divine talisman

Chapter 1347 Conferred God Altar [Part 2]


The fluctuation of No.30's six-fold divine prohibition also caught Shi Yu's attention.

"No, they have already broken the ban and went out!"

Shi Yu frowned, his eyes were solemn, this scene happened too fast, we had just arrived here and it was not enough time for a cup of tea, the other party had already broken the ban and left, which was beyond his expectation.

"We can't delay, let's go!"

Xiang Liuli made a decision almost without any hesitation.

According to Diandian's suggestion before, this time she, Shi Yu, and the Great Sage Tatian would set out together to compete with the Supreme Sect's Suirenting, while Diandian would stay and take care of Chen Xi who was breaking through.

They had already discussed this point, and now seeing Suirenting and their aura disappearing in the God Forbidden, they dared not hesitate, they were going to leave together immediately.


But before Shi Yu sacrificed the five-color stone, Chen Xi, who was breaking through the realm, suddenly stood up, and an invisible strange wave spread out from his body, sweeping in all directions.

This scene happened so abruptly, no one thought that Chen Xi who was in the breaking state would make such a change at this moment, and for a moment, their expressions were all a little astonished.

However, what made them even more unbelievable was that Chen Xi was actually walking towards the No.30 six-level divine forbidden!

Who has ever seen such an unreasonable thing?

That was a breakthrough!Life and death are at stake, and the slightest disturbance can range from being mad at the slightest, to dying at the severest level, but Chen Xi is lucky enough to break through the realm, and at the same time act to step into the last layer of divine prohibition!

What they didn't know was that Chen Xi had already advanced to the Saint Immortal Realm at this moment, but before he had time to stabilize, the aura in his body was enveloped by the fragments of the River Diagram again, and his spirit and mind also fell into that strange state again. middle.

But no matter how stunned and puzzled they were, Shi Yu and the others were very excited after they found out that Chen Xi hadn't appeared in a state of madness.

Because under the leadership of Chen Xi, breaking the last ban of the gods was a matter of minutes.

Although it was still a step behind the Taishangjiao Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao, it was enough to make up for the huge gap. After all, if they were allowed to break the ban, the delay would be even longer.

After a while.

Sure enough, as Shi Yu and the others expected, under Chen Xi's leadership, they almost effortlessly broke the last restriction in one fell swoop, and their figures appeared in the boundless chaotic void in a flash.

There is nothing but an altar standing.

It towers into the blue sky, and its whole body is pitch black, like a passage leading to the outside of the Three Realms.

This altar is too old, as if it has stood for endless years, solemn and silent, looking from a distance, it makes people feel a sense of awe and piety.

When seeing this scene, Shi Yu, Xiang Liuli, Diandian, and Tatian Dasheng, the four beings in the Immortal King Realm, were all shocked, and their eyes burst into light, and it was difficult to hide their excitement.

Conferred God Altar!

It's finally here!

From the bloodland of killing gods, to the boundless void with the "Sorrow of the Immortal King", and then to the Temple of the Conferred Gods, passing through 36 levels of prohibition of the gods, they have gone through countless dangers and disasters, and now they finally arrived safely In front of the Conferred God Altar, they were about to search for the secret method of proving the Tao and Conferring the Gods. At this moment, how could they not be excited.

"Look over there!"

Suddenly, Xiang Liuli opened his mouth and pointed to the altar of the Conferred God Sacrifice in the distance.

Following the direction of her finger, Shi Yu and the others could all see that at the bottom of the Conferred God Altar, there were two figures walking up the altar step by step, they were Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao.

In an instant, the excitement and excitement in the eyes of Shi Yu and the others were completely replaced by a look of chilling Leng Sen. They knew very well that the only obstacle to obtaining the method of proving the Tao and conferring the gods was these two He is too much a heir to the teaching.

"Finally, I can avenge the last time..."

Xiang Liuli murmured, with hatred in her voice.

"Naturally, this time, we not only need to find the method of proving the Dao and conferring the gods, but also completely suppress these two damn things here!"

Shi Yu also gritted his teeth with hatred.

While they were talking, they were planning to act when they suddenly felt a wave coming from behind them.

"How could this be? Could it be God's help?"

"Unbelievable, unbelievable! Who would have thought that the restriction of the gods in the Temple of Conferred Gods would suddenly lose all its power? It seems that half of it was completely wiped out in one fell swoop."

"Haha, wouldn't that be better?"

"Look! Isn't that the Conferred God Altar?"

There was a sound of surprise amidst the noise, and along with the sound, the figures of Yi Ranfeng, the lord of Shangxiao Palace, and Sun Wuhen, the casual cultivator of Kongling Mountain, appeared, standing right next to Shi Yu and his group.

There was still a touch of shock, surprise, and surprise in their expressions, as if they couldn't believe everything in front of them.

They were originally fighting in the "Witch and Python Realm" before, and they were in a precarious situation. When they saw that they had no hope of breaking out of the restraint within the limited time, a sudden change occurred.

