divine talisman

Chapter 1343 The Prohibition of the Witch Python [Part 2]

Avenue cornerstone.

This name is what Shi Yu and the others said about the green stone road in front of them.

Rumor has it that on this bluestone road, there are 36 layers of prohibitions of the gods, each layer has a different killing intent and danger, and it is extremely difficult to overcome.

Since the beginning of Hongmeng till now, I don't know how many Immortal Kings have set foot here, but only a small group of people may have passed this bluestone road, and most of the others hate this place.

Either fall into the restriction and be trapped to death.

Or be directly suppressed and killed by the ban.

But no matter how dangerous this place is, it still can't stop the presence of the Immortal King Realm from coming, because at the end of this bluestone road is the Conferred God Altar.

On the altar of conferring the gods, there is the mystery of proving the way and conferring the gods!

Chen Xi was not clear about these things.

Looking at this bluestone road at this moment, countless doubts arose in his heart.

Everything he experienced in the "Forbidden King of War" just now was too unimaginable. The changes caused by the fragments of the river map allowed him not only to see the true face of the "Forbidden King of War", but also gained great benefits from it.

In just less than a cup of tea, he successfully condensed the three avenue divine patterns of "Immortal Divine Pattern", "Tai Chi Divine Pattern", and "Nirvana Divine Pattern"!

And each one is extremely rare supreme divine pattern.

Like the immortal pattern, it contains the three rare profound meanings of good fortune, immortality, and devouring in the world.

Like the Taiji divine pattern, it contains the four great principles of darkness, light, yin, and yang.

If Chen Xi could barely maintain his rationality with these two Da Luo divine patterns, then this "Nirvana divine pattern" really surprised him.

You must know that this divine pattern is condensed by the two supreme laws of the nether world, "the other side" and "sinking". It involves the mystery of reincarnation. Originally, Chen Xi did not intend to use these two great laws at all, but who would have thought, Now, by coincidence, Ning succeeded in condensing it.

The only thing that made Chen Xi feel at ease was that he hadn't comprehended the Dao of Ending yet, otherwise once it was condensed, it would inevitably produce the aura of "reincarnation".

In addition, the power of the runes in the "War King's Forbidden" also shocked Chen Xi, allowing him to glimpse the "unity" method that only the Holy Immortal Realm can comprehend.

Chen Xi was quite sure that when he advanced to the realm of the Holy Immortal, with this insight, he would definitely be able to join the Dao smoothly and develop his own laws of the Holy Dao.

All of the above are gifts from the fragments of the river map!

This also made Chen Xi realize more and more that the fragments of the River Map must have a great connection with this Conferred God Realm, otherwise, they would never change frequently like now, which made him a little caught off guard.

"Strange, that 'God of War' is too easy to kill. At first, I thought it would be impossible for the four of us to take it down in a short time. Who would have thought that it would be so effortless at all."

The great sage Tatian said in a loud voice, he still seemed a little confused.

"Isn't it good that the opponent is weak?"

Diandian couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

In fact, she also felt a little strange in her heart. When she hunted and killed the "War King" in the ancient battlefield before, it was indeed too easy, as if the opponent's strength was emptied a lot at once, it was nothing but appearance.

Hearing this, Chen Xi's heart was moved, and he thought to himself, "Since everything in the ancient battlefield was transformed by the prohibition of the gods, the 'Battle King' is naturally no exception, and those who poured into him due to the abnormal movement of the fragments of the river map The runes in the body, wouldn't it imperceptibly weaken the power of that 'War King'?"

He couldn't be sure, but he had a vague feeling that that was the case.

"Okay, let's hurry up and go."

When Shi Yu opened his mouth, his expression became serious. He surrounded the crowd with five-color stones, and took another step towards the bluestone slab.

A seemingly simple step, but it seems to have crossed a lot of space, and the world changed again in an instant.

The wind roared, and the waves were like fury.

boom -

Waves of extremely foul-smelling sea water turned into turbulent and raging waves and beat continuously.

This is a boundless sea, the black sea surface is biting cold, and dark red blood stains can be faintly seen rolling in the sea water, filled with thick blood.

As soon as Shi Yu and his group appeared, there was a shocking roar of beasts on the distant sea, which was like a roar of thunder, shaking all directions.

Nine-headed monster snakes that looked like towering mountains rushed out of the sea. Their bodies were like floating continents, twisting and twisting, floating up and down, and filled with a terrifying bloody and fierce aura.

And at the end of the group of hydra, stood a hundred-foot-tall figure with a dark blue complexion, covered with scales, with a huge snake head, and blood-colored eyes that illuminated the world like lanterns. There was an incomparably terrifying and monstrous momentum.

The prohibition of the witch python!


Great Demon God Witch Python!

In an instant, the expressions of Shi Yu and the others became extremely solemn.

They naturally recognized that those nine-headed monster snakes were all ancient alien species, who were born to control the power of the nine avenues, manipulate wind, thunder, water and electricity, and possess almost monstrous supernatural powers.

Although the strength of the nine-headed snakes that appeared in front of them was only equivalent to that of a half-step immortal king, they were even more difficult to kill than the bronze warriors in the War King's Forbidden City.

