divine talisman

Chapter 1359 Conferred God Ranking [Part 1]

List of Conferred Gods!

It is rumored that every fairy king who proves Taoism and confers gods, when he has a god, his name will appear on it, becoming an eternal honor.

Even if the body dies and the dao disappears, even if everything is destroyed, and the epoch turns around, there will still be imprinted traces of oneself on it!

More importantly, it represented a recognition of one's identity by the mysterious God's Domain, and it was even rumored that one could peek into the mysteries of the Supreme God's Domain from the List of Conferred Gods!

And when Chen Xi heard the name of the Conferred God List, he immediately remembered the grand scene he had witnessed in his sea of ​​consciousness. It was a scroll that seemed to stretch across the two poles of the sky. It is impossible to see what is recorded in it.

But it is undeniable that it should be the list of gods!

And the reason why he was able to spy on such a scene was because of the changes in the fragments of the river map.

Chen Xi didn't know what that meant, but he was also very curious, if this List of Conferred Gods existed, in whose hands would it be held?And why would such a top list be issued?


After deciding to refine the spirit of Dao Fruit and get a glimpse of the face of the list of gods, Shi Yu no longer hesitated, and immediately sat cross-legged on the altar and started to act.

With a solemn expression, his whole body was covered with the laws of the Immortal King, and his hands quickly formed a series of mysterious and mysterious supreme formulas, which poured into the spirit of Dao fruit floating in front of him like a tide.


Accompanied by the influx of various magical formulas, the spirit of the Dao fruit suddenly radiated light, producing an incomparably magnificent roar of the Dao sound, which could be clearly seen, and mysterious visions evolved one after another.

The praises of the gods, the golden radiance piercing the sky, the misty auspicious auspiciousness, and the vast sound of Zen...

In the end, all these visions turned into a trickle like jade liquid, which was swallowed by Shi Yu with his mouth open.

At this moment, a blazing divine golden light burst out from his whole body, like a brilliant golden crow soaring into the sky, illuminating the nine heavens and the ten earths.

This scene is extremely sacred, seeing other people are shocked, but more is the look of anticipation.

The spirit of Daoguo contains the secret method of proving the Tao and conferring the gods. As long as you refine it, you can get the god-given position. In the future, you only need to practice quietly in the future, and you can prove the Tao as the supreme god in one fell swoop!

That is the realm that every fairy king dreams of!

For Chen Xi, witnessing such a process is also a rare experience, and it will be of great benefit if he proves the Dao and becomes a god in the future.


The blazing divine golden light broke through the sky, and the chaotic mist above the sky was torn apart, and then, an indescribably majestic aura descended from the sky.

As if a supreme god was about to descend into the world, feeling the aura of majesty, every fairy king present couldn't help feeling a sense of awe in their hearts, just like a pious pilgrimage.

The next moment, a grand, mysterious scroll surrounded by divine golden brilliance gradually emerged above the sky.

It was too blazing and extremely dazzling, covering the entire Altar of the God-Conferred Gods, rendering the entire world into a golden color, and releasing a supreme majesty.

List of Conferred Gods!

Xiang Liuli and the others were shocked in their hearts, their eyes widened, and there was a touch of admiration and fanaticism in their expressions.

Chen Xi really had a hard time imagining what kind of mystery was hidden on the list of Conferred Gods that would make these Immortal King Realm beings so excited.

But soon, he couldn't care less about these, because above the sky, that mysterious and majestic golden scroll was slowly opening from the middle.

And everyone's eyes and hearts were attracted at once, lest they miss any details.


With the opening of the List of Conferred Gods, a divine sound resounded like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening. It was so vast and majestic, and it fell into the ears, but it was like the sound of heaven, making all of them feel a kind of tranquility and tranquility in body and mind.

But soon, Xiang Liuli, Tatian Dasheng and the others all changed countenance, and they all couldn't help but groaned, with a look of pain on their faces.

Because their minds and wills at this moment are suppressed by a supreme majesty, so that even if they open their eyes wide, they can no longer peek at the list of gods above the sky!

They didn't dare to struggle, because the majestic and supreme power was too terrifying, they immediately gave up all their thoughts, sat cross-legged on the ground, and didn't dare to have any unreasonable thoughts.

Only Chen Xi, when he sensed that aura of majesty descending, the fragments of the river map in the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly produced a wave of fluctuations, completely dissolving them into nothingness.

At this moment, Chen Xi keenly noticed that the fragments of the river map seemed to be extremely resistant and repulsive to this kind of power, although they were not disgusting or angry.

This reminded Chen Xi of the previous battle with the "Eye of Heaven's Punishment".

He had a vague feeling that whether it was facing the Eye of Punishment that day or facing the List of Conferred Gods that appeared at this time, the fragments of the river chart could no longer remain silent, and instead carried a will of their own and emotions.