The "Witch Python's Restriction" they were standing on actually fell apart in an instant, shattered into nothing, and disappeared.

Not only that, when they returned from the ban on the witch python, all the restrictions on that bluestone road disappeared in an instant before their eyes, as if half of them were forcibly erased by someone, and there was no breath left.

This naturally made them surprised, shocked, and pleasantly surprised, because with the disappearance of these prohibitions of the gods, they passed through the Palace of Conferred Gods in an instant, and came here. Can't believe it.

But when they saw Shi Yu and the others beside them, their voices stopped abruptly in an instant, and their expressions calmed down, replaced by vigilance.

Even so, Shi Yu and the others heard their conversation clearly, sighed in their hearts, and understood that all of this might have something to do with Chen Xi breaking the last barrier of the gods.

The fact is exactly the same, even though Chen Xi advanced to the realm of the Saint Immortal in an absurd way, the changes of the fragments of the river map did not end, especially after entering the last stage of the gods' prohibition, the fragments of the river map seemed to be enraged Halfway through, the strange fluctuations that spread out became more and more powerful. Before Shi Yu and the others could make a move, the power of the entire restriction was completely broken!

And the breaking of the last divine prohibition was like the last straw on the camel's body, causing all the divine prohibitions in the entire Palace of Conferred Gods to completely lose their power.


Facing the sudden appearance of Yi Ranfeng and others, Shi Yu and the others also became vigilant, their eyes crossed each other, showing a hint of hostility.

The atmosphere also became silent and tense.

From the beginning to the end, no one noticed that at this moment, Chen Xi was looking at the Conferred God Altar in the distance, looking at the chaotic void above the Conferred God Altar, in his clear and deep eyes, there were flashes of raging flames of anger.

At this time, his sanity had already come to his senses, and he could recognize it naturally. He had already seen the Altar of Conferred Gods and the chaotic void that he saw with his own eyes!

That time, after merging the sixth piece of the river map gifted by Diandian, there was a movement in his sea of ​​consciousness, and mysterious and grand patterns emerged one after another.

Among them are the ancient altars that stand upright in the sky.

There is a scroll-like list lying across the chaotic void above the altar, covered by mist, making it difficult to see everything.

Most importantly, there is a mysterious eye in that chaotic void!

That eye was dark, cold, and indifferent, as if there were infinite runes flickering in it, like the ups and downs of heaven and earth, the changes of stars, the change of time, the changes of the universe... covered by that eye.

Chen Xi still remembered the feeling of anger, loathing, and violence in his heart when he saw that mysterious eye.

It was only at this time that he dared to confirm that the ancient altar he had seen before was the legendary altar of conferred gods!

All this made Chen Xi understand that the fragments of the River Map that he possessed must be related to this Conferred God Altar, otherwise he would never have allowed himself to witness the picture of this place in the sea of ​​consciousness before he arrived here.

And at this time, when he looked at the Conferred God Altar from a distance, and remembered the mysterious eye he had seen in the sea of ​​consciousness, an uncontrollable anger and loathing surged into Chen Xi's heart again.

This feeling is very strange, as if another emotion suddenly appeared in his mind, which did not occupy his reason, but directly affected his actions and will.

Chen Xi didn't resist, he couldn't feel any disobedience, as if he should have this kind of strange emotion in the first place.

This made him vaguely guess that maybe all of this came from the fragments of the river map!

"let's go!"

In this deadly atmosphere, suddenly, Shi Yu withdrew his gaze and gave an order in a deep voice.

They have not yet reached the top of the Conferred God Altar, and it is not suitable to fight with the other party at this time. In addition, Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao are approaching the top of the Conferred God Altar in the distance. In this case, they are not allowed to fight. There is competition and hostility with Yi Ranfeng, the owner of Shangxiao Palace.

Xiang Liuli, Diandian, and Tatian Dasheng were also aware of this, so when Shi Yu made a decision, they interrupted and left.

"Let's go too."

Seeing this, Yi Ranfeng and the others secretly breathed a sigh of relief. When they were outside the Hall of Conferred Gods, they might be able to communicate with Shi Yu and the others, and there was no conflict with each other.

But before this altar of conferring gods, the two of them had already formed a competitive relationship, and competition meant hostility, and even conflicts would inevitably break out.

But this kind of conflict is not now. After all, they have not yet boarded the altar of conferring gods. At this time, the conflict will only benefit others, and it will do harm but no benefit.

At that moment, the two sides turned around at the same time with a tacit understanding, dodging towards the distant Conferred God Altar.

At this moment, Chen Xi suddenly raised his head, and inadvertently caught a glimpse of a mysterious, indifferent, icy-cold eye on the sky shrouded in chaos!

"Who is that eye?"

An uncontrollable doubt rose in Chen Xi's heart, but the flames of anger in his eyes became more and more intense...

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