divine talisman

Chapter 1363 The Scorching Sun Falls [Part 2]

For Shi Yu and the other six beings in the Immortal King Realm, when they heard Zuo Qiukong's angry and threatening voice, they were indeed surprised, but it was even more amused.

This little guy was obviously scared and stupid!

Could it be that he didn't know that Chen Xi was not only a disciple of the Emperor Dao Academy, but also a descendant of Shenyan Mountain?

Regardless of Chen Xi's identity, when Chen Xi was threatened, how could the six Immortal King Realm existences refuse to save him?

Indeed, the Zuoqiu family is very strong. As one of the seven ancient families, it is the top ancient power in the fairy world. No matter how tyrannical it is, it can be stronger than Shenyan Mountain?Stronger than Nuwa Taoist Palace?

As for the existence of the four Immortal Kings, Tatian Dasheng, Sun Wuhen, Dao Yao, and Pang Du, they represent the power of Hongmeng Taoism. Now they seem to be lonely, but they are Immortal Kings!

Can the Zuoqiu Clan be able to withstand provoking four Immortal King Realm existences at once?

If Immortal King Weiyang knew about this, would she stand by and watch?

Even if he takes a step back, Chen Xi now has eleven Dao Fruit Spirits in his hands. If he wholeheartedly decides to destroy the Zuoqiu Clan, in exchange for the Dao Fruit Spirits, he will definitely be able to get more Immortal King Realms to help him out!

Under such circumstances, Zuo Qiukong actually went all out to threaten Chen Xi, which was naturally like a big joke, and only a fool who was dazzled by anger would say such things, right?

Therefore, the eyes that fell on Zuo Qiukong at this moment became pity, like looking at an idiot.

And under this kind of gaze, it was as if thousands of swords were gathered in the heart, and Zuoqiu Kong's handsome cheeks were so stimulated that they became livid and distorted.

Since when did he, a bright figure in the fairy world, the direct heir of the Zuoqiu clan, suffer such humiliation?


That's why Zuo Qiukong was so angry and lost his composure at this moment. If it was normal, he would have already shot out in anger, killing everyone who dared to mock him.

But it's a pity, there are six fairy kings on the opposite side!

He could only grit his teeth and endure, not to mention the aggrieved and shame in his heart.

"This damned bastard! If we knew this, we should have cut him into pieces, smashed his bones into ashes, and wiped him out in the human world! How could he suffer such humiliation today?"

Zuoqiu roared again in his heart, staring fixedly at Chen Xi with incomparable hatred.

Seeing this, Zuoqiu Linghong on the side sighed again, feeling a touch of despair.

He has lived for an untold number of years, how could he fail to see that the current Chen Xi seems to have formed a climate, not only his cultivation, but also the relationships and connections he has are enough to seriously threaten the Zuoqiu family.


Back then, because of Zuoqiu Xue, he spared this little guy's life, and missed the best time to wipe out the troubles...

With just a flash of these thoughts in his mind, Zuoqiu Linghong had already made a decision.


"Kong'er, my uncle hasn't proved Dao Conferred God yet, so I can only wrong you this time..."

Suddenly, Zuoqiu Linghong's thought transmission sounded from Zuoqiukong's ear, which made him slightly startled, and he was quite awoken from the violent anger and resentment. Immediately, there was a thump in his heart, and a bad premonition suddenly surged out.

"Uncle, you..."

Before he could finish speaking, he saw Zuoqiu Linghong who was next to him throwing his head up to the sky and shouting loudly, his figure stretched out, and violently killed Chen Xi who was in the distance.


Zuoqiu Linghong burst into divine brilliance all over his body, and his hands were covered with the terrifying power of the Immortal King's law. As soon as he made a move, the nearby time and space exploded and became chaotic, the situation changed, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

In an instant, the battle broke out!

Chen Xi's eyes froze, but he didn't feel any panic, because he had already expected that under such circumstances, Zuoqiu Linghong would definitely fight to the death, otherwise it would be called a strange thing.


Shi Yu had been prepared for a long time, a flash of fear flashed in his eyes, he stretched out his right arm, and stretched out his five fingers, like a big hand covering the sky and the sun. There are layers of spaces around each finger. There is a world that is disillusioned, and the two supreme avenues of time and space are vividly interpreted.


The two are forcibly shaking, just like a hundred thousand sacred mountains colliding, the sky shakes and the earth shakes, the sun and the moon are dark, and the emptiness of a million miles around is exposed to terrible cracks and black holes.


But what is surprising is that after that Zuoqiu Linghong fought this blow, his figure retreated violently, raised his hand to tear the void, and suddenly cast the big teleportation method, turned around and fled, looking extremely decisive, there was no any hesitation.

He even ignored Zuo Qiukong!

It can also be seen from this that Zuoqiu Linghong, as an immortal king, has so much experience in combat, first he tried to kill Chen Xi with a desperate posture, but in fact he had already made plans to escape for his life.

And for the sake of his own life, Zuo Qiukong, the direct heir of the Zuoqiu family, would have to give up!

Seeing such a scene, Zuo Qiukong's expression changed suddenly.

Chen Xi was also slightly taken aback.

Only Shi Yu and Xiang Liuli seemed to have expected this kind of situation. At the moment Zuoqiu Linghong fled, the two immortal kings all mobilized and chased after him!


In an instant, the two Immortal Kings performed the Great Teleportation technique, and they disappeared in an instant.

That reaction speed made it too late for Chen Xi to react. When he came back to his senses, Shi Yu, Xiang Liuli, and Zuoqiu Linghong had already disappeared from the field.