Chen Xi couldn't figure this out, so he didn't think about it anymore, and stared closely at the list of Conferred Gods above the sky, watched it slowly open, and finally saw some extremely resplendent names!

Line by line.

column by column.

The dense clusters are like pearls inlaid in the starry sky, blooming various supreme auras.

Some are as sharp as a sharp sword, chilling Wushuang.

Some are flamboyant and unrestrained like flames.

Some are as warm as a breeze, ubiquitous.

Some are as silent as a rock, but reveal an unshakable force.


Every name is so bright and resplendent, with supreme power and power, reflected in the list of gods, just like the gathering of thousands of stars, giving people an unparalleled shock.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard Chen Xi tried, he couldn't see clearly what those names were, and no matter how he calculated, he couldn't tell how many of those names there were.

Because the list of conferring gods was too majestic and supreme, covering the divine power, so that he could only see a line of miraculous names, but he couldn't see who the names were.

But Chen Xi dared to confirm that the names on the list must represent the supreme beings who have proved the Dao and Conferred Gods in the endless years since the beginning of chaos!

Who are they?

Are there Fuxi, Nuwa, Supreme Leader, Chaos God Lotus, The Third Nether Emperor, Cangwu Sacred Tree, Ant Supreme, Immemorial Five Emperors...their names?

Chen Xi's thoughts were flying, and he thought of the big men who reached the sky that he had heard about during his journey of cultivation.

In a trance, that mysterious, indifferent, ruthless eye appeared in his mind inexplicably, and he remembered a blurry figure that looked back inadvertently in that eye...

Then, his heart trembled, he felt an indescribable palpitation, the pores all over his body stood up, he shuddered, and suddenly woke up from his chaotic thoughts.


Chen Xi couldn't help but let out a long breath of foul air, his expression was bewildered. Who was that vague figure that appeared in the "Eye of Heaven's Punishment"?

Why do I feel an incomparable heart palpitation when I think of him?


Just as Chen Xi was lost in thought, above the sky, the golden light shrank, the aura of supreme majesty disappeared, and the list of Conferred Gods also gradually disappeared, submerged in the thick chaotic mist.

At this time, Shi Yu also opened his eyes from meditation and woke up.

At this time, his brows were shining with a strange luster like wisdom, and the corners of his lips were smiling, with a trace of indescribable excitement.

Seeing this, other people immediately gathered around and asked questions in a hurry.

"Have you ever obtained the method of cultivating gods?"

"What kind of mystery did you spy on? Is the list of gods related to the ancient gods?"

"How many marks of the gods are there?"

At this moment, Chen Xi couldn't help but looked over curiously. Although he had seen the List of Conferred Gods and those incomparably brilliant names just now, he didn't know who they were.

Regarding all these questions, Shi Yu was stunned, frowned and pondered for a long time, and finally shrugged with a wry smile: "I can only be sure that I am not far from the realm of conferred gods. You don’t know why, you can only understand it in your heart.”

This is called the Tao is nameless and has nothing to say.

There are some perceptions and experiences, which have already been realized, but it is impossible to talk about it, and it is impossible to express it in the mouth.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

As for this, Chen Xi was slightly taken aback. Perhaps the only way to make a supreme immortal king unable to explain it was the Dao of God?

"Why don't I try to refine the spirit of Dao and Fruit, and see if I can comprehend something from the list of gods." Xiang Liuli said, and she was about to sit cross-legged on the ground and start taking action.

But at this moment, the Chaos Altar under their feet trembled violently, which made them slightly startled, and their expressions immediately changed.

"No, this Altar of Conferred Gods is about to collapse!"

"It's not just here, it seems that this world is starting to break and is about to shatter!"

"Go quickly, late will change!"

Before Chen Xi could react, he was grabbed by Shi Yu with a dignified expression, and then quickly rushed towards the God Conferred Altar.

Not only him, but Xiang Liuli and the others also moved out together, lest they be slow.

what happened?

Chen Xi was at a loss, and he couldn't understand why Shi Yu and the others acted so hastily and nervously.

But soon, he understood.

Because just as Shi Yu led him away from the Conferred God Altar, above the sky, the space began to break, collapse, and collapse, turning into a series of bursts of space-time turbulence, pouring down.

Almost instantly, the entire Altar of Conferred Gods was submerged, turning into a shocking black hole crack, and the black hole and crack continued to spread rapidly...

This scene was too terrifying, as if the black hole in the universe was constantly eroding and engulfing this world. If Shi Yu and the others hadn't left in time just now, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

Because this is a catastrophe from heaven, even the power of the Immortal King cannot reverse it!


The next moment, when Chen Xi's eyes went dark, Shi Yu led him to use the method of teleportation, flickering back and forth, and could only hear bursts of incomparably terrifying explosions and roars...

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