divine talisman

Chapter 1369 Immortal Emperor Ziheng [Part 2]

The big hand strikes down in the air, filled with terrifying and divine power, as if covering the sky in all directions, making it impossible to escape.

Under it, Lu Qiuye was so frightened that he almost lost his wits.

At this moment, Diandian suddenly said: "Wait a minute."

As soon as the sound came out, that big hand stopped abruptly, and was immediately withdrawn by Blood Nightmare. The control of power has obviously reached the point where it can be sent and received freely.

With a thud, the desperate situation was saved, and Lu Qiuye couldn't help but knelt down on the ground, kowtowed and hissed: "Thank you, Lord Immortal King, for not killing me, thank you, Lord Immortal King, for not killing me..."

The voice was terrified, stirring up the whole world.

Those subordinates and female companions in Shang Zi Zai's restaurant were also trembling with horror, their expressions were mournful, they were extremely terrified, and they all fell to their knees on the ground.

When they thought that they had spoken out to threaten a Supreme Immortal King just now, and almost robbed him to be Lu Qiuye's female companion, they were so frightened that their souls froze, and their guts turned green with regret.

As for Zhu Ming, his expression was not much better at the moment, he was afraid that Immortal King Weiyang would settle accounts with him.

Looking at all of this, Chen Xi couldn't help but feel very bored. These guys used to show off their might and domineering arrogance, but now they are full of ugly faces and panic like dogs. If they knew this before, why did they do it in the first place?

Diandian didn't seem to bother to pay attention to these guys, and waved: "Abolish him, and hand it over to Xiaoyaohou. When I return, I need Xiaoyaohou to give me a satisfactory answer."

After all, she had already brought Chen Xi with her, and stepped onto the Qingluan Divine Chariot.


The void fluctuated, and under the gaze of all the shocked eyes, the Qingluan divine chariot cut through the void, turned around and disappeared with that mighty team.

In the team, only the bearded, red-haired Blood Nightmare with rock-like skin stayed behind, and his pair of eyes were like cold lightning, and he glanced at Lu Qiuye suddenly.

"Don't! Don't... Ah——!"

Lu Qiuye's screams resounded throughout the world.


In the Qingluan Divine Chariot, there is a world of its own, and inside it is an elegant and beautiful white jade palace.

"Abolishing that romantic young master, I'm afraid I will offend Xiaoyaohou?"

When Chen Xi thought of Lu Qiuye's terrified appearance when he left, he couldn't help laughing.

"If you offend, you will offend, and it's not offending the master of the Central Immortal Court."

Diandian smiled, disapproving, the two were sitting cross-legged in the palace at this moment, with a beautiful maid beside them pouring tea and water for them.

Chen Xi was startled, and asked curiously, "Then what kind of power is the Central Immortal Court?"

He was indeed very curious. He had been hearing about the Central Immortal Court since he first entered the Immortal Realm, but so far he had no idea about this power.

Now I only know that among the [-] continents in this fairy world, each continent has a fairy mansion, which governs the affairs of its respective fairy continent, and has great power.

And these Immortal Monarch Mansions must obey the orders of the Central Immortal Court.

"The Central Immortal Court is located in the 'Shenhua Immortal Continent', and its master is called the Immortal Emperor. Under his command are ten marquises, [-] immortal monarchs, and countless holy immortals, golden immortals, mysterious immortals, and heavenly immortals. "

"On the bright side, this central fairy court can be regarded as the biggest force ruling the fairy world, but in the final analysis, it is just an alliance formed by the strongest of the top powers in the fairy world. Jun, or Lord Hou, all come from different major forces."

"For example, Xiaoyao Hou Luqiu Bin, the ruler of Weiyang Xianzhou Immortal King's Mansion, is one of the top ten princes in Xianting, and his other identity is an old antique in Weiyang Xianzhou Luqiu's family."

Talking eloquently and eloquently, with just a few words, the general outline of the central fairy court was clearly described.

"The only difference is that the Central Immortal Emperor is just a title, and the appointment of the Immortal Emperor comes from one of the three supreme orthodoxy. Like the current Immortal Emperor Ziheng, he is an elder from the Supreme Sect."

"Every 10 years, the appointment of the Immortal Emperor will be rotated. For example, the last Immortal Emperor Ranning was Bai Ranning who ranked ninth among the disciples of Shenyan Mountain."

Hearing this, Chen Xi's heart was shocked, Bai Ranning?Is it my ninth senior brother?

From practicing till now, he has only met the little senior sister Li Yang and the third senior brother. As for the other senior brothers, he has not even heard their names. (Li Fuyao, who appeared last time, was the fifth child of Shenyan Mountain. The setting time was confused with the third child, and it has been revised)

At this moment, I suddenly learned from Dian Dian that my Ninth Senior Brother Bai Ranning, whom I had never met, had actually served as the Immortal Emperor of the Immortal Court in the Central Immortal Court, and I couldn't help but feel a little bit stunned.

"Then Immortal Emperor Ziheng is actually the Supreme Master?"

Immediately, Chen Xi frowned, he didn't have a good impression of this orthodoxy.

Especially after walking through the ruins of Hongmeng, he had a deeper understanding of the ruthless way of the Supreme Master. When he heard that the Supreme Master controlled the position of Immortal Emperor in Xianting, he naturally Extremely disgusted.

"No way, who made the Supreme Master one of the highest orthodoxy in the Three Realms?"

