divine talisman

Chapter 1337 The Mysterious Eye [Part 2]

Wisps of golden light are floating, turning into strands of mysterious dao patterns, enveloping the surroundings.

A baby-like villain with delicate features, sitting cross-legged in the Dao Heart, hesitating and meditating, glowing brightly, filled with a holy and complete atmosphere.

And as the villain breathes, streams of pure and substantial "mysterious power of the heart" circulate continuously, turning into wisps of golden light, drifting and transpiring, making the villain look like a god.

The Realm of the Infant!

In an instant, Chen Xi judged that his cultivation of mental power had actually transformed from the state of "heart and soul" at this moment, and condensed into a "heart baby"!

And this was also the reason why Chen Xi was dumbfounded.

The secret power of the heart is divided into four realms: heart energy, heart pill, heart soul, and heart baby.

Because this kind of power is too illusory, there are very few ways to cultivate the secret power of the heart in the world. Like in the human world, nine out of ten of the millions of sentient beings don't know what the secret power of the heart is.

Even those who know the secret power of the heart, most of them simply think that only those who kill the great sinners can gather the secret power of the heart, and they cannot master the cultivation method.

For example, if Chen Xi hadn't obtained the method of "Boundless Merit and Virtue" from the Talisman World Yan Pagoda, it would be impossible for him to reach the realm of the heart and soul with the secret power of his heart.

Regrettably, even though he already possessed the method of cultivating the secret power of the heart, Chen Xi had been stuck in the realm of the heart and soul until just now, which shows how difficult it is to cultivate the secret power of the heart.

But now, his secret power of heart has suddenly broken through to the "heart baby" stage, and in this process, he still didn't notice it. How could Chen Xi not be shocked?

Heart infant realm!

According to what Chen Xi knew before, if he wanted to advance to the realm of the Immortal King and control the Dao of the Immortal King, the premise was to have the mental strength cultivation at the level of the Infant Heart, and the second was to compete for the luck of the heavens and gather the body of the Immortal King!

It can be said that this threshold alone has blocked an unknown number of half-steps from advancing to the Immortal King Realm, let alone competing with the heavens to gather the body of the Immortal King.

But now, Chen Xi only has a late-stage cultivation of Da Luo Jinxian, but he has already mastered the mental strength cultivation of the "heart baby" level, and even he is surprised and shocked.

If this incident gets out, even those half-step Immortal King-level old antiques will be so shocked that their jaws will drop to the ground. Things like this are simply shocking!

"All of this must be due to the fragments of the river map..."

Soon, Chen Xi calmed down, and roughly understood that this was the benefit brought to him after fusing the sixth river map fragment.

At this time, he was in a strange state. He obviously recovered his sanity, but he couldn't open his eyes. The energy mechanism of his whole body was in a strange state of operation, as if he was meditating and practicing, and he seemed to be enlightening.

Most importantly, Chen Xi himself was unable to stop all of this!

It seemed that there was an invisible force that was leading his whole body to move. Naturally, it didn't make him feel any discomfort. Instead, he felt like he was in the spring breeze and in his embrace.

In this miraculous and unspeakable situation, Chen Xi could clearly feel that his cultivation base was actually rising steadily at the speed of rising tides!

The celestial power around him is surging, cheering, and skyrocketing.

The air mechanism in his body was boiling, roaring, and transforming at an astonishing speed.

Unfortunately, Chen Xi didn't feel any discomfort, his own Immortal Foundation was still thick and solid, and his own aura didn't become disordered due to the surge in strength...

Everything is so natural.

It's unbelievable!

You know, it has been less than half a year since Chen Xi advanced to the late stage of Da Luo, but right now, his cultivation level has been continuously improved, climbing up like mushrooms after a spring rain, and in just a few breaths, his whole body cultivation level has already begun. It tends to be full, stable, and perfect, and there is a faint sign that it is about to break through!

"Is this... is it also a benefit from the Fragment of the River Map..."

Chen Xi was also a little dazed at the moment. Just now, the secret power of his heart had broken through and entered the realm of the baby of the heart. Now that his own cultivation had reached perfection again, there were faint signs of being promoted to a holy immortal. All of this was too shocking. Surprised.

He couldn't help but shift his attention, staring at the fragments of the river map in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Sure enough, he saw that the six fragments of the River Map, which had been fused together, had a faint layer of translucent halo on the ancient and dark surface at this moment, floating quietly, spinning, and casting a blurred luster of nothingness.

From the moment he entered the Conferred God Realm, the fragments of the river map began to change. First, they took away his Dao Lingzhu silently, and later, in the "Nine Heavens of Calamity and Dao Extermination", they helped Chen Xi neutralized the impact of the Immortal King's blood in his body, and later, the fragments of the river map took away the "Immortal King's Saint Yuan Heart"...

In the end, after merging the sixth river map fragment, everything seemed to be transformed, which made Chen Xi unexpectedly obtain various surprises.

