divine talisman

Chapter 1357 Throwing Into Her Arms [Part 2]

With Chen Xi as the center, strands of obscure and strange fluctuations protruded into the chaotic mist in all directions like tentacles.

At this moment, Chen Xi felt in a trance that he had turned into a spider, lying in the criss-crossing fine spider webs, waiting to harvest.

It's a very odd feeling.

As time passed bit by bit, this weird feeling became more and more intense, and the fragments of the river map in the sea of ​​consciousness began to tremble, obviously a little impatient.

Like a hungry beast waiting for its meal.


Suddenly, the fragments of the river map hummed violently.


Almost at the same time, Shi Yu's suspicious voice came from his ear.


In the depths of the chaotic mist.

Xiang Liuli, Tatian Dasheng, Sun Wuhen, Daoyao, and Pangdu exist in the Immortal King Realm, and they are fighting with all their strength.

Near them, there were more than a dozen Chaos Demon Spirits attacking them frantically, releasing various kinds of terrifying divine brilliance, which spread out in the chaotic mist.

However, this kind of attack is obviously helpless to Liu Li and the others, the situation is not dangerous.

And not far away from them, there is still a blue light of divinity flickering all over the body.

Looking carefully, the blue divine radiance is round and round, about the size of a baby's fist, like a bright blue sun, releasing strands of pure divine breath.

As it flickers, those divine radiances continue to evolve, producing a variety of mysterious and mysterious vision patterns, there are gods singing, there are blue and white flowers falling, there are auspicious birds and beasts galloping, and there are ancient voices floating...

That heavy vision is so sacred, supreme, and supreme, as if it came from the legendary kingdom of God.

The Spirit of Dao Fruit!

Only this kind of divine object can reflect such a sacred and supreme vision.

"Everyone help defend against the surrounding attacks first, I have come to surrender this spirit of Dao Fruit that contains the law of Shenmu!"

Xiang Liuli gave an order, and suddenly condensed a Supreme God Seal, which enveloped the spirit of Dao Fruit in the distance.


Seeing that the spirit of the Dao fruit was about to be captured, the sudden change suddenly increased——

An invisible force suddenly appeared, grabbed the Dao Fruit Spirit before Xiang Liuli, and then disappeared out of thin air in a flash!

Xiang Liuli was stunned for a moment, and his eyes suddenly shrank.

How is this going?

Not only him, but Tatian Dasheng and the others also noticed this scene, and they were all shocked. Could it be that there are other competitors nearby?



There was an extremely angry scream from the Chaos Demon Spirit nearby. It seemed that the disappearance of the Dao Fruit Spirit made them completely crazy.

Accompanied by their screams, in the chaotic mist of ten thousand acres above the altar, there were bursts of angry roars almost simultaneously.

It seems that at this moment, all the chaotic demon spirits hidden in the chaotic mist are enraged!

"Damn! How could this be?"

"Not good! Retreat!"


Faced with this sudden scene, Xiang Liuli and the others also had complexions darkened, feeling a great threat, they dared not hesitate, and immediately returned to the original road.



At this moment, on the top of the Conferred God Altar, the chaotic mist in the area of ​​[-] mu suddenly rolled violently, and bursts of sharp and extremely angry roars came out of it, resounding like rolling thunder.

It can be clearly seen that in the mist, there are streaks of black light running wildly. They are chaotic demon spirits one after another, but at this moment they are like a herd of enraged beasts.

At the same time, there are streaks of colorful divine brilliance, constantly rushing up from the chaotic mist like streamers, rushing towards the same direction from all directions.

Chaos mist boils!

Chaos demons are furious!

The Spirit of Dao Fruit flew in the same direction!

Such a shocking change made Shi Yu, who was guarding Chen Xi's side, startled in horror, his face showed a dignified expression, and he couldn't believe it.

"Damn it! What's going on here?"

Shi Yu never expected that after finally reaching the altar, he should harvest the spirit of Dao Fruit, but so many changes happened at this time.

"Go! Something is wrong!"

At this time, Xiang Liuli and the others also returned from the chaotic mist, their faces were extremely different, revealing anxious, unwilling, angry, and gloomy expressions.

The situation is indeed serious.

There were frequent changes on the entire altar, and all the chaotic demon spirits were enraged and rushed towards this side. There may be as many as forty or fifty of them, and they only exist in the realm of six fairy kings, so what? Will it be its opponent?

Therefore, we can only escape from this chaotic altar first!

It is conceivable how bad this situation is for Shi Yu and the others, making their expressions extremely gloomy.

But no matter how angry they are, for the sake of their lives, they can only avoid the edge and turn around to leave!


However, just when they were about to act, a huge and obscure wave spread in all directions.

At this moment, Shi Yu and the others froze all over, as if they were swept by a thought of a supreme god, and felt cold all over their bodies.

