divine talisman

Chapter 1366 Young Master Pink [Part 1]

Weiyang Xianzhou.

Akiba Fairy City.

Ancient maple trees are planted all over the city, and the maple leaves are like fire, shining like clouds and clouds, and the scenery is beautiful and picturesque.

In an antique restaurant.

Chen Xi, the great sage stepping on the sky, sat in the windows of the high pavilion one by one, looking around, they were filled with fiery maple leaves, like the steaming sunset glow, which was a magnificent sight.

Originally, according to Chen Xi's plan, he was going directly back to Dao Emperor Academy, but on the way, Diandian, who was seriously injured and comatose, suddenly woke up, and after a little discussion, he diverted to this Weiyang Immortal Continent.

Diandian is known as the Weiyang Immortal King, and Weiyang Xianzhou is naturally her territory.

After arriving here, the Great Sage Tatian was about to leave to look for his master Dao Que, Dao Que, and the others, so Chen Xi chose this restaurant as a farewell party for the Great Sage Tatian.

"Don't worry, when I find Master and the others, I will inform you of the news." The Great Sage Ta Tian drank a glass of wine and immediately got up, "It's not too late, I'll go ahead."

Chen Xi knew that he was concerned about the safety of his teacher, so he didn't want to keep him, so he got up immediately to see him off.


"are you OK?"

When Chen Xi returned, he saw Diandian propping his chin with his forehand, throwing himself through the window to stare into the distance, exuding a delicate aura all over his body.

Although she is now awake, due to the seriousness of her injuries, she can only stay awake now. According to Chen Xi's deduction, if a random fairy king exists at this time, it may easily kill her a little bit.

Of course, no matter how weak Diandian is at this moment, the Immortal King Dao that she controls alone cannot be competed by strong people at other levels.


Didian smiled, her clear and dark eyes still stared into the distance, and murmured, "It's been a long time since I've been to Autumn Leaf City. I remember when I was a child, it was just a forest of maple leaves, with only a few scattered thatched huts. That's where I came from." grown up..."

The voice is clear and pleasant, with a hint of reminiscence.

She was dressed in a lavender dress, her hair was like a waterfall, her clear eyes were misty, her white face was beautiful and refined, her whole body exuded a lazy and weak aura, with a different kind of beauty.

At this time, she was not like a fairy king looking down at the world, but rather a quiet girl reminiscing about the past.

Chen Xi sat on the other side of the desk, thoughtful.

Only then did he realize that the Fairy City of Autumn Leaves was actually the hometown where Diandian grew up.

"The place where I grew up is in the human world. My hometown is in a small world dynasty called Pine Smoke City. The city is full of ancient pine trees. Every morning and evening, it will be covered with a layer of misty pine trees. cigarette……"

Chen Xi said with a smile, in this pure and peaceful moment, he also inadvertently thought of the past.

"Oh? If there is a chance, I would like to take a look."

Didian smiled and glanced at Chen Xi.

"welcome any time."

Chen Xi smiled casually.

At this moment, a burst of noise came from the stairs.

Accompanied by the sound, a group of people walked into the pavilion. The leader was a young man in brocade clothes, with gorgeous clothes and handsome appearance, with a haughty curve on his lips.

Surrounding him is a group of women, Yingying Yanyan, ring fat Yanyan thin, each different, there are more than ten of them.

In addition, there are seven or eight subordinates following on one side, and those subordinates all look sharp and dignified, especially the two leading subordinates, who have the cultivation base of the Holy Immortal Realm!

Such a group of people walked into the pavilion, mighty and majestic, full of style, which immediately caused an uproar among many guests in the pavilion.

"Xianjun Mansion's young master Lu Qiuye!"

"It's no wonder there's such a big show. It turns out that it's this young master who is known as the Pink Prince."

"I heard that this little marquis has three thousand beauties and is full of flair all over the world. I don't know if it's true or not."

"It must be true. His father, Lu Qiubin, is the ruler of Weiyang Xianzhou's Immortal Mansion. He is one of the top ten princes in Xianting. He is titled Xiaoyaohou and has great power. This young prince is deeply doted on by his father." .”

The crowd talked a lot, and they all looked at the young man in brocade with awe and envy in their eyes.

Regarding this, Chen Xi and Diandian frowned at the same time. The originally clean and peaceful atmosphere was interrupted, which was naturally unpleasant.

"This kid is a jerk, with a flirtatious nature. Even I have heard of a lot of his dirty work. If it weren't for his father's face, this little thing would have been scrapped."

Diandian curled her lips and sighed faintly.

Chen Xi was dumbfounded. To be evaluated by the Immortal King Weiyang in this way, it can be seen what kind of flirtatious this pink boy is.

"Fellow daoists, I'm sorry, this floor of the pavilion has been taken over by my young master, please save face and leave quickly."

A middle-aged servant said in a low voice, that he wanted to clear the place so that the young master and his female companions could enjoy themselves alone.

As soon as this remark came out, most of the guests didn't think it was wrong. They seemed to have already known the nature of this young master. Even when they got up and left, many guests were dissatisfied. He could only swallow his anger and leave obediently.

"Let's go too, no appetite for being interrupted by a bastard."

