divine talisman

Chapter 1352 God King 6 Soul Banner [Part 3]

After Yi Ranfeng's words fell, Sun Wuhen immediately understood that Qiong Yaozi and Lu Xiaohan, who died in the first stage of the ban on the gods in the Palace of Conferred Gods, must have been tricked by Yi Ranfeng!

Thinking of it, Sun Wuhen's face became even more ugly, and he said, "Why... let me go?"

The corners of Yi Ranfeng's lips showed a touch of impatience: "Idiot, if all the 36 restrictions in the Palace of Conferred Gods hadn't lost their power, you would have died in the second layer of 'Witch Python'!"

Sun Wuhen's eyes shrank, his face was ashen, and his voice seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth: "Why?"

"You still don't understand?"

Yi Ranfeng laughed, and looked at Sun Wuhen like an idiot, "If you refuse to join the Supreme Master, you will naturally die."

During their conversation, Shi Yu and the others had been watching with cold eyes, and they roughly understood all of it. Obviously, all of this was caused by the intervention of the Supreme Master, which caused these primordial orthodoxy to fight against each other and calculate each other.

"Just because you want to take refuge in the Supreme Master, you don't hesitate to kill our companions of the Hongmeng Dao?"

Sun Wuhen's eyes were tearing apart, and he questioned each word.

"The catastrophe of the Three Realms is about to break out, and now the land of Hongmeng has been reduced to a place of chaos. We are also looking for a way out for ourselves, and the Supreme Master is undoubtedly a trustworthy backer!"

With his hands behind his back, Yi Ranfeng said calmly, which attracted Dao Yao and Pang Du who were beside him to join him.


Sun Wuhen suddenly burst out laughing, "Who in the entire Three Realms doesn't know that the Supreme Master is ruthless, ruthless, and you actually say that the Supreme Master is trustworthy? Hahaha, ridiculous, really ridiculous!"

When he was speaking, he jumped up suddenly, took out a black stick-shaped fairy treasure, and shot towards Yi Ranfeng through the air.

"I don't want the method of conferring gods this time, but I also want to kill you bastards!"

Obviously, Sun Wuhen was so angry that he lost his mind and was going crazy.

"Hmph! Since you are looking for death, I will help you."

Yi Ranfeng snorted in disdain.

But before he could make a move, he felt a terrifying force coming from his side, and before he could react, his throat was locked by a big hand, and with a bang, his head was snapped off abruptly!


The golden blood was sprayed, and was put into an ancient black jade pagoda, and fell into the hands of Suirenting on one side.

This scene happened too fast!

It was too sudden!

It was unthinkable that Suirenting at the side would attack Yi Ranfeng at this time, and as soon as he struck, he broke off the opponent's head abruptly, shattered his vitality, and died completely on the spot!


At this moment, Shi Yu and the others couldn't help but gasp inwardly. Suirenting's move was ruthless enough. It caught him by surprise and killed him with one blow, directly killing an existence in the Immortal King Realm!

Not only Shi Yu and the others, but even Sun Wuhen, who was on the attack, were startled, who dared to hesitate, and abruptly stopped the attack, and dodged backwards.

"Brother Yi!"

"Damn it! You..."

Seeing this, Dao Yao and Pang Du on one side were almost startled out of their wits, and kept dodging to distance themselves from Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao.

They didn't stop until they saw that Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao hadn't chased them down, but their expressions had turned ashen, and their brows were full of disbelief.

No one expected that Suirenting would kill Yi Ranfeng with his own hands. One must know that it was Yi Ranfeng who attacked Chen Xi just now and helped them resolve a crisis!

But now, Yi Ranfeng, a great hero who joined the Supreme Sect, was actually killed by Suirenting, the successor of the Supreme Sect!

Who could have imagined such a shocking turn of events?


Soon, the blood in Yi Ranfeng's headless corpse was sucked out, turned into a mummy, and disappeared.

Seeing this, Suirenting only smiled slightly, but he looked extremely ruthless.


Dao Yao and Pang Du questioned loudly, their faces livid and distorted.

If Suirenting was not the one who attacked Yi Ranfeng just now, but them, the consequences would be unimaginable.


Suirenting seemed to have heard a joke, and said with a smirk, "Didn't you rely on me to be the Supreme Master, then you have to be conscious of sacrificing for the sect at any time, do you need to ask why?"


Dao Yao was too angry to speak.

"Aren't you afraid that we will cooperate with Nuwa Taoist Palace to deal with you together?"

However, Pang Du rolled his eyes and cast a sideways glance at Shi Yu and the others.

"Although I hate you very much, I can cooperate with you once for the time being."

Seeing this, Shi Yu took the opportunity to speak.

With the development of the situation to this point, no one expected that it would be so twists and turns, even absurd.

First, Chen Xi was attacked, and then Immortal King Weiyang was seriously injured and fell into a coma. Before everyone could react, Sun Wuhen broke with Yi Ranfeng and the others, and just when they were about to break out in a battle, Suirenting made a sudden move. The sneak attack killed Yi Ranfeng...

All these changes shocked every fairy king present, and they didn't understand what Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao were up to, because in this way, the two of them isolated themselves and fell into a trap. The eight directions are the enemy's territory.

