divine talisman

Chapter 1361 Zuoqiu Linghong [Part 3]

City of guilt.

Different from the past, the current City of Sin is deserted, there are few pedestrians on the spacious streets, and the number of sinners who gather here is significantly reduced.

It was twilight.

In front of the Dragon Soul Immortal Pavilion in the center of the city, a miserable howl suddenly sounded, and then with a plop, a corpse was thrown on the street.

In the distance of the street, many sinners saw this scene, and they all shrank their necks in fright, showing horror on their faces.

"This is the seventh of the 850th! It's really hateful!"

Someone muttered, showing resentment.

Others also feel sorry for each other.

A few months ago, an immortal king came to the city of guilt, killed old Daoist Ge Yun in one fell swoop, and then drifted away. At that time, it caused a commotion in the city of guilt. During that time, people were panic-stricken. to escape.

However, there was no further disturbance, and all the sinners in the city breathed a sigh of relief.

However, just when they were about to gradually forget about this matter, an old man and a young man came again from the city. The two seemed to be waiting for someone, so they chose to live in the Dragon Soul Pavilion temporarily.

It was also from that day on that the entire City of Sin fell into a great horror!

Because that young man with a very bad temper would vent his anger on those sinners in the city without any reason. Most of the time, he would kill fifty or sixty sinners a day.

This approach directly angered many powerful sinners in the city, so they went to seek revenge together, but unfortunately they all ended in tragic deaths in the end, which immediately shook the entire sinful city.

No one expected that the strength of the old and the young would be so terrifying, but most importantly, the other party was extremely unreasonable, venting their anger on these sinners at every turn, killing people almost every day.

This naturally caused panic among all the sinners in the city.

Almost in just a few months, most of the sinners gathered in the city could not bear this fear and fled away.

It can be said that because of the existence of the old and the young, the current City of Sins has fallen into an atmosphere of depression and fear, and it has continued until now and has not ended!

And as time passed, there were also some rumors, saying that the old and the young came from the Zuoqiu family, and the young man among them was the direct heir of the Zuoqiu family, Zuoqiu, one of the seven blazing suns in the fairy world. null.

And the other old man is an old antique with full strength in the Zuoqiu clan!

Of course, this is just a rumor, and none of the criminals can confirm it. With their status, they have no access to news of this level.


In the Dragon Soul Immortal Pavilion, it was empty and deserted.

A thin gray-clothed old man with silver beard and hair sat quietly with his eyes slightly closed.

"Kong'er, your temper is getting more and more impetuous."

Seeing the return of the young man who had just thrown the corpse of a sinner out of the street, the old man couldn't help but shook his head.

"Anyway, these filthy things deserve to die, and killing them can be regarded as venting the depression in my heart."

The young man smiled and didn't care at all. He had a handsome face, exquisite eyes, and a graceful and noble demeanor in his gestures.

This person is indeed Zuo Qiukong!

"Uncle Linghong, didn't you just say that you had deduced that the Grandmist Remains had been destroyed? If that's the case, then if Chen Xi didn't die, he must have returned."

Zuo Qiukong sat opposite the old man, his eyes glistened and said, "We have been waiting here for several months, this time we will kill this damned bastard no matter what!"

In the end, there was already a touch of resentment in his voice.

A few months ago, when he learned that Chen Xi had won the head of the Dao Discussion Association of the Seventh Academy in one fell swoop, he felt an indescribable sense of crisis in his heart.

It is a pity that when he reported all this to the clan and wanted to mobilize the power of the clan to take action to get rid of this trouble, he was rejected.

However, all of this did not extinguish Zuo Qiukong's determination, and he immediately went to visit a group of old antiques in the clan, and tried all means to seek their help.

The reason why he did this was because he knew very well that Chen Xi had grown too fast. Ever since he entered the fairy world, he had made great strides all the way. In a short period of time, he entered the Dao Emperor Academy, and within a few years, he was promoted to the Da Luo realm, becoming a The disciples of the inner court are now among the ranks of the Seven Great Suns of the Immortal World, and their fame is shaking the world.

If this trend continues, I'm afraid it won't be long before this scoundrel who shouldn't be born in this world is completely formed, and it will be too late to deal with him at that time!

It was precisely because of this realization that Zuoqiukong begged at all costs, and finally invited an old antique in the clan to act!

That was Zuoqiu Linghong in front of him!

A terrifying existence in the Immortal King Realm who has been hidden from the world for a long time in the Zuoqiu clan, his status in the clan is even higher than Zuoqiu Kong's father, the current Zuoqiu Feng of the Zuoqiu clan.

Being able to invite Zuoqiu Linghong was beyond Zuoqiukong's surprise, and made him extremely ecstatic, because it was very clear that Zuoqiu Linghong's status in the clan was definitely higher than that of Zuoqiu Taiwu who was currently living in seclusion in the Daohuang Academy!

And with his old man dispatched, wouldn't killing a Chen Xi be as easy as crushing an ant?

