divine talisman

Chapter 1368 Qingluan Divine Chariot [Part 1]


There was a sound of heavy footsteps, and the ground shook like a thunderstorm. The guests inside and outside the entire restaurant were shocked, and felt a great terror from the inside out.

This sudden change also caused Zhu Ming, who was sullen, to suddenly change his expression, and moved his gaze away from the restaurant. Immediately, his pupils dilated, and he froze there.

Not only him, but Lu Qiuye, his subordinates, and the women were all trembling in shock, and all looked at the place where the voice came from.

When they saw the scene in the distance clearly, everyone inside and outside the restaurant was completely stunned, shocked inexplicably.

It was a majestic and magnificent team, passing through the ancient maple trees planted with bright red like clouds, and galloping on the spacious and flat street, where the crowds retreated in horror.

The team is led by two men who are hundreds of feet tall, like two great gods and demons.

The one on the left has bronze skin that is as hard as a rock, and on a back that is as tall as a mountain, there are two huge axes that are fifty or sixty feet long crossed on the back.

The one on the right was covered in a black cloak, and he couldn't see his face clearly, only a pale sharp chin was exposed. His hands and feet were wrapped in thick black chains, and the surface of the chains was densely covered with strands of obscure and dense patterns.

As the two of them cleared the way, an incomparably terrifying aura enveloped the world, suppressing so much that the creatures in the vicinity of a hundred thousand li couldn't breathe, trembled, and shuddered.

It's really because the tall figures of these two demon gods are too terrifying. In front of them, all living beings are as small as ants.

And behind the two of them, there are two rows of extremely beautiful maids dressed in clouds, surrounded by arches on both sides of a gorgeous and exquisite golden treasure chariot.

These maids, no matter their appearance, clothing, temperament, or manner, are full of nobility, elegance, and calmness. There are thousands of them, and they are magnificent.

And the gorgeous golden treasure chariot surrounded by them in the center is pulled by nine pure-blooded green luan god birds, releasing infinite brilliance and divine splendor, magnificent and dignified to the extreme.

There are two demon-like figures leading the way in front, thousands of beautiful maids guarding the back, and a Qingluan treasure chariot speeding in the middle... Such a large team, it is difficult not to attract attention.

The fact is exactly like this, ever since this team entered Akiba Immortal City, the places they passed along the way have caused a great commotion, not to mention no one dared to stop them.

Because the aura displayed by this team is so intimidating that people can't help but feel a sense of shock and awe when they look at it from a distance.

Everyone in the restaurant was shocked, because they suddenly discovered that this mighty team was galloping towards them.


Some people chattered their teeth, stumbled and opened their mouths, and were too shocked to speak.

"Green Luan Divine Chariot!"

"This is the car of Immortal King Weiyang!"

"God! Could it be Immortal King Weiyang coming to Autumn Leaf City?"

Lu Qiuye, his followers and female companions all opened their eyes wide in shock, with an irrepressible reverence and fanaticism welling up between their brows.

"It must be the Immortal King Weiyang. I followed my father to the Weiyang Palace. I was fortunate enough to witness the Qingluan Divine Chariot from afar. I never thought that it would appear here now..."

Lu Qiuye murmured, with a hint of pride in his expression, as if for him, being able to enter the Weiyang Palace was already something to be extremely proud of.

As soon as these words came out, it really attracted a lot of envious and admiring eyes.

"Young master, Lord Xiaoyaohou must have a good relationship with Lord Weiyang Immortal King, right?"

"My lord, have you ever paid homage to the true face of the Immortal King Weiyang?"

"My lord, are those two big figures who opened the way, the two lords Blood Nightmare and Qingying from Weiyang Palace?"

Luqiuye's female companions spoke eagerly, with expressions of curiosity and reverence.

Immortal King Weiyang, that is the supreme existence of Weiyang Immortal Continent, and also the most mysterious Immortal King in the Immortal World. From a personal point of view, the existence of Immortal King Weiyang is like a myth that one can only look up to!

"I've never met Lord Weiyang Immortal King." Lu Qiuye laughed at himself, and immediately said proudly, "However, my father does have a good relationship with Weiyang Immortal King."

At this moment, they directly ignored Chen Xi and Diandian, and focused all their attention on the huge team that was about to arrive.

In the presence, only Zhu Ming's complexion suddenly changed again, and he couldn't help but cast a glance to one side of Dian Dian, only to see that the latter was still holding the young man's arm, leaning his head on his shoulder, smiling with a beautiful face. full of meaning.

When he noticed Zhu Ming's gaze, there was a faint smile on the corner of his lips, which immediately made Zhu Ming's heart skip a beat, as if struck by lightning, and his whole body appeared in a state of despair.

"Uncle Zhu Ming, please be careful and don't let these two guys take the opportunity to escape."

Suddenly, Lu Qiuye took a deep breath, tidied his clothes, held his head high, and said, "I'm going to pay my respects to Lord Xuemao and Qingying. With them here, I must repay ten times the hatred today!"

