divine talisman

Chapter 1358 Shinto Oath [Part 3]

Not only the great sage stepping on the sky, but also Shi Yu and others felt a pain in the flesh. If it weren't for their status, they would all want to fight for it!

Of course, it's useless to scramble. The spirits of Dao Fruit are all enveloped by the breath of the fragments of the river map, making them unable to approach at all, and can only watch helplessly.

There are nearly fifty Dao Fruit Spirits before him, but now more than twenty have poured into Chen Xi's body.

If it continues at this speed, all the spirits of Dao Fruit will be refined in a short time, and by then, Shi Yu and the others will definitely vomit blood in depression!

At this moment, Chen Xi also felt a pain in the flesh, but he couldn't stop it.

That is the spirit of Dao Fruit!

Can some be left over?

It seemed to have heard Chen Xi's heartfelt voice. After absorbing more than 30 Dao fruit spirits, the surface of the fragments of the river chart was overflowing with divine luster, exuding an aura of perfection, and immediately fell into silence.

There are still seventeen Dao fruit spirits left!

Seeing this, Chen Xi immediately revealed an extremely gratified smile. These are all supreme treasures, and now they are all his own!


Losing the power that enveloped the fragments of the river map, the remaining Dao fruit spirits were collected by Chen Xi one by one like rain, and put into jade boxes one by one, carefully sealed up.

Fortunately, it was the fragments of the river map that had already tamed the spirit of the Dao Fruit. Otherwise, simply collecting these fetishes would not be something that Chen Xi, who was in the Holy Fairyland, could do.

After doing all of this, Chen Xi heaved a sigh of relief, glanced inadvertently, and saw Shi Yu and the others staring at him with wide-eyed eyes, as if they were looking at a freak, with indescribably weird eyes.

Chen Xi immediately understood that everything just now had been seen by these Immortal King Realm beings, and he was speechless for a moment. This was the commotion caused by the fragments of the river map, and had nothing to do with him at all.

Unfortunately, he couldn't explain more.

"Brother Chen Xi, great job!"

Fortunately, Shi Yu and the others didn't delve into this matter, they just praised Chen Xi repeatedly.

Before, they never imagined that so many changes would happen on the top of the Conferred God Altar, and they never imagined that there are so many chaotic demon spirits and dao fruit spirits hidden in the chaotic mist within the area of ​​ten thousand mu...

Especially when they saw the spirits of the Dao Fruit taking the initiative to "throw themselves into their arms" to Chen Xi, let alone the shock in their hearts.

Now that everything has returned to calm, and there are more than a dozen Dao fruit spirits in Chen Xi's hands, they are naturally extremely envious, and it is impossible for them to be stingy with their praise.

There was no way, they still expected Chen Xi to give each of them a Dao Fruit Spirit.

As for robbing, Sun Wuhen, Dao Yao, and Pang Du also had this idea in their hearts, but when they saw Shi Yu, Xiang Liuli, and Tatian Dasheng next to them, they immediately gave up.

They knew very well that even though Chen Xi was just a junior in the Holy Immortal Realm, Immortal King Weiyang suffered serious injuries just because of him!

Even without mentioning these things, his fighting power when he was able to confront the "Eye of Heaven's Punishment" was enough to make Sun Wuhen and the others fearful and dare not have any evil thoughts.

If there were other holy fairylands, they wouldn't talk nonsense at all, and just went to grab it.

"Little friend Chen Xi, I don't know if those Dao fruit spirits of yours...whether...whether..."

Xiang Liuli hesitated again and again, but still hesitated to speak. There was a smear of embarrassment on her fresh and beautiful face, as if she was a little embarrassed.

It is extremely rare for a fairy king of Nuwa Taoist Palace to show such an appearance.

When they were speaking, the eyes of the others also showed a hint of fiery enthusiasm, and they frequently lingered on the jade box in Chen Xi's hand, as if hesitating to speak.

"Miss Li, needless to say, I didn't intend to take all of these Dao Fruit Spirits for myself."

Chen Xi opened his mouth hastily, he didn't dare to embarrass Xiang Liuli any longer.

As he spoke, he immediately lined up the seventeen jade boxes containing the spirits of Dao and fruit, put them in front of him, and said, "I don't know what kind of fairy king's way you have comprehended, please choose for yourself." .”

Seeing Chen Xi so happy, Shi Yu and the others were extremely pleased, and all looked at Chen Xi with incomparable kindness.

"Brother Chen Xi, then I will not be polite."

Shi Yu laughed and stepped forward first. After a short search, he chose a Dao Fruit Spirit that contained the Golden God Law.

"Brother Shi Yu, aren't you practicing the Law of Light?"

Chen Xi asked in a daze. According to his previous understanding, if the God's law contained in the chosen Dao Fruit Spirit didn't match the Immortal King Dao that he had grasped, he would not be able to prove the Dao and Confer God.

Shi Yu was in a happy mood, so he would not be stingy in pointing Chen Xi, and said with a smile: "There are nine kinds of laws of gods needed to prove the Dao and confer the gods, namely the five elements, yin and yang, and wind and thunder, and they are also called the 'nine ways of conferring the gods'. "

According to Shi Yu, it turns out that the spirit of the Dao and Fruit contains the method of proving the Dao and conferring the gods. If there are nine kinds of gods in it, if the immortal king who controls the nine kinds of Dao exists to choose, he can only choose to be with himself. matched.

