divine talisman

Chapter 1344 Constant Changes [Part 1]

Jiang Lingxiao was very clear about Suirenting's arrangement.

When they entered the Temple of the Conferred Gods before, every time they passed a ban of the gods, they used the method of blood sacrifice, combined with a certain calamity secret method taught by the Supreme Master, to fully arouse the power of the ban they had experienced.

Until now they have reached the No.30 quadruple prohibition, and they have paid the price of 34 divine treasures!

Although they had a long foundation in the Supreme Sect and were not short of these divine treasures, Jiang Lingxiao still felt a pain in his flesh when they sacrificed so many sacrifices at once.

Shenbao, that is an existence beyond the category of Taixu rank fairy treasure!

"Is it worth spending so much money?"

Jiang Lingxiao couldn't help asking while meditating to recover his strength.

"As long as you can kill all those competitors, what is this little effort?"

Suirenting said indifferently, "What's more, most of these divine treasures were obtained from the dead inheritors of Hongmeng Taoism. Even if they were all wasted, there would be no loss at all."

Jiang Ling was startled with a smile, and said no more.

Suirenting seemed to think of something, and said, "How long has it taken us to travel from the first level of the ban on the gods to the present?"

"Nearly eight hours."

Jiang Lingxiao thought for a moment, then answered.

"It's a bit slow."

Suirenting frowned slightly, "When our leader arrived here, it only took six hours."

Jiang Ling was taken aback, smiled, but said in her heart: "Compared to the leader back then? It's obviously just asking for trouble."

"Perhaps, when I live the way of conferring the gods and break through the realm of the fairy king in one fell swoop, it will be enough to follow in the footsteps of the leader and his old man..."

Suirenting didn't notice the disapproval in Jiang Lingxiao's expression. When he finished speaking, there was even a hint of fanaticism in his expression.

Supreme leader!

That was the supreme existence that affected his whole life!



The first level of "Forbidden God of War" was broken, and a series of embarrassed figures emerged.

"Damn it, what's going on here? When did God of War's prohibition become so tyrannical? According to the past rules, after those guys in Nuwa Taoist Palace experienced the killing of the strongest 'War King', the obstacles we encountered It should be the weakest, but now, we have lost two companions!"

Yi Ranfeng, the lord of Shangxiao Palace, looked embarrassed, pale, and extremely ugly, with palpitations remaining between his brows.

Beside him, Sun Wuhen and others, Kongling Mountain Loose Cultivator, also had the same expression, looking like they had survived the catastrophe.

Originally, they thought that if they followed Nuwa Taoist Palace Shi Yu and the others into the Hall of Conferred Gods, the power of the prohibition of the gods they encountered would inevitably become weaker.

Who would have thought that they lost two companions in the first level of "Forbidden God of War"!

Thinking of the scene at that time, even if they existed in the Immortal King Realm, they couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts. The strength of that "War King" was simply too terrifying!

Now, including Yi Ranfeng and Sun Wuhen, there are only four of them left!

At this time, they have just broken through the first level of the 36 heavy bans in the Palace of Conferred Gods...

"How about, let's go back. This time, there seems to be some kind of change in the ban of the gods. It's too bad." Someone couldn't help but whispered, and a little bit wanted to shrink back.

"Perhaps the second level of ban on witch and python won't have such great power. I suggest to try again."

Some people are not willing to return like this.

In the end, under Yi Ranfeng's decision, everyone decided to try again. If the second level of "Witch Python's Forbidden" is still powerful, they will directly withdraw from this competition.

After all, they cared more about their own lives than the secret of conferred gods.

Even his life is gone, so why talk about conferring gods?


The long, seemingly endless bluestone road.

Shi Yu and the others thought it over and over again, but they couldn't come up with a reason. They could only attribute all the reasons to luck.

They didn't dare to stay any longer, and even under the leadership of Shi Yu, they moved towards the third level of the ban of the gods.


The world was turned upside down, and the field of vision suddenly changed.

A group of them appeared in an abyss, shrouded in black mist, and they couldn't see their fingers. Even Shi Yu and others could only detect everything within a range of less than a thousand miles.


A sharp divine arrow pierced through the air, tearing through the black mist, like a flash of dazzling light, wrapped in an incomparably terrifying force, and charged like lightning.

That's too fast!

Chen Xi just opened his eyes so quickly that he didn't have time to react.

Then he heard a loud bang that exploded in his ears, causing gold stars to appear in front of his eyes, and his blood was churning endlessly.

"Sunset Abyss!"

"Da Yi's Forbidden!"


The faces of Shi Yu and the others changed suddenly. Although Shi Yu blocked the blow just now, the terrifying impact of that divine arrow made his arms numb slightly.


Suddenly, Xiang Liuli sacrificed the Nine Pure Immortal Light, sweeping all directions, dispelling the black mist shrouded in the endless abyss, revealing a blank area with a range of about a million miles.

