divine talisman

Chapter 1348 The Road to Conferred God [Part 1]

The Altar of Conferred Gods towers into the blue sky, standing for eternity, filled with obscure and chaotic mist.

When you really stand under it and look up, you will realize how small you are, just like an ant standing in front of the Wanren mountain, and you can't see where the highest point of the altar leads.

The whole body of the Conferred God Altar is pitch black, and the bottom of the altar is a flat bluestone path, as smooth as a mirror, exuding an ancient and desolate atmosphere.


Shi Yu and others appeared here out of thin air, looking at the bluestone path leading straight to the altar, they also felt a touch of excitement in their hearts.

For them in the Immortal King Realm, the green stone road in front of them is undoubtedly the road to conferring gods, as long as they can reach the end, they will have the opportunity to obtain the law of proving the way and conferring gods!

"Everyone, be careful. This Altar of Conferred Gods is covered with God's restrictions. If you want to climb on it, you have to rely on the laws of the Immortal King that you can control. You can't rush in rashly, otherwise your life may be in danger."

Shi Yu reminded.

Since ancient times, the bluestone road on the altar of conferring gods has been called "Road to Conferring Gods". coming oppression.

In other words, the stronger the law of the Immortal King you master, the faster you will be able to reach the top of the altar. Conversely, if the law of the Immortal King you master is not strong enough, it will not only affect the speed of climbing the altar , and even be suppressed by the ban!

Xiang Liuli, Diandian, and Tatian Dasheng were naturally aware of this, and they all nodded immediately.

But immediately, Diandian asked in a daze, "Where's Chen Xi?"

As soon as these words came out, the crowd came to their senses. Looking at Chen Xi in front of them, they couldn't help feeling a little ashamed. They paid too much attention to the Conferred God Altar just now, and they actually somewhat ignored Chen Xi's existence.

The reason why they were ashamed was also because Chen Xi had done them a great favor before, but they were only thinking about how to obtain the law of conferring gods, but they neglected Chen Xi a little bit, and they felt a little bit sorry in their hearts.

And at this time, after being reminded little by little, they also understood that Chen Xi is not yet in the Immortal King Realm, so how can he embark on the "Road to Conferred God" leading to the top of the altar?

After all, in the endless years since ancient times, they have never heard of any Daluojin fairyland who can pass through the Hall of Conferred Gods and then set foot on the "Road to Conferred Gods".

But if Chen Xi was allowed to stay here, if an immortal king came in and had ill intentions against Chen Xi, it would kill Chen Xi every minute.

What should I do?

Shi Yu and the others frowned, a little embarrassed.

But they didn't notice at all that Chen Xi was already in the realm of Saint Immortals, and had already embarked on the path of cultivation leading to the sacred. However, due to the cover of the breath of the fragments of the river map, the breath around him was now obscure and mysterious, which made him feel uneasy. People are hard to watch.


At this moment, the four Hongmeng Taoist Immortal King Realm existences, including Yi Ranfeng and Sun Wuhen, the masters of Shangxiao Palace, also reached the bottom of the Conferred God Altar.

As soon as they appeared, they were slightly stunned, as if they didn't expect that Shi Yu and the others didn't hurry up to board the altar, but instead stood here and stopped.

But when they saw Chen Xi, they suddenly understood roughly, and a weird look could not help but appear on the corners of their lips.

Back in front of the Hall of Conferred Gods, they had noticed Chen Xi who was only at the Great Luo Realm. At that time, they were still surprised how Shi Yu and the others would bring a junior in here.

Although they haven't figured out the mystery of it now, seeing that Shi Yu and the others are unsteady because of Chen Xi's relationship, they can't help but gloat in their hearts.

Of course, at this moment, they didn't have the time to laugh at Shi Yu and the others. They turned around and led by Yi Ranfeng, walked along the bluestone road towards the altar of conferred gods.

Seeing this, Shi Yu and the others couldn't help frowning.

"How about I stay and take care of Chen Xi..."

Dian Dian saw everyone's thoughts, and knew that there was no need to delay any longer, so she spoke immediately.

But before he could finish speaking, he saw Chen Xi suddenly lift his foot and take the initiative to walk towards the Conferred God Altar!

This scene made Shi Yu and the others startled again. Thinking of the previous scene of breaking the prohibition of the gods in the Palace of Conferred Gods, they couldn't help but wonder in their hearts. Could it be that Chen Xi can also embark on the "Road to Conferred Gods" this time?

Thinking about it carefully, since entering the Palace of Conferred Gods, Chen Xi seemed to have become another person, kept silent, and always did some unexpected actions, which made them, the immortal kings, be astonished.

However, if they don't understand, Chen Xi's abnormal behavior has helped them a lot, so when they saw Chen Xi stepping on the Conferred God Altar abnormally at this time, they were not too surprised, but they still couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Chen Xi was worried, worried that he would suffer some kind of harm.

"We will stand by and guard. If the restraining force around the Conferred God Altar is touched, we will rescue him in one fell swoop and prevent him from taking any more risky actions."

Shi Yu quickly gave instructions, and everyone nodded in agreement.


