divine talisman

Chapter 1362 Cousin Cousin [Part 1]

The light is boundless, brilliant and vast.

It was already very dark at first, and the entire city of sins was gradually shrouded in night, but when this piece of light appeared, in an instant, it lit up the nine heavens and the ten earths as if the day had come.

The aura of sin permeating the entire fairy city was purified in an instant, making a chi-chi sound.

And those sinners living in the city, regardless of their level of cultivation, howled in pain at this moment, their bodies were shrouded in light, and they were incinerated in an instant, completely dead, as if they had been evaporated from the world.

This was only caused by Shi Yu's immortal king's power, and the target was not them at all, but at this moment, they were affected and purified, and they were considered to have suffered the disaster of the fish pond.


Zuoqiu Linghong's expression changed, looking at Shi Yu who suddenly appeared in front of him, his expression was extremely gloomy.

And beside him, Zuo Qiukong didn't understand what was going on until now, and looked at Shi Yu with a puzzled face, and then his heart sank, the other party was an existence in the Immortal King Realm!

Could it be that he is the Immortal King Realm expert who followed Chen Xi?

Then what about Chen Xi?

Zuo Qiukong couldn't help but glanced around, and sure enough, he saw that not far away, Chen Xi was galloping towards him...

All of a sudden, he couldn't help but feel an unconcealable hatred in his heart, and his face became icy cold, and he quickly conveyed a thought to Zuoqiu Linghong: "Uncle, that little thing is Chen Xi, later you will deal with that fairy king in front of you , I will deal with it..."

"Shut up! Didn't you notice that there are six Immortal Kings present?"

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Zuoqiu Linghong's extremely heavy voice.

what! ?

These words startled Zuo Qiukong as if he had been struck by lightning, and his pupils dilated. Only then did he notice that there were five figures following Chen Xi, there were men and women, and each of them possessed a terrifying aura of supreme heights, didn't they? What is the existence of Immortal King Realm?

In an instant, Zuoqiu Kong's heart was shocked again, and his head was in a daze.

How is this going?

Isn't there only one Immortal King Realm following Chen Xi? How could there be six more at once?


Isn't this an illusion?

If Zuoqiukong could see his expression at this moment, he would definitely find it extremely exciting, shocking, bewildered, puzzled, hated, stunned... complicated to the extreme, and the whole person froze there.

It wasn't just him, Zuoqiu Linghong's mood also sank to the bottom, there were six Immortal Kings, who would have thought that such a scene would happen?

He had made up his mind before that even if he was seriously injured and dying, he would kill Chen Xi. But at that time, he only knew that there would be an Immortal King Realm beside the other party. As soon as they came, six fairy kings appeared!

"Zuo Qiukong?"

At this time, Chen Xi and the others had already arrived, Xiang Liuli, Tatian Dasheng and other five immortal kings, together with Shi Yu, completely blocked Zuoqiu Linghong and Zuoqiukong's escape route.

At this moment, Chen Xi's expression seemed to be calm, but his eyes were extremely strange, full of anger, surprise, and hatred.

This was the first time he met Zuo Qiukong, and the reason why he recognized him immediately was because Zuo Qiukong was so famous, one of the seven scorching suns in the fairy world, a direct descendant of the Zuoqiu family, a member of the Taoist Academy. There are many disciples who have mirage jade slips about Zuo Qiukong, among them Zuo Qiukong's appearance.

As far as Chen Xi was concerned, if he wanted to take revenge on the Zuoqiu clan, he would certainly not miss out on this famous and scorching figure.

After careful calculation, the other party is still his "cousin"!

Of course, the other party would not admit this, nor would Chen Xi, because although they had never met, they had been fighting openly and secretly for countless years.

"Chen Xi, I never expected to see you here."

Zuo Qiukong took a deep breath, forced himself to suppress the many emotions in his heart, and said calmly, even a smile that he thought was warm was on his lips.

"Oh, you didn't come here to kill me?"

Chen Xi pretended to be surprised and said, once he saw Zuo Qiukong appearing here, how could he not have guessed that the other party must have heard the news that he appeared in the City of Sin, so he rushed over with murderous intent.

What he didn't expect was that in order to deal with him, the other party actually invited an immortal king to exist. This is definitely a big deal!

It can also be seen from this how determined the other party's determination to kill him is.

And after hearing Chen Xi's words, although Shi Yu and the others didn't know the reason, they roughly understood that the old and the young in front of them were actually waiting here and came here specifically to kill Chen Xi.

For a moment, Shi Yu and the others looked coldly at Zuo Qiukong and the others.

During this operation in the Conferred Gods Domain, Chen Xi helped them resolve more than one death crisis, and gave each of them a Dao Fruit Spirit. They didn't mind helping Chen Xi deal with these two guys in front of them.

Noticing the changes in the expressions of the crowd of fairy kings, Zuo Qiukong and Zuoqiu Linghong's complexions changed slightly again, and they felt chills in their hearts. They were finally sure that these fairy kings were indeed in the same group as Chen Xi, and they seemed to have an extremely close relationship!

"Chen Xi, what do you mean by that? Why can't I understand?"