Diandian smiled, with a relaxed voice, "But you don't have to worry about anything. In today's Three Realms, the power of the Immortal Emperor may be able to frighten all living beings, but in the eyes of the real power, it is like a fake."

According to her, the purpose of both the Central Immortal Court and the Immortal Mansion among the [-] Continents of the Immortal World is to maintain the order of the Immortal World.

But now, most of the members serving in the Immortal Mansion and the Central Immortal Court come from major forces in the Immortal World, so they will not completely obey the Immortal Emperor's orders.

Especially when it comes to their own interests, no force will really put the Central Immortal Court and Immortal Mansion in their eyes, and vice versa.

The real function of the Immortal Emperor is actually to prepare for war with foreign races outside the territory. After all, once the three realms and the foreign worlds outside the territory are fully engaged in war, a king-like master is needed to control and dispatch them.

Obviously, there is no sign of a full battle between the Three Realms and the foreign races outside the region. The existence of the position of Immortal Emperor is more of a symbolic meaning.

Knowing all of this, Chen Xi felt a sense of enlightenment and enlightenment.

However, when he thought that the current Central Immortal Emperor came from the Supreme Sect, he felt a little uncomfortable after all.


Weiyang Wonderland.

A big world opened up in nothingness, with picturesque mountains and rivers, and beautiful scenery.

This is the place where Immortal King Weiyang lived and cultivated.

After Chen Xi followed Diandian back, he stayed here for a few days, and because he missed Ling Bai and the others, he decided to leave today.

He didn't hold back at all, and sent him to a great teleportation array in the fairyland, saying: "With the help of the Daoguo spirit you bestowed on me, I can build the foundation of conferring the gods and step into Among the gods, maybe you can wait for me to leave the customs, and then it will not be too late to attack Zuoqiu."

Now that she also understands the grievances between Chen Xi and the Zuoqiu family, she will naturally not refuse to help Chen Xi take revenge.


Chen Xi smiled wryly to himself, Dian Dian really thought highly of him. From his point of view, he could indeed find many Immortal King Realm beings to help him now, but the key point was that his own cultivation was not enough for him to do so.

What's more, for revenge, it is natural to do it yourself!

In Chen Xi's heart, there are some things that cannot be handled by others, such as taking revenge on the Zuoqiu family, he will never allow himself to be just a bystander.

The most important thing is that Zuoqiu's family, as one of the seven great families in ancient times, has an extremely strong foundation, and if they want to destroy it, it will not be done overnight at all.

This matter has to be discussed in the long run, and there is no rush.

"Thank you."

Chen Xi bowed his hand, not only to thank Diandian for the hospitality these few days, but also to thank her for helping him resolve a life-and-death murder when he was in the Conferred Gods Domain.

He will never forget that Diandian, who was the Supreme Immortal King at that time, would go out of his way to help him block a murder, but she almost died on the spot.

Diandian smiled, stared at Chen Xi for a long time, and then said: "Compared to that, I have gained more."


Douxuan Immortal City.

With a buzzing sound, the void waved, and a tall and handsome figure stepped out. It was Chen Xi who had just returned from Weiyang Wonderland.

Looking at the familiar silhouette of Daohuang Academy in the distance, feeling the familiar atmosphere in the air, Chen Xi couldn't help taking a deep breath, and completely relaxed his whole body.

He didn't stop, and moved straight to the academy.


In today's Daohuang Academy, there is a hot topic everywhere——

Zuoqiu Kong, one of the seven scorching suns in the fairy world, was pregnant in the city of crimes, and an old antique from the Zuoqiu clan, an immortal king, was executed on the spot!

As soon as this news came out, it caused a great shock not only in Daohuang Academy, but also in the entire fairy world. How could it not be shocking that a child of the scorching sun and an existence of the Immortal King Realm both fell into the city of guilt?

It can be said that due to the spread of this news during this period of time, this matter has also become the hottest topic in the streets and alleys, tea houses and restaurants, and it has a tendency to become more and more intense.

Everyone is guessing, who killed Zuo Qiukong, and which big shot sent out to kill a fairy king standing on the top of the Three Realms?

After this battle, how will the Zuoqiu family, one of the seven great families in ancient times, react to it?

All this makes people curious and discuss endlessly.

But for those big shots who know the truth, they are very clear about all of this, especially the name of Chen Xi, which has become the focus of attention of all the big forces in the fairy world.

"Nonsense! How could it be that senior brother Chen Xi did this? If it is said that he killed Zuo Qiukong, it would be understandable, but if you say that senior brother Chen Xi killed an immortal king, that would be nonsense .”

"Hmph, idiot, I didn't say that senior brother Chen Xi did it himself, but that he had other experts to help him!"

"That's right, I also heard from an elder in the clan that at that time in the city of guilt, six immortal kings dispatched together to kill the old antique Zuoqiu Linghong of the Zuoqiu clan."

"The six immortal kings? Are they real or not? Senior brother Chen Xi really has such a big face?"

"I don't know if Senior Brother Chen Xi has such a big face, but I have heard that among the six fairy kings, there are two from Nuwa Dao Palace!"


As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden gasp.

When Chen Xi entered the academy, he encountered such a scene head-on.


ps: The second update is delivered, the third update is at 2 pm, the fourth update is at 4 pm, and the fifth update is at 6 pm. There is a strong call for monthly tickets. Today, the number of monthly tickets is so small that I am anxious to death~~

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