divine talisman

Chapter 1341 The Forbidden Battle King [Part 2]

As soon as Xiang Liuli said this, even Chen Xi couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

According to his limited cognition, it can also be deduced that the method of proving the Tao and conferring the gods that made these immortal kings willing to risk their lives to find it is hidden on the conferred god altar.

Now, if the Supreme Master got it in advance, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Yi Ranfeng, the owner of Shangxiao Palace, nodded and said: "It should be so."

After getting the exact answer, Shi Yu and the others couldn't help but sink in their hearts, feeling urgent.

"We can't wait any longer, we act now."

Xiang Liuli said bluntly.

"it is good!"

Without thinking too much, Shi Yu, Diandian, and Tatian Dasheng also agreed one after another.

As for Chen Xi, whether he agrees or not, he has to follow them.

"Wait a minute, everyone."

Seeing this, Yi Ranfeng hurriedly said, "We were discussing to enter the Palace of Conferred Gods together, if you don't dislike it, why don't you join in together?"

As soon as this remark came out, it also aroused the echo of several other inheritors of Hongmeng Taoism.

"That's right. The Palace of Conferred Gods is densely covered with restrictions, like a vast maze, and there are many dangers in it. Only by uniting together and gathering more strength can the danger be resolved to the greatest extent."

"This palace is the test of conferring the gods. There are many dangers. It can be said that you have a narrow escape. Don't act rashly. Why don't we act together, discuss an excellent strategy, and then take action?"

When Shi Yu heard the words, he glanced at those people of the Hongmeng Taoist lineage, and finally shook his head and refused: "No need, compared to those dangers, I am more worried about the people around me harboring evil intentions."

After all, he had already brought Xiang Liuli, Diandian, the Great Sage Tatian, and Chen Xi into the gate of the main hall, and his figures disappeared in an instant.

"What does this mean?"

"Does he suspect that we will harm them?"

"Damn it, these descendants of Nuwa Taoist Palace are really arrogant!"

Hearing Shi Yu's unceremonious refusal, the faces of those members of the Hongmeng orthodoxy all sank, extremely displeased.

Only Yi Ranfeng said calmly: "What he said is not bad, you must not have the intention to harm others, and you must not have the intention to guard against others."

Seeing this, everyone snorted coldly, obviously they didn't agree with Yi Ranfeng's words.

"However, it's good for them to act in advance. They just showed us the way. If we follow, we may be able to avoid a lot of trouble."

Yi Ranfeng changed the subject and said with a chuckle.

When the others heard the words, they immediately understood that, indeed, if Shi Yu and the others were leading the way, even if they encountered some dangerous murders, they could use them as cannon fodder.

"In this case, let's act quickly."

Someone couldn't help but say.

"That's right, one step later, I'm afraid that if you enter the Conferred God Altar, the secret method of proving the way and conferring the gods will be snatched away by others."

Others also joined in.

Seeing this, Yi Ranfeng nodded immediately, turned around and took the lead towards the main hall.

Others quickly followed.

Sun Wuhen walked at the end, he looked at Yi Ranfeng's back thoughtfully, and thought to himself: "How do I feel, this guy seems to have been waiting for Tatian Dasheng and the others to appear..."

Immediately, he shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

There are many murderous intentions in the Palace of Conferred Gods, and there is no room for him to think wildly.


When Chen Xi and his group entered the Palace of Conferred Gods, a dazzling light came over them, and when Chen Xi looked at the scene in front of him, his heart was shocked!

In this palace of conferring gods, there is actually a big world!

In this world, there are mountains and lakes, the sun, the moon and stars, the growth of all things, and the latitude and longitude of heaven and earth... and their current location is in a void, overlooking this vast world.

It can be clearly seen that in the center of this world, there is a long bluestone road, extending from the foot to the endless distance.

"The cornerstone of the avenue!"

Shi Yu recognized this road, and his expression became serious. "Everyone, be careful. If you step on this road, you will face many murders and dangers. You must not be negligent in any way."

Everyone's heart trembled, and each sacrificed their own favorite fairy treasures.


The five-color stones were shining and colorful, engulfing them and flying to the bluestone path called "the cornerstone of the avenue".


As soon as he stopped, Chen Xi's pupils narrowed slightly, and his eyes were attracted by a spot on the bluestone road.

There was a footprint there, which was deeply imprinted in the bluestone. It seemed ordinary, but when Chen Xi glanced away, he could clearly feel a sharp, chilling, terrifying aura like a sword, emanating from that footprint.

What kind of person is able to imprint his own footprints in this hall of gods, without being obliterated after countless years?

Unfortunately, this time Chen Xi guessed wrong.

The implication of these footprints is not to prove the strength, but to represent a strong person in the Immortal King Realm who died here when he took the first step into the Palace of Conferred Gods!

Shi Yu and the others were naturally aware of this, so when they saw that footprint, their faces were extremely solemn, their bodies roared, and they were running with all their strength, not daring to be negligent in the slightest.


Shi Yu took a deep breath, a look of determination flashed across his brows, wrapped the crowd with five-color stones, and took a step forward together.