And for those who control the rare immortal king's avenue, they can choose any kind of attribute of the spirit of Dao fruit.

Just like the rare avenues such as light, darkness, and sinking, they are themselves superior to the avenues such as the five elements and yin and yang. When choosing a certain kind of Dao fruit spirit, there will be no conflicts.

After hearing all of this, Chen Xi finally had a comprehensive understanding of Proving the Dao and Conferring the Gods.

This knowledge seems to be useless to him for the time being, but it will be of great use when he advances to the Immortal King Realm and proves the Dao and Conferred God.

Next, Xiang Liuli, Tatian Dasheng, Sun Wuhen, Dao Yao, Pang Du and others also chose a Dao Fruit Spirit one by one, and they couldn't express their gratitude to Chen Xi.

So far, there are still eleven Dao Fruit Spirits in Chen Xi's hands!

"Fellow daoists, I hope that what happened today will not be leaked, can you agree?"

Suddenly, Shi Yu's expression became solemn, his eyes swept across Sun Wuhen, Dao Yao, and Pang Du like cold lightning, and his voice carried a stern and stern taste.

As soon as these words came out, Xiang Liuli and Tatian Dasheng also looked solemn and sullen, and they understood Shi Yu's thoughts, and glanced over Shi Yu coldly.

The eleven Dao fruit spirits in Chen Xi's hands are a wealth that is enough to make any existence in the Immortal King Realm jealous. If it spreads to the Immortal Realm, it will definitely cause endless turmoil.

At that time, just relying on Chen Xi's current strength, he would not be able to keep the Dao Fruit Spirit in his hands. Shi Yu and the others did this to prevent future troubles, so as not to be unfavorable to Chen Xi in the future.

The three of Sun Wuhen were cheering themselves up. Hearing this, they couldn't help but feel a sudden change in their hearts, and their expressions all changed slightly.

"Everyone, don't worry, I, Sun Wuhen, swear in front of everyone today with the avenue under my control that if I leak even the slightest bit of today's events, I will be punished by the gods and heaven, and I will live forever and die forever!"

Sun Wuhen took a deep breath, and solemnly made a solemn oath!

Seeing this, Dao Yao and Pang Du couldn't help feeling helpless. Originally, they thought about using today's news to exchange some benefits with other comrades, but Shi Yu's warning and threats made them extinguish this thought immediately. .

Under the slightly threatening cold eyes of Shi Yu, Xiang Liuli, and Tatian Dasheng, the two of them had no choice but to make a heavy oath obediently.

For beings like them, as long as the oath is made from the heart, it will be subject to a kind of check and balance invisibly. Even if they prove the way and become a god, if they jump out of the Three Realms, once they violate the oath, they will definitely suffer from heaven!

In the final analysis, it lies in the word "Shinto" in their oath!

The so-called gods control the divine way. If you violate your own divine way, you will naturally be punished by heaven.

Seeing that Sun Wuhen and the others made a heavy oath, Shi Yu and the others all looked relaxed.

As for this kind of arrangement, Chen Xi is naturally very happy to see it, but he still has a little worry in his heart. He is the descendant of Shenyan Mountain. Even if he has a good relationship with Shi Yu and the others, what if the other party leaks this news to their relatives and friends? What about friends?

At that time, even if they don't attack themselves, if they come to the door and ask themselves to give up a Dao Ling fruit, they will be in trouble...

After all, Shi Yu and the others are disciples of Nuwa Dao Palace, so there must be many fellow disciples. Once they learn about these things, they will be in trouble after all.

"Fellow Daoist Shi Yu, since I have made a heavy oath, do you also express it?" Dao Yao was a little unwilling to be restrained like this, and couldn't help but said.

As soon as these words came out, Chen Xi remained expressionless, but secretly heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, and suddenly felt that Dao Yao was much more pleasing to the eye...

"It's natural."

People like Shi Yu, Xiang Liuli, and Tatian Dasheng all guessed Dao Yao's intentions at once, but they didn't feel any discomfort.

At that moment, the three of them also made a heavy oath.

Seeing this, Chen Xi was finally completely relieved, and his whole body felt relaxed for a while.

Immediately he noticed that Shi Yu and Xiang Liuli glanced at him indiscriminately, which made him suddenly realize that in fact, Shi Yu and the others had already seen through his mind, but they didn't say much.

Naturally, Chen Xi wouldn't say much about it. Through the contact and communication during this period of time, he also knew very well what Shi Yu and the others were like, so he wouldn't worry about what they thought of him.

On the contrary, the other party is afraid that he is having a headache how to repay his kindness.

After all, along the way, I have helped the other party a lot, resolved more than one calamity, and now I have sent out one after another the spirit of Dao Fruit, and the other party is not a ruthless person like the Taishang Sect, so I will definitely remember this in the heart.

This is what Chen Xi values ​​most.

"I heard that if you refine the spirit of Dao Fruit on the top of this Conferred God Altar, it is very possible to get a glimpse of the list of Conferred Gods. I would like to give it a try."

Suddenly, with his hands behind his back, Shi Yu looked up at the chaotic sky above his head, his eyes were like lightning, and there was a look of expectation in his expression, and he said slowly.

Hearing this, everyone was also refreshed, and the list of conferred gods was a fetish branded with supreme miracles!


ps: 3 updates for 3 consecutive days, continue tomorrow, ask for a monthly pass~~ The ranking has been blown to the 10th, so hurry up~~~ Please everyone.

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