This is also normal, one movement of the realm of the Immortal King can span an Immortal Continent, and the chasing and fighting between them has long been beyond Chen Xi's imagination.

For a moment, there were only Chen Xi, the Great Sage Tatian, Sun Wuhen, Dao Yao, Pang Du, and Zuo Qiukong standing alone in the distance.

It's just that Zuoqiukong's complexion is very different at this moment, the whole person seems to be lost, and he stands there, his head is in a mess.

I...was abandoned by my uncle?

This feeling of being betrayed by his closest relatives and becoming an outcast almost drove Zuo Qiukong crazy!

In this short period of time, he experienced the great humiliation of Pingsheng for the first time, and now he also experienced the feeling of being betrayed by his relatives for the first time in Pingsheng.

Under this double blow, his whole body was about to collapse.

How could this be?



He was screaming in hysteria in his heart, like a madman, anger, hatred, unwillingness, fear... All kinds of complex emotions were like a volcano erupting, ruthlessly impacting his body and mind.

His face was distorted and livid, his eyes were about to split open, and his whole body was filled with a frenzied aura.

If it were someone who didn't know the truth here, I'm afraid they would be extremely sympathetic to Zuo Qiukong's situation, but Chen Xi wouldn't, and the Great Sage Stepping on Heaven and the others naturally wouldn't either.

"Chen Xi! It's all you! You damned bastard! Bastard! I'm going to kill you!"

Zuo Qiukong felt extremely hopeless, knowing that he would not be able to survive today, and his sanity completely collapsed, roaring madly, he rushed towards Chen Xi!

The Great Sage Treading Heaven snorted coldly, and wanted to make a move, but was stopped by Chen Xi: "Let me do it."

While speaking, Chen Xi jumped up abruptly, flashed out of thin air, wrapped his hands with terrifying divine power, and slapped the opponent's cheek fiercely.


Zuo Qiukong came and went quickly, he was hit by this palm and his whole body flew upside down, blood sprayed from his mouth, and several teeth fell out.

This is also normal, although Zuoqiukong is one of the seven scorching suns in the fairy world, but his cultivation is only at the Daluo realm after all, and Chen Xi is now a saint!

"How is it possible? How can you, a piece of garbage from the human world, overwhelm me!"

Zuo Qiukong was obviously dazed by his anger and lost his sanity. Chen Xi's blow not only failed to wake him up, but made him even more insane, and charged again.

Seeing this, Tatian Dasheng and the other immortal kings couldn't help but feel pity for him.


Zuo Qiukong was knocked into the air again, his whole body was broken, he was soaked in blood, his whole body was extremely miserable, worse than the common street beggars.

If someone from the Zuoqiu family was here at this time, I'm afraid he would not be able to recognize him as the heir of the family at all.

"I'm going to kill you, kill you—!"

Zuo Qiukong charged again, but he was full of tenacity. From this, it can be seen how much he hates Chen Xi.


With a wave of Chen Xi's hand, he sent it flying again, causing his whole body to be out of breath, and he fell from mid-air with a plop, hitting the streets in the city of guilt, and the smoke and dust dispersed.

This time, Zuo Qiukong couldn't stand up anymore, his face was bloody and his whole body was shaking, he was seriously injured and dying.


Chen Xi's figure flashed, and he stood in front of Zuo Qiukong, looking down at him, his expression calm and indifferent, as if staring at a dead person.

At this moment, he thought of his grandfather who had passed away, his family members of the Chen clan who had been slaughtered, and his parents who had been missing for many years...

There is endless sadness in the anger!

"Hehe...hehe...I regret so much...Why didn't I do it myself...kill you!"

Zuo Qiukong, who was seriously injured and dying, was lying on the ground, staring at Chen Xi with resentment, panting quickly, "It's a pity, it's too late, too late..."

Speaking of this, an incomparably ruthless flame burst out of his bloodshot eyes, and he roared hysterically, "Chen Xi, I curse you to live forever and never die!"

Chen Xi's eyes were fixed, and before he could move, a terrifying wave suddenly appeared in the opponent's body, like a volcano about to erupt.

not good!

Chen Xi's figure flashed, and he teleported away.

There was a loud bang, and a terrifying explosion force spread from Zuoqiukong's body and soared into the sky, forming a mushroom cloud covering an area of ​​ten thousand mu, shaking the wind and clouds in all directions. The nearby buildings, streets, and void... are all here In an instant, it was completely sold out!

Zuo Qiukong, one of the Seven Great Suns of the Immortal World, the heir of the Zuoqiu Clan, actually chose to commit suicide at this moment!

Chen Xi's face suddenly darkened, and he stood silent in mid-air.

He originally thought about exchanging the other party's life for his mother Zuo Qiuxue, but who would have thought that this guy would rather blow himself up than be captured by himself.


There was a wave in the void, and the figures of Shi Yu and Xiang Liuli stepped out one after another.

And in Shi Yu's hand, he was holding a head, which belonged to Zuoqiu Linghong!

In other words, Zuoqiu Linghong, the Zuoqiu clan's Immortal King Realm existence, is now dead!If this is passed back to the Zuoqiu family, it will definitely cause a big shock.


ps: The interview has been launched ahead of schedule. Next Tuesday’s 10th update will be brought forward to Monday, which disrupts the update plan. Tonight’s 2nd update, I have to write a lot of detailed outlines to prepare, otherwise the 10th update is very likely to be uncertain~ In addition , please ask for a monthly pass~ Guys, give me some motivation~~

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