divine talisman

Chapter 1365 Endless Infighting [Part 2]

The main hall was in chaos, and all the high-ranking figures of the Zuoqiu Clan lost their composure.

The key point is that this news is too shocking, the six fairy kings, and there are two descendants of Nuwa Dao Palace, how can they not be surprised?

Although their Zuoqiu family was one of the seven great families in ancient times, they were far behind the highest Taoist lineage of the three realms, such as the Nuwa Taoist Palace.


Zuoqiufeng shouted in a deep voice, and immediately stopped the commotion in the hall.

It's just that the expressions of the people at this moment have become a little surprised and uncertain.

"Could it be that all this has something to do with that evil son?"

An elder couldn't help asking.

Which villain?

Of course it was Chen Xi!

For the big figures of Zuoqiu clan present here, they are no strangers to this name.

"Nie Zi? Hmph! Don't forget, that's the son of Axue! The blood of our Zuoqiu family runs through his body!"

Another elder opened his mouth to refute.

"Presumptuous! If you continue to quarrel, get out of Zuoqiu's gate!"

Zuoqiu Huanglin stood up abruptly, and an incomparably terrifying aura spread out, shocking everyone present to be silent, not daring to speak indiscriminately.

It can also be seen from this that the internal strife among the Zuoqiu Clan's senior management has reached such an intense level.

"That's right, the misfortunes of Kong'er and Patriarch Linghong are all related to this scoundrel."

With a gloomy face, Zuoqiufeng said slowly, "The six immortal kings also appeared together with that evil son, otherwise, none of this would have happened."

"But now that all this has happened, what are you going to do?"

The one who spoke this time was an old antique beside Zuoqiu Feng. He was barefooted and dressed in sackcloth, with an ordinary face and a peaceful expression, giving off a feeling of determination as a mountain. This person was also a reclusive member of the Zuoqiu family. Old antique, named Zuoqiu Feiming.

"Of course I will kill this evil son at all costs!"

Zuoqiufeng gritted his teeth, and the voice seemed to be squeezed out of his teeth, revealing endless chill.

Zuoqiu Feiming frowned, as if he felt that the word "evil son" was extremely harsh, and said after a while: "Don't forget, apart from the existence of the six immortal kings, he is now a disciple of the Dao Emperor Academy, and is highly regarded by many old guys. , are you sure you want to do this?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Zuoqiu Feng.

It's just that many of them looked gloatingly, obviously, those were elders who did not support Zuoqiu Feng as the head of the family.

"If you don't do this, do you still have to endure it?"

Zuoqiufeng said displeased.

"If you are willing to go to war with Daohuang Academy and Nuwa Dao Palace, then it's up to you, I'm sorry I won't accompany you."

Zuoqiu Feiming calmly put down these words, then got up and left in thin air.

Zuoqiufeng's face suddenly darkened. Back then when he took over the position of Patriarch, this old guy had been bringing other elders of the family against him. Now, this old guy jumped out to sing against him again, making Zuo Qiufeng's teeth so angry It's almost crushed.

These damn things!

One day they must be wiped out with blood!

As if there was a tacit understanding, as soon as Zuoqiu Feiming left, many elders present got up again and left one after another.

This also made Zuoqiufeng's face even more ugly, and he was about to lose control of his anger. When is the time, these bastards are still fighting against him, don't they see the big picture in their eyes! ?

Zuoqiu Huang said beforehand, "No matter what, the Zuoqiu Clan can't be messed up now, let them go."

Zuoqiufeng took a deep breath and nodded.

He glanced at the remaining elders in the hall, and he knew very well that if he didn't do things well this time, some of them would inevitably have other thoughts.

Next, Zuoqiufeng held his temper and began to discuss with the elders in the main hall how to solve the problem.

"The first thing to find out is what is the relationship between that evil son and the Nuwa Dao Palace, otherwise no matter what action you take, you will be constrained by the Nuwa Dao Palace."

"I actually think that we can send some tyrannical people to assassinate that bastard secretly. After all, he is just a little guy, and it is impossible for the Immortal King Realm to protect him every day. As long as he is caught and placed alone, it is enough Erase it, and then no one will notice it, even if it is suspected on our Zuoqiu family, it can be wiped out completely."

"No, no, since that scoundrel dared to do this, he must have been prepared. What I'm worried about is that after he returns to Dao Emperor Academy this time, he won't go out at all. How can he assassinate him?"

"Tao Emperor Academy? Hmph, don't forget, our Zuoqiu Clan also has many elders serving in Dao Emperor Academy, we just need to find an opportunity to erase them."

"No, that's Meng Xinghe's territory. Even if he made a move in the Immortal King Realm, I'm afraid he would be aware of it immediately."

This discussion lasted for a whole day and is still going on.

The reason why these elders present feel extremely difficult is that Chen Xi has too much power to protect him, whether it is the Nuwa Dao Palace or the Dao Emperor Academy, none of them, the Zuoqiu clan, dare to confront them head-on.

Therefore, they could only find another way and find the most appropriate method, which could not only kill Chen Xi silently, but also protect the Zuoqiu clan from being affected.

However, it is not so easy to achieve this goal.

"Patriarch! Something is wrong!"

Suddenly, a hurried voice came from outside the hall, and along with the voice, an old man with the appearance of a butler hurried in.

In an instant, the discussion in the hall stopped, and they all looked at that figure, and recognized the identity of the other person as a housekeeper next to Zuo Qiukong, named Shi Xiang.

Seeing his anxious appearance, everyone's heart trembled, did something bad happen again?

"What's the matter, say it!"

Zuoqiufeng frowned, said in a deep voice, he was very displeased to be interrupted from the discussion.

"Patriarch, the news from Nanliang Xianzhou just now has been found out, and it seems that Chen Xi has a great relationship with Shenyan Mountain!"

Shenyan Mountain!

Everyone in the audience was startled, and there was a turmoil in their hearts. That is one of the most mysterious and supreme orthodoxy in the Three Realms. How did that evil son have something to do with Shenyan Mountain again?

Zuoqiufeng's heart also shook violently, his pupils shrank, he forced himself to endure the irritability in his heart, and asked, "Is the source of the news reliable?"

Shi Xiang hastily said: "The news is absolutely true. Ever since the young master decided to deal with that Chen Xi, this old slave has been investigating his details. This evil son has lived in hiding in the Liang clan of Nanliang Xianzhou for several years, so he sent people to investigate carefully. "

After a pause, he continued, "Because the other party has issued a gag order to block all news about this scoundrel, until now, the old slave has just bribed a high-level elder of the Liang family to get the news from him, and This news has been confirmed by some senior officials of Yin, Gu, and Luo."

As soon as these words came out, the hall was shaken.

Shenyan Mountain!

Not only did this evil son get the help of the two fairy kings of Nuwa Taoist Palace, but he also had a relationship with Shenyan Mountain?

To every high-ranking member of the Zuoqiu Clan here, this was no less than throwing a bomb in their hearts, which made their scalps tingle and was a bit unacceptable.

The atmosphere was suddenly suppressed to the extreme.

At this moment, even Zuoqiufeng fell into silence with a gloomy face.

After a long time, it was Zuoqiu Huanglin who broke the silence and said: "This son has formed a climate, so he must be killed early, otherwise when he grows up, my Zuoqiu family will be destroyed!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was shocked again!

This can be regarded as an acknowledgment of Chen Xi's current strength, and it is true if you think about it carefully. Today's Chen Xi not only has good friends with Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Dao Palace, but also the Dao Emperor Academy. The son who is loved by many great people, if he grows up, how can the Zuoqiu clan suppress him?

Faced with such a situation, Zuoqiu Feng, who is the lord of the Zuoqiu Clan, was also in a state of disarray at the moment, feeling extremely troublesome.

How to do?

If this evil son is not killed, the Zuoqiu clan will never have peace in the future.

If you kill this evil son, you will completely offend Dao Emperor Academy, Nuwa Dao Palace, Shenyan Mountain... the consequences will be disastrous.

"Ah Hong, Ah Sheng."

Suddenly, Zuoqiu Huanglin spoke, and his voice resounded throughout the hall.

Zuoqiu Hong and Zuoqiu Sheng rushed out, their seniority was already extremely high, but when facing Zuoqiu Huanglin, an old antique, they were only juniors.

"Give this jade slip to Taiwu and tell him that if he doesn't follow the instructions in the jade slip, the Zuoqiu Clan will fall into chaos and internal strife. I don't think this is the result he wants to see."

Zuoqiu Huanglin took out a jade slip and passed it across the air.

The Taiwu he was talking about was naturally the Chief Instructor Zuoqiu Taiwu who lived in seclusion in the Daohuang Academy.

Zuo Qiuhong hurried forward and took it in his hands respectfully.

"Old Ancestor, last time he was on the battlefield outside the territory, but Taiwu Ancestor prevented our plan to hunt and kill that evil son. This time, this old man... can he agree?"

Zuo Qiuhong couldn't help asking.

"Don't worry, Tai Wu himself will make the most correct choice."

Zuoqiu Huanglin gave a light order, then glanced at Zuoqiufeng beside him, and said, "Ah Feng, take the time to meet Axue before this time, and tell her that if you don't care about past grievances, we will You can take that evil son into the Zuoqiu clan, admit him as a member of the Zuoqiu clan, and even if he changes his surname to Zuoqiu, he can take over the position of the next Patriarch."

Everyone was shocked, their expressions were incomparably wonderful, what?Actually want to accept that scoundrel?

Zuoqiu Huanglin had a calm expression on his face, as if he didn't notice the changes in everyone's emotions, he just stared at Zuoqiufeng, and said seriously: "Remember, no matter whether she agrees or not, you must not do it without permission. At the moment when the turmoil in the Three Realms is about to break out, the Zuoqiu Clan can no longer afford the chaos."

Hearing Zuoqiu Huanglin's suggestion, Zuoqiufeng's heart was also shocked, and there was an unspeakable resistance and anger in his heart, but when he met Zuoqiu Huanglin's gaze, his heart trembled suddenly, and his lips twitched. There was a bit of bitterness, and finally nodded with difficulty: "All according to the ancestor's orders!"

"Of course, if Axue refuses... Taiwu will give us a correct answer." Zuoqiu Huanglin said indifferently.

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