divine talisman

Chapter 1338 The Law of the Holy Path [Part 3]

Fortunately, all is not an illusion.

Chen Xi felt a lot more at ease in his heart when he felt the mental strength cultivation of the Infant Heart Realm, and the cultivation of the Great Luo Realm that had already reached perfection.

The only regret, perhaps, was that he failed to grasp the opportunity of promotion this time, and broke through to the realm of Saint Immortal in one fell swoop, but Chen Xi was already very satisfied.

a day later.

Shi Yu and the others recovered from their injuries and stopped staying immediately, leaving this continent floating in the void.



In the boundless chaotic void, Shi Yu took the lead, leading everyone to gallop at full speed.

Skimmed one after another floating continents, crossed one after another galaxy, and flew away for more than a month without stopping.

Along the way, they encountered all kinds of dangers almost all the time, there were attacks from the blood god's ancient corpse, there were broken time and space turbulence swept across, and there were even many times when they strayed into various places that had lasted for an unknown number of years. In God's restriction, all means were exhausted, and the restriction was broken just now.

During this process, Chen Xi was not affected in any way, and those dangers and murderous intentions were all resolved by the three Immortal King Realm existences with all their strength.

But even so, as a bystander, Chen Xi could still feel that the further he went into the depths of the boundless void, the more terrifying the dangers he would encounter, to the extent that the three Immortal King Realm powerhouses had to be on full alert and be careful not to right.

As for the harvest, it is lackluster.

After all, Shi Yu and the others were not focused on searching for treasures, all they were thinking about was reaching the Conferred God Realm as soon as possible.


this day.

The group of them slowly flew over a sea of ​​stars.

This sea of ​​stars is quite dense, with meteorites flowing and stars circulating in it, transpiring colorful divine light, just like an endless and colorful sea, the scene is extremely spectacular.

Shi Yu and Xiang Liuli stood side by side, looking around while whispering, discussing the next move.

Because according to their speculation, within three days, they can reach the altar of conferring the gods, and what they have to consider at this time is how to compete with other opponents, so as to find the way to prove the way and confer the gods.

In this operation, the opponents will definitely not be too high-spirited. Among the many orthodoxy in the Hongmeng Remains, they will definitely send people to come. This is an obvious thing.

On the other side, Chen Xi was humbly asking for some mysteries about the Holy Fairyland.

The other party is an existence in the Immortal King Realm, and his knowledge shines through the ages, standing proudly at the top of the Three Realms. How could Chen Xi miss such an excellent opportunity.

Along the way, apart from rushing and fighting against dangers, Chen Xi had been asking for advice on matters related to cultivation, and he had gained a lot, often feeling enlightened.


When talking about the condensing of laws, Chen Xi couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

"That's right. What the strong in the Holy Immortal Realm have to do is to integrate all the Da Luo's laws they have mastered and turn them into their own avenue."

Diandian casually said, "The so-called saints have already stepped on the road to the sacred. The reason why they can preach the world is that they have their own Dao."

"When joining the Dao, the more Da Luo's laws are contained, the stronger the power. Similarly, the stronger the power of the Da Luo's laws contained, the stronger the power will be exerted after joining the Dao."

"After joining the Dao, it is called the law of the Holy Dao."

"Ordinary Saint Immortal Realm powerhouses, most of the laws of the holy way mastered are the five elements, yin and yang, wind and thunder, etc., such as the holy way of fire, the holy way of water, etc."

Speaking of this, Shi Yu and Xiang Liuli in the distance sneered, and said, "Like the disciples of Nuwa Dao Palace, the first choice when joining the Dao is the Bright Sacred Dao, which is to use the Da Luo Law that they have mastered. All of them are integrated into the way of light, so as to open up their own holy way of light."

"Because each of them possesses different Laws of Da Luo, and their strengths and weaknesses are also different. Therefore, although they all master the Holy Way of Light, their power and attributes are completely different."

"In other words, after reaching the realm of Saint Immortals, the laws of the Holy Dao mastered by each Saint Immortal seem to have the same name, but they are all unique, because... that is their own Dao."

After listening to the little by little answers, Chen Xi finally understood that there are so many details in the cultivation of the Saint Immortal Realm.

"What about the realm of the Immortal King?" Chen Xi asked.

Hearing a little bit, I couldn't help but smile: "The only way to advance to the Immortal King Realm is to prove the Dao. Use the Holy Dao you have mastered to compete with the sky for luck. The stronger the Holy Dao, the greater the luck, and you can step into the fairyland." The threshold of the King Realm, as for the cultivation of the Immortal King Realm, it is extremely complicated, and when you reach that realm, you will naturally understand."

Chen Xi nodded, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the farther he walked on the road of the Great Dao, the more difficult and obscure it became. Even though he was already in the Great Luo Consummation Realm, there were still two major thresholds of the Saint Immortal and Immortal King that he hadn't crossed yet. , but when you want to reach this step, you don't know how much time it will take and how many dangers you have gone through.

If you add the legendary Conferred God Realm, then you don't know when you will be able to reach it...

Of course, the premise of all this is - alive!

"When joining the Dao, the more laws of Da Luo you master, the greater your power. It seems that you must first condense all the laws of Da Luo you have mastered into the laws of Da Luo..."

