divine talisman

Chapter 1349 Spirit of Dao Fruit [Part 2]

How terrifying is the forbidden power pervading on the altar of conferred gods?

Chen Xi couldn't feel it. His state of mind at the moment was already occupied by a strange emotion. Under his calm and handsome face, there was a rush of anger and loathing.

As he approached the top of the altar step by step, this emotion became more and more intense, and it was about to overwhelm his reason.

But Chen Xi wasn't afraid or apprehensive of this emotion, nor did he have any resistance, just as he had sensed before, this strange emotion came from the fragments of the river map, and it was like one body with him.

He could feel the surprised and puzzled eyes of Shi Yu and others looking at him, but he didn't know where to explain it, so he chose to remain silent.

He could even feel that he had gradually lost control over his body, but he didn't know how to resist, so he chose to obey.

It was in this strange situation that Chen Xi stepped forward step by step.

Comparatively speaking, he was even more puzzled, puzzled, and astonished than Shi Yu and the others, but because he knew that all of this came from the movement of the fragments of the river map, his mood was extremely calm.


Yi Ranfeng's astonishment attracted the attention of Sun Wuhen and the others. The next moment they also saw Shi Yu and the others, led by Chen Xi, chasing him up. The speed of their progress was much faster than that of themselves and the others. double!

As a result, Sun Wuhen and the others were also surprised and puzzled, feeling an unspeakable sense of urgency.

On this altar of conferring gods, with just one step, they may miss the method of proving the Tao and conferring gods. Now that Shi Yu and the others are about to surpass them, how can they not be in a hurry?

"Come on!"

"hurry up!"

"Damn, how could this be?"

Yi Ranfeng and the others had gloomy faces and stopped talking. They all frowned and put all their minds on the "Road to Conferred God" under their feet.

But what made them helpless, or what they hated was that even if they tried their best, they couldn't turn the situation around. Shi Yu and others caught up step by step, and then surpassed step by step, opening up the distance...

"Would you like to do it?"

Seeing that Shi Yu and the others were about to go further and further away, one of them felt unwilling, so he transmitted his murderous aura to the others.

He has thin cheeks, sunken eye sockets, bald head and wide mouth. His name is Pang Du. He is the suzerain of the "True Court Sect" of Hongmeng Dao Lineage, and he is also an existence in the Immortal King Realm.

"That's the descendant of Nuwa Taoist Palace, the four of us together have no chance of winning."

Sun Wuhen, a casual cultivator of Kongling Mountain, frowned and rejected the proposal.

"That's not necessarily true. This is the Conferred God Altar, which is full of divine restrictions. Even if you can't defeat the opponent, it will be enough to hold them back. Don't even think about obtaining the method of proving the way and conferring the gods!"

A middle-aged man with knotted muscles, a mighty body, wearing animal skins, and bare bronze-colored skin said viciously, his name is Dao Yao, the leader of Hongmeng Taoist Blood Cloud Sect.

Seeing that Pang Du and Dao Yao both opened their mouths to stop Shi Yu and others, Sun Wuhen frowned even more, and looked at Yi Ranfeng who had been silent all this time.

Among the four of them, Yi Ranfeng has always played the role of the leader, and now it is up to him to see if he agrees.

"Don't forget, there are Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao from the Supreme Master, they will definitely not watch Shi Yu and others step on the top of the altar first."

Yi Ranfeng was silent for a moment, and then spoke slowly.

"So, they may have a conflict with each other?"

Sun Wuhen raised his eyebrows, "This is a good opportunity. If they fight together, we can just reap the benefits, and maybe we can reach the top of the altar first."

Yi Ranfeng gave Sun Wuhen an appreciative glance: "I think so too."

Seeing Yi Ranfeng's statement, Pang Du and Dao Yao immediately stopped talking.


In the distance, the top of the Conferred God Altar can already be seen, which is an ancient platform, submerged in the chaotic mist, looming, mysterious and yearning.

Seeing this, Suirenting's eyes glowed with scorching heat.

Only three thousand feet away!

When you reach the altar of conferred gods, you can find the method of conferred gods!

Since walking so far, Suirenting has also endured a lot of oppression. Even if he is cultivated to the sky, he still feels quite strenuous in the face of the terrifying oppression of divine restraint.

Especially the higher the height, the stronger the oppressive force of the prohibition, so that he dare not have any slack, tense his body all the time, to contend with the invisible oppressive force.

"Junior Sister Jiang, where is the method of conferring the gods hidden on the top of the altar?"

Suddenly, Suirenting asked via voice transmission.

"According to what the leader said, the top of the altar is [-] acres in size, shrouded in chaos, and the spirit of Dao fruit is born on it. If you can get it, the god will descend, and it will be enshrined in the list soon."

Jiang Lingxiao replied casually.

The Spirit of Dao Fruit!

Hearing this word, a gleam flashed in Suiren Ting's eyes. He knew clearly that this was a kind of fetish, which was born in the mysterious God Realm outside the Three Realms. What the spirit builds is the foundation of conferred gods!

The so-called god position is the position of conferring gods and proving the Tao. It is rumored that every god has his own godhead, that is, the god position. , can't really jump out of the Three Realms, and is always there forever.

