divine talisman

Chapter 1342 Immortal God Mark [Part 3]

The corpses are like mountains, and the rain of blood is like waterfalls!

Led by Shi Yu, they rushed straight to the "War King" in the center of the battlefield.

However, because there were too many bronze warriors, densely packed like a vast ocean, they rushed towards this side without fear of death, which greatly hindered their progress.

From a distance, the group of them is like a lone boat, rampaging in the sea of ​​enemies, and there is no way to get close to the "War King" in the middle of the battlefield in a short time.

"Time is running out, kill!"

After half a sound, Shi Yu raised his head to the sky and screamed, his voice was like thunder, resounding in all directions. When he spoke, the Shenxuan sword in his hand pierced the air and turned into an endless rain of swords, sweeping away, killing thousands of bronze warriors in an instant.

They must kill that "War King" within a stick of incense, otherwise they will no longer be able to get out of this divine prohibition, and that means that their group will all perish here!

So at this time, no one dared to be negligent, and they all displayed their own housekeeping skills.


The celestial light of Jiuqing soared into the sky like a divine rainbow, flying in all directions, like a nine-headed dragon moving around in an ancient battlefield, bringing up waves of blood one after another.

Chi Chi!

The Huangji Shenyue turned into a purple waning moon in the sky, and shot around like a sharp blade. Wherever it passed, the surging enemy group was forcibly cut into shocking bloody cracks.


Compared with Xiang Liuli and Diandian's shots, the Great Sage Tatian's approach was more direct, he repeatedly slashed with the giant dark axe, every time the ax fell, it must be earth-shattering, countless pieces of flesh were splashed, and pillars of blood lifted into the air.

This battle was brutal.

The four immortal kings raced against time and exhausted all means.

Because this is a restriction of the gods in the Temple of the Conferred Gods, if you cannot pass it, you will be sentenced to life and death!

At that time, don't talk about the mysterious method, even your life will be confessed here.

Under such circumstances, how dare Shi Yu and the others take it lightly?

Because of their concentration, they didn't even notice that Chen Xi, who was protected by them in the center, was in a strange state at the moment.


In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the fragments of the river map vibrated repeatedly, spreading out wisps of strange power fluctuations, covering Chen Xi's entire body and soaking his soul.

All of this was so abrupt that Chen Xi didn't even know how the fragments of the river map would change again in this murderous ancient battlefield.

And all these changes are still so violent...


Before Chen Xi could react, he felt as if a thunderbolt resounded in his mind, and his vision seemed to be shattered, causing his soul to tremble.

When he woke up again, he suddenly found that everything in his vision had changed!

The densely packed bronze warriors turned into strange and dense runes, twisted like wandering tadpoles.

The sky, earth, and space in the ancient battlefield all turned into obscure patterns composed of twisted and mysterious runes.

Even the tall "War King" standing in the middle of the battlefield, with blood flowing like a waterfall, turned into a mysterious and terrifying rune.

Yes, at this moment, in Chen Xi's field of vision, everything in the ancient battlefield has evolved into runes!

He had seen those runes on the gate of the Palace of Conferred Gods before, they were obscure and mysterious, twisted like earthworm tadpoles, just like "God's pattern".

It's just that at this moment, these runes are flowing, turning into bronze warriors, the world here, and the "War King" standing here, releasing infinite murderous intent!

"Is this the true face of 'Forbidden God of War'..."

A flash of inspiration flashed in Chen Xi's mind, and he guessed everything.

But soon, Chen Xi couldn't care about these things, because he suddenly discovered that although the bronze soldiers with mysterious runes all over the sky were defeated by Shi Yu and the others, and blood rained down, they didn't really die.

It didn't even take long for their minced meat, rain of blood... to re-condense, and then they fought bravely again!

Of course, in Chen Xi's eyes, everything turned into broken mysterious runes being reassembled.

what does this mean?

It means that the bronze warriors in this ancient battlefield can never be killed!

hum ~ hum ~

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the fragments of the river map were still buzzing and trembling, reminding Chen Xi that all this was not over yet.

It was in this strange state that in Chen Xi's field of vision, all the mysterious and obscure runes became clearer and clearer, and he was even able to distinguish the smallest runes among those runes. How does the pattern track work...

"It turns out that that is the most essential trajectory of the Five Elements Avenue."

"There is also Fenglei..."

"yin and yang……"

"The stars..."

Soon, various understandings flooded Chen Xi's heart. From the dense runes, he recognized the power of the Dao that he was familiar with.

It's just that at this time, all these avenue powers have turned into mysterious and distorted obscure runes, and the flowing trajectory of the texture of those runes is the most essential feature of various avenues.

Like the avenue of fire, the original trajectory appears wanton and flexible, it is not static, on the contrary, it will evolve like water, grow like wood, and thick and condense like soil...

The same goes for other avenues.