And then, in their field of vision, an astonishing scene appeared——

Accompanied by the spread of the huge strange fluctuations, the chaotic demon spirits in the chaotic mist seemed to be grasped by an invisible big hand, their bodies shrunk sharply, and they screamed in terror, no matter how hard they struggled, it was useless.


The next moment, the bodies of the chaotic demon spirits were caught and exploded, and they died suddenly!

Shi Yu and the others were so shocked that they couldn't believe their eyes.

Those are four No. 50 existences that are comparable to the existence of the Immortal King Realm. Although they don't have much wisdom, once they take away the body of the Immortal King, they can refine the spirit of Dao Fruit and prove the position of Dao Demon God in one fell swoop!

But now, like ants, they were easily crushed to death by that strange and obscure wave!

If this happened to me...

Thinking of this, Shi Yu and the others felt chills in their hearts, not daring to imagine any more.


When Shi Yu and the others were shocked, blazing and brilliant divine brilliance pierced through the air, like divine rainbows, all rushing towards this side.

Black, white, indigo, black...they are all the fruits of Dao spirits!

An indescribable ecstasy welled up in the hearts of Shi Yu and the others. Although they were still trying to figure out why such an accident had happened, when they saw the spirits of the Dao Fruit flying towards them on their own initiative, it was such an unexpected surprise. And the surprise is beyond description.

"Act quickly!"


"I want this Dao fruit spirit that contains the law of the water god!"

Almost without any hesitation, Shi Yu and others rushed to grab it.

But what happened next was beyond their expectation again, and they were surprised and astonished, because no matter how they attacked, they couldn't get close to the spirit of Dao Fruit!

It seems that there is an invisible force covering all the spirits of Dao Fruit.

This caught them all by surprise, and they were a little caught off guard. When they looked carefully, they discovered in disbelief that all the spirits of the Dao Fruit had rushed towards Chen Xi!


Everyone's eyes were wide open, their jaws almost fell to the ground in shock, and the Dao Fruit Spirit actually threw himself into Chen Xi's arms obediently and actively?This is incredible, right?

Let alone them, Chen Xi at this moment also felt an indescribable shock.

He had previously discovered that the fluctuations produced by the fragments of the river map were extremely strange, but he still did not expect such a scene to happen.

Those chaotic demon spirits were all killed like paper, and those Dao fruit spirits flew towards him on their own initiative... If he hadn't seen the extraordinaryness of the fragments of the river map, he almost thought he was dreaming.


In a flash, a spirit of Dao fruit filled with red fire-colored divine luster poured into Chen Xi's body.

But before he could react, the Dao Fruit Spirit turned into a fiery red pure divine power with a bang, which was absorbed by all the fragments of the river map in the sea of ​​consciousness and disappeared.

At the same time, strands of brilliance suddenly appeared on the surface of the fragments of the river map, and they were no longer as dull as before.

After the battle with the "Eye of Heaven's Punishment" before, the aura of the fragments of the river map weakened, but now, after swallowing this spirit of Dao fruit, it obviously recovered a lot.

At this moment, Chen Xi finally understood that the reason why the fragments of the river map were shot was that the power of these Dao Fruit Spirits was urgently needed to recover the consumed power.


Next, the spirits of other Dao fruits poured into Chen Xi's body one after another, and then turned into various pure divine powers, which were absorbed by the fragments of the river map.

This scene fell in the eyes of Shi Yu and the others, and a stormy sea couldn't help rising in their hearts.

This is the spirit of the Dao fruit that contains the mysterious method of proving the Dao seal. How can a little guy in the holy fairyland be refined and swallowed, and he is continuously incorporated into his body?

This is beyond their imagination.

"Brother Chen Xi should be carrying some kind of secret treasure of Shenyan Mountain, which possesses incredible functions." Xiang Liuli said in a low voice.

"That should be the case. I suspected before that besides the Sword of Dao, there should be a more mysterious and powerful treasure on his body. Otherwise, how can he fight against the 'Eye of Punishment'?"

Shi Yu nodded, agreeing with Xiang Liuli's point of view.

Whether it's breaking the 36 layers of gods' prohibition in the Temple of the Conferred Gods, or fighting against the "Eye of Punishment", or even ascending the altar of the Conferred Gods, it is impossible for a little guy in the Holy Fairyland to do it.

Only this kind of explanation can make all kinds of anomalies that happened to Chen Xi reasonable.

Otherwise, if a holy fairyland can do this, then these fairy kings simply wipe their necks and commit suicide.

"So, these dao fruit spirits were refined by a certain secret treasure on this kid? This, this, this... really hurts!"

Seeing the spirits of Dao and fruit disappear one by one, the great sage Tatian couldn't help but beat his chest and stamped his feet. There is a secret method of proving the way and conferring the gods in it!It is the supreme treasure that every fairy king dreams of!

They risked all their lives to get here, not all because of this thing?

But now, it got into Chen Xi's body like a cabbage that doesn't cost money. How could the Great Sage Tatian not feel pain?My heart is bleeding...

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