divine talisman

Chapter 1364 Zuoqiu Vibration [Part 1]

As one of the seven great families in ancient times, how many Immortal King Realms did the Zuoqiu Clan have?

Chen Xi didn't know.

But it can be confirmed that the death of Zuoqiu Linghong will definitely deal a blow to the Zuoqiu family to a certain extent!

that's enough.

It's just that Chen Xi still couldn't help being a little worried. Now that Zuo Qiukong died, Zuoqiu Feng, the lord of the Zuoqiu Clan, would definitely be furious. so what should I do now?

Of course, Chen Xi was also very clear that his worries were completely superfluous. If his mother Zuo Qiuxue was so easy to deal with, he might have been killed by Zuo Qiufeng as early as that year.

What's more, the current Zuoqiu clan still has a force to support his mother Zuoqiu Xue. As the head of the family, Zuoqiufeng will inevitably cause the entire Zuoqiu clan to split.

Such consequences, I'm afraid Zuoqiufeng is not willing to see.


Sin City, Dragon Soul Pavilion.

Chen Xi set up a banquet here to express his gratitude.

Naturally, Shi Yu and the others would not refuse.

"Brother Chen Xi, you have to be more careful now. Although the Zuoqiu clan dare not deal with you publicly, it will eventually be troublesome if you do it secretly."

When the wine was full, Shi Yu opened his mouth to remind Chen Xi.

Chen Xi smiled and said yes.

"If you have any troubles in the future, go to Nuwa Dao Palace, we won't watch you being bullied."

Xiang Liuli said with a smile, then took out a snow-white token, and handed it to Chen Xi, "This is Nuwa's decree, and there is a door leading to Nuwa's Dao Palace in it, if you encounter danger, Just crush it, and it can be moved to Nuwa Dao Palace, don't refuse."

Seeing this, Sun Wuhen, Dao Yao, and Pang Du all looked at Chen Xi with a little envy. This is a life-saving treasure. With it, there is no doubt that there is an extra amulet, and it is still protected by Nuwa Taoist Palace .

"Then thank you Miss Li."

Chen Xi hurriedly put it away and thanked him endlessly.

Shi Yu at the side looked at the three of Sun Wuhen thoughtfully, and suddenly said, "You three, what are your plans for the future?"

Sun Wuhen and the three were startled, but they hadn't considered this issue.

After all, they are descendants of Hongmeng Taoism, and now that the Hongmeng Relics are suddenly destroyed, they are a little caught off guard.

"How about this, if the three don't dislike it, how about returning to Nuwa Dao Palace with us? With the strength of the three, they will definitely have their own place."

Shi Yu smiled and sent out the invitation. These are three existences in the Immortal King Realm, and now they have the spirit of Dao and Fruit. I believe that it will not be long before they can prove the Dao and become the God. If they can be recruited into the sect, it will definitely be beneficial cons.


Sun Wuhen and the others were a little hesitant. They were naturally quite moved by this proposal, but the Nuwa Taoist Palace is one of the three supreme Taoisms, and what they were worried about was whether they could gain a foothold in it without being excluded.

Shi Yu was not in a hurry, and gave them some time to think about it.

In the end, Sun Wuhen was the first to speak: "If that's the case, then Sun would be more respectful than obedient."

Shi Yu laughed loudly, raised his wine glass and said, "Then, on behalf of the sect, I welcome fellow Taoists in advance."

"Fellow Daoist Shi Yu is being polite, and I'll have to rely on fellow Daoist to take care of me when the time comes." Sun Wuhen chuckled, picked up the wine glass and touched him, and drank it down in one gulp.

Seeing this, Dao Yao and Pang Du exchanged glances, and immediately agreed.

The two had the same idea. They had been cultivating in the Forsaken Land of Hongmeng and hadn't touched the fairy world for a long time. Now that they could only practice in the fairy world, Nuwa Taoist Palace was undoubtedly a good choice.

The most important thing is that they now possess such a treasure as the spirit of Dao Fruit, and urgently need to find a safe place to refine it, and then attack the realm of conferred gods.

Nuwa Taoist Palace, as one of the three supreme Taoist lines, can naturally meet all their needs.

Seeing that Sun Wuhen and the three of them agreed, Shi Yu was also quite happy, and the next moment he turned his attention to Tatian Daoist: "Tatian Daoist..."

"No, I still have to find Master, and it is impossible to join your Nuwa Taoist Palace."

Before Shi Yu could send out the invitation, the Great Sage Tatian quickly refused. Although their Yiyuan Sect has now declined, they were an existence that once stood shoulder to shoulder with Nuwa Dao Palace, and he would never join the camp of Nuwa Dao Palace.

Shi Yu shrugged and said with a smile, "Just pretend I didn't say anything."

After witnessing all this, Chen Xi couldn't help but sigh in his heart, if senior sister Li Yang were here, perhaps he could also win Sun Wuhen and the other three immortal kings to join Shenyan Mountain.


After the banquet was over, the five Immortal Kings Shi Yu, Xiang Liuli, Sun Wuhen, Dao Yao, and Pang Du left immediately, and they wanted to return to the sect to meditate on the Way of Conferred Gods.

But before leaving, Xiang Liuli handed over Diandian who was in a coma to Chen Xi to take care of.

Chen Xi, escorted by the Great Sage Tatian, left the city of guilt and rushed towards the Daohuang Academy.


