divine talisman

Chapter 1345 Immortal King Shocked [Part 2]


An invisible and obscure wave spread, like ripples, not too strong, but when it swept over the bodies of Shi Yu and the other four Immortal Kings, it made their hair stand on end, and their expressions changed slightly.

With their state, they are unable to resist such fluctuations, and when the fluctuations pass by themselves, they each have a feeling that all the secrets in their hearts are being watched!

This feeling seems harmless, but it is actually the most terrifying. It makes them, who exist in the Immortal King Realm, uncontrollably change color and become extremely vigilant.

But immediately, their eyes were attracted by Chen Xi.

Because they were surprised to find that this wave of fluctuations just spread out from Chen Xi's body!

How is this going?

Could it be that something unexpected happened to Chen Xi?

At this moment, Chen Xi's handsome face was calm, his eyes were clear and deep, and his whole body was shrouded in an obscure wave, giving people a feeling of heart palpitations that were as deep as an abyss, like a prison, and unfathomable.

It was as if, in an instant, he suddenly became another person, and the lingering aura around him made Shi Yu and other immortal kings feel unspeakably depressed.

Before they could think about all this clearly, Chen Xi, who was in sight, suddenly moved slightly, and actually took a step forward, intending to walk towards the next gods' restriction.

This surprised Dian Dian and hurriedly tried to stop him.

Because she knew very well that entering the forbidden gods was also an extremely dangerous thing. Before that, even Shi Yu had to rely on the five-color stone in his hand to defuse the terrifying attack force in the forbidden gods.

And Chen Xi is now in the realm of Da Luo, not to mention resisting the power of God's Forbidden, even if he touches it a little, his whole body will be wiped out in an instant, and his body will disappear.

But before he could make a move to stop him, he was stopped by Shi Yu and Xiang Liuli together.

"do not move!"

"Brother Chen Xi will be fine!"

The two spoke out at the same time, because they suddenly discovered that at the moment Chen Xi took a step, the ninth level of "Wang Yuan's Prohibition" was suddenly and automatically activated!

That kind of feeling is like taking the initiative to welcome Chen Xi to enter...

Such a change made Shi Yu, Xiang Liuli, Dian Dian, and Tatian Dasheng stunned for a while. With their supreme experience in the Immortal King Realm, they were a little confused about everything in front of them.


A wave of fluctuations sounded, and the next moment, the group of them entered the "Wang Yuan's Forbidden" in a blink of an eye.

Wang Yuan's Forbidden is the ninth God's Forbidden in the Palace of Conferring Gods. Inside is a vast desert, with countless ancient alien overlord Wang Yuan entrenched.

Tyrannical King Turtle is known as the ancestor of the "Barbarian God of Vigorous Forces". Each head has a range of one hundred thousand miles. It is rumored that it can carry a large world on its shoulders. It is extremely powerful and fierce.

There is even a real sacred blood king turtle sitting in it, and its strength is no different from that of a real god.

If it were before, Shi Yu and the others would inevitably have a fierce battle when they arrived here.

But now, when they arrived at Wang Yuan's Forbidden Center under the leadership of Chen Xi, they were shocked to find that before they could do anything, the mighty Wang Yuan in the boundless desert collapsed one after another, howling everywhere, and blood staining the sky!

Looking from a distance, it seems that there is an invisible big hand passing through the desert. Wherever it passes, it is like a broken bamboo, and no one can beat its edge!

This scene made Shi Yu and the others stay there.

In fact, with their current ability and Dao heart, they have never experienced any shocking and dangerous things in the Three Realms, but the scene in front of them still exceeded their expectations.

You know, this is the ban of the gods, and it is very dangerous to enter the Immortal King Realm, so be careful every step of the way, lest there be any mistakes, which will cause a catastrophe.

But who would have thought that the restriction of the gods, which they regarded as a scourge, would be so easily swept away at this moment?

It was precisely because of the huge contrast that Shi Yu and the others were also surprised and surprised.

"what on earth is it?"

"I don't know."

"Could it be that little brother Chen Xi is a hidden master?"

Shi Yu and the others were surprised and discussed one after another, because they had nothing to do with them at this time, and they were virtually reduced to bystanders...

Only Didian pursed her lips and remained silent, her clear eyes were full, staring at Chen Xi who seemed to be a different person in front of her.

She vaguely guessed that all of this might have been arranged by Shen Yanshan's little senior sister "Li Yang", and it might also have something to do with the fragment of the river map...


A strange wave resounded, and before Shi Yu and the others could discuss the reason, they had already left the "Wang Yuan's Forbidden" and returned to the bluestone road.

This time, Chen Xi didn't stay any longer, as soon as he appeared, he continued to take the lead in stepping towards the next God's Forbidden...

So next, Shi Yu and the others were completely free, and under Chen Xi's leadership, they easily broke through one after another of the gods' prohibitions, almost effortlessly.

During this process, Shi Yu and the others looked at Chen Xi with increasingly weird gazes. If they were not afraid of disturbing Chen Xi, they would have wished to push this fellow in front of them to the ground and ask what was going on. up.

Of course, compared with these curiosities, endless joy and excitement flooded into the hearts of each of them.

