divine talisman

Chapter 1373 Comprehending the Holy Way [Part 6]

Chen Xi fled in despair.

There is no way, after obtaining a