With more and more comprehensions, Chen Xi finally dared to be convinced that those mysterious and obscure runes were composed of the true original power of the Great Dao!

They are not Taoism, not laws, and not Da Luo Shenwen... but the real power of the Dao, returning to the original, presented in the form of runes.

Vaguely, Chen Xi caught a kind of enlightenment.

It is a clear understanding of the "harmonious way" in the holy fairyland. To advance to the holy fairyland, you need to integrate the various laws of Daluo you have mastered into one, and open up your own "law of the holy way". This is the way of harmony .

Before, although Chen Xi was clear about this, he couldn't figure out what to do specifically, because he was only at the Perfection Realm of the Great Luo Realm, not yet a Saint Immortal.

But now, in front of his eyes, the mysterious runes composed of various origins of different avenues seemed to merge all kinds of avenues into the "Avenue of Talismans"!

That feeling, as if everything in this ancient battlefield had staged a process of "harmony" vividly for him!

hum ~ hum ~

The fragments of the river map in the sea of ​​consciousness fluctuated more and more violently. If it was as turbulent as the Yangtze River before, now it is like the turbulent waves in the sea.

Before Chen Xi understood more mysteries, everything in his field of vision suddenly changed again!

This time, Chen Xi was stunned to discover that the runes he saw in his field of vision were filled with a divine aura one by one, and even the trajectory of the runes was filled with a magical and indescribable rhythm.

what is this?

Chen Xi couldn't understand it anymore, and was at a loss.

That kind of power is too terrifying, as if it is supreme, it is not something that he can touch now, maybe this is the real God's prohibition, full of God's law!


And then, Chen Xi was shocked to discover that the runes all over the sky kept swarming towards him as if being pulled by an invisible force!

And for all of this, the four Immortal King Realm existences around him were completely unaware...

How is this going?

Chen Xi was horrified. Those runes were all transformed by bronze warriors, and they all rushed towards him. What if they killed him?

But what happened the next moment proved that Chen Xi's worries were unnecessary.

When the first rune rushed into his body, it didn't cause any damage, but turned into an indescribable warm current, flooding his whole body.

And then, Chen Xi suddenly felt that the power of the Dao of Fire under his control had actually faintly increased by a tiny bit!


Before Chen Xi could understand all of this, strands of runes poured into his body like a tide, continuously flowing, as if there was no end.

During this process, it also did not cause any discomfort. On the contrary, all of this was like a bubbling warm current, rapidly improving Chen Xi's control over various avenues!

Almost in an instant, his control over the three great laws of good fortune, immortality, and devouring has condensed into a brand-new Daluo god pattern "Immortal God Pattern"!

It evolves endlessly, devours the sky and devours the earth, so it is eternal and immortal, which is called "immortality"!

All of this happened so abruptly and so quickly that Chen Xi didn't even have time to think about why, and then all of this happened, which naturally made Chen Xi shocked and even bewildered.

Fortunately, the only thing he knows is that this is caused by the change of the fragments of the river map, otherwise he really doubts whether his sanity and mind have been invaded by demons and fell into hallucinations...

This is not the end.

In the following time, with the influx of runes, Chen Xi once again mastered the "Tai Chi Divine Pattern" condensed from the four great principles of darkness, light, yin, and yang.The "God of Nirvana" is condensed from the two avenues of the other side and the sinking.Depend on……

So far, all the laws of the Great Dao mastered by Chen Xi have reached the level of the Daluo God Pattern, namely the Five Elements God Pattern, the Wind and Thunder God Pattern, the Star Annihilation God Pattern, the Taiji God Pattern, the Nirvana God Pattern and the Space God Pattern.

"Huh? No, why did the 'War King' become weaker?"

"Maybe he was just putting on airs before."

"Also a possibility."

"What to do with so many, kill first and then talk!"

Suddenly, a burst of noise sounded, waking Chen Xi awake, and before he could see the situation clearly, a terrifying roar of fighting spread out.

After a while—

"It's done!"

"This 'Battle King's Forbidden' is nothing more than that."

"Don't be too happy, this is just the first step in the Palace of Conferred Gods, and there will be more terrifying restrictions in the future."

"Hey, what's wrong with you, Chen Xi?"

When Chen Xi's vision became clear, he suddenly realized that he had escaped from the ancient battlefield and returned to that seemingly endless bluestone road.

Beside them, Shi Yu and the others were looking at themselves in doubt.

Seeing this, Chen Xi came to his senses completely, shook his head and said, "It's okay, the battle was too fierce just now, my mind was inevitably affected to some extent, and now I have recovered."

Hearing this, Shi Yu and others suddenly realized.

At the same time, in the "Forbidden God of War", with Shi Yu and the others leaving, the ancient battlefield returned to silence.

But above the dark cloud billowing sky, there is a deep, cold, indifferent eye that opens, and then disappears in a flash...

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