divine talisman

Chapter 1340 The Temple of Conferred Gods [Part 1]

Thank you brothers "ychenhwang" and "Zuiqingtian" for their support~


After the great sage stepping on the sky joined the team, they continued to gallop towards the depths of the void.

On the way, Chen Xi couldn't help but ask Tatian Dasheng about his father.

The answer of the great sage stepping on the sky made Chen Xi a little disappointed.

Because the great sage stepping on the sky only occasionally heard a piece of news about Chen Lingjun a few years ago, but he didn't know exactly where Chen Lingjun was now.

This made Chen Xi can only let go of this concern for the time being, and then asked about Zhen Liuqing and the others.

"They have all practiced well. When you return to the fairy world, you can take a trip to the dark holy abyss, and you will naturally see them."

The Great Sage Stepping on the Sky didn't talk much, and simply answered.


Chen Xi nodded and said no more.

He could feel that as they got closer to the Conferred God Altar, Shi Yu, Xiang Liuli, Diandian, and Tatian Dasheng all became more cautious and had no time to care about other trivial matters.

Two days later.


Shi Yu, who was leading the way, suddenly stamped his feet, and a rare fiery look appeared on his expression.


Everyone lifted their spirits and raised their heads in unison.

I saw that in the distant void, there was chaos, covering the road ahead, like the end of this void, and in that chaotic mist, stood an ancient palace impressively!

The palace is majestic and majestic, with raised eaves and continuous brackets.

This ancient palace is huge, like a shrine opened in the chaos, standing in the sky, surrounded by chaos, and bright stars surround it, releasing blazing light.

Looking around, this palace is so lofty, majestic, and out of reach.

Standing in front of it, it is as insignificant as an ant, not even a tile of the shrine!

In front of the shrine, there is an arched bridge that runs down to form a ladder.

That is a real ladder, every step is like a piece of heaven and earth, the height is awe-inspiring!

Hall of Conferred Gods!

Looking at this miraculously ancient palace, Shi Yu, Xiang Liuli, Diandian, and Tatian Dasheng, the four Immortal King Realm existences, there was a hint of excitement in their expressions at this moment.

This is a mysterious ancient land that has been standing for an unknown number of years since Hongmeng stood upright. Since ancient times, it has attracted an unknown number of Immortal King Realms, trying to find the magic of conferring gods from it, and jump out of the Three Realms in one fell swoop.

Now, it just appeared in front of my eyes!

Regarding this, Chen Xi was equally shocked and speechless. This temple was too majestic and ancient. When he looked over it, he immediately felt as if he had stepped into an independent world. All kinds of strange and obscure auras rushed towards his face, like a raging sea tide!

In an instant, Chen Xi's whole body seemed to be soaked in the laws of heaven, and his internal and external energy mechanisms were extremely suppressed!

It was a feeling of almost suffocation, as if the avenue he had mastered was suppressed to the point where he couldn't lift his head like meeting a king's courtier.


But at this moment, he casually shook the river map in the sea of ​​consciousness, and a wave of obscure fluctuations spread throughout his body, immediately washing away all the discomforts in his body, and his whole body was relaxed.

"Just looking at it from a distance makes me almost suffocate. The power of the Dao in the Divine Palace is too terrifying..." Chen Xi was secretly horrified.

He knew clearly that this was originally a place where only the Immortal King Realm could set foot. It would be strange if he came here in the Great Luo Realm and was not suppressed.

"This is the Hall of Conferred Gods. It is rumored that it is a divine object born in chaos, left behind by Pangu, the ancestor of Chaos Taoism. Only through this hall can one see the real altar of Conferred Gods."

In the ear, there was a little sound.

Chaos Dao Patriarch Pangu!

Hearing that the origin of this temple is so great, Chen Xi was shocked again. It is the No. 1 chaos that created the world!

"Is there any point in passing this temple?"

After calming down, Chen Xi keenly noticed that Diandian's expressions had changed from initial excitement to calmness, even a little dignified, and they were not in a hurry to act.

"That's right, inside and outside the Hall of Conferred Gods, the gods' ban has been imposed, and it is not easy to pass through."

He answered casually.

Forbidden by the gods?

Chen Xi couldn't help but secretly sighed in his heart, it was a divine prohibition, and it contained the power of gods. He was limited to his cultivation now, and no matter how advanced he was in Talisman, he was helpless against this kind of divine prohibition.

"Hmph! It seems that many people have arrived before us."

At this moment, Shi Yu snorted coldly and said, "Come on, before we go to the main hall, let's see how capable those competitors are."

When he was speaking, his figure flashed, and he led the crowd towards the "ladder" in the distance.


When stepping on the first floor of the "ladder", a terrifying force surged.

Shi Yu was already prepared for this, sacrificed the five-color stone, and suddenly propped up a light curtain, resisting the invading terrifying wave in one fell swoop.

"If you are not in a hurry, you can use the restraining power in this 'Tongtian Ladder' to practice. The greater the oppression, the more you can stimulate the potential in your body. I heard from the old man in the door that there are many powerful people in history. Those who use this 'Stairway to Heaven' as a sacred place for self-cultivation have more or less gained a lot of benefits."

Shi Yu shook his head, and with a flash of his figure, he flied towards the top of the ladder holding the five-color light curtain.

Hearing this, Chen Xi couldn't help clicking his tongue. The only ones who dared to do this were those in the Immortal King Realm.

Due to the oppressive power of God's Forbidden and the fact that the "Ladder to Heaven" is too high, Shi Yu sacrificed five-color stones and led the crowd to gallop for a full stick of incense before arriving at the end.

At the end of the Tongtian Ladder is a bluestone road, starting from the ground and extending to the temple, hidden in the misty chaotic mist.

Bits of cold wind blew past, blowing away some of the mist, but the ordinary bluestone road exuded an ancient and desolate atmosphere, as if it had experienced the baptism of endless years.

At this point, Chen Xi finally had a clear view of the Palace of Conferred Gods in front of him. The first thing that caught his eyes was a magnificent gate with countless mysterious runes engraved on it.

Those runes were extremely ancient and obscure, like tadpoles twisting and swimming one by one, Chen Xi could only vaguely make out some of the writing, "Qian, Kun, Mie, Ban, Break, Seal, Escape, Kill, Li...

For most of the others, Chen Xi had never heard of them, had never seen them before, and they were like "God's Words".

In addition, the walls, eaves, and stone pillars of the temple... are all made of unknown sacred stones. After being eroded by endless years, they are still shining and spotless, releasing an awe-inspiring solemn atmosphere .

"Heavenly Sage!"

"Nuwa Taoist Palace Shi Yu, Xiang Liuli?"

"Immortal King Weiyang?"

When Chen Xi and his group appeared on the bluestone road in front of the temple, there was a sudden burst of surprise.

It wasn't long before Chen Xi saw that in the chaotic mist, there were still standing figures, about five or six people, including a man and a woman, all of whom were majestic and mighty as if they were overlords.

Looking from afar, Chen Xi felt a stabbing pain in his eyes.

Obviously, this is a group of Immortal King Realm existences!

When they saw these people, Shi Yu and the others' expressions darkened slightly. They found that Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao of the Supreme Master were not among them.

Even Wuxiang, the leader of the Lingling leader who was almost killed by them before, was not there.

However, according to Xiang Liuli's previous analysis, among the people of the Hongmeng Taoist lineage who came to the God Conferred Altar this time, excluding those who had died, there were only four Hongmeng Taoist lineages who could not judge the enemy.

And looking at the situation in front of me, it has exceeded the number of four!

To put it simply, the number of Immortal King Realm beings who came to the Conferred God Altar this time has exceeded their previous estimates.

"Old monkey, why don't you go in?"

The Great Sage Tatian spoke in a low voice, and looked at a person in the distance. The figure of that person was thin, with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, but his eyes were full of sharp eyes, revealing a violent and unruly look.

At the same time, the great sage Ta Tian sent a voice transmission to the others, "The old monkey is a casual cultivator from Kongling Mountain, named Sun Wuhen, and the five people next to him are all leaders of different Hongmeng Taoism."

In fact, without his introduction, Shi Yu and the others roughly recognized each other.

After all, it's not like they haven't been to Hongmeng's Legacy, and since they both exist in the Immortal King Realm, they can guess each other's origins with a little deduction.

But what they couldn't confirm was how many of the opponent's six Immortal King Realm existences had already taken refuge under the Supreme Master's command.

"Hmph, three old things have died tragically in it just now. If you are not sure, who dares to break in?" Sun Wuhen, who was called an "old monkey" by the great sage, turned his face and disdainfully. Said.

Has someone already fallen into it?

Hearing this, Shi Yu and the others all trembled in their hearts, and their expressions became dignified. This is an existence in the Immortal King Realm, and every time one falls, it is enough to cause an uproar in the Three Realms.

Today, there are three existences in the Immortal King Realm who have fallen in the Hall of Conferred Gods. How can this not be shocking?

"Oh? Who are the unlucky ones?"

The Great Sage Tatian seemed to be quite familiar with that Sun Wuhen, and continued to ask.

"Fu Xiaochen from Xuanyun Sect, that old bear from Baidi Ridge, and Wuxiang from the Lingling Sect..."

Sun Wuhen replied casually.

No Phase!

Hearing this name, Shi Yu and the others were slightly taken aback again.

"Did they go in with Suirenting and others from the Supreme Sect?"

Xiang Liuli couldn't help asking.

"I don't know that."

Hearing the word Taishangjiao, Sun Wuyin was startled, then shook his head, not sure if he really didn't know or pretended not to know.

"They are indeed a gang."

At this moment, a gray-robed dignified middle-aged man said in a deep voice, "I arrived at this time, and I happened to see them entering the Conferred God Hall together."

Shi Yu looked up, and immediately recognized that the majestic middle-aged man in the gray robe was Yi Ranfeng, the lord of the Shangxiao Palace of the Hongmeng Dao Lineage.

"So, apart from those dead immortal kings, Suirenting and the others have passed through the Hall of Conferred Gods and arrived at the Conferred God Altar?" Xiang Liuli frowned.


ps: The second update will be released on time by a friend of the author at 10 o'clock. I have to catch the 9:2 p.m.

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