divine talisman

Chapter 1356 Chaos Demon [Part 1]

Thank you "lyn123456" for your support~


The reason why Chen Xi asked this was because he suddenly discovered that under the inspection of his Eye of Divine Truth, he could clearly see the luster of divinity shining everywhere in the chaotic mist.

Red, indigo, dark blue, dark red, ocher yellow... Those divine auras are like flying elves, flickering on and off in the chaotic mist, erratic, truly gorgeous and beautiful.

But Chen Xi wasn't sure if those divine auras were the spirits of the Dao Fruit, because that kind of divine aura was so dazzling that he couldn't see its true appearance.

Shi Yu opened his mouth and was about to answer when his eyes narrowed and he shouted in a low voice, "Be careful! Stay still!"


Before he finished speaking, there was an extremely violent fluctuation in the chaotic mist not far away, and then there was a bang, and a black light shot out fiercely towards Shi Yu!

This scene happened so quickly that Chen Xi didn't even have time to react, let alone see the other party's appearance clearly.


Holding the Shenxuan sword in his hand, Shi Yu slashed out suddenly, wrapped in immeasurable divine power, and shook the opponent hard.


A terrifying wave of power spread.

Shi Yu stood still, but the ray of black light staggered back from the shock, and then turned around and rushed into the chaotic mist with a swish, before disappearing.

Shi Yu didn't pursue him, because the first thing he had to consider was Chen Xi's safety, and he was worried that being diverted away by the other party would be a threat to him instead.

"what is that?"

Chen Xi said in surprise, he never thought that the top of the altar was not safe.

"The Chaos Demon Spirit, a spirit body whose strength is comparable to that of the Immortal King Realm, is born together with the Spirit of Dao Fruit." Shi Yu quickly explained.

It turns out that this chaotic demon spirit is the existence of guarding the spirit of the Dao fruit, and it doesn't have much wisdom, but once it finds that someone is coveting the spirit of the Dao fruit, it will do everything to kill the other party, which is extremely difficult to deal with.

Because this kind of spirit body and the spirit of Daoguo accompany each other, they have fighting power comparable to that of the Immortal King Realm. If they are not handled carefully, they may even be hunted and killed by them, and then their bodies will be forcibly taken over, and they will be reduced to "magic puppets"!

In those boundless years, such things happened more than once, and they were all negligently occupied by the Chaos demon spirit when they were looking for the spirit of Dao Fruit, and became a monster that was neither human nor strange.

"Demon puppet?" Chen Xi's heart shuddered when he heard it.

"Yes, this is similar to seizing a house. After the Chaos Demon Spirit occupies the body of the Immortal King Realm and becomes a puppet, it can refine the spirit of Dao Fruit and become a god by itself!"

Shi Yu said in a deep voice, "The existence of the demon puppet proving to be a god is called a demon god. Although it is not comparable to the innate demon god born in the chaos, its strength is no different from that of a god."

Through Shi Yu's explanation, Chen Xi immediately understood the horror of the Chaos Demon Spirit. After seizing the Immortal King Realm and refining the Dao Fruit Spirit, he could actually prove the position of Dao Demon God and stand shoulder to shoulder with gods!

"So, Miss Li and the others are in danger?" Chen Xi's heart tightened, and he asked worriedly.

"Don't forget, these chaotic demon spirits don't have much wisdom, otherwise they wouldn't have to take away the body of the Immortal King for their own use, and then refine the spirit of Dao Fruit."

Shi Yu smiled, his expression full of disdain, "As long as you deal with such idiots, you just need to be careful, and there will be no accidents at all, unless..."

Chen Xi couldn't help asking, "Unless what?"

"Unless he is also an idiot." Shi Yu laughed loudly.

Chen Xi was speechless, and immediately realized a problem, and frowned, "Brother Shi Yu, is there a chaotic demon spirit guarding every spirit of Dao Fruit?"

Shi Yu said casually, "That's natural."

Hearing this, Chen Xi was shocked in his heart, and thought to himself, if the auras of divinity he saw just now were all spirits of Dao fruit, wouldn't it mean that there are an equal number of Chaos demon spirits on this altar?

"Ah! Help me! Fellow Daoists, help me!"

At this moment, a scream of shock and anger suddenly came from the chaotic mist in the distance.

It's Pondo's voice!

Shi Yu's expression froze, and he looked into the distance suddenly, and then he saw a figure tearing apart layers of chaotic mist, struggling to escape this way.

Because the chaotic mist is full of divine power, it seems to be running in the mud, but the speed is extremely slow, and it is impossible to teleport at all, and can only run step by step.

And behind Pang Du, there are five or six black lights chasing him!

At this time, Chen Xi finally saw the appearance of those black lights clearly, each one of them was as transparent as they were, covered with chaotic aura, and it was extremely difficult to find their existence in that chaotic mist.


The Shenxuan sword in Shi Yu's hand groaned, he stood still, and slashed across with a sudden stroke of the sword.

There was a loud bang, and layers of chaotic mist were torn open, revealing a path. Seeing this, Pang Du suddenly jumped up and rushed towards him.

"Jie Jie!" "Jie Jie!"