The secret power of the heart at the heart baby level!

Continuous improvement of self-cultivation!

Everything came so suddenly and so naturally.

And all of this also made Chen Xi realize that the changes in the fragments of the river map this time will definitely not be so simple. Maybe... with the help of the fragments of the river map this time, he can make himself break through to the level of a saint?


Just when this thought arose in Chen Xi's mind, his whole body trembled as if struck by lightning in his sea of ​​consciousness. The next moment, a grand, ancient, and incomparably mysterious pattern suddenly appeared in his mind!

That is an altar!

Standing in the chaotic void, towering into the blue sky, the whole body is pitch black, like a path leading to the outside of the three realms.

Standing in front of it, it is as insignificant as a cloaked ant.

Looking up at it, one can't see the end!

The altar is too old, it seems to stand in the chaotic void for endless years, solemn and silent, watching the vicissitudes of the world, the impermanence of the three worlds, it makes people feel a sense of reverence and piety, as if wishing to kneel down and worship.

"This...couldn't be the Conferred God Altar?"

A flash of inspiration flashed in Chen Xi's mind, and the next moment, his vision appeared on the altar, where there was chaos, as gray as in the beginning of the void, and the whole world was still in chaos.

Then, Chen Xi saw a golden list, like a horizontal scroll, spread out in the chaos, as if stretched across the two poles of the sky!

However, due to the cover of chaos, even if Chen Xi tried his best, he was unable to see the true content of that list, let alone see clearly what was recorded on it.

"What is this? List of Conferred Gods?"

Chen Xi was stunned.


Immediately, in the chaos, one eye suddenly opened.

The moment Chen Xi met that eye, his whole body felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, his whole body was cold, and he couldn't help shivering.

What kind of eye is that?

It is dark, deep, cold, indifferent, and it seems that there are infinite runes flickering in it, like the ups and downs of the sky and the earth, the changing of the stars, the changing of the years, the changes of the universe... are all included in it.

Looking from a distance, Chen Xi had a terrifying feeling that his heart had been seen through, that his past life and present life had been exposed.

What is this?

Eye of Heaven?

Or the eyes of a terrifying existence?

This caused Chen Xi to be inexplicably terrified, and even felt extremely disgusted, angry, and violent. He wished he could smash that eye with a punch!


Just when Chen Xi was furious to the extreme, his eyes were bloodshot, and he clenched his fists and wanted to take action, there was a buzzing sound in his mind, and all the images turned into torrents of shattering and disappeared.


Due to his own reaction, Chen Xi suddenly yelled, and the next moment he opened his eyes, completely awake.

"what happened?"

"Little friend Chen Xi, don't you know that you have encountered a demonic obstacle in cultivation?"

A voice of concern sounded, and Chen Xi raised his eyes, only to see Diandian, Shi Yu, and Xiang Liuli, three Immortal Kings, who were all beside him at the moment, with more or less worried expressions on their expressions.

But when they saw him awake, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Xi's situation just now was too abnormal. He was sitting cross-legged and cultivating quietly, but his expression was sometimes startled, sometimes frowning, and then suddenly became ferocious, and even his breath became heavy, as if he had gone mad.

This naturally caught Shi Yu's attention.

"It's nothing."

Chen Xi let out a long breath of turbid air, and said with a smile, but there was still a touch of anger lingering in his heart, but he quickly suppressed it.

"The road of practice is dangerous and unpredictable. Don't be impatient. If you don't take a steady step, you will easily plant demons. During the practice, you will have all kinds of demonic obstacles, which is not good for you."

Shi Yu saw at a glance that Chen Xi's cultivation had improved a lot in this short period of time, and he couldn't help frowning, thinking that his strange behavior just now was caused by too hasty in his cultivation.

"Thank you brother Shi Yu for your teaching."

Chen Xi nodded. His mind was in a state of confusion at the moment, and his expression was inevitably a little dazed.

Noticing this scene, Diandian immediately ordered: "It's fine, you should calm down and adjust your breath first, we will not disturb you for now, and when the state is completely recovered, we will set off for the Conferred God Altar."

As she spoke, she winked at Shi Yu and Xiang Liuli, and they turned around and left together.


Chen Xi couldn't help but took a few deep breaths again, and only then did he completely regain his composure.

"The scenes I saw just now are simply mysterious and bizarre. Why did I feel so angry and violent when I saw that eye?"

"And the towering altar, is it the altar of conferring gods? Then what is the list hidden in the chaos above the altar?"

"Weird, all of this must be the induction produced by the fragments of the river map... But why does it show these pictures?"

Doubts surged into Chen Xi's heart one after another, causing his pair of jet-black eyebrows to wrinkle slowly.

In the end, he deduced nothing.

This is something that can't be helped, maybe when they actually arrive at the Conferred God Altar, they will be able to give an answer...


ps: The third update is around 12 o'clock in the morning.

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