divine talisman

Chapter 1339 Chaos of Taoism [Part 4]


The battle was fierce, and all kinds of blazing brilliance filled all directions.

The confrontation between the two Immortal Kings before, that kind of scene can be described as shocking and weeping ghosts and gods.

"You rotten demon, you have been unable to defeat me for so many years, and now you have brought others to deal with me. You are really good at it!"

The great sage stepping on the sky shouted loudly, and suddenly appeared like a thunderbolt. In his hand, the giant dark ax slashed horizontally, disintegrating the opponent's offensive one by one.

"Hmph! Stupid bull, you have been hiding in the dark holy abyss all these years, and with your master protecting you, I really can't help you, but now without your master, I see how long you can struggle today!"

That Qiu Qianlin snorted coldly.

When he spoke, his movements were not slow, and the golden trident set off thousands of lights, wrapped in the power of the berserk fairy king's law, and severely suppressed the great sage Tatian.

The persecution made the Great Sage Ta Tian pale in comparison, so he could only resist passively, and the situation was really aggrieved.

"Wuxiangqi! Get out of here! What's the point of hiding in the dark and shooting cold arrows!"

The Great Sage Tatian roared, this battle was too suffocating, he knew very well that if this continues, he might really fall here.

"Hey, stupid cow, it's useless to scream your throat, this is the realm of the gods, the heavens are disordered, the cause and effect are unknown, and it is impossible for your master to come to save you!"

Qiu Qianlin sneered suddenly, and jumped forward, holding the golden trident in the air to kill, and with a bang, the divine brilliance pierced the air, shaking the Great Sage Tatian staggeringly.

Without waiting for the latter to react, the golden trident swept across again, and hit the Great Sage Tatian again with a bang, causing him to spit out a mouthful of golden blood stains.

"Damn it, it's you Wuxiang again! I will kill you bastard if I go all out!"

Seeing that he was beaten to vomit blood, the great sage Tatian was furious, his eyes were bloodshot, like an angry cow, he ignored Qiu Qianlin's pursuit, jumped back, held a giant dark axe, and turned towards the other side. Slash in the void.


However, not waiting for his figure to move, an invisible wave suddenly arrived, like a soft whip, imprisoning his figure again, so that his blow was missed before he could strike.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qiu Qianlin charged again violently. His burly figure crushed the stars all the way, and the golden trident in his hand burst into billions of golden brilliance, eclipsing the sky and the earth.


With an earth-shattering collision, the Great Sage Tatian was shocked, as if struck by lightning, he coughed up another mouthful of blood, and his rough face turned pale.

But his expression was as crazy as before.

"You don't need to struggle, I will cooperate with Wuxiang Chi, if you can't kill you stupid cow, then you can just kill it with one head." Qiu Qianlin proudly glanced at Tatian Dasheng, with a bang, his figure stretched out, and charged again come.

That kind of posture, just like a look of rushing to kill.


However, at this moment, an incomparably vast beam of bright sword energy pierced through the void, straddled countless stars, and slashed with a wave of supreme power.


Qiu Qianlin was startled, he didn't care about chasing and killing the Great Sage Tatian, and swung the sword energy from the halberd.


The light burst, like two active volcanoes colliding in the void, the momentum is terrifying.

Qiu Qianlin was shocked by this blow, and retreated violently. Planets were crushed and shattered as his figure passed by, and his expression was extremely embarrassing.

"Sword of Shenxuan!" He yelled out in shock and anger, recognizing the identity of the person.

Swish!Swish! ...

Before he could fight back, nine colorful celestial lights came through the sky, swaying dreamily, and with a crash, they actually engulfed Qiu Qianlin's sky-high figure.

"Crown of the Nine Purities!"

Qiu Qianlin lost his voice again in shock and anger, his face was filled with panic, his whole body was shaken, he stretched out the restraint of the Nine Purity Immortal beam, and was about to run away.

But at this moment, with a chirping sound, a round of purple axe pierced through the sky like a crescent moon, and directly cut his throat with a puffing sound, which was unbelievably fast!


The sky was rained with golden blood, and Qiu Qianlin, the master of the Yuanqing sect and a descendant of the ancient demon, died suddenly and quickly on the spot, without any warning.

Because just now, three Immortal King Realm existences jointly shot!

This scene made Tatian Dasheng startled, and he immediately understood everything, but he didn't care so much at the moment, but smiled ferociously, and rushed to the side suddenly.

"Wuxiangqi! You fucking hide!"


The giant dark ax pierced through the air, forcibly tearing a huge crack in the million miles of void, and at the end of the crack, a figure suddenly emerged.

This figure was almost transparent, resembling a swaying twisted branch, extremely weird, but as soon as he appeared, he suddenly turned into a middle-aged man with purple hair, purple lips, and purple clothes.

Obviously, he is the "Wuxiang Chi" in the mouth of the Great Sage Tatian.

"Hmph! Let me let you go this time, the Conferred God Altar is your death date!"

The middle-aged man in purple snorted coldly, his figure flickered, and he wanted to leave out of thin air.


A beam of bright sword energy, nine beams of colorful fairy light, and a round of purple axe appeared out of thin air at the same time, suppressing and killing them.

With a bang, the middle-aged man in purple smiled secretly at this, and then his body exploded, turning into a rain of billions of light, rushing away in all directions.

With the power of Shi Yu, Xiang Liuli and Diandian's joint attack, they only killed most of Guang Yu, and a small part disappeared into the boundless void.

