divine talisman

Chapter 1353 Chain of Heaven's Punishment [Part 1]

Infinite armillary mirror!

A majestic and terrifying immemorial treasure inherited from ancient times can confuse the secrets, cover up cause and effect, and can also condense layers of "mirror spaces" that are distributed in every inch of space.

These mirror spaces are extremely magical, and can turn any attack into a calamity light. The stronger the opponent's attack is, the more terrifying the calamity light will be transformed.

Long ago, when Shi Yu and the others fell into the "Nine Heavens of Calamity and Dao Extermination", they were severely calculated by this magic mirror, and they were almost trapped to death. How could they not know its power?

At this time, Jiang Lingxiao was holding a magic whip, and used the infinite cloudy sky mirror to condense the "mirror space", completely blocking the bluestone road within a ten thousand zhang range, causing their expressions to change suddenly.


That Sun Wuhen didn't seem to know much, he swept away with a stick, enveloping the immeasurable cyan radiance, and smashed hard on the mirror space, creating a sky-shattering roar.


It's a pity that this blow not only failed to shake the mirror space, but was transformed by it into a thick divine light of disaster, which rushed away, and the bang sound made Sun Wuhen's figure stagger, and couldn't help but take a few steps back, and his face was already pale. become extremely ugly.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of the others changed again.

Right now the situation is precarious. In the chaotic sky above the head, the Eye of Punishment is condensing. Once they are attacked by it, none of them will be spared.

And in front of them, Jiang Lingxiao blocked them with the infinite cloudy sky mirror. Even if they were sure that they could kill each other in a short time, by then, the Eye of Punishment would have already launched the killing calamity!

You know, reaching their level, the outcome of a battle can be decided in an instant, but killing the opponent is not something that can be done in an instant.

But now, the Eye of Heaven's Punishment is like a sharp sword hanging over their heads, and time does not allow them to entangle with Jiang Lingxiao any longer!

This is also the reason why Shi Yu and the others looked ugly.

Indeed, no one expected that Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao would carry so many treasures, especially the Six Soul Banner of the God King, which was a thing of the Taishang Sect, and it was brought by Suirenting.

If they had known this earlier, Shi Yu and Xiang Liuli would not have come here with only five-color stones and the nine-purity crown, but would have prepared other supreme treasures as well.

It's a pity that one wrong step, one wrong step, the current situation does not allow them to regret it anymore.

It's too late, it's fast, all this is just a blink of an eye.

When Sun Wuhen was knocked back, Shi Yu made a decisive decision. While conveying his thoughts to the other immortal kings, ordering them to attack and kill Jiang Lingxiao with all their strength, he turned to look at Chen Xi, and said quickly in a deep voice, "Brother Chen Xi, please excuse me." Use the Evil Sword!"

The sword of Dao, specially restrains the power of disaster!

Back then, the Supreme Sect plotted to entrap Chaos God Lotus because the Dao Evil Sword in its hand posed a great threat to the power of calamity inherited by the Supreme Sect.

In Shi Yu's opinion, the sword of Dao'er is undoubtedly the best choice if he wants to break the infinite cloudy sky mirror in a very short time.

However, to Shi Yu's surprise, Chen Xi didn't seem to hear the sound transmission of his thoughts, and stood there, staring at the chaotic sky above his head, motionless, as if he had been frightened stupid.

"Brother Chen Xi!"

Shi Yu's heart skipped a beat, he thought that Chen Xi's soul was captured by the "Eye of Heaven's Punishment" above the sky, and immediately raised his hand to rescue him.


At this moment, above the chaotic sky, that mysterious, indifferent, and ruthless eye suddenly stopped, opened suddenly, and descended with a black magic chain!

It was like a black lightning, wrapped in a supreme divine aura.

It is also like the chain of God that shackles the prisoner, wanting to imprison heresy in the world!

When it fell out of thin air, the whole world was plunged into a kind of great terror, space was static, time was frozen, dust, optical fibers, clouds... everything fell into silence, unable to move.

This scene was so terrifying that the other fairy kings who were attacking Jiang Lingxiao also stopped in shock, their eyes shrank suddenly, their hairs were terrified, and their ghosts froze.

Because they all know that it is the chain of heaven's punishment!

Once swept by it, not to mention the existence of the Immortal King Realm, even the ancient gods cannot avoid the end of death!

At this moment, time is like a freeze frame.

Suirenting held the Divine King's Six Soul Banner, with a cruel smile on the corner of his lips.

Jiang Ling smiled and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

But Shi Yu, Xiang Liuli, Tatian Dasheng, Sun Wuhen, Dao Yao, Pang Du and others showed horror on their faces.


In this strange state of stillness, that black chain of divine punishment struck down!

Everything... seems to be impossible to dodge anymore...

Shi Yu and the others felt a deep sense of unwillingness and despair in their hearts, their eyes were tearing apart, and they wanted to desperately desperately.


But at this extremely critical juncture, Chen Xi, who had been standing still, suddenly moved!

At this moment, his whole body roared with violent and obscure strange fluctuations, and his handsome face was indifferent and quiet, except for those pair of black eyes, burning with extremely violent and violent flames, as if they were going to be incinerated for nine days!

With a leap, his figure had already appeared in the air, and he punched hard at the chain of heaven's punishment that was suppressing and killing him.

Everyone's pupils suddenly dilated!

Flying into the air?