"The fruit of Dao spirit, the position of God... This time, it will definitely be in my pocket!"

Suiren Ting's eyes were burning, and he murmured inwardly.

"Hey! The situation is not good, Shi Yu and the others are about to catch up!"

At this moment, Jiang Lingxiao's voice came from his ear, which made Suirenting's heart tremble. He turned his head and looked, and sure enough, he saw a group of people approaching thousands of feet away. Yu them.

What surprised Suirenting in particular was that Shi Yu and the others moved three points faster than them!

"These bastards didn't die in the Palace of Conferred Gods..."

Suirenting frowned, his expression was cold, he couldn't figure it out, he clearly arranged many means, using the method of blood sacrifice to the gods, completely activated the 36 layers of gods' prohibition in the Temple of Conferred Gods, logically speaking, even the real If the gods enter, I'm afraid they will be seriously injured and dying.

But now, Shi Yu and the others are still alive, and they reached the Conferred God Altar so fast!

All of this was beyond Suirenting's expectation, making his face darken.

"If they continue with this posture, when we reach the top of the altar, the opponent will be ahead of us."

Jiang Lingxiao's delicate and gentle brows showed seriousness, "The most troublesome thing is that if the other party catches up and strikes, we will be in a bad situation."

What she said is not bad, whether it is Shi Yu or Xiang Liuli, they are all on the same level as them, but the other party also has Immortal King Weiyang and Great Sage Tatian to help, two fists are hard to beat four hands, once they face off, they The situation will definitely not get better.

In particular, Jiang Lingxiao was still clear that Chen Xi held the Dao Evil Sword in his hand, which was the nemesis of their Supreme Master's calamity power. All of these added up and immediately made their situation difficult.

"Hmph, it really is an unkillable cockroach."

Suirenting snorted coldly, but there was not much worry on his brows, "Junior Sister Jiang, don't worry, the leader has been planning for us for a long time for this operation in the Conferred God Realm, how could Shi Yu and the others be able to turn it around?" ?”

"Then... the sword of Dao is also in the plan of the leader?"

Jiang Lingxiao glanced at the other party in a daze. She suddenly realized that her senior brother had been hiding many things, such as the method of arranging the "Nine Heavens of Calamity and Dao Destroyer Formation", like the "Infinite Mirror of Heaven", like The method of blood sacrifice to the divine treasure in the Palace of Conferred Gods... She didn't know all this before!

"That's natural."

Suirenting smiled proudly, "It is said that among the three supreme orthodoxy, Shenyan Mountain is the first in terms of the ability to deduce and control the secrets of heaven, but in my opinion, since the ancestor Fuxi of Shenyan Mountain left, this Only we, the Supreme Master, can afford the title!"

Speaking of this, he glanced inadvertently, and noticed that Jiang Lingxiao seemed a little unhappy, and immediately understood, and comforted: "Junior Sister, don't mind, you also know that all these methods are arranged by the leader and his old man, and I can't let me reveal it."

Jiang Ling shrugged with a smile: "I understand, senior brother doesn't need to comfort me, I just want to know what method senior brother will have to counter Dao's sword."

A secretive smile appeared on the corner of Suirenting's lips: "Junior Sister Jiang, do you still remember how the Chaos God Lotus fell in the ancient times?"

Jiang Ling smiled as if remembering something, suddenly raised her head to look at the chaotic sky, and said in surprise, "Brother, you mean..."

Suirenting nodded with a smile, and immediately his expression became cold again, and he said solemnly: "The power of disaster and disaster in the three realms, can it be used by my Supreme Sect, the last time the Chaos God Lotus fell like this, this time, Shi Yu and the others will also splatter this place with blood!"

After a pause, he said slowly: "At that time, we will not only be able to seal the gods, but also bring the sword of Dao back to the sect, which can be said to be a double win."

"No wonder, it turns out that the old master even gave you that thing..."

Jiang Lingxiao felt a little complicated in his heart. Both he and Suirenting were among the seven true disciples of the Supreme Master Sect. Suirenting was ranked second, and she was ranked fifth. There was not much difference between them.

But during this operation, she suddenly discovered that in the mind of the leader, she was still far inferior to Suirenting...

"Junior Sister, don't think too much, the leader is also trying to prevent the news from leaking out. After all, you also know that if I hadn't carried the infinite cloudy sky mirror, I am afraid that all our methods would not be able to hide the deduction of Nuwa Taoist Palace."

Suirenting stood there, looked sideways at Jiang Ling and smiled.

Jiang Lingxiao took a deep breath and said with a smile, "I understand."

Immediately she said in a daze, "Why didn't Senior Brother leave?"

Suirenting smiled, put his hands behind his back, turned around indifferently, looked down at the bluestone path below, his eyes were ruthless, and said calmly: "You don't have to go, it's not too late to kill them first and then go to the top of the Conferred God Altar."

Jiang Lingxiao turned his head to look, only to see that Shi Yu and the others were already thousands of feet away!


ps: The card has been very bad these days, and the state is sluggish. Tomorrow, I will start to make up for the remaining additions. There will be a 10th update until next Monday when the Fuhuang interview goes online.

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