Zuo Qiukong forced a smile. Facing the terrifying power of the six Immortal Kings, let alone a Da Luo Jinxian, even a half-step Immortal King would be so insignificant.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, I can tell you that today is probably your death day."

Chen Xi said indifferently, with no expression on his face.

Zuoqiukong's expression finally changed, he stared at Chen Xi with resentment, gritted his teeth, and said, "Cousin, are you really going to do this terribly?"


Shi Yu and the others were startled, they were a little confused about the relationship between Chen Xi and Zuo Qiukong.


Chen Xi seemed to hear an absurd joke, and smiled, "When I was in the human world, your father caused my Chen family to be ruined and my parents disappeared, but when I came to the fairy world, your Zuoqiu family hunted me down again and again. , you... still have the face to call me cousin?"

At the end of the sentence, there was an uncontrollable tinge of anger in his voice.

He has suppressed this kind of hatred in his heart for too many years, and when he thinks about everything he has suffered along the way, a strong murderous intent surges in his heart uncontrollably!

"Cousin, you misunderstood, why don't you go back to the clan with me and meet my sister, she might tell you what to do."

Seeing the murderous intent in Chen Xi's eyes, Zuoqiu felt a pang in his heart, and said hastily.

"Hehe, at this time, you still want to threaten me with my mother? Do you think that if you kill you, my mother will suffer? You idiot! If my mother is so easy to encounter accidents, I'm afraid your father would have been killed by you as early as that year." Killed!"

Chen Xi smiled angrily, but his face became more and more indifferent and calm, and he no longer concealed the murderous intent in his heart.

"If Kong'er dies today, the Zuoqiu clan will definitely fight among themselves, and your mother will also become a victim of the Zuoqiu clan's internal fight." Suddenly, Zuoqiu Linghong said in a deep voice, "Young man, I advise you Calm down and don't get angry."

"It seems that you, an old fellow, support Zuoqiufeng's faction?"

Chen Xi glanced at the other party. Although he knew that the other party was an Immortal King, but he had six Immortal Kings sitting beside him, so naturally he would not be afraid of the other party.

old man!

Hearing this disrespectful address, Zuoqiu Linghong couldn't help but twitched his face, his heart was full of anger, but in the end he forcibly held it back.

No way, he has already recognized at this moment that among the six fairy kings on the other side, at least two are from the Nuwa Dao Palace, and they are one of the three supreme Dao lines, so he cannot be unafraid.


Zuoqiu Linghong frowned and said, "Young man, your mother also called me uncle when she saw me. It's a bit too much for you to speak like that. For your youth, I don't care about you. Get out of the way quickly. Don't cause trouble. Unnecessary misunderstanding."

Hearing that this old guy was relying on the old to sell the old, Chen Xi almost thought he had heard wrongly, and he said hesitantly, "Old man, do you know why I talk so much nonsense to you?"

Zuoqiu Linghong frowned, but his face was gloomy, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley. He had a faint feeling that today might be a bad day...

"It's very simple. I just want to tell you one thing before you die, so that you can understand better."

Chen Xi's expression became more and more calm, expressionless, "In just a few years, I have already stepped into the realm of saint immortals from the realm of profound immortals, and I believe that it will not be long before I can advance to the realm of immortal kings, and at that time, I will It was when I, Chen Xi, leveled the Zuoqiu clan!"

One word at a time, there is a sound on the ground.

Shi Yu and the others were also shocked when they heard the words, not because they were surprised by Chen Xi's desire for revenge, but because they didn't expect that Chen Xi's promotion speed would be so fast!

In a few years, he crossed the realm of Daluo from Xuanxian Realm, and stepped into the ranks of Saint Immortals in one fell swoop!Looking at the entire Three Realms, how many people can do it?

Zuo Qiukong and Zuoqiu Linghong were even more shocked in their hearts, and their expressions changed.

In the past, if Chen Xi dared to say such big words, they would definitely scoff at them, but now it is different, because Chen Xi has already proved his strength with his current cultivation and strength!

Yes, since Chen Xi was able to advance from the Profound Immortal Realm to the Holy Immortal Realm in just a few years, why is it impossible to advance to the Immortal King Realm in a short period of time?

Even if the time is longer and his cultivation speed is slower, as long as he is alive, according to his potential and aptitude, he is very likely to enter the ranks of immortal kings!

At this moment, Zuoqiukong finally couldn't bear the panic in his heart anymore, and said sharply: "Chen Xi, I am the heir of the Zuoqiu clan. If you kill me today, you are completely against the Zuoqiu clan. Could it be that you think you can resist?" The anger of my Zuoqiu clan? Remember! You are not an immortal king yet, you are just a disciple of the Dao Emperor Academy! Kill me, and you will not live for a few more days!"

The voice was almost roaring, full of anger and madness.

But what chilled him was that these threatening words not only failed to achieve any effect, but instead aroused sympathetic looks.

Yes, at this moment, not only Chen Xi, but even Shi Yu looked at him with pity, like watching a dying ant struggling in vain.


ps: The exclusive interview with Emperor Fu went online 2 days in advance, and it is on the most prominent position on the vertical and horizontal homepage. Everyone can leave a message to like it.

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