divine talisman

Chapter 1346 Accidental Promotion [Part 1]

There are a total of 36 bans of the gods in the Hall of Conferred Gods.

Just like a checkpoint, when someone breaks through the checkpoint, others can only wait in place and cannot take another step forward.

So even though they had already guessed that Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao from the Supreme Sect were the ones breaking through the last barrier of the gods, Shi Yu and the others could only wait and could not disturb each other at all.

However, this kind of waiting will not be long, because each god's ban has a fixed time, if the time exceeds the time and cannot pass the god's ban, it will be trapped in it, and it will be impossible to escape.

Like the No.30 six-fold prohibition in front of me - "The Rock Ban", the limited time is three hours!

"Unexpectedly, these two guys broke through the barrier very quickly."

Shi Yu sneered, his eyes were icy cold, and an irresistible murderous intent welled up in his heart.

"After passing the ban on the stone rock, it will be the altar of conferring gods. If they arrive one step ahead of us and obtain the method of proving the way and conferring gods from the altar, it will be bad."

Xiang Liuli had to consider more comprehensively, and said with a slight frown.

The Altar of Conferring the Gods is as high as the sky, standing forever, and the method of proving the Tao and conferring the gods is hidden on it. Now they are one step behind Suirenting and others, and the situation is no longer optimistic.

"Don't worry, the Conferred Gods Altar is not so easy to use. If the Conferred Gods Temple tests the fighting power of the Immortal King, then the Conferred Gods Altar will test the Immortal King's law. At that time, we will go all out and there will still be a great opportunity .”

Diandian on the side smiled, and her eyes fell on Chen Xi, "What's more, with the help of Brother Chen Xi, this No.30 six-level ban on the gods is like nothing. It won't take much time for us to catch up. The pace of the teacher is too high."

"Huh? This little guy seems to be breaking through?"

At this moment, the great sage stepping on the sky suddenly made a sound in surprise,

Everyone looked up, and sure enough, they saw that Chen Xi's whole body was suddenly surging with aura, and his whole body was filled with menacing divine brilliance, which was actually a sign that he was about to advance to the Holy Fairyland!

To be promoted at this time?

Everyone was stunned, all in disbelief.

From ancient times to the present, Chen Xi might be the first little guy who breaks through and advances in this Palace of Conferred Gods, right?

Before they could feel too much emotion, Chen Xi suddenly sat cross-legged on the ground, his brows were calm and calm, and on his body, the vigor and spirit all over his body began to burn, boil, and roar like a volcano erupting, creating a magnificent scene.

As people who have experienced it, Shi Yu and the others are clearly aware that Chen Xi is about to hit the realm of the Saint Immortal. This is a hurdle on the road of "sacredness" from the "I" lineage, and no disturbances are tolerated.

"I'm afraid this is going to be bad. Generally, it takes a few hours to advance to the realm of Saint Immortal, and it takes three days or five days at most. If this is the case, we may not be able to catch up with the pace of the Supreme Master."

Xiang Liuli frowned.

This is indeed very troublesome, because this is the last level of the ban on the gods, and Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao are now trying their best to break through it, so they must hurry up, and after the two of Suirenting pass, they will immediately enter the last level Off for impact.

But unfortunately, Chen Xi actually began to break through and advance to the next level!

As a result, it will inevitably affect their progress, and may even delay the opportunity to enter the Conferred God Altar to obtain the secret of Conferred God.

Shi Yu and Tatian Dasheng also frowned, feeling that the situation was a bit tricky.

"Without Chen Xi's help, we are afraid that we are still struggling several times before the ban of the gods. It is impossible to arrive here in such a short period of time."

Diandian's expression was calm, and he said slowly, "So you don't have to be impatient, if it's really not possible, after Suirenting and the others pass the last God's ban, you three will go immediately to break the ban, while I will wait by Chen Xi's side, lest he be disturbed."


Although Shi Yu and the others knew very well that a little bit of advice was the most reasonable and pertinent, when they thought that Chen Xi had helped them arrive here and they would leave early later, they still felt a little bit sorry.

"Let's do it like this. It's impossible for Chen Xi to prove Dao Conferred God, but for those of us in the Immortal King Realm, once the opportunity is missed, it may not be possible to meet it next time."

Diandian smiled and said, "Of course, if you obtain the Sealing Mystery Technique in advance, you can lend me a copy to observe and emulate."

"Of course."

Shi Yu and the others also knew that they could no longer hesitate at this time, and made a decision immediately.

It's a pity that even so, they still had some worries in their hearts. After all, the reason why they arrived here so quickly was entirely due to Chen Xi alone leading the way.

Now, without Chen Xi's help, they all doubted how long it would take them to break out of the last gods' ban after entering it.

And the longer it takes, the more unfavorable it will be for them, but it will be more beneficial for Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao of the Supreme Sect...

This is also impossible.

That's all they can do.


Chen Xi knew nothing about all of this.