In particular, the Great Demon God Witch Python is a heterogeneous god and demon from the beginning of the chaos, known as the spirit of the ancestral witch. Although it is only a heterogeneous species, its strength makes even the ancient gods fear three points!

"Damn it! When did the restriction of the gods in the Temple of Conferred Gods become so perverted? How could it be the Great Demon God Wu Mang? This is only the second level of the restriction of the gods!"

The great sage Tatian yelled and cursed, his face was ugly.

"It really shouldn't be. According to the previous practice, only the descendants of the Great Demon God Wu Python will appear in the second level of the witch python ban."

Xiang Liuli's expression was also slightly ugly.

"What I'm worried about is that if this situation continues, the ban on the gods will only become more and more terrifying every month. I'm afraid we won't be able to break through a few, so..."

Diandian opened her mouth with a serious expression, and finally held back her words halfway through.

But what she meant, everyone understood.

Indeed, this is only the second level of gods' restriction, the Great Demon God Witch Mang appeared, so what about the future gods' restriction?What if someone more perverted than the Great Demon God Witch Mang appeared?

"No matter what, let's kill them first. Although the time limit for the second level of divine prohibition is one stick longer than that of the first level, if you want to kill that great demon god Wu Bog... I don't know how long it will take!"

Shi Yu took a deep breath, suppressed the surprise in his heart, and the brows were full of fear.

"It can only be done like this!"

"start to act!"

The others were not indecisive, and made a decision immediately.


Shi Yu led the crowd and rushed towards the distance.

All of a sudden, the entire black sea area was once again flooded with endless divine brilliance, and all kinds of immortal treasures swept across the sky, producing terrifying fluctuations one after another.

From the beginning to the end, no one noticed that from the moment he stepped into the "Witch Python's Restriction", Chen Xi fell into that strange state again.

The fragments of the river map are buzzing!

The hydra, the great demon witch python, the sky, the earth, the sea water... everything in the world in front of me has been transformed into various obscure and mysterious runes.

It's just that this time, Chen Xi's field of vision did not show the image of "harmony", but directly generated a force, and began to swallow the runes coming from all directions!

hum ~ hum ~

The fragments of the river map roared continuously, and more and more runes poured into Chen Xi's body.

It didn't take long for him to realize that his mastery of the Five Elements Divine Pattern had reached a perfect level, no matter how difficult it is to improve!

This also means that he has perfectly controlled the power of the Great Dao contained in the Five Elements Divine Pattern!

All of this seemed simple to say, but in fact, too many transformations took place in a very short period of time, and the speed of the transformation made Chen Xi not even have time to experience it in detail.

Everything was the same as last time in "The Forbidden God of War", like an absurd dream, Chen Xi couldn't believe it but had to believe it, and his whole body was stunned like a demon.

There's no way, the metamorphosis came so fast that he didn't even have time to be surprised and pleasantly surprised.

At the moment when Chen Xi controlled the Five Elements Divine Runes to perfection, a sound of surprise and doubt rang in his ears.

"How could this be?"

"Weak! It's too weak!"

"It's only tea time, but the ban on the witch and python seems to have weakened too much..."

"Hahaha, it's all his mother's embroidered pillows. It's not useful, so I'm so worried!"

Accompanied by the sound of the conversation, Chen Xi also came to his senses immediately, and when he looked up, he had already left the "Witch Python's Restriction" and returned to the bluestone road again.

Everything happened too fast!

Back and forth, not even the time for a cup of tea.

Until now, Shi Yu and the others couldn't believe it. He killed the Great Demon God Wu Mang so easily and easily broke the second level of gods' restriction.

What is going on?

Shi Yu and the others did not rush forward this time, but thought about it carefully. This matter was too strange, which made them feel a little uneasy.

Only Chen Xi knew that all of this was due to the fragments of the river map, and he had reaped great benefits from it, but he didn't know how to explain it to them.

Could it be that it was because of the existence of this Great Luo Realm that he weakened the "Witch Python's Prohibition"?

If they say this, they will definitely treat themselves as idiots...

Therefore, at this moment, Chen Xi could only watch his heart, and "make a fortune in silence".

at the same time--

Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao also walked out of the No.30 quadruple gods' prohibition. Both of them were in a bit of a panic, their expressions were slightly pale, obviously they had just gone through an extremely difficult battle.

But when they walked out, they all heaved a long sigh of relief, and there was a sense of relief in their expressions.

"Junior Sister Jiang, hurry up and recover your strength, we only need to pass the last two restrictions of the gods, and we will be the first to reach the altar of conferring gods, and at that time, proving the secret method of conferring gods must be in your pocket! "

Suirenting turned his head and looked at the back of the bluestone road, with a hint of coldness on his lips, "As for the others, hmph, this time it will most likely be difficult to leave the Conferred God Realm alive!"


ps: I received a notice from the editor at night, and tomorrow morning I will cooperate with the website to conduct a text interview, ahem, an interview with Fu Huang~~ so there will be 2 updates tonight, I need to prepare~~ Rest assured, the next paragraph I will try my best to add updates in time, and without accident, there will be a 10th update at the end of the month~

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