After all, if Shi Yu and the others teamed up with Dao Yao and Pang Du now, they would be enough to overwhelm Suirenting.

Even Sun Wuhen probably won't miss this duel.

However, they just did it, and for what purpose?

Soon, Shi Yu and the others got the answer.

Because at the next moment, a black divine banner suddenly appeared in the palm of Suirenting, and a strange black air surged in it, and as soon as it appeared, a black smoke burst out from the divine banner, straight to the sky!


At this moment, the chaotic sky rolled up, producing the sound of thunder, and at the same time, an indescribably terrifying aura spread throughout the world!

At this moment, Shi Yu and the others, as well as Sun Wuhen, Dao Yao, and Pang Du all changed their expressions, and they all lost their voices: "Six soul banners of the god king!"

This is the treasure of the Taishangjiao Town School!

It is known as "One streamer is sacrificed, but the king of gods is hard to stay"!

As early as in the ancient times, the Supreme Leader relied on this treasure to secretly plot against the Chaos God Lotus, causing her to die at the critical moment of enlightenment. This incident caused a huge shock in the ancient times!

And the Six Soul Banner of the Supreme Sect Master's God King was also famous in the world at that time, making countless people terrified by hearing it.

If not, how could the Six Soul Banner of the Divine King be the important treasure of the Taishang Sect, one of the three supreme Taoisms?

Seeing that Suirenting had taken out one of the most proud artifacts of the leader of the Supreme Sect at this moment, Shi Yu and the others finally understood why Suirenting was so confident.

All of a sudden, their faces were extremely gloomy. Who could have imagined that the Supreme Master would spend so much money, besides the Kuiyuan Sacred Dao Pagoda and the Infinity Sky Mirror, they would also bring such a big killing like the Six Soul Banner of the King of Gods. device?


After sacrificing the six soul banners of the god king, Suirenting pinched the magic formula, and sacrificed the blood of the immortal king absorbed from the Kuiyuan Holy Dao Pagoda, and all of them melted into the six soul banners of the god king with a roar.

In an instant, the palm-sized divine banner swelled up, bursting wisps of golden light, like a bright lamp, illuminating the universe!

And the chaotic sky began to tumbling violently, faintly condensing into an upside-down funnel-shaped vortex.

"not good!"

"Stop him quickly!"

"He is arousing the power of the Eye of Punishment!"


Seeing such a scene, whether it was Shi Yu or the others, or Dao Yao, Pang Du, and Sun Wuhen, all of them changed their expressions suddenly and roared angrily.

While speaking, they all mobilized and rushed towards the Suiren Court.

All of a sudden, all kinds of divine treasures soared into the sky, time and space rioted, and turned into ashes, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.


But before they got close, they were blocked by an unspeakable terrifying force, as if they had hit an invisible wall, and they were shaken upside down, including the divine treasure.

"Hahaha, a bunch of idiots! How can you compete with the power of the God King Six Soul Banner?"

Suirenting looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, smug and full of clothes, like an unrivaled demon lord. The six soul banners of the god king in his hand became more and more brilliant, spewing out black divine brilliance, continuously rushing into the sky.

"Today, you and others will surely become the stepping stones for our Suiren Court to step up to the position of Conferred God, and none of you will escape!"

The sound was like thunder, roaring in all directions.

Shi Yu and the others changed countenance again.

"How to do?"

"If the Eye of Heaven's Punishment appears, we will be robbed!"

"Don't forget, the chaotic god lotus back then was a true supreme god, but in the end, he still had his hatred under the plot of the Eye of Punishment!"

"Do you just give up?"

It is only a thousand feet away from the peak of the Tower of Conferred Gods, which means that it is only one step away from finding the method to obtain the method of proving the Tao of Conferred Gods. At this moment, who would be willing to escape from this place?

But if they don't leave, the Eye of Heaven's Punishment will appear, and a catastrophe will surely come. With their Immortal King Realm cultivation base, they will have no chance to escape at all, and they will surely disappear!

How to do?

Shi Yu and the others struggled to the extreme.

The atmosphere was momentarily suppressed to the extreme.

No one noticed that Chen Xi, who was on the side, suddenly burst into a raging flame of anger from his pupils, staring directly at the sky above his head, the obscure aura covering his whole body became violent.

"Want to leave? Impossible!"

Suirenting's long red hair fluttered, his expression was cold and indifferent, and his voice paused every word, revealing a murderous intent.

Accompanied by his voice, the turbulent void in the chaotic sky turned into a vortex, and in the center of the vortex, a cold, indifferent, and heartless eye quietly opened!

At this moment, a terrifying coercion descended from the sky.

Even if Shi Yu and the others all exist in the Immortal King Realm, when they saw this scene, they couldn't help feeling a chill in their hearts, like falling into an ice cave!


Almost subconsciously, they turned around and rushed towards the altar of conferring gods, regardless of any method of conferring gods.

What made their faces ugly was that as soon as they moved, their retreat was blocked by Jiang Lingxiao. She held a magic whip in her hand, and the nearby void was densely covered with layers of smooth space mirrors, like superimposed voids.

It is the "mirror space" released by the infinite armillary mirror!

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