Chen Xi was extremely happy for the respect and appreciation of the three Immortal King Realm existences. He could clearly feel that after this shocking change, their relationship with each other was one step closer. .

Without the previous politeness, there is more real friendship.

This is where Chen Xi is most happy.

"There has just been a turmoil here, so as not to cause any accidents, we'd better find a secluded place first, take a rest, and then it's not too late to set off."

After questioning for a while and seeing that Chen Xi was fine, Shi Yu immediately made a decision.

Apparently, after a previous accident, Shi Yu realized that in this dangerous realm of conferred gods, life-saving is the number one priority.

As for the opportunity on the Conferred God Altar, it is enough to strive for it, and you must not let your life get involved because of a chance, that is too uneconomical.

At that moment, under the leadership of Shi Yu, everyone left the place in a flash.

After a stick of incense.

They came to a continent floating in the boundless void, and landed in a secluded canyon.


With a wave of Shi Yu's sleeve, the five-color petrified stones turned into a light curtain, completely covering the canyon, and then fell into silence as soon as the light faded.

From the outside, the canyon is still the same canyon, but it has already covered Shi Yu and his group's breath, and if something happens, the five-color stone will also form a restraint to protect them in it, which is safer.

After doing all this, Shi Yu breathed a sigh of relief. In the battle just now, they all suffered some injuries to some extent, and it will take some time to recover. At this time, safety is naturally the most important thing.

After all, this is an area with the title of "Sorrow of the Immortal King", and it is full of dangers. No one dares to take it lightly when repairing injuries here.


However, before that, Shi Yu waved his sleeve and took out a large pile of "Dao Lingzhu" and divided it into four parts. , Diandian and Chen Xi.

These all come from the ancient corpse of the blood god killed by them. In addition, there are four other beads in the shape of a "heart" filled with a strong and obscure aura. The cultivation essence of the corpse was also divided one by one.

For Shi Yu and others in the Immortal King Realm, the number of "Dao Spirit Orbs" and a "Immortal King Saint Yuan Heart" that came forward were not considered a great wealth.

But to Chen Xi, this was simply like a great opportunity!

Whether it is the "Dao Lingzhu" or the "Immortal King's Saint Origin Heart", it is an irresistible temptation for the half-step immortal king. If Chen Xi says he wants to sell these treasures, it will definitely attract a lot of half-step immortals King's bidding up!

The reason is that these treasures are needed for the cultivation of the Immortal King Realm, and they are too high, so they are of infinite value, and they are hard to come by!

What made Chen Xi speechless was that these treasures were taken away by the fragments of the river map before they were warmed up in his hands, not a single drop was left, not a single one was left for him...

These are thousands of "Dao Lingzhu" and a "Xianwang Shengyuan Heart"!

At this moment, the corners of Chen Xi's lips couldn't help twitching, and he felt a bit of pain in his flesh.

He had originally planned that even if he didn't need these treasures, he could bring them back to the academy or use them as gifts to further strengthen the friendship with those half-step fairy kings and antiques. Who would have thought... just blink of an eye.

This naturally made Chen Xi quite depressed.

Fortunately, Diandian gave Chen Xi a pleasant surprise.

When Shi Yu and Xiang Liuli began to meditate one after another, Diandian called Chen Xi aside, and stuffed a jade box into Chen Xi's hand.

"Here are the fragments of the river map. Anyway, it's useless to put them on me. It's better to give them to you in advance." Didian smiled and transmitted the sound, her bright eyes were kind, and she smiled sweetly.

Chen Xi was stunned, and said: "In this operation, I don't seem to have put in much effort..."

Diandian interrupted: "You have already saved us once, what's more, this thing will be given to you sooner or later."

Chen Xi frowned and pondered for a long time before asking: "Then... at this moment, I can know why I, a Da Luo Jinxian, was invited to participate in this operation?"

Little by little, she closed the strand of blue hair beside Jingying's ear, her clear eyes looked forward, and she said with a smile, "I knew you would not be able to help asking."

Speaking of this, she tilted her head and thought for a while, and said: "Actually, I didn't know you before. At most, I only heard that there was a freshman No. 1 Chen Xi in Taoist Academy. But later, someone came to Weiyang Xian Zhou came to me and asked me to hand over the fragments of the river map in my hand, and the price for the exchange was... she promised that I would definitely find the way to prove the Tao and seal the gods!"

"That's how you agreed?"

Chen Xi couldn't help asking, he had already vaguely guessed the identity of "that person" that Diandian said.

"This is the secret of conferring gods. Among the three realms, which immortal king can refuse?"

Sitting on one side of the grass with her knees tucked up, Dian Dian stared at the void far away, and said with a chuckle, "What's more, it's definitely worthwhile to exchange a fragment of the River Map for a Secret of Conferred God."

"Are you not worried about being cheated?"