When it came to the end, he couldn't help staring at Chen Xihe fiercely, his eyes were extremely venomous, and there was even a hint of greed and possessive desire.

Hearing this, his followers and female companions were very excited.

"Wait a minute!"

Seeing this scene, Zhu Ming couldn't help but to speak, to remind Lu Qiuye.

"Does Uncle Zhu Ming want me to introduce you to those two adults? It's easy to talk about."

Lu Qiuye smiled triumphantly, he didn't bother to listen to Zhu Ming's nonsense at all, so he turned his head and walked towards the restaurant.

Seeing this, the corners of Zhu Ming's lips couldn't help twitching. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he accidentally caught a glimpse of Diandian next to him and looked at him again with a half-smile. All of a sudden, he was stunned there, feeling extremely bitter and depressed. .


Before the huge team reached the restaurant, it stopped abruptly.

"Little son Lu Qiuye, Lu Qiubin of my father's Immortal Mansion, pay homage to the two adults Xuemao and Qingying!" At the same time, Nalu Qiuye came out and saluted respectfully.

But to his embarrassment, whether it was the burly middle-aged man with a hundred feet tall, skin as hard as a rock, beard and red hair, and a pair of crossed giant axes on his back, it was the black cloak shrouded in a black cloak with his hands and feet wrapped around his thick black hair. The figures of the chains all turned a blind eye to him.

Their gazes all fell on the inside of the restaurant, and they didn't pay attention to Lu Qiuye, who appeared out of nowhere.

This made Lu Qiuye embarrassed for a while, his cheeks were hot, he had just boasted that he would introduce the two adults, Blood Nightmare and Qingying, to Zhu Ming, but now it was a good thing, he was ignored at all.

Under the watchful eyes of all the people, Lu Qiuye's bowed body could not be lifted up, nor could it be lifted up, it looked extremely awkward, like an abandoned clown.

Fortunately, no one paid attention to this scene at this time, and all attention was attracted by the sudden arrival of this mighty team.

What is the purpose of the Weiyang Immortal Palace team arriving here?

Does Immortal King Weiyang want to rest and eat here?


Before everyone could react, the two hundred-foot-high figures called Blood Nightmare and Qingying suddenly knelt down on one knee, cupped their hands and said in unison: "See my king!"

"See my king!"

Almost at the same time, thousands of beautiful maids dressed in clouds also bowed and saluted in unison.

At this moment, even the nine-headed Qingluan divine bird that was pulling the luxurious golden chariot all landed together, lowered their proud heads, and let out a long hiss.

See my king!

The sound reverberated between the sky and the earth, and the atmosphere in the restaurant was frozen and silent in an instant. Everyone was completely stunned, their pupils were wide open, and their bodies were stiff.

How is this going?

Could it be... Could it be that Immortal King Weiyang is not on the Qingluan chariot, but in this restaurant! ?

Zhu Ming's head was about to explode with a buzzing sound. At this moment, he was finally convinced of his speculation just now. When he thought that he almost fought with the opponent before, he felt chills all over his body, as if he had walked through the gate of hell. ...

Among those present, only Chen Xi was still sober and had witnessed all these changes with cold eyes, but he was still a little shocked in his heart. He never expected that these subordinates would put together such a big formation to welcome her back.

Thinking of this, he felt uncomfortable for a while, there was nothing he could do, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Diandian was still holding his arm, resting his head on his shoulder, and judging by his posture, he didn't seem to intend to move away...

"Why don't you let go of my hand first?" Chen Xi couldn't help but voice transmission.

"Don't you think this is fun?" Wei Young glanced at him, and finally agreed to avoid embarrassment for Chen Xi.

The next moment, Wei Young's expression had returned to calm, her eyes were clear, and her whole body was filled with a lavender divine radiance, releasing a terrifying and supreme aura.

She walked side by side with Chen Xi and went straight to the restaurant.

Wherever they passed, everyone present was shocked, and felt a supreme power that suppressed their minds flooding their bodies, as if falling into an endless abyss, and felt a great terror.

Especially Lu Qiuye's subordinates and female companions were so shocked that they all went limp and sat on the ground, looking at Diandian and Chen Xi with unspeakable fear and disbelief.

Could it be... could that woman be Immortal King Weiyang?

"Get up."

Outside the restaurant, Diandian waved her hand, covering her whole body with purple divine radiance, making her clear and beautiful face dreamlike, making it impossible for people to see her true face clearly.


The entire mighty team stood up at the same time as promised, and the uniform grand momentum once again shocked everyone present.

At this moment, Nalu Qiuye couldn't help but lift up his bowed body. When he saw clearly Chen Xi and Diandian standing in mid-air, he suddenly became astonished to the extreme, and said in a voiceless voice, "How could it be you?"

"Facing my king, your words are disrespectful, you deserve to be killed!"

Suddenly, the blood nightmare with beard and red hair, whose skin was like a rock, spoke in a deep voice, and pressed down on Lu Qiuye!


ps: The second update is at 12 o'clock, and today's update is at 10 o'clock. Please ask for a monthly pass to stimulate the power of code words!Let me go completely crazy~

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