Chen Xi pondered silently. From his point of view, his own path was already extremely clear. Even if he joined the Dao, he would definitely integrate all the Laws of Great Luo into the Dao of Talismans, and control his own Holy Dao of Talismans.


In the void far away, a terrifying battle wave suddenly spread out, causing the planets in the void to shake violently.

"Heh, there is actually a confrontation in the Immortal King Realm..."

Shi Yu in front stopped abruptly, raised his head and looked very far away, his eyes were full of fire, as if he had detected all the scenes outside the numerous spaces.

"Unfortunately, it's not the Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao of the Grand Master."

Xiang Liuli also looked into the distance, twitched her lips, and said with some resentment that she was still brooding over the matter of being ambushed by the Supreme Sect last time, and wished to see Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao as soon as possible.

At this time, Diandian and Chen Xi also stopped talking and looked over.

It's a pity that even with the eyes of God's Truth, Chen Xi couldn't see the battle happening far away.

It's not that the Eye of Divine Truth is too weak, it's that his body training is too weak, so that the scope of investigation is extremely limited. If it is a second clone, the situation will be different.

"The opponent is Qiu Qianlin, the head of the Yuanqing Sect in the Hongmeng Taoism, an existence in the Immortal King Realm, and he is a descendant of the ancient fierce beast Mojiu."

Diandian explained softly to Chen Xi, "As for the other party, it is the Heaven-Treading Sage of the Yiyuan Sect. As early as in the Hongmeng period, this Yuanzong was also a behemoth that could coexist with the Nuwa Dao Palace. One mastered the light, and the other mastered Darkness, unfortunately, the Yiyuan Sect encountered a catastrophe when it was established in the Three Realms, and it fell completely..."

Diandian didn't notice at all that when she said the words "Datian Dasheng", Chen Xi's expression suddenly changed slightly. As for what she said in the second half of the sentence, Chen Xi didn't listen at all.

Stepping on the sky!

Isn't that Zhen Liuqing's senior brother?

Why is he here?

Is it also for the secret of sealing the gods?

In an instant, countless years flashed through Chen Xi's mind.

"No, I know that the old ox of Yiyuanzong is so strong that the demon can never contain and suppress it, but now, this old ox is a little bit overwhelmed..."

In front, Shi Yu suddenly raised his eyebrows, as if he had sensed something.

"Someone is secretly helping!"

Diandian and Xiang Liuli spoke in unison.

Hearing this, Chen Xi couldn't help tightening his heart, and couldn't help but ask, "Can you... help the Great Sage Tatian?"


The next moment, everyone's eyes fell on Chen Xi.

Shi Yu and Xiang Liuli were stunned, seemingly puzzled.

But Dian Dian is very clear why they reacted like this, and quickly sent a voice transmission to Chen Xi: "Have you forgotten what I just said, the relationship between Nuwa Dao Palace and Yiyuanzong in the Hongmeng period is like the relationship between light and darkness. Not against each other."

Only then did Chen Xi suddenly realize that he had said something stupid just now. Since the Great Sage Treading Heaven belonged to the One Yuan Sect, he was obviously fooling around by asking Shi Yu and the others for help.

But what Chen Xi didn't expect was that Shi Yu asked thoughtfully, "Brother Chen Xi, that old cow has a good relationship with you?"

Chen Xi didn't shy away from it, and told the truth: "When I was still in the human world, the Great Sage Stepping on the Sky once helped me a lot."

Hearing this reason, Shi Yu and Xiang Liuli exchanged glances, then nodded with a smile and said, "In that case, let's help him."

Chen Xi was startled, a little puzzled.

Xiang Liuli smiled lightly and said: "Although darkness and light have always been incompatible, if there is no darkness, how can there be light? Opposition is not necessarily an enemy."

When they spoke, they had already crossed the colorful sea of ​​stars under their feet, and they were rushing towards the distance at an extremely fast speed.


Terrifying fluctuations resounded through the chaotic void.

The distance was getting closer, and Chen Xi finally saw clearly that in that distant place, the figure of the Great Sage Stepping on the Sky, who was as tall as the sky, was criss-crossing in front of the planets.

He carried a huge dark ax in his hand, and every time he swung it, planets would be smashed and exploded, and the momentum was mighty and overwhelming.

And his opponent was a head like an ancient demon, with a black body, fangs and a green face, and his height was about the same as that of the great sage stepping on the sky.

Obviously, this demon is Qiu Qianlin, the master of the Yuan and Qing sect that Diandian is talking about.

He held a golden trident in his hand, and the golden radiance swept across all directions, suppressing the great sage stepping down so that he could not move.

The scene at that time was that the two Immortal Kings existed, fighting in the boundless void, pointing at the sky and hitting the earth, and the terrifying aftermath smashed and shattered all the planets and meteorites within a million miles, which was extremely terrifying.

But it is obvious that the Great Sage Stepping on the Sky is in a state of being suppressed. Every time he wants to break out, it is like being entangled in his body by an invisible force, and he is immediately suppressed again.

The battle situation is not good for him!


ps: The 4th update is after midnight, friends who can’t wait get up early tomorrow to watch it.

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