Chen Xi couldn't help asking again, feeling somewhat unable to understand the other party's thoughts.

"Do you think she will lie to me?"

asked with a little smile.

Chen Xi didn't answer directly, but just sighed: "Then, you found me? You took me as the key to finding the way to prove the Tao and seal the gods?"

Diandian nodded as a matter of course: "Of course, that's your little senior sister, you won't lie to me."

Chen Xi smiled wryly, touched his nose, and finally understood the reason for all this.

All of this was naturally written by her senior sister Li Yang. Because of the fragments of the river map, she first found Diandian, and then made a deal with Diandian in exchange for proving the secret of Taoism and Fengshen. The key to the deal It fell on himself.

After the transaction is completed, Diandian can get the Secret of Conferred God, and he can also get the fragments of the river map, which is a win-win situation.

But the key point is... why is Senior Sister Li Yang so sure that she can help Diandian find the way to prove the Dao and become the God?

You know, I have never even heard of the name "Field of the Conferred Gods" before!

Unexpectedly, I believed it after a little bit, and then found myself, and brought me to the Conferred God Realm...

From Chen Xi's point of view, all of this is full of too many uncertainties, especially when he sees the appearance of this Immortal King Realm existence who completely believes in him, Chen Xi is also under a lot of pressure, and his head is shaking. Big circle.

"What if..." Chen Xi pondered for a long time, and couldn't help asking.

"There is no chance, do your best, and obey the fate." Diandian interrupted with a direct smile, "What's more, in terms of understanding and grasping the secrets of heaven, your Shenyan Mountain ranks first in the Three Realms."

This time, she didn't hide and said the word "Shenyan Mountain"!

Chen Xi smiled wryly, being so trusted by an immortal king, he didn't know whether he should be thankful or helpless.

"I don't know how Senior Sister planned it, and she didn't notify me in advance..." Chen Xi sighed in his heart, but immediately stopped thinking about it.

From the time of cultivation until now, Senior Sister Li Yang has helped him more than once, and each action has a deep meaning, which made Chen Xi very sure that Senior Sister must be doing it for her own good, and would not put herself in danger.

"Meditate with peace of mind, the youngest junior in Shenyan Mountain. I don't have much pressure, and you don't have to be burdened."

Dian Dian got up, teased Chen Xi with a light smile, then returned to the side, and began to meditate.

She had helped Chen Xi block a fatal attack in the "Nine Heavens of Calamity and Dao Destroyer Formation" before, and the damage suffered was much worse than that of Shi Yu and Xiang Liuli, and she had to hurry up to repair it now.

"Forget it, let's take one step at a time."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, got rid of distracting thoughts in his mind, and immediately found a secluded place to sit cross-legged.

He carefully opened that piece of jade box, revealing an irregularly shaped fragment of the river map, which was quietly placed in the jade box, exuding an ancient and primitive atmosphere.

This is the sixth fragment of the river map that I have seen. What kind of surprise will it bring me this time?

At this moment, Chen Xi's eyes became hot little by little. When he just touched the fragments of the river map in the jade box with his fingers, there was a strange buzzing sound in the sea of ​​consciousness, and he had already ingested the fragments of the river map in the jade box. Walk.


In an instant, all the fragments of the river map in the sea of ​​consciousness fused together, suddenly producing a majestic and ancient aura, overwhelming the sky, and exploding in Chen Xi's mind.

All kinds of obscure and mysterious patterns and textures flashed in Chen Xi's mind at an astonishing speed like a fleeting image.

In an instant, it seems that thousands of years have passed.

The ups and downs of the earth, the decay of all things, the passage of time, the ups and downs of a hundred generations... Every kind of world scene that happened in the chaotic universe is inconceivably presented and evolved.

This kind of feeling, like experiencing thousands of different lives in an instant, that majestic experience even made Chen Xi feel as if he was about to explode.


Chen Xi's head shook, and he completely lost his senses.

All of this happened in his sea of ​​consciousness, and from the outside, he looked calm, sitting cross-legged, breathing long and continuously, like a clay statue, and nothing unusual happened.

In this way, it did not attract the attention of the three nearby Immortal King Realm existences.


I don't know how long it has passed, like a deep sleep that has gone through endless years, and like just taking a nap, a strong sound like the beating of a big drum resounded in Chen Xi's sea of ​​consciousness.

The voice was extremely rhythmic, unspeakably wonderful, as if a life was about to break out of its shell.


Just when Chen Xi was stunned, he felt a rumbling sound. In his Dao Heart, it was as if the chaos had just opened, and a spring thunder of startling stings was produced, and a burst of "mysterious power of the heart" rushed out like a volcanic eruption.

So surging!

So exuberant!

So boiling!

Dye his dao heart into a golden and transparent color!

Then, Chen Xi noticed a scene that left him speechless.

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