"Originally, I was worried that I would be one step behind the Taishangjiao Suirenting and the others, and I was afraid that they would get the method of proving the Tao and conferring the gods from the altar of conferring gods in advance. Now it seems that my worry is obviously unnecessary."

Shi Yu laughed, feeling very happy.

"I really didn't expect that after entering the Conferred God Realm, we ignored the existence of little brother Chen Xi in order to deal with various crises. Now our roles have been reversed, he has become the leader, and we have become idlers. bystanders."

Xiang Liuli smiled lightly, which seemed to be teasing, but in fact, her words were full of surprise and joy, and she did not hide her appreciation for Chen Xi.

"It's not just you guys. When I found out that this kid had the audacity to come to the Conferred Gods Realm to mess around, I was really shocked, and I was thinking about how to rescue him. Fortunately, this kid actually helped everyone out." Busy, hahaha, it really is unpredictable."

Great Sage Tatian looked up to the sky and laughed, seeing that the restrictions in the Palace of Conferred Gods could no longer bring him any threat, how could he be unhappy.

"Of course he isn't fooling around. Don't forget that when we were trapped in the 'Nine Heavens of Calamity and Dao Extermination Formation' last time, Chen Xi saved us once with the sword of Dao Evil."

Didian pursed her lips and chuckled, Chen Xi's performance made her very proud.

"Oh? Is there such a thing as such?"

The Great Sage Tatian didn't know about this, so he couldn't help being extremely surprised.

At that moment, Shi Yu narrated the scene at that time, causing the Great Sage Stepping on Heaven to be amazed again and again, and the gaze he looked at Chen Xi changed.

While talking, they had already crossed the barriers of the gods once again under the leadership of Chen Xi, and the more they got behind, the easier it was, making them like a group of tourists, talking to each other while walking around. , very easy.

If this scene is seen by other Immortal King Realms, they will be so angry that they will vomit blood. The forbidden gods that I regard as a natural moat are as easy as playing in the eyes of others. Who can feel balanced?

"By the way, Miss Weiyang, could it be that when you brought Brother Chen Xi here this time, you had already calculated all of this?"

Shi Yu asked suddenly. This was the second time he had asked this question. The last time was after the Nine Heavens of Calamity and Dao Extermination God Formation was shattered. Chen Xi turned the tide with the sword of Dao E, which greatly surprised him.

But now, he clearly felt that the obscure aura covering Chen Xi's body was not the power of the Dao'er sword, but it was more miraculous than the Dao'er's sword, as if it was born to restrain the gods of this place.

This naturally made Shi Yu wonder if Chen Xi had already made sufficient preparations to deal with such a dangerous place.

And Chen Xi was brought by Immortal King Weiyang, that's why Shi Yu asked this question.

As soon as these words came out, Xiang Liuli and Tatian Dasheng all looked at Diandian in unison.

Under such circumstances, it became clear to a certain extent that there was no way to hide some things any longer, so he said frankly, "I didn't know much about Chen Xi before, and the reason why I asked him to cooperate was also entrusted by a friend."


The three of Shi Yu all cheered up, showing curiosity.

"Li Yang, the little senior sister of Shenyan Mountain."

Diandian answered very happily.

Shenyan Mountain Liyang!

All of a sudden, Shi Yu immediately realized that if this is the case, then all this is easy to explain.

"Could it be that Chen Xi is a disciple of Shenyan Mountain?"

Xiang Liuli still didn't know Chen Xi's identity, so she couldn't help asking.

Immediately, Shi Yu explained to Xiang Liuli what happened on the battlefield outside the territory, and finally said with emotion: "No wonder Master often said that among the three realms, Shenyan Mountain is the one who has the deepest understanding of the secrets of heaven. One, now it seems that it really deserves its reputation.”

Hearing this, the others were also filled with emotion.

It is true that among the three supreme Taoisms today, Shenyan Mountain has the fewest disciples, but each of them has the most mysterious and tyrannical strength, and it is almost difficult to find traces of them in the world.

Nuwa Taoist Palace is famous for its "Taoism", claiming to possess all kinds of wonderful methods from ancient times to the present.

As for the Supreme Sect, needless to say, the one he pursues is the way of forgetting emotions, cutting off the seven emotions, and cutting off the six desires, which is the one with the most disciples among the three supreme Taoisms.

Suddenly, Chen Xi in front stood still, which caught Shi Yu's attention.

Only then did they realize that before they knew it, they had already reached the No. 30 six-fold divine prohibition in the Hall of Conferred Gods, and this was also the last divine prohibition in the Temple of Conferred Gods!

As long as you pass through, you can see the Conferred God Altar!

All of a sudden, Shi Yu and the others stopped talking, and all their attention was diverted to Chen Xi who was standing still.

"No wonder, it turns out that among the 36 layers of divine prohibition, there are still people breaking the prohibition."

After a little sizing, Xiang Liuli guessed the reason why Chen Xi was standing there, and the old and new grudges suddenly surged in his heart, "It's probably the Taishang Jiaosui Renting and the others!"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of Shi Yu, Dian Dian, and Ta Tian Da Sheng were also cold, and there was a trace of murderousness in their expressions.


ps: Today is still 2 updates for the time being, it’s not that there will be no updates, but I didn’t expect to have to prepare so much time and materials for today’s interview. Distribute some to your friends~

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