Even after walking out of the eighth level of "Bai Yan's Forbidden", Chen Xi lost consciousness of everything around him.

Because at that time, the movement of the fragments of the river map had reached the most violent moment, and the strange fluctuations produced enveloped his body, mind, and soul, and he was completely plunged into a strange state.

In this state, various runes kept flashing in his mind, twisted like earthworm tadpoles, mysterious and obscure, constantly churning in his mind.

Chen Xi didn't know at all that he led everyone through the gods' restrictions, but he could clearly feel that more and more mysterious runes poured into his body, and his consciousness became more and more blurred ...

As for the runes that kept pouring into his body, except for a handful that were absorbed by him as the power of the original avenue, most of the others were absorbed by the fragments of the river map.

Otherwise, with his current cultivation base, he simply wouldn't be able to accommodate so many majestic and terrifying forces.

Even so, that handful of original Dao power is like medicine for tigers and wolves, condensing all the immortal power in his own world.

The original golden color also brought a clear color like a lake~

It was in this situation that Chen Xi unexpectedly felt an opportunity to be promoted, so he fell into a state of breaking through to advance before he had time to react!

Boom~ boom~

The body is like thunder, and it is like countless volcanoes erupting. After the terrifying celestial power has contained an unknown amount of the original power of the Dao, it has boiled to the extreme.

Looking from a distance, his whole body was emitting golden light, his spirit was fierce, and wisps of obscure and mysterious Dao rhyme wafted from every inch of his pores.

This state didn't last long, it was completed almost instantly.

Then there was a loud bang, and Chen Xi's whole body was as if he had been slapped with a slap in the face. His whole body, energy, spirit, and even his Dao Heart and Spiritual Soul all underwent an astonishing transformation at that moment.

The momentum is rising steadily.

Cultivation is growing crazily.

Xianli is constantly condensing.

The soul is growing rapidly.


The sacred road all comes from the source of the Tao.

Because of whether or not to obtain the original power of the Dao, the Holy Immortal Realm is divided into innate and acquired distinctions.

Acquired saints, known as false saints, cannot be compared with Xiantian saints, whether it is the power they master or the future Taoism.

This is like the difference between the half-step immortal king and the immortal king. The only difference is that the half-step immortal king still has the opportunity to attack the immortal king, while the Houtian sage can only stop here for a lifetime, and can no longer spy on the immortal king's road. .

The Xiantian Saint Immortal is different. After absorbing the original power of the Dao, he has already stepped into the Taoism followed by the ancient saints. At that time, he will move mountains and seas, pick stars and moons, and preach the world, and his power will be boundless and boundless.

And because of the scarcity of the origin of the Dao, in today's fairyland, almost [-]% of the holy fairylands exist, and they are acquired saints.

However, Chen Xi was different. As early as when he advanced to the late stage of Da Luo, he obtained a piece of the original power of the Dao from the fragments of the river map, which was enough to make him advance to the rank of innate saints.

Now after entering the Palace of Conferred Gods, under the changes of the fragments of the river map, he not only condensed his own various laws into the Daluo Divine Pattern, but also controlled each of the Daluo Divine Patterns to the point of perfection.

Until now, he has absorbed a steady stream of the original power of the Dao from the runes that are constantly pouring into his body. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for him not to advance.

There is no way, for others, it is extremely difficult to obtain a piece of the source of the great way, but for Chen Xi, his whole body, body and exterior are soaked in the power of the source of the great way, comparing the two, the gap is immediately reflected.

The most important thing is that the power generated by the fragments of the river map is too strange, not only absorbing the power of many runes in the forbidden gods, but also bringing great benefits to Chen Xi.

So when he was promoted at this moment, it was almost as easy as piercing a layer of window paper, and he stepped into the level of Saint Immortal without any effort.

If this scene is seen by other immortal cultivators who are struggling to pursue the way of the holy immortal, they will vomit blood with jealousy, which is too easy!

To advance to the rank of Xiantian Saint Immortal, the immortal power under one's control will turn into a color as pure as glass, like the avenue and blue sky, vast and immeasurable, which is called the power of the Saint Immortal.

Like the Shengzi that day, he has mastered this level of power since he was practicing, so one can imagine how powerful his strength is.


Just when Chen Xi broke through to advance to the next level, there was a sudden fluctuation in the last level of the gods' prohibition, and Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao walked out immediately.

Both of them were extremely embarrassed, their faces were pale, but their brows couldn't hide their excitement and joy. They finally passed through the Palace of Conferred Gods!

The two looked up, and an ancient altar that lifted the sky instantly occupied their vision and mind.

Conferred God Altar!

Suirenting's eyes were bright, like thunder and lightning, and he couldn't help laughing up to the sky: "Feng Shen! Feng Shen! I have waited too long for today!"


ps: At around 10 o'clock in the second update, ask for a monthly pass. I haven't asked for it for a long time. Everyone seems to have forgotten to vote...

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