Diandian frowned, but in the end she was too lazy to argue with those people.


Immediately, Chen Xi stood up with her, turned around and walked towards the stairs.

After walking around in the Forsaken Land of Hongmeng, Chen Xi's gaze has already surpassed that of his peers, and he has set his sights on a higher level, so he won't care about a group of bastards.

As for Diandian, as a fairy king, these guys are like ridiculous ants in her eyes, and she is too lazy to talk to each other. This is like the difference between an eagle in the sky and an ant on the ground. When did an eagle pay attention to the clamor of ants?

However, the two were too lazy to pay attention to each other, and the other party just came to the door.

Just as they passed by that little prince Lu Qiuye, they were immediately stopped by the latter.

"Wait a minute!"

Lu Qiuye's eyes lit up, what a beautiful chick!This smell is absolutely amazing!

He considers himself a veteran of flowers, and has dealt with countless beautiful women, but he has never seen such an outstanding temperament like the woman in front of him, which immediately aroused his possessive desire.

Thinking of this in his heart, he stared at the little bit with burning eyes, showing a self-conscious smile, "This girl is so beautiful, in the lower hills, I wonder if I can have a drink with her?"

As for Chen Xi, he was directly ignored by him.

Those guards in Luqiuye were very aware of the disposition of their young master, and when they saw this scene, they blocked Chen Xi and the others without a trace.

Seeing this, Lu Qiuye's female companions all showed jealousy and displeasure.

"Hmph, you're flirting again, don't you think it's not enough for your sisters?"

"What's so good about this little girl, why didn't I see it?"

Several women couldn't help muttering bitterly, looking like they were jealous.

Chen Xi was speechless immediately. What kind of immortals are these women cultivating, and what kind of Dao are they asking?

In fact, Chen Xi was thinking too much. The reason why these women did this was nothing more than to compete for favor, and the purpose of competing for favor was naturally to gain greater benefits from this little duke and plan for his own future.

For all this, Diandian didn't seem to notice it, and without even looking at Nalu Qiuye, he said directly: "I'll give you a chance to let your subordinates get out of the way, this time I don't care about you."

The voice was calm, but with a great power.

But falling into Lu Qiuye's ears made him feel even more fresh and exciting. Most of the women he had played with fell into their arms as soon as they heard about his identity. How could he ever meet someone who dared to talk to him like that? ?

clap clap clap!

This guy actually laughed and applauded: "Not bad, not bad, what I admire the most is your temperament, girl. When we meet for the first time, this little gadget will be regarded as a gift, and I hope the girl will accept it."

As he said that, he turned his palm, and a delicate light blue jade hairpin appeared, shining brightly and emitting wisps of gentle auspicious light.

Taiwu rank fairy treasure!

All of a sudden, the eyes of the women beside Lu Qiuye lit up, and their hearts became more and more jealous, and they even looked at Diandian with unkind eyes.

Obviously, in their hearts, Diandian has become the number one public enemy in their struggle for favor.

Seeing this, Lu Qiuye became more and more complacent, and secretly said, "If you are noble and extraordinary, I will not believe that you are not submissive!"

Chen Xi couldn't help laughing out, this guy actually used a Taiwu rank fairy treasure to hook up with a fairy king?What could be more ridiculous than this?

"Young man, what are you laughing at?"

Seeing that Chen Xi was actually laughing, Lu Qiuye frowned and gave him a displeased look.

"My friend, let's go, it's none of your business here!"

Those subordinates looked at Chen Xi coldly, full of threats.

Chen Xi rubbed his nose, and didn't bother to pay attention to these guys. He just turned his head and looked at Diandian. He was very surprised that Diandian hadn't lost his temper until now, and what was she thinking.

And Diandian looked at Chen Xi almost at the same time, complaining slightly: "It's already this time, can you still watch it?"

As she spoke, she suddenly took Chen Xi's arm, intimately rested her head on Chen Xi's shoulder, narrowed her eyes comfortably, and said, "You said you would be responsible for me."

The voice is soft and glutinous, revealing a hint of coquettish taste.

Chen Xi's whole body froze immediately, and he smiled wryly in his heart, what kind of tricks is this young lady of the Immortal King playing!

But this scene fell into the eyes of Nalu Qiuye, which immediately stimulated his heart to be sullen, but he casually smiled and said: "Girl, in my opinion, the person next to you is really not worthy of you, why don't you think about it again?" Son?"

Diandian squinted her eyes and snuggled up to Chen Xi's side, turning a deaf ear to it. Obviously, she had already made up her mind to let Chen Xi handle everything this time.

"My friend, what do you say?"

Seeing this, Lu Qiuye became more and more annoyed. He looked at Chen Xi with gloomy eyes, and there was a threatening threat in his words.

Not only him, but the subordinates nearby also stared at Chen Xi coldly, as if you don't know him well, don't blame me for being rude.

Seeing this, Chen Xi was completely speechless. These guys are all from Weiyang Immortal Continent. Could it be that they didn't recognize the identity of Diandian in front of him?

What a bunch of blind fools!


ps: The second update has been posted continuously, refresh the interface and you should be able to see it.

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