Seeing this, the Great Sage Tatian couldn't help but slapped hard, a little unwilling.

"Brother Tatian."

At this time, Shi Yu and his party had already rushed over, and Chen Xi immediately went up to meet them.

"Hey, it really is you little guy, why did you come here, aren't you afraid of death?"

The figure of the great sage stepping on the sky flashed, and he had turned into a tall man of Zhang Jiu. He first glanced at Shi Yu and the others, and then his eyes fell on the young man in front of him. He frowned and let out a long sigh.

Chen Xi was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect that Tatian Dasheng would be so rude when he saw his first words, but he could hear that the other party was concerned about his own safety, and there was no malicious intention.

"You old cow, when I saved you, are you even stingy with a word of thanks?"

Shi Yu laughed.

"Hmph, if it wasn't for this kid, you guys would have come to help me? You should thank him as well!"

The Great Sage Stepping on the Sky pointed at Chen Xi, and said it as a matter of course.

Shi Yu and Xiang Liuli looked at each other, both were speechless for a while, this old cow is actually so overbearing and unreasonable.

"By the way, Brother Tatian, why did you fight with them?"

Chen Xi hastily changed the subject. He could see that the Great Sage Ta Tian seemed quite dissatisfied with Shi Yu and Xiang Liuli, so he naturally didn't want to see them quarreling.

And Diandian stood on one side from beginning to end, looking at the great sage Tatian thoughtfully, without speaking.

"Sigh, Hongmeng Taoism is in chaos."

The Great Sage Tatian sighed, did not hide much, and revealed the reason.

It turned out that as the Hongmeng Remains became the place where the turmoil of the Three Realms began, many Hongmeng orthodoxy were in danger and eager to choose a way out, so they all set their sights on the outside world.

Some orthodoxy plans to open another gate in the fairy world, and some orthodoxy is attracted by the Supreme Sect and chooses to join the Supreme Sect camp.

But this time when they entered the realm of conferred gods, those who did not join the Supreme Sect were suppressed by the forces of the Supreme Sect.

For example, the great sage Treading Heaven was hunted down by Qiu Qianlin, the leader of the Yuan and Qing sect, and Wuxiang, the leader of the Lingling Sect, under such circumstances.

These two major forces have now taken refuge in the Supreme Master.

Hearing this, Shi Yu and the others all frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

Originally, they thought that the Taishangjiao only dispatched Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao, and at most they would only find a few or two Hongmeng Taoists to cooperate with. Who would have thought that the situation had become so serious.

"How many Hongmeng orthodoxy have been drawn into its subordinates by the Supreme Sect?" Shi Yu asked with a frown.

The Great Sage Stepping on the Sky grinned and said, "If I knew, how could I be fooled by those two bastards?"

It turned out that he was suppressed by Qiu Qianlin and Wu Xiangyu before, but he didn't expect that the other party had already taken refuge in the Supreme Master, and by surprise, he fell into a predicament immediately.

"It seems that the situation is really not good."

A look of solemnity floated between Shi Yu's brows. They already knew before that the leader of the Xutian Sect, Yue Qianchou, and the leader of the Vientiane Sect, Bei Haoling, cooperated with the Supreme Sect to kill their group, but in the end they were killed by Suiren. Ting used it abruptly as a sacrifice, which almost made Suirenting and the others succeed.

Now, if there are more Immortal Kings in the Hongmeng Dao Lineage to cooperate with the Supreme Sect, it will be really troublesome.

Last time it was Chen Xi who helped them resolve a fatal disaster, what about next time?

"However, as far as I know, there are roughly nine Hongmeng orthodoxy who came to the Conferred God Realm this time. Apart from me representing Yiyuanzong, there are eight other orthodoxy inheritors."

The Great Sage Tatian saw that everyone was frowning, and he also knew the seriousness of the situation, so he said immediately, "The worst plan is that they all partnered with the Supreme Master."

"No, now the Master Xutian, the Master of Vientiane, and the Master of Yuanqing have passed away, and there are only five descendants of Hongmeng Taoism left. Among these Taoism, it can be confirmed that Wuxiang, the leader of Lingling, has taken refuge in the Supreme Sect. That is to say, there are still four Hongmeng Taoists who cannot judge the enemy or the enemy."

Xiang Liuli said softly, "That is to say, according to the worst plan, now at Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao's side, there can only be at most five helpers."

After a pause, she continued: "On our side, plus you, Fellow Daoist Ta Tian, ​​there are four Immortal King Realms. The situation is serious, but it is not necessarily powerless to fight."

After Xiang Liuli's analysis, Shi Yu and Diandian also nodded, their expressions much relieved.

The great sage stepping on the sky curled his lips and said, "When did I say that I want to cooperate with you?"

"Brother Tatian, if you are alone..." Chen Xi worried.

Before he finished speaking, the Great Sage Tatian knew what he was going to say, and immediately said angrily: "Okay, okay, listen to your boy's conclusion, right?"

Shi Yu, Xiang Liuli, and Diandian smiled one after another, and they could tell at a glance that the Great Sage Stepping on the Sky did not agree, but he just didn't want to lose his status because of face, and Chen Xi's opening naturally gave the other party a step Down.


ps: I made up two additional updates tonight, and I still owe 12 additional updates. For the rewards of Lemon Boy and X Hao, I will spare time to make two major additional updates.

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