divine talisman

Chapter 1367 Junior Rampant [Part 2]

Lu Qiuye and the others are naturally not blind.

The reason why they dare to be so unscrupulous, on the one hand, is because they have a big backer, Lu Qiubin, the ruler of the Immortal Mansion of Weiyang Xianzhou, and on the other hand, it is also because they would not think that the weak woman in front of them would be The king of Weiyang Xianzhou.

In the final analysis, it was because Diandian was seriously injured, worried about revealing his identity, and intentionally concealed his aura around him. As for Chen Xi, he was only a Saint Immortal Realm existence now.

And beside that young master, there are two retinues from the Holy Immortal Realm accompanying him, so he won't put them in his eyes.

What's more, this is Weiyang Xianzhou. Because of his relationship with his father, this young master has deep connections. Even if he gets into trouble, someone will jump out to wipe his ass. .

Facing all the menacing gazes, Chen Xi just shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "I think if you don't move away, the consequences will be unimaginable."

The words were light, with a hint of teasing, which made Lu Qiuye and the others' complexions suddenly darken. This kid really didn't want to live anymore, and he dared to threaten them!

"It seems that this friend is not going to give me face?"

Lu Qiuye sneered, and winked at a follower beside him.

"Things that don't know what's good or bad, get out of here!"

The servant immediately understood, laughed ferociously, stretched out his arm suddenly, arched his fingers slightly, grabbed the dragon and controlled the crane, and with a crackling sound, he tore through the void, and grabbed Chen Xi's neck fiercely.

This grasping force was concentrated and swift as electricity, and the five fingers were filled with the power of majestic laws, fully demonstrating the strength of a Saint Immortal Realm.

Seeing this, everyone looked at Chen Xi with a hint of pity. They knew very well how ruthless this servant was. He was a powerful general under the command of the Immortal Lord's Mansion, named Yu Wendong, who was deeply loved by Xiaoyao. Houlu Qiubin's appreciation, as long as the opponent he chooses, either his cultivation level will be abolished, or he will be wiped out on the spot, without exception.

The young man in front of him seems to have the cultivation base of the Holy Immortal Realm, which is enough to be proud of being ordinary, but in front of Yu Wendong who has experienced countless bloody battles, he is not enough to look at at all.

Especially when they saw that Chen Xi was facing this blow and remained motionless as if he had been frightened stupid, everyone became more and more disdainful. This kid looks imposing, but he is actually a wimp!

Chen Xi did not move at all, and still maintained the posture of being tapped with his arms, except that his right hand flicked out of thin air, which was an understatement, without a trace of fireworks.


There was a muffled sound, thunderous like thunder.

Chen Xi stood still and did not move, the clouds were calm and the wind was light.

And that Yu Wendong was so shaken that he stepped back and forth, his face became paler with each step, and when he stepped back to the ninth step, his face was already pale, his chest heaved, and he opened his mouth suddenly, wow There was a sound of blood spurting out, and the breath all over his body suddenly became sluggish.

Everyone was shocked, their pupils dilated, the disdain and pity at the corners of their lips froze and stiffened, and they looked like hell.

This scene was unexpected and caught them off guard. No one thought that Yu Wendong, who used to be fierce and ruthless in the past, would be seriously injured in a single blow.


Some people didn't believe in evil, so they flashed out of thin air, and slammed a fist at Chen Xi's head. The fist was as violent as a roaring dragon, and it was filled with terrifying law power.

This is Luqiuye's other servant of the Holy Immortal Realm, named Yu Wenbei, who is Yu Wendong's younger brother, both of them are equal in strength and equally ruthless and decisive.


Chen Xi was even more casual this time. With a wave of his sleeve robe, the celestial gang roared like an angry wave. He sent the opponent flying with a bang, smashed through the wall of the pavilion, and fell out of the restaurant with a plop.

This moment completely shocked everyone present.

All of them opened their mouths wide, staring at Chen Xi as if they were looking at a monster, their hearts were filled with chills, and their hairs were terrified.

Who is this guy?

Those who can easily defeat Brother Yuwendong will definitely not be ordinary people!

"Not bad, but not ruthless enough, they should be killed."

In the silence, Didian smiled and spoke. From the beginning to the end, she was snuggling on Chen Xi's shoulder, as if she had already expected such a scene to happen.

And so it is.

Although the two Yu Wendong brothers are saints, they have not joined forces and created their own laws of the holy way. Although their strength is fierce, how can they possibly be Chen Xi's opponents.

You must know that although the current Chen Xi has just stepped into the Holy Immortal Realm, with the help of the fragments of the River Map, he has already controlled various Da Luo Laws to a perfect state, especially his immortal power is more than a hundred times thicker than that of his peers. The two brothers naturally did it effortlessly.

Hearing a little bit of ridicule, Chen Xi was startled, and couldn't help smiling bitterly: "Not cruel enough? Are we going to kill them all?"

Dian Dian said seriously: "It's absolutely fine."

Listening to the two brazenly discussing their life and death, Lu Qiuye and the others all changed countenance, frightened and angry at the same time.

Especially his female companions were so frightened that their faces were pale and trembling.