Only then did everyone see clearly that in all directions, there were figures in leather robes with many ancient totem tattoos on their bodies.

Each of them holds a divine bow, and they are fierce, like a sharp archer, giving people a palpitation feeling of being targeted by a hunter.

Descendants of Yi!

Looking around, in the boundless abyss, I don't know how many archers like this are standing there, especially in the thick black mist under the abyss, there is an extremely terrifying aura permeating the air.

Obviously, there is a terrifying existence with monstrous strength hiding there.

"Just the first blow made me feel strenuous. It might not be easy to kill that Yi demon within three sticks of incense..."

Shi Yu frowned, and did not act rashly. The blow just now made his heart suddenly heavy.

"It has indeed become stronger, and I also have a creepy feeling, as if I am a prey, locked tightly by a group of hunters..."

Xiang Liuli frowned.

"Since you're here, let's have a good time, how can we look forward and backward, mother-in-law?"

The great sage stepping on the sky snorted coldly.

"Hey, do you feel it? All the power around you is weakening at an alarming rate!"

Suddenly, Diandian, who was silent at the side, suddenly came out in surprise.

Before she finished speaking, the others also keenly noticed this change, and couldn't help being slightly startled.

Weakened again?

In the first stage of "The Forbidden Battle King", they thought that killing the "War King" would inevitably lead to a hard fight, but in the end they killed him with one blow.

In the second level of "Forbidden Wu Mang", they even suppressed and killed the Great Demon God Wu Mang within less than a cup of tea.

But now, they have just set foot in the "Da Yi's Forbidden", before the fierce fight, the opponent's strength is rapidly weakening, which makes Shi Yu and others confused, and feels that all this is too strange up.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation!

Shi Yu and the others are all existences in the Immortal King Realm, so they are naturally very clear that there must be a reason for any slight change, but unfortunately, they cannot deduce it.

Because this is the realm of conferred gods, the way of heaven is chaotic, and cause and effect are concealed, so they can't use the power of deduction to detect the mystery.

"Weak again, darling, now those bastards are not even as good as half-step fairy kings! What are you doing in a daze, kill those bastards quickly!"

The great sage stepping on the sky suddenly shouted in surprise, and before the others could agree, he had rushed out with the giant dark axe in his hand.


Swinging the huge axe, it crushed and killed an unknown number of descendants of Dayi in an instant, like a wind and a cloud, without encountering any obstacles at all.

Seeing this, Shi Yu and the others looked at each other, and without thinking about other things, they took action one after another.

After half an hour.

A group of them successfully walked out of the "Da Yi's ban"!

This rapid customs clearance efficiency made Shi Yu and the others a little unbelievable. For a while, they hesitated to stand on the bluestone road.

Only Chen Xi had a vague smile on his lips. This time he entered the "Da Yi's Forbidden City", and with the help of the fragments of the river map, he was able to control the "Wind and Thunder God Pattern" to perfection. the point!

It has to be said that the changes in the fragments of the Hetu didn't really start to surprise Chen Xi until he entered the Palace of Conferred Gods. Whether it was on the Bloodfield of Killing the Gods or on the way of "Sorrow of the Immortal King", He Tu fragments have been taking away the Dao Lingzhu and Xianwang Shengyuan heart he obtained.

But now, its changes are undoubtedly a kind of "feedback" to itself.

This feeling is really cool!

After experiencing the confusion, astonishment, surprise, and bewilderment before, Chen Xi was finally able to calmly accept this kind of change, but surprises are also inevitable.

"Let's go, I hope our good luck can continue like this..."

Shi Yu and the others pondered and discussed for a long time, but they didn't figure out the reason, so they could only suppress the doubts in their hearts and continue to the next step of the gods' prohibition.

The fourth level is "Long Su's Prohibition".

The fifth level is "Forbidden Phoenix".

The sixth is "Xiezhi's Forbidden"


As they walked step by step, the speed and time they passed became faster and faster. Even in the end, Shi Yu and the others felt no threat or challenge at all.

This also made their doubts increase a little bit, wondering whether they had gone to the wrong place and hadn't entered the real Palace of Conferred Gods.

During this process, Chen Xi gained a lot, and he continuously controlled all the "God's patterns of star annihilation", "God's patterns of Tai Chi", "God's patterns of immortality", and "God's patterns of nirvana" to perfection!

But the only regret is that the space god pattern is still stuck in the fourth level of "space tide", and has not benefited from the mutation of the fragments of the river map.

This also made Chen Xi a little puzzled.

Until entering the eighth level "Bai Yan's Forbidden".

Chen Xi could no longer bear any benefits, but the movement of the fragments of the river map in the sea of ​​consciousness reached the most violent level after entering the Palace of Conferred Gods.

After the group of them walked out of the eighth level of Gods' Forbidden City, Chen Xi's head buzzed, and a strange wave spread out from his whole body, which immediately made Shi Yu and the others change their expressions.

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