After finding out that Chen Xi had appeared in the City of Guilt, Zuo Qiukong rushed over without stopping, but what surprised him was that according to the news he found, Chen Xi set off for Hongmeng together with an Immortal King Realm Relics!

This made him feel a lot heavy all of a sudden, but after discussing with Zuoqiu Linghong, he finally decided to stay, and when Chen Xi returned, Zuoqiu Linghong would take action against the Immortal King beside Chen Xi, while he would go Kill Chen Xi.

Of course, for the sake of safety, Zuo Qiukong also prepared many means, and Zuoqiu Linghong even agreed that he would kill Chen Xi this time regardless of the cost.

In this way, Zuo Qiukong felt much more relaxed just now.

It's a pity that they waited here for several months without seeing Chen Xi return. This made Zuoqiukong unavoidably a little restless, and those sinners in the city naturally became his punching bag to vent his emotions.

"Kong'er, remember, after killing this evil son, don't leak the news, otherwise, if Dao Emperor Academy finds out, it will only bring endless disasters to our Zuoqiu clan."

Zuoqiu Linghong reminded him.

"Naturally, when the time comes, I ask you, Uncle, to move out and wipe out this city of guilt in one fell swoop, so as to prevent other idlers from leaking the news."

Zuo Qiukong said with a smile.

"Hey, there is no impenetrable wall between the heaven and the earth, but now I am a little worried. Even if no one knows about it, it will be deduced by the Daohuang Academy..."

Zuoqiu Linghong sighed softly.

Zuo Qiukong was shocked, but he didn't think about it.

"Forget it, after killing this evil son, let's see the reaction of the Dao Emperor Academy. If it really doesn't work, I, the Immortal King, will take the lead to fill up the other party's anger."

Zuoqiu Linghong was silent for a moment, then made up his mind. Although his thin face was calm, there was an unquestionable taste.

"Uncle, you..." Zuoqiu Kong was shocked in his heart, and he couldn't believe it.

"Everything is only for Zuoqiu's honor."

Zuoqiu Linghong smiled, his eyes were dark, and he said calmly, "Son, you also know that our Zuoqiu family is now divided into two factions, one supporting your father and the other supporting your sister-in-law. If this situation of internal fighting doesn't change, We, the Zuoqiu Clan, are afraid that we will also fall apart."

After a pause, he continued: "I only hope that through the efforts of you and your father, the Zuoqiu Clan can stand for a longer time, and not fall down because of internal fighting..."

In the voice, there is already a hint of entrustment.

Zuoqiu Kong was inexplicably moved, and said firmly, "Uncle, don't worry, Kong'er will definitely not let you down!"

Zuoqiu Linghong smiled, and then his eyes narrowed suddenly, as if he had sensed something, he lost his voice and said, "This, this... is not good! Let's go!"

While speaking, he got up abruptly and rushed out of the Dragon Soul Immortal Pavilion with Zuo Qiukong in an instant.


"It's smoky and filthy. It's a good fairy city, but it's been defiled by sinners." In the midair of the sinful city, Shi Yu shook his head after sweeping his gaze.

"How about we just do justice for the heavens and purify the city?" Xiang Liuli laughed softly from the side.

When Chen Xi heard this, he couldn't help clicking his tongue. Purify an immortal city?I am afraid that only the existence of the Immortal King Realm dares to say that.

"Hey! Unexpectedly, there is a fellow in this place where the filth is hidden." Suddenly, Shi Yu raised his eyebrows, and suddenly locked the distance.

Almost at the same time, Xiang Liuli, Tatian Dasheng, Sun Wuhen, Dao Yao, and Pang Du also raised their heads one after another, and their eyes swept in the same direction.

In an instant, the terrifying power of the Immortal King enveloped the entire city of crimes!

All of this happened too quickly. When Chen Xi just realized it, the terrifying aura of the six immortal kings had already locked the entire world.

Then, he saw a thin figure suddenly appearing in the sky far away, and beside that thin figure, there was a young man with him.

As soon as the old one and the young one appear, they will move away.

"Seniors, please stop them!"

Chen Xi suddenly conveyed an idea, because he suddenly discovered that the young man beside the old man was none other than Zuo Qiukong!Although it is impossible to determine why the other party appeared here, how could he watch the other party run away?


Xiang Liuli, Tatian Dasheng and the others were startled.

Only Shi Yu reacted the fastest. Almost as soon as Chen Xi conveyed his idea, billions of blazing lights burst out of his body, covering the entire fairy city in an instant!

"not good!"

In the distance, Zuoqiu Linghong's face changed suddenly. He was hindered by that terrifying light force, forcing him to stop and fight, and could no longer move and escape.

And in that instant, Shi Yu had already appeared out of thin air and stopped in front of them!


ps: 3 updates are completed on the fourth day, ask for a monthly ticket~~ In addition, it has been confirmed that the interview with Emperor Fuhuang will be online next Monday, and the surrounding mouse pad gifts are also being produced, and next Tuesday will cooperate with the promotion to explode 10 updates!

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