divine talisman

Chapter 1354 The Empress Dowager [Part 2]

The Eye of Heaven's Punishment, a taboo power from the Dao of Heaven.

Even Suirenting can only use the power of the Eye of Punishment by relying on the Six Soul Banner of the Divine King in his hand as a guide, and sacrifice the essence and blood of the Immortal King, but cannot control it.

This is enough to know how terrifying the Eye of Punishment was that day.

That's why all the immortal kings present were so shocked and even unbelievable when they saw that Chen Xi was able to fight against the Eye of Punishment that day.

That feeling was like suddenly seeing an ant jump out and shake a giant tree. The huge contrast caused an unparalleled shock.

But it took almost a moment for Shi Yu and the others to wake up immediately. There is no time to waste at this time!

"Let's do it together and kill those two guys!"

With a murderous spirit, Shi Yu sacrificed five colored stones, and violently killed the Suiren Court in the distance.

Now that there is no threat from the Eye of Punishment, if they don't seize the time to kill the enemy, they will be stupid.


"I can't wait any longer!"

"Go together!"

Xiang Liuli, Tatian Dasheng, and even Sun Wuhen, Dao Yao and Pang Du all attacked angrily at this moment.

They were forced into a desperate situation before, and were almost killed by the eye of punishment. Now that they have such an excellent opportunity to kill the enemy, how could they miss it?


The five-color stone bloomed with boundless brilliance, turning into five-color gods and sweeping away.


The Crown of the Nine Purities flew into the sky, descending on the Immortal Light of the Nine Purities.


The great sage stepping on the sky charged forward directly with a giant dark axe in his hand.


All of a sudden, all kinds of divine treasures soared into the sky, and the supreme immortal methods danced, all of which were world-shocking methods. Usually, one kind of magic trick would make people jaw-dropping, but now all kinds of supreme magic methods are appearing together!

This is the means of the Immortal King Realm, standing at the peak of the Three Realms, shining through the ages.

This time it was Suirenting's and Jiang Ling's turn to change expression.

The Eye of Heaven's Punishment, which they had prepared with all their heart and soul, was blocked by an unknown little guy before they had time to show off their power.

This was beyond their imagination, and made their situation even worse.

Seeing Shi Yu and the others rushing towards them, the faces of both of them were extremely gloomy, their hearts were bleeding, and they were about to go crazy.

Deployed the Nine Heavens of Disaster and Dao Extermination Formation, but it failed.

Activating the 36 layers of gods' prohibition in the Temple of Conferred Gods failed again.

Now, with great difficulty, he sacrificed the power of the Eye of Heaven's Punishment with the Six Soul Banner of the God King as a guide. Could it be... that he will fall short again?

Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao's faces were so gloomy that water dripped out quickly.

But the situation obviously did not allow them to think about it any longer. The next moment, the two of them had already fought with Shi Yu and the others.

Although the situation is serious now, it has not reached the point of no return, and the two still hope that the Eye of Heaven's Punishment can obliterate Chen Xi.

And at that time, it's time for them to launch a counterattack!




The situation became chaotic again, the world-shocking immortal kings faced off fiercely, the incomparable divine splendor continued to roar, and all kinds of terrifying divine treasures competed with each other. Such a grand scene seemed like a chaotic world was coming, and a catastrophe broke out in an all-round way.

It is obvious that Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao were quickly and steadily suppressed, and the situation became a little bit worse and precarious. Even if there were not several powerful and incomparable treasures for support, the two would have been bombarded to death. .


Today's Conferred God Altar is destined to be extraordinary.

On the tens of thousands of feet of bluestone steps, many immortal kings fought against each other, while above the sky, it was Chen Xi alone and the "Eye of Heaven's Punishment" fighting hard!

At this time, Chen Xi's sanity and mind had long been occupied by a wave of anger and violence, and his whole body was enveloped by the strange and obscure aura of the fragments of the river map.

He kept charging, raising his hands and raising his feet, and the Taoism he used was terrifying and mysterious, and he did not grasp it at all. That kind of supreme power, just a little bit, was enough to crush a world and collapse the nine heavens. It's at the level of the Immortal King, and I'm afraid it's impossible to control it at all.

It was also because of this that he was able to challenge the "Chain of Heaven's Punishment" that was constantly suppressing and killing him. If it was his own cultivation, he would have been obliterated into scum in an instant.

In other words, rather than saying that this is a battle between Chen Xi and the Eye of Punishment, it is better to say that it is a battle between the fragments of the river map and the Eye of Punishment.

One of them is a taboo power from the heavens, which makes the immortal kings of the three realms extremely afraid, and even the ancient gods cannot fight against it. It is the power of heaven's punishment.

And the other is from the fragments of the river map. This mysterious treasure has an unpredictable origin, but it contains the supreme mystery. , one can imagine how terrifying the river map is.

Now, the fragments of the river map use Chen Xi's body to fight against the Eye of Punishment, and the conflict that broke out between the two can be called supreme. If left outside, it may have already caused a great catastrophe.


In the chaotic sky, the mysterious, indifferent, and ruthless "Eye of Heaven's Punishment" swirled violently, and the pupils reflected grand visions such as the heavens and myriad worlds, the changes of the universe, the ancient river... and so on.

These visions finally turned into terrifying "Chains of Heaven's Punishment" and suppressed them, just like thousands of chains hanging from the depths of the universe, trying to turn this world into a cage, imprisoning all things, and obliterating heresy.

Each of those black chains contains the taboo power of heaven, which evolved into mysterious patterns, crushing the avenues, shaking the sky, disrupting the latitudes and latitudes of heaven and earth, and the fate of heaven and earth.

If it were any fairy king here, he would be imprisoned by the chains of gods in an instant, emptied of his own law of the fairy king, and then be suppressed and killed!

Even the ancient gods here are powerless to resist this kind of imprisonment and suppression, because that is the taboo power of heaven, as long as they are within the Three Realms, who can compete with it?

Chen Xi is not an immortal king, let alone a god, but now that his body is occupied by fragments of the river map, he managed to fight against the Eye of Heaven's Punishment!

If this matter is reported back to the fairy world, it will definitely cause a great sensation.

Of course, Chen Xi is completely unaware of all this now, his mind has long been occupied by the obscure fluctuations of the fragments of the river map, and has turned into anger and violent emotions, and he has no other thoughts other than this.

I don't know how long it has been--

There was a loud bang, and above the sky, the "Eye of Heaven's Punishment" trembled violently and disappeared like ripples!

Yes, it's gone!

It wasn't that he was defeated by Chen Xi, but that he left suddenly...

It's just that at the moment before it left, the chaotic space suddenly appeared in the boundless pupils. There were countless cages densely covered in the space, and a figure with a divine aura was imprisoned in each cage.

This scene was shocking. Chen Xi had seen it before. The only difference was that a blurry figure suddenly appeared in the chaotic space this time, and he turned his head and glanced at Chen Xi inadvertently...

Chen Xi felt like being struck by lightning!

Then, the breath of Hetu fragments covering his body seemed to have been severely hit, and he collapsed in an instant!

What caused all this was just a look back at that blurred figure!

Who is he?

How could it appear in the pupil of the "Eye of Heaven's Punishment"?

Chen Xi didn't realize at all that his sanity had recovered...



The moment the "Eye of Heaven's Punishment" disappeared, the banner of the six souls of the king of the gods in Suirenting's hand suddenly roared, and the immeasurable divine brilliance suddenly became extremely dim.

At the same time, Suirenting spat out a mouthful of golden blood stains, his face turned pale to transparent in an instant.

Obviously, the disappearance of the Eye of Heaven's Punishment unbalanced the power of the Six Soul Banner of the God King, causing him to suffer a certain degree of backlash.

After all, he is only in the Immortal King Realm, and the power of the Eye of Punishment is still sacrificed by the Six Soul Banner of the God King, and cannot be truly used by the emperor. If the Supreme Leader is here, the situation will be different.


Jiang Lingxiao exclaimed, a sense of despair rising uncontrollably in her heart.

They were oppressed by Shi Yu and others before, they were oppressed everywhere, and their situation has reached a precarious situation. Now that "Eye of Heaven's Punishment" has disappeared, Suirenting suffered backlash, and they fell into a precarious situation all at once. In trouble.


"Take down these two guys in one go!"

Seeing this, Shi Yu and the others cheered up, and the attack became more and more violent.

"If you want to kill us, you are not worthy!"

Suirenting laughed angrily, his demeanor was insane, and his whole body was ablaze with flames. At the same time, with a bang, an ancient, obscure and mysterious jade document appeared in his palm. The terrifying vision of Buddha stained with blood, gods and demons crying, and bones piled up in the sky.

As soon as he appeared, just that momentum alone forced Shi Yu and others to back up again and again!

"The Supreme Jade Document!"

The crowd exclaimed.

Before they could react, there was a terrifying buzzing sound, and the ancient mysterious jade document shone brightly, engulfing Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao and disappearing out of thin air!

You know, this is on the altar of conferring gods, and the divine restraint is pervasive, and it cannot be moved at all, but the two of Suirenting disappeared out of thin air in an instant, which shows how amazing this ancient jade document is!

The fact is indeed the case, this Supreme Jade Document is the property of the Supreme Leader, although it is not as powerful as the Divine King Six Soul Banner, it has the title of "a moment of time, a space of ten thousand worlds".

It goes without saying that relying on this ancient jade document, no matter where you are, you can cross the heavens and worlds in an instant!

"The day of chaos in the Three Realms is the time for you to die!"

In the air, Suirenting's voice filled with endless resentment, anger, and unwillingness floated, and it never disappeared for a long time.

They actually escaped...

Shi Yu and the others were also unwilling, and stood there with gloomy expressions.

No one expected that the Supreme Master had prepared so many means for this operation in the Conferred Gods Domain, and even considered the escape route extremely thoroughly.

"No wonder, even if the Supreme Master is an enemy of the Three Realms, he can still stand in the endless years..."

Xiang Liuli sighed softly, her loss was beyond words.

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