Chen Xi's steps were steady and calm, neither hurried nor slow, and he walked up the bluestone road step by step.

When he took the first step up the Conferred God Altar, Shi Yu and the others all focused their eyes, ready to help immediately.


A surge of terrifying divine power spread from the Conferred God Altar, rushing towards Chen Xi.

"not good!"

Diandian had the quickest reaction, and with a swipe of Sushou, she grabbed Chen Xi with a bang, intending to bring him back.

The others also subconsciously acted to save Chen Xi, otherwise, if they were bombarded by that terrifying restraining force, they would definitely be wiped out in an instant.


There was a wild swing, and amazingly, all their rescues fell through!It wasn't dispelled by the power of the Conferred God Altar, but blocked by the obscure aura that permeated Chen Xi's body!

You know, this is the attack of the four Immortal King Realm. Although it is to save people, how can it be rejected and blocked by a Da Luo Realm existence?


Before they could react, the power gushing out from the Conferred God Altar had already rushed towards Chen Xi, but it spread away from Chen Xi's surroundings like a tide meeting a stone, and did not cause any harm to Chen Xi!

Shi Yu and the others looked straight, is this okay?

Not only them, Yi Ranfeng and the others who had just stepped onto the Conferred God Altar also noticed this scene, and they were also extremely surprised.

"This junior is very weird."

"It's indeed weird, but I think this divine restriction is only aimed at the existence of the Immortal King Realm, but it has no effect on a weak young man like him, right?"

"Don't worry about it so much, just keep going."

The astonishment was only for a moment, and not long after, they continued to move forward. This is the Conferred God Altar. They have each encountered the oppression of that terrifying prohibition, and they dare not be distracted to pay attention to other things.


Regarding all of this, Chen Xi didn't seem to be aware of it, and continued to walk up the Conferred God Altar step by step.

"Go, let's follow!"

Shi Yu was the first to react. Even though he was full of doubts in his heart, he couldn't watch Chen Xi act alone at this time.

At the moment, the group of them also acted together.

In fact, Chen Xi's performance made them secretly relieved, at least they no longer had to be hesitant like before.


The Conferred God Altar stands against the sky, and it is tens of thousands of feet high.

Even if one ascends to the Immortal King Realm, one can only climb up step by step. In this way, one does not know how long it will take to reach the top of the altar.

The reason for this is that above and below the altar of conferring gods, there is a sense of divine restraint everywhere, and the resulting terrifying pressure forces every fairy king who wants to climb to the top of the altar to resist and resolve it.

And there is only one way to resist and resolve it - the law of the fairy king mastered by oneself.

The bluestone path leading to the top of the Conferred God Altar is extremely wide, ten thousand zhang wide, and it goes up layer by layer, which is called the "Road to Conferred God". The pattern exudes a divine power that makes even the Immortal King Realm palpitate.


Walking step by step on this "road to conferring gods", it didn't take long for Shi Yu to frowned, and glanced at Chen Xi in front of him. A hint of doubt flashed in his eyes, but in the end he didn't say much.

"There seems to be something wrong..."

At the same time, Xiang Liuli, Dian Dian, and Tatian Dasheng also had doubts in their hearts. From the moment they stepped on the "Road to the Gods" leading to the top of the altar, they felt that divine oppression The force forced them to run the law of the Immortal King to resist.

But that oppressive force seems... a bit weak!

They raised their eyes to look into the distance, and saw Yi Ranfeng and the other four were walking forward step by step at a place thousands of feet above.

Compared with the forward speed of Yi Ranfeng and others, their forward speed is more than twice as fast!

"Does it feel a little strange?"

"If this continues, we will not only be able to quickly surpass Yi Ranfeng and the others, but we will even be able to catch up with Suirenting and others at the forefront."

"Have you guys forgotten what happened in the Palace of Conferred Gods? I'm afraid all this is related to little brother Chen Xi."

After Shi Yu and the others chatted for a while, they turned their attention to Chen Xi who was in front of him, and their expressions were more or less full of surprise and doubt.

Ever since entering the Domain of Conferred Gods, Chen Xi had brought them too many surprises. Whether it was carrying the Dao Evil Sword in his body, or breaking through barriers like those in the Palace of Conferred Gods, they all made them, beings in the Immortal King Realm, feel a sense of wonder. Surprised and puzzled.

Especially now, when they sensed that the power of restraint and oppression on the "Road to the Conferred God" might be weakened by Chen Xi, the shock in their hearts was already indescribable.

This is the Conferred God Altar!

From the beginning of Hongmeng to now, I don't know how many existences in the Immortal King Realm have hated it, but now, there is a young man who has never reached the Immortal King Realm, and is stepping up to the top!

Anyone who sees such a scene, I am afraid that they will not be at peace.

"This...how is this possible?"

Suddenly, a scream sounded in the distance, but Yi Ranfeng, the owner of Shangxiao Palace, turned his head inadvertently. When he saw that Shi Yu and the others had caught up to him and the others within a distance of more than ten feet, he was immediately startled, and his cheeks swelled. All twitched.

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