This is the Conferred God Altar, shrouded in divine prohibition, even if they exist in the Immortal King Realm, they have to walk instead of teleporting or flying away.

But now, this little fellow Chen Xi actually rose into the sky!

What shocked them most was that Chen Xi actually rushed towards that chain of heavenly punishment...

Is he still going to confront the Eye of Punishment?

This scene was so unbelievable that Shi Yu and the others had no time to stop them, they could only watch helplessly, their hearts were aroused all of a sudden, especially Xiang Liuli, who couldn't even bear to witness it!

That is the chain of punishment!

Even the ancient gods are afraid of three points of the terrifying power, so how can Chen Xi, a holy fairyland, be able to resist it?

"Sure enough, the ignorant are fearless."

Suirenting also narrowed his eyes, but when he saw clearly that it was Chen Xi, a look of disdain could not help but appear on the corners of his lips, as if seeing an ant looking for its own death.

All of this sounds slow, but in fact it all happened in less than an instant.

In the next instant, Chen Xi's fist collided with that chain of divine punishment!


An earth-shattering terrifying loud noise, this momentary collision produced many visions such as heaven and earth splitting, gods and demons crying, blood pouring down, and even terrifying and obscure scenes of gods shouting and the avenue collapsing.

The power and influence caused by this blow was astonishing, and all the immortal kings present trembled. This kind of momentum made them all feel terrified.

What shocked them all was that Chen Xi was still alive!

In the middle of the air, Chen Xi's figure emerged in the smoke and dust. His figure was tall and straight, his body was enveloped by a strange and obscure fluctuation of terror and rage, his long hair fluttered in the air, emitting a hazy luster, his whole body was like a gun, as if he was about to stab Break the sky!

But the chain of heavenly punishment that suppressed and killed him disappeared.

Obviously, in the collision just now, Chen Xi wiped away the chain of heaven's punishment in one fell swoop!


Shi Yu, Xiang Liuli, and Tatian Dasheng opened their eyes wide in disbelief.

You know, they know very well that Chen Xi is only a Saint Immortal Realm cultivator, not even a half-step Immortal King, but now, he jumped into the air and blocked a chain of heavenly punishment that made them, the Immortal Kings, extremely afraid. Seeing, who would dare to believe it?

"Who is this kid?"

"Could it be a trump card brought by Nuwa Taoist Palace?"

"I clearly remember that when he was outside the Hall of Conferred Gods, that kid was only in the Great Luo realm!"

Sun Wuhen, Dao Yao and Pang Du were also stunned. The scene before their eyes was beyond their imagination, and it was too terrifying.

"Damn! How could this be?"

On the other side, Suirenting and Jiang Ling laughed together in surprise, the disdainful sneer at the corners of their lips suddenly froze and froze, their eyes dilated, a little guy who is not even a fairy king, actually blocked the chain of punishment?

Regarding all of this, Chen Xi suddenly didn't realize it. He stood upright in mid-air, staring up at the sky above, where the mysterious, indifferent, and merciless "Eye of Heaven's Punishment" was suspended, descending with supreme pressure.

Witnessing this scene, everyone couldn't help but feel a sense of astonishment in their hearts. This kid...could really be able to fight against the Eye of Punishment?


Before they could react, Chen Xi's figure moved violently, soaring into the sky in an instant. The figure was surrounded by ten thousand obscure rays of light, bursting out with immeasurable divine power.


Almost at the same time, another chain of heavenly punishment descended from the eye of heavenly punishment, like a chain of avenues, to wipe out Chen Xi, a heretic.

Regarding this, Chen Xi was fearless and fearless, his fists were as clear and transparent as jade, filled with obscure and strange power, once again shook the chain of heavenly punishment, burst out monstrous divine flames, as if he wanted to break the cage of heaven and earth, and compete for the supremacy of heaven!


Over the entire Conferred God Altar, chaotic mist billowed, the sky collapsed and the ground sank, smoke and dust rose to the sky, illuminating immeasurable land in ten directions.

Without waiting to stop, the Eye of Heaven's Punishment seemed to be enraged, the pupils spun like black thunder, and the starry sky loomed.

This Eye of Heaven's Punishment is really too strong, supreme, and the chain of Heaven's Punishment descended, each of which contains the terrifying aura of suppressing and killing gods and Buddhas, and imprisoning the Dao, so that the immortal kings dare not sway its sharpness.

But Chen Xi acted as if he was fearless, his whole body was shaken by a strange and obscure aura, the sky split apart, his fists pierced the air, wrapped in the supreme divine power, and shook it hard again.

In an instant, the nine heavens and ten earths roared, the divine light and blood rained, the traces of the sky were shattered, and the avenue of all things seemed to collapse in such a confrontation.

It's like a doomsday catastrophe erupting in full swing!

This kind of confrontation is more than a horror that can be described.

Even Shi Yu and the others were terrified when they saw it. This is not like a duel between gods, but it is more terrifying than a duel between gods!

Since ancient times, who can fight against the power of heaven's punishment?

Even the chaotic god lotus who possessed the power to reach the heavens and looked down on many gods, drank his hatred under the eyes of the sky's punishment, and disappeared from his body, which shows how terrible the eyes of punishment are that day.

But now, Chen Xi was actually able to fight against him, fighting against Jiuchongxiao, how could this make all the immortal kings present feel uneasy?

Even if it were them, it would be impossible to do this step!


ps: The second update is around 2:9, and the third update is around 3:11.

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