divine talisman

Chapter 1350 The Whip of Heaven's Punishment [Part 1]

The Altar of Conferred Gods.

When there were still nine thousand feet away from the top of the altar, Shi Yu and the others stopped abruptly and looked at the distance, where Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao were standing side by side, walking towards this side.

In an instant, the eyes of the two sides clashed in mid-air, creating a terrifying coercive force that disturbed the situation in all directions and enveloped the area.

This bluestone path leading to the altar is extremely wide, ten thousand feet wide, layer by layer, and the distance between the two of them is thousands of feet. If it is in the outside world, this distance is not enough for the existence of the Immortal King Realm who controls the laws of space. Nothing at all.

But on this Conferred God Altar, the distance is as far away as the world. The reason is that this Conferred God Altar is shrouded in a divine restriction.

This oppressive force of prohibition made it impossible for the Immortal King Realm to fly and teleport. It was conceivable how terrifying it was, so even though they were facing each other at a distance of thousands of feet, neither of them took the initiative to attack.

In other words, once they fight, they not only have to fight against each other, but also resist the ubiquitous divine restraining power. Under such circumstances, their combat effectiveness will be greatly limited.


At this moment, Chen Xi also stood still and stopped coming forward.

He didn't look at Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao, but looked further away, passed through the top of the Conferred God Altar, and stared at the chaotic sky.

There was an aura of disgust and anger that made him extremely disgusted and angry, which stimulated him to the point of being unable to suppress the violent emotion in his heart, but unexpectedly, his eyes were indifferent and cold.

The reason is that, although the anger, loathing, and violence filled Chen Xi's body, they did not belong to him, but came from the fragments of the river map!


In the tense atmosphere, Shi Yu, Xiang Liuli, Diandian, and Tatian Dasheng stepped forward, blocked Chen Xi behind them, and confronted Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao who were thousands of feet away.

Both looked indifferent and calm.

But on them, all of them have activated their own terrifying aura belonging to the Immortal King Realm to the extreme, permeating all kinds of immortal powers, illuminating the nine heavens and ten earths!

At that moment, tens of thousands of cracks appeared in the void, resulting in many terrifying visions, changing space, chaotic time, howling ghosts, thunder and lightning, and the roar of the avenue. The scene was extremely terrifying.

This is still suppressed by the divine prohibition, which greatly limits the power of both of them. If it is left outside, this kind of terrifying confrontation with divine power alone is enough to destroy the world and smash the mountains and rivers.

This is the power of the Immortal King Realm, immeasurably high, standing at the peak of the Three Realms, like an overlord and emperor who controls the heavens, with a movement of energy, ghosts and gods howl, and the avenue collapses!

"I didn't expect you to be able to come to the present step by step, which is not bad."

Suddenly, Suirenting opened his mouth, his long red hair fluttered, his body was covered with divine flames, and there was a chilling look on his incomparably handsome cheeks, which was extremely compelling.

While speaking, an ancient black jade pagoda quietly appeared in his left palm, and an ancient bronze mirror was in his right hand, about the size of a palm, with a palpitating luster.

Kuiyuan Holy Path Pagoda!

Infinite armillary mirror!

Two shocking artifacts inherited from the Supreme Master!

At the same time, Jiang Ling, who was beside her, brushed the blue hair beside her ear and smiled softly. Between her fair and slender fingers, a black magic whip was wrapped around her. It was three feet six inches long and covered with countless mysterious and mysterious symbols.

As soon as he appeared in mid-air, there was a terrifying atmosphere of judgment, chilling, and ruthlessness, as if he had all the power of punishment in his hands, making people tremble, as if he was a prisoner who was about to be punished.

The Whip of Heaven's Punishment!

This whip is also called God Whip, which can use the power of heavenly punishment. It is one of the famous ancient artifacts of the Taishang Sect.

"We didn't expect that you two would have the guts to wait here."

Shi Yu sneered, his brows were full of coldness and loneliness.

They really didn't expect that under such circumstances, Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao would have the courage to wait here, and they looked like they were going to fight them to decide the outcome.

You know, there are four Immortal Kings on their side!

Whether it's Shi Yu himself or Xiang Liuli, they both have the confidence to fight each other one-on-one, plus Immortal King Weiyang and the Great Sage Tatian, as long as this battle starts, they are absolutely confident that they will win the opponent in one fell swoop up.

That's why when they saw that Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao didn't take the time to go to the top of the Conferred God Altar, but waited here to confront them, Shi Yu and the others felt that the other party obviously couldn't sit still.

While speaking, Shi Yu's Shenxuan sword, five-color stone, Xiang Liuli's Nine Purity Crown, Dot's Huangji Divine Axe, and the Great Sage's Dark Ax were also sacrificed.

In an instant, all kinds of divine treasures transpired with great brilliance, releasing all kinds of terrifying power, which was truly magnificent.

"Some things, unexpected means death, such as this moment."

Suiren Ting is indifferent, the flames around him are dazzling, rushing to the sky, and the whole person is like a god from the fire. His eyes open and close like fire and thunder. He suddenly locks on Shi Yu and others, and shouts in a deep voice, "Stop talking nonsense, Dare to come up and fight?"

"Dare to fight!"

"Come up and fight!"


The echo reverberated, shaking the world in all directions!

"Hahaha, why don't you dare?"

Shi Yu raised his head to the sky and screamed, his voice shook the sky, and he took the lead in resisting the oppressive force of the divine restraint, striding forward.