Chen Xi only felt a sudden roar in his head, the surrounding world was spinning, his field of vision was shifting, and the terrifying loud noise shook his head so hard that it looked like stars.

When the field of vision became clear again, Chen Xi was shocked in his heart.

Because he suddenly discovered that they had appeared on an ancient battlefield, bleeding everywhere, with bones piled high, and black smoke rising straight into the sky.

And on this ancient battlefield, there are tall figures wearing bronze armor, holding all kinds of magic weapons, and filled with blood-colored radiance, surrounding them all!

These figures can be said to be overwhelming. Looking around, they are densely packed in every corner of the ancient battlefield.

From Chen Xi's point of view, the aura of each bronze figure was not weaker than that of a half-step immortal king!

And in the center of the ancient battlefield, there stood a ten thousand zhang tall figure towering over the sky, with a breath like a deep abyss like a prison, a head of blood-colored long hair falling down like a waterfall, and a terrifying existence wearing a blood-colored cloak.

His pair of eyes were as big as two lakes, and he was looking at them coldly. His eyes were extremely terrifying, as if just one look could make a peerless strong man fly out of his wits and die on the spot!

This is definitely an existence in the Immortal King Realm, and it is also the kind with incomparable strength!

Because Chen Xi noticed that when they saw that tall figure with bloody hair like a waterfall, Shi Yu's and the others' expressions changed slightly, making them a bit ugly.

But because of Shi Yu's defense, Chen Xi didn't feel any terrible coercion, that's why he was able to clearly witness everything before him.

Otherwise, if he was alone, he might be wiped out by the terrifying aura of this ancient battlefield in an instant.

"Immortal King's Consummation Realm! It's only a hair's breadth away from the Conferred God Realm!"

"There are [-] half-step fairy king 'bronze warriors' in the field!"

"This should be the 'War King's Forbidden' in the Hall of Conferred Gods. It is a supreme divine ban. If you want to pass it, you must kill the 'War King' who sits on the ancient battlefield within a stick of incense!"

"It's just weird that the aura of this 'War King' is too terrifying. This is the first restriction of the Palace of Conferred Gods."

"Hmph, the ban on the King of War changes very regularly. If my guess is correct, the 'War King' they encountered in the Taishang Jiaosui Renting Court should be the weakest in the Immortal King Realm, but when it comes to us, it has evolved into The strongest warrior!"

"It's no wonder the old monkeys didn't come in for a long time. They were waiting for us to take the lead. When they entered the battle king's ban next time, the 'war king' they encountered became the weakest again. They really would take advantage of it... ..."

"At this time, we can't care so much. We must kill that 'immortal king' within the time of a stick of incense, otherwise, after a stick of incense, we will never be able to get out of this divine prohibition!"

In an instant, Shi Yu and the others had finished communicating with each other with their minds, and there was a hint of murderous intent in their expressions.


Shi Yu held the five-color stone in his left hand and the Shenxuan Sword in his right hand, and led the crowd out violently. The terrifying sword light slashed and killed hundreds of bronze warriors in an instant.

At the same time, Xiang Liuli, Diandian, and Tatian Dasheng also used their own methods to charge forward together with Shi Yu.

All of a sudden, stumps flew across the sky, and blood filled the air.

The entire vast ancient battlefield, the moment Shi Yu and the others took action, seemed to be revived, and there was a sudden sound of beating drums, roars, and shouts of killing...

The wolf smoke billowed, and densely packed bronze warriors rushed from all directions.

And in the center of the ancient battlefield, the "King of War" stood still, his gaze was cold and indifferent, scanning the side, like a king, controlling the soldiers from all directions, and dominating the whole field.




At this moment, Shi Yu and the other four immortal kings were unreserved, and their bodies were bursting with divine brilliance, full of supreme divine power. Every time they made a move, they would harvest thousands of bronze warriors, killing them until blood flowed into rivers, and the sky and the earth were all red. The sun and the moon are dim.

This is a bronze warrior comparable to a half-step fairy king!

And an Immortal King Realm was able to harvest hundreds of bronze warriors in one fell swoop. Chen Xi was also dumbfounded by such a scene, and finally fully realized the gap between an Immortal King and a half-step Immortal King. It is simply a difference between clouds and mud, one in the sky and the other in the ground, there is no way to compare them.

Of course, no matter how vulnerable those bronze warriors are, it is easier to kill an existence in the Great Luo Realm like Chen Xi than it is to kill all the ants.

This is the gap in realm, which cannot be crossed.

Because of Shi Yu and the others charging forward, and with the protection of the five-color stone, Chen Xi didn't encounter any danger, and likewise, he couldn't help at all.

At this moment, he could only watch what happened, unable to do anything.

This made Chen Xi unavoidably depressed, and he couldn't help but have some doubts about the meaning of this trip that Senior Sister Li Yang had arranged for him.

However, Chen Xi didn't notice at all that the fragments of the river map in the sea of ​​consciousness seemed to be half aware of something at this moment, and woke up from the silence again, producing a slight wave of imperceptible fluctuations...

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