"Hmph! You are too deceitful! Do you know who I am? How dare you be so arrogant! Hurry up and apologize to me, otherwise you won't be able to leave Autumn Leaf City today!"

Lu Qiuye yelled loudly, he knew he had kicked the iron plate this time, but he didn't think there was any danger, this is Weiyang Xianzhou, except for those big figures who reach the sky, who would dare to touch him, the descendant of the ruler of the Immortal Mansion ?

And in his eyes, whether it is Chen Xi or Diandian, they are not qualified to be called big men in the sky, so he still has the confidence to challenge the other party!

What's more, although others are domineering and arrogant, they also have some means to save their lives, so they will not be intimidated by the other party because of panic.


But to Lu Qiuye's surprise, as soon as he finished speaking, he was slapped on the face, his head hummed like gold stars, his whole body screamed, and fell to his knees.


Chen Xi softly uttered two words,



This scene frightened his subordinates and female companions into chaos, and rushed forward to protect this young master, lest something happen to him.

"You...you are looking for death!"

"Young Master is the most beloved heir of Lord Xiaoyaohou, the ruler of the Immortal Mansion. Aren't you afraid that you will be hunted down by the entire Immortal Mansion?"

"I don't know how to live or die, kneel down and apologize, otherwise you will surely die!"

A group of followers and female companions shouted sharply.

They have followed Lu Qiuye for so long, relying on the name of the Immortal Monarch's Mansion to go wherever others have no time to fawn on them, and now this man and woman dare to fight against them, is it not courting death?

However, although they yelled fiercely, no one dared to step forward to make a move. There was no way, they didn't even see clearly how Chen Xi made a move just now, and the two Yu Wendong brothers were defeated and seriously injured. How could they be his opponents?

Hearing these fly-like things buzzing and buzzing endlessly, Chen Xi not only frowned, but his eyes glowed coldly. Wherever his eyes passed, all the shouting stopped abruptly, and he was so frightened that his whole body trembled.

What a bunch of clowns!

Chen Xi was too lazy to start a fight with the other party, so he nodded, "How about we go?"

Diandian smiled and said: "I have never experienced the feeling of a hero saving a beauty since I practiced." Frowning, she sighed again, "Unfortunately, these guys are so bad, they made me very bored."

Chen Xi was dumbfounded, and finally understood a little bit of his thoughts.

After saying that, the two of them were about to leave, when suddenly a voice came from down the corridor - "Hmph! I want to see who dares to bully Nephew Luqiu!"

As soon as the voice sounded, a tall and powerful middle-aged man flashed out of thin air and appeared in the pavilion. He had thick beard and hair, his eyes were like lightning, and his whole body exuded a majestic aura that was as towering as a mountain and as vast as a vast ocean. The spirit is impressively the existence of a half-step Immortal King.

"Uncle Zhu Ming! You came just in time. These two guys just humiliated me and seriously injured two subordinates my father sent me!"

Seeing this mighty old man, Lu Qiuye who was sitting on the ground with red and swollen cheeks from the beating suddenly lifted his spirits and let out a cry of ecstasy.

Chen Xi and Diandian exchanged a look, and they both showed a strange look. Just when they felt bored, an old thing came unexpectedly.

"Nephew, be safe and don't be impatient, with this old man here, I will never let anyone bully you!"

Zhu Ming said in a deep voice, sonorous and forceful, but he suddenly turned his head, his eyes fell on Chen Xi like lightning, "Two friends, I don't know where my good nephew offended...Huh?"

At the end of the sentence, his eyes froze suddenly, and he stared straight at the dot, as if he recognized something, but he didn't dare to confirm it, and his brows immediately frowned.

"Uncle Zhu Ming, why are you talking so much nonsense with them, kill that kid quickly!"

With Zhu Ming as his reliance, Lu Qiuye became old-fashioned, covered his red and swollen cheeks and yelled bitterly, "And this little girl, don't hurt her, I won't believe it..."


Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xi suddenly let out a cold snort. Accompanied by the sound, an invisible spatial power condensed out of thin air, like an invisible big hand, and with a single slap, Lu Qiuye was sent flying.

This scene happened so fast that it was too late for Zhu Ming to save him. When he realized, Lu Qiuye was beaten so blood spurted from his lips, his teeth spattered, and he uttered a scream like a slaughtered pig, which made everyone nearby gasp. more than.

The reason is that this is the power of the supreme law of space. With the existence of a half-step fairy king like Zhu Ming, he never expected that a holy fairyland could actually master this kind of power, and he was caught off guard.

"The juniors are rampant!"

Zhu Ming's face darkened, and he was extremely ugly. The kid on the opposite side dared to block his face and make a move, which was simply a great trampling on his dignity.

As he said that, he was about to make a move, but at this moment, a terrifying wave of power suddenly came from outside the pavilion, like a black cloud pressing down on the city, surging forward, covering the entire restaurant.

In an instant, Zhu Ming's face changed suddenly!


ps: It’s gone tonight, I’m going to stay up late to save the manuscript, and prepare for tomorrow’s 10th update, and the first update will be at 10:[-] tomorrow morning~

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