The sword of Shenxuan pierced through the air and pointed at the Suirenting from afar, shooting out a terrifying sword energy, which forcibly tore through numerous divine restrictions, and slashed towards the Suirenting.

The war broke out in an instant!


With a loud chant, Suirenting took control of Kuiyuan Shengdao Pagoda and shattered the void.

His own blaze was so powerful that it dispelled all the surrounding divine restrictions. From a distance, the pagoda was pitch-black, releasing terrifying flames, like an immortal furnace releasing energy in troubled times.


The sword energy collided with the divine fire of the pagoda, and the law of the immortal king roared and burned, making the world tremble and shake.

If the Conferred God Altar hadn't been standing immortal, other places would have been shattered.


Shi Yu's figure is tall and straight, stepping up, if the king is coming, he will continue to approach upwards.

And in his hands, the Shenxuan Sword pierced through the air, releasing hundreds of millions of sword qi, each of which is like a streamer trailing its tail, entangled with the bright fairy king's divine light.

Looking from a distance, his whole body seems to be carrying ten thousand rays of radiant sword energy, blazing brightly, like a group of comets in the universe going up against the sky, it is so dazzling that you cannot look directly at it!

It can be seen that the divine restraint pervading on the altar of conferred gods has been broken, and the wailing and shaking are horrifying.

"Shi Yu, as the number one disciple of Nuwa Taoist Palace, is that all you can do? If so, today is your memorial day!"

Suirenting shouted loudly, his red hair was fluttering, his whole body was full of power and power, wanton and violent, exuding endless disaster and divine brilliance.

Indistinctly, beside him, there seemed to be terrifying ancient statues of gods and shadows, each of them majestic and indifferent, with monstrous aura, like a group of gods guarding out, trying to suppress all things in the world.


Suirenting held the Kuiyuan Sage Pagoda in his hand, condensed a supreme divine seal, suppressed and killed it, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and the torrent of disaster rushed down, just like the river of nine heavens rolled backwards.

In an instant, the two fought together, and the sound of the battle shook the heavens, causing many terrifying visions of heaven and earth.

Around the two, the divine restraint was shattered and shattered, countless cracks in the void were opened, time and space were chaotic, and lightning criss-crossed, just like the scene of the apocalyptic catastrophe.

The roar of the gods, the wail of demons, the confusion of blood rain and divine splendor... This is not real, but a terrifying vision caused by the battle between two immortal kings, recreating the terrifying scene of the duel between the strongest in the ancient times.


Almost at the same time, the great sage stepping on the sky swung the dark giant axe, stepped on the gangster, and plunged into the void. The giant ax moved horizontally like a sacred mountain, rolling up thousands of afterimages in the void, and joined the battle, fighting against the Suirenting side by side with Shi Yu.

"Miss Xiangliu, shall we play too?"

On the other side, Jiang Ling smiled and shook the magic whip, piercing through the air with a bang, and if the punishment of heaven came, he threw it at Xiang Liuli on the head.

woo woo woo~~ woo woo woo~~

As soon as the divine whip came out, it was like judging the heaven and the earth, producing terrifying powers such as howling gods and demons, and falling stars.

"Exactly what I want!"

Xiang Liuli shakes the celestial light of the Nine Purity, sprinkles the heaven and the earth, like a divine rainbow soaring into the sky, transpiring and filling the sky with brilliance, it evolves into a series of ancient and obscure visions, smashing away.

"Count me in too."

Immortal King Weiyang sacrificed the imperial axe, turning into billions of purple phantom shadows of the waning moon, wrapped in bright sharp edges, like purple energy coming from the east, suppressing and killing the eight wildernesses.


The battle broke out in full swing, Shi Yu and Tatian Dasheng cooperated to face Suirenting, Xiang Liuli and Weiyang Immortal King joined forces to fight Jiang Lingxiao.

At that moment——

Shenwei roared.

Baoguang is bright.

The dazzling light illuminated the sky brilliantly, and the sky and the earth were blurred, shrouded in the terrifying fluctuations of the battle. The incomparable killing intent seemed to break the sky and the earth, smashing the universe!

This kind of horrific battle is beyond imagination. If it happened in the outside world, I am afraid that endless disasters will erupt and cause shocks in the Three Realms.

Fortunately, this is the Conferred God Altar, filled with divine restraints, most of the aftermath of the battle was resolved, and the end of being destroyed was avoided just now.

However, Chen Xi was standing on the Qingshi Road, so he was not affected by the power of the battle. On the one hand, it was because during the battle, Diandian focused on two purposes and helped him resolve many fatal dangers.

On the other hand, it was also because the obscure aura of the fragments of the river map permeated his body, not only resisting the oppressive force that resolved the divine restraint, but also the aftermath of the battle could not invade him.

No one noticed that in the face of this world-shocking duel between immortal kings, Chen Xi was unmoved, and his handsome face was completely calm and calm.

And his eyes didn't even pay attention to that battle, and kept looking at the top of the Conferred God Altar.

However, because the battle was too terrifying, the blazing divine radiance covered the sky and the earth, and also blocked his vision, making it impossible for Chen Xi to see the scene on the top of the altar.

But along with the roar of the fragments of the river map, between Chen Xi's brows, an eye was quietly erected, deep, cold, and indifferent.

At this moment, the field of vision was clear again.

Even, when Chen Xi glanced into the chaotic sky with his brows centered, an eye quietly appeared almost at the same time, looking at Chen Xi from afar.

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