And just after Chen Xi and the others left the City of Guilt, an astonishing piece of news spread to the Zuoqiu Clan, which caused a great shock.

Iris Immortal Island.

The place where the Zuoqiu clan is entrenched, in a grand and ancient palace.

A middle-aged man with a fair face and a majestic expression sat in the center of the hall, his face was gloomy and ashen, and a pair of pupils were filled with monstrous anger.

This person is the head of the current Zuoqiu Clan——Zuoqiufeng!

When he heard the bad news that came, he, who had been attacking the Immortal King Dao in retreat, couldn't hold back anymore, and broke out.

No way, the news was so shocking that he couldn't even accept it.

On both sides of the main hall, there are tall figures entrenched on each side, each of them is a group of elders in the Zuoqiu clan, there are more than a hundred people.

Among them are Zuo Qiuhong, the deputy dean of the Outer School of Daohuang Academy, and Zuo Qiusheng, the chief teacher of Danzang Academy.

And on both sides of the main seat in the center of the main hall, there were also figures sitting cross-legged, and the aura permeating from their bodies was even more terrifying. They were all those hidden old antiques in the Zuoqiu clan.

In other words, at this moment, almost all the high-ranking figures in the Zuoqiu Clan are here!

All of this was just because of the bad news that just came - the heir of the family, Zuo Qiukong, died suddenly, and the old antique of the family, Zuoqiu Linghong, was executed!

"Damn! Who let the bastard run out?"

Suddenly, Zuo Qiufeng couldn't hold back the anger in his heart anymore, he roared sharply, the sound was like thunder, rumbling inside and outside the hall, startled the two envoys outside the hall limp and fell to the ground with a plop.

No wonder he was so angry, he had only one son, Zuo Qiukong, who had been raised by him as the heir of the family, and Zuo Qiukong lived up to expectations. The list of the scorching sun is famous all over the world.

But now, he died suddenly!

How could he accept this as a father?

"Patriarch, this matter is Kong'er's own initiative. If he hadn't insisted on going his own way, such a tragedy would never have happened."

An old man sitting on the left side of the main hall spoke. His beard and hair were as black as ink, his face was stern, and his name was Zuo Qiulie.

"Hmph! He made his own decision, wouldn't you stop it?"

Seeing Zuoqiu Lie speak, Zuo Qiufeng narrowed his eyes and scolded sharply, as the head of the family, he knew that Zuo Qiulie, like many elders present, seemed to submit to him, but in fact he was always against him.

If it wasn't for maintaining the stability of the clan, he would have bloodbathed these old bastards long ago!

"Stop it? With Patriarch Linghong following, who can stop it? What's more, not only Kong'er died this time, because Kong'er insisted on going his own way, but Patriarch Linghong also suffered misfortune!"

Zuo Qiulie confronted each other without any politeness.

"So, do you think Kong'er killed Patriarch Linghong?"

Zuoqiufeng laughed angrily, at this time, this guy actually refused to give up an inch to fight against him, he wished he could kill him right now.


Suddenly, a skinny old man in green clothes beside Zuoqiufeng spoke. His eyebrows were like knives and his eyes were like a whirlpool of a thunderstorm. He coldly swept away everyone in the hall, and said coldly, "When is it, you are still thinking about internal conflicts?" ?”

Zuo Qiulie immediately shut up.

This skinny young old man was named Zuoqiu Huanglin, his seniority was frighteningly high, and his cultivation was unfathomable. When Zuoqiufeng ascended the position of Patriarch, he had Zuoqiu Huanglin's support behind him.

Otherwise, with Zuoqiufeng's ability, he would not be able to sit on the Patriarch's position easily.

As soon as Zuoqiu Huanglin opened his mouth, all the elders in the field pursed their lips and remained silent.

Seeing this, Zuoqiu Feng didn't dare to lose his temper indiscriminately anymore, he snorted coldly with a gloomy face: "The matter has been investigated clearly, Kong'er and Patriarch Linghong encountered misfortune in the city of guilt, and the person who did it..."

Speaking of this, Zuo Qiufeng's mood became extremely irritable and angry again, and he was speechless for a long time.

Seeing this, all the Zuoqiu Clan's senior executives present frowned.

"Speak straight."

Zuoqiu Huanglin also frowned, when is it, is it necessary to cover up again?

Zuoqiufeng took a deep breath, forced himself to suppress the irritability in his heart, and said: "There are six fairy kings who did it, and two of them are from Nuwa Dao Palace, they are Shi Yu and Xiang Liu, disciples of Nuwa Dao Palace. Li, the identities of the other four have not been found out..."

Before he finished speaking, there was already an uproar in the hall, and there was a thousand waves of shock in a moment.

Six Immortal Kings!

Nuwa Taoist Palace!

These words one after another shocked everyone in the room to gasp, and they almost couldn't believe their ears!

"how can that be?"

"When did our Zuoqiu clan become enmity with Nuwa Taoist Palace?"

"Six Immortal Kings! No wonder... No wonder Patriarch Linghong also encountered an accident..."

The scene suddenly exploded, and even Zuoqiu Huanglin, who was extremely senior, had his eyes fixed at this moment, bursting out strands of frightening divine light.

What really caught his attention was not the six fairy kings, but the descendants of Nuwa Taoist Palace among them!

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