divine talisman

Chapter 1355 Spirit of Dao Fruit [Part 3]

Xiang Liuli's voice fell, and everyone was silent for a while.

Indeed, the Taishangjiao has been besieged and suppressed by countless Taoists since ancient times, and it can definitely be regarded as the public enemy of the Three Realms.

But it is such an orthodoxy that has been able to stand up to this day in the boundless years, and it has become one of the three supreme orthodoxy, which is definitely not in vain.

This time, Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao could get a glimpse of the clues in their actions after entering the Domain of Conferred Gods.

First, he recruited all the immortal kings of the Hongmeng Taoist lineage for his own use, and set up the Nine Heavens of Disaster and Dao Extermination God Formation, intending to kill Shi Yu and others in one fell swoop.

After failing, he fully aroused the 36 levels of prohibition of the gods in the Hall of Conferred Gods, intending to block all immortal kings from entering the altar of Conferred Gods.

Unfortunately, it still ended in failure in the end.

Until just now, Suirenting even used the power of the "Eye of Heaven's Punishment" to wipe out all the other immortal kings present, but they still repeated the same mistakes and fell short.

In this field of action, they sacrificed the Kuiyuan Sacred Dao Pagoda, the Immeasurable Cloudy Sky Mirror, and the Six Soul Banners of the God King, and blood sacrificed the existence of the immortal kings such as Le Qianchou, Bei Haoling, Wuxiangqi, and Yiranfeng.

Even Qiong Yaozi and Lu Xiaohan who died in the first level of restriction in the Palace of Conferred Gods died because they did not want to join the Supreme Sect.

It can be said that despite the fact that Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao were only a few people, the journey into the Conferred God Realm was bloody and bloody, exhausting all kinds of calculations and strategies, appearing extremely ruthless.

Until the end, seeing that Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao were about to be put to death, they were moved away by an empress dowager and escaped, so they survived.

From all these deeds, it can be seen how ruthless, cruel and bloody the Supreme Master's methods are, and it is so difficult to kill the opponent.

Especially Shi Yu, Xiang Liuli and Tatian Dasheng, the more they thought about it, the more chills they felt in their hearts. It was very clear that if they hadn't been accompanied by Chen Xi this time, they might have been killed by the Supreme Sect long ago.

It can even be said that without Chen Xi, they would not have been able to get to this point!

The reason was equally simple. When they were caught in the Nine Heavens Dao Exterminating God Formation, it was Chen Xi who saved them once by relying on the Dao Evil Sword.

It was Chen Xi who led them all the way to break through the 36 levels of gods' prohibition in the Palace of Conferred Gods, and arrived at the Conferred Gods Altar in time.

Until just now, in the face of the fatal threat of the Eye of Punishment, he also made a move to fight against the Eye of Punishment, saving the lives of all the existences in the Immortal King Realm present.

If the first time was a fluke, what about the second and third time?

It can be said that Chen Xi's contribution to defeating Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao this time and making them come back in a feather is indisputable!


Just when everyone's thoughts were flying, a muffled sound came, making them completely awake.

Turning his head to look, he saw Chen Xi actually fell from mid-air and sat on the ground.

"Chen Xi!"

"How's it going?"

Shi Yu, Xiang Liuli, and Tatian Dasheng hurried over, seeing that Chen Xi was only physically exhausted and there was no danger of his life, they all heaved a sigh of relief.

"I am fine."

At this time, Chen Xi had recovered his sanity, but his face was pale and transparent, and his whole body was sluggish, as if his physical strength had been emptied, and he appeared extremely weak.

There was still a strange and obscure fluctuation lingering all over his body, but compared to when he was fighting against the "Eye of Punishment" just now, it was obviously much weaker.

But even so, it still protects him from being attacked by the Conferred God Altar.

"Come on, I'll carry you."

Shi Yu carried Chen Xi on his back without any hesitation, "You rest well, and leave the rest to us."

After going through a series of changes, these Immortal King Realm existences completely regard Chen Xi as a savior. At this time, let alone carrying him on their backs, even if they make any request, they will probably agree without hesitation. .

Seeing this, Chen Xi had no way to refuse. He just smiled lightly, took a deep breath, and began to adjust his breath silently, absorbing the immortal power continuously provided by the Cangwu seedlings.

"Thank you friends this time."

"If it weren't for your help, I'm afraid we would have been robbed already."

"Thank you."

At this time, Sun Wuhen, Dao Yao, and Pang Du also came up together and clasped their hands together.

They knew very well that if Shi Yu and the others hadn't been in the town this time, they would have been ganged up and killed by Suirenting, and they were extremely grateful to Shi Yu and the others.

"No thanks."

Xiang Liuli smiled, but she didn't take the other party's thanks to heart. There was no way, they might have been an alliance before, and they dealt with Suirenting and Jiang Lingxiao together.

But now the situation has changed, and they are about to climb to the top of the Conferred God Altar, looking for the way to prove the Dao and Conferred the Gods, and the relationship between them has changed from an alliance to a competition.

And competition means that there is a possibility of confrontation.

The most important thing is that she clearly remembered before that Dao Yao and Pang Du took refuge in the camp of the Supreme Master. If it weren't for Yi Ranfeng's death, they would only be Suirenting's accomplices until now!

Under such circumstances, how could Xiang Liuli rest assured of the other party's gratitude?It was kind enough not to bother them.

"I... want to search for the spirit of Dao Fruit together with fellow Taoists. Can you accept me as one? Don't worry, I promise not to get involved in your actions."

Sun Wuhen hesitated for a moment, and made a suggestion in a low voice. He also hated Dao Yao and Pang Du, even though he had fought side by side just now, he didn't want to associate with each other anymore.

And in order to obtain the method of proving the Tao and conferring the gods, he can only seek the acceptance of Shi Yu and others. In this way, it is naturally the best that they no longer confront and compete with each other.

"Why don't you let him stay with us? I have a friendship with this old monkey. If he dares to mess around, I'll be the first to kill him."

Great Sage Tatian chimed in on the sidelines.

Seeing this, Shi Yu and Xiang Liuli looked at each other, nodded and agreed, as long as they don't compete and fight with themselves, then everything is easy to talk about.

Seeing this, Dao Yao and Pang Du couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed and embarrassing. They naturally knew that Shi Yu and the others hated Shi Yu and the others because of their previous behavior of taking refuge in the Supreme Master.

If it was normal, they wouldn't care about these things, they just patted their butts and left, but now it's different, they are thinking about the method of proving the Tao and conferring the gods on the altar of conferring gods, and want to achieve this goal, They can only stay here and ask each other for understanding.

"Since this is the case, you should follow along, but the premise is that if you get the spirit of Dao Fruit, you can only hand it over to us first, and it will be your turn at the end. Do you agree?"

Shi Yu opened his mouth. He knew that Dao Yao and Pang Du couldn't be driven away at this time. If there was a competition, there would inevitably be some twists and turns in the battle, so he made such a suggestion.

"Okay, it's the best!"

Dao Yao and Pang Du repeatedly nodded.

They were also worried that Shi Yu and others would be unfavorable to them, so how could they disagree with this suggestion.

The opinions reached a consensus, and the atmosphere in the venue suddenly eased and became more harmonious.

Everyone came here to prove the way of Taoism and conferring gods, and they didn't want to fight each other.


After a shocking battle, all the divine restrictions on the thousand-foot path leading to the top of the Conferred God Altar have already been broken.

Almost instantly, Shi Yu and the others reached the top of the altar.

This is a platform with an area of ​​[-] mu. The ground is paved with ancient bricks and stones. Standing on it, you can look up at the chaotic sky, surrounded by a thick layer of chaotic mist.

"It is rumored that the spirit of Dao and fruit is hidden in this chaos. If you can get it, the god will descend, it will be like obtaining the method of proving the way and conferring the gods, and you will be conferred as a god in a short time!"

Xiang Liuli looked around and spoke slowly.

The Spirit of Dao Fruit is a kind of divine object, born in the realm of the gods outside the Three Realms, similar to the Foundation Establishment Pill, as long as it is swallowed and refined, it can build the foundation of the Conferred God!

In other words, the secret method of conferring the gods is hidden in the spirit of Daoguo!

"Everyone, be careful. The chaotic mist around the altar is filled with endless divine power. It is not so easy to find the spirit of Dao Fruit."

Shi Yu reminded.

Although the top of the altar is only [-] mu in size, every inch of space is shrouded in chaos and mist, and the divine power is pervasive in it, and even the thoughts of the Immortal King cannot be detected. It depends on your chance.

According to the rumors, as soon as the fairy kings who arrived here in the past arrived here, they would be able to find a spirit of Dao Fruit that fits with their Dao, and some people could hardly get one even if they searched countless times.

It depends on your chance.

It's like fishing in a mud pond, everything depends on your luck.

The most important thing is that sometimes finding the spirit of Dao Fruit may not be compatible with the Dao of the Immortal King under one's control. The reason is that the spirit of Dao Fruit is also divided into different attributes.

The laws of God contained in each kind are not the same.

Just like the attributes of the five elements, some fairy kings control the kingly way of gold, but what they get is the Dao fruit fire spirit, which contains the law of the fire god, which conflicts with each other, and cannot advance to the god position and become a god.

Everyone knew this, and after Shi Yu made it clear, they dispersed and walked towards the surrounding chaotic mist, and their figures quickly disappeared.

Shi Yu stayed by Chen Xi's side and did not take any action, fearing that Suirenting would kill another carbine and cause Chen Xi to encounter misfortune.

Chen Xi couldn't refuse this kind of arrangement, so he just asked casually, "Brother Shi Yu, how many Dao fruit spirits are there on this altar?"


Shi Yu pondered and said, "I heard from the seniors of the sect that this thing is very psychic. In the eyes of some people, the spirits of Dao and fruit are everywhere in the chaotic mist, but in the eyes of some people, none of them can be seen. Everything is psychic. It all depends on chance to find it.”

Speaking of this, there was a touch of helplessness in his voice, and he said with a sigh, "This is the way of the gods. Chance is the key to everything. Not everyone is qualified to jump out of the three realms and become the supreme god."


Chen Xi was startled, while adjusting his breath, while scanning the chaotic mist nearby, a strange gleam flashed in his eyes, "Then dare to ask Brother Shi Yu, what does the Spirit of Dao Fruit look like?"


ps: The third update is over, we will continue tomorrow, please strongly ask for a monthly pass~

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