Waves of angry screams came from the chaotic mist, but the five or six chaotic demon spirits who were chasing and killing Pang Du did not chase after them. Instead, they dodged and disappeared into the chaotic mist again.

"Damn! I was scared to death! I was almost trapped to death by those damn things."

Pang Du gasped for breath. His clothes were disheveled, his face was pale, and there was still a trace of fear between his brows. It was hard to imagine what kind of danger this existence in the Immortal King Realm had encountered.

"Thank you Daoist Shi Yu for your help this time. I am very grateful." After Pang Du calmed down, he quickly got up and bowed to Shi Yu.

"What happened?" Shi Yu frowned. If he hadn't reached an agreement before, he wouldn't be bothered to help the other party, so he was naturally a little rude.

"I have found a Dao Fruit Spirit before, and I was planning to ingest it. I never thought that five or six Chaos Demon Spirits would rush out of the vicinity at once. I was caught off guard and was almost trapped and killed."

Pang Du smiled wryly, revealing a strong sense of unwillingness and fear, seeing that he could get a Dao Fruit Spirit, never thought that such an accident would happen.

Hearing this, Shi Yu frowned, vaguely feeling that the situation seemed to be a little bad, and at this moment, something happened again.

"Not good! Retreat!"

"Damn it, what's going on? There are so many Chaos Demon Spirits!"


A burst of shouts of shock and anger came from the chaotic mist in all directions almost at the same time, and then Xiang Liuli, Tatian Dasheng, Sun Wuhen, Dao Yao and others all fled towards this side in extreme embarrassment.

And behind them, there are chaotic demon spirits chasing and killing them one by one!

Seeing this, Shi Yu and Pang Du didn't dare to hesitate, and rushed to rescue them.


After a while.

Shi Yu, Xiang Liuli, and Tatian Dasheng all gathered together, with a haze hanging over their brows.

Like Pang Du, after the others entered the chaotic mist, they were all attacked and attacked by many chaotic demon spirits.

Especially Dao Yao, if Shi Yu hadn't helped him in time, he would have been completely taken away by those chaotic demon spirits!

At this time, Yusheng after the catastrophe, there was an indelible throbbing color on his expression, obviously the scene that happened just now had a great impact on his mind.

"The situation seems to be a little bad this time. There are too many chaotic demon spirits, and they come out in groups, making it impossible to guard against." Xiang Liuli frowned and said solemnly, "In addition, the chaotic mist is full of divine power. If you can't escape in time, the consequences will be disastrous."

The others also agreed deeply, frowning tightly, feeling rather troublesome.

If it was changed to other places, they could kill these little intelligent things in minutes, but in this chaotic mist, when they swarmed up, they were not something they could compete with.

"Have you forgotten that the more Chaos Demon Spirits, the more Dao Fruit Spirits?"

Shi Yu smiled slightly, and said with burning eyes, "It's better for you to act together. In this way, not only can the threat posed by the Chaos Demon Spirit be resolved, but maybe even more Dao Fruit Spirits can be obtained this time!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes lit up.

Indeed, according to Shi Yu's suggestion, the risk is undoubtedly much smaller.

Regarding this type of conversation, Chen Xi at the side couldn't intervene at all, he could only recover his physical strength silently, and listened silently, but he had already roughly judged in his heart that the various divine rays of light he saw just now should be Dao fruits. Undoubtedly the spirit.

At that moment, Xiang Liuli and Tatian Dasheng acted together and once again entered into the thick fog of chaos, while Shi Yu still stayed to protect Chen Xi.

At this time, Shi Yu was in no mood to talk, and his mind was always paying attention to Xiang Liuli and the others' movements, and would immediately act to rescue them if something went wrong.

And Chen Xi collected his thoughts and calmly adjusted his breath.

He couldn't get his hands on everything in front of him, and paying attention to it would add to his troubles.


Streams of pure, thick and pure fairy power gushed out from the Cangwu seedlings, turning into torrents to replenish the fairy power in the world around Chen Xi.

At the same time, in his heart, Xinying sat cross-legged and meditated, running the method of immeasurable merit and virtue, and the whole body was filled with golden light, constantly recovering the secret power of the heart.

I believe that it won't be long before his physical and mental strength can be restored to the original level.

"It's a pity, if you have a complete river map this time, maybe you can completely leave that 'Eye of Heaven's Punishment'..."

While adjusting his breath, Chen Xi was paying attention to the movement in the sea of ​​consciousness. The fragments of the river map were floating quietly, sending out strange and obscure fluctuations. It no longer had the aura of violence, hatred, and anger that it had before.

But Chen Xi could feel that the fragments of the river map did not just fall into silence, it seemed that it was too consumed, and it was constantly being repaired...


All of a sudden, Chen Xi noticed something was wrong. The strands of strange and obscure aura emanating from the fragments of the river map did not restrain themselves, but spread out like strands of silk thread, in a way that he did not notice at all. It quietly spread into the chaotic mist in all directions.

It... seems to be looking for something?

This feeling is very strange, as if the fragment of the river chart has suddenly transformed into a fisherman, using his breath as a fishing rod, trying to lure some kind of prey into the bait...

Chen Xi was taken aback for a moment.


ps: The second update is around 9 o'clock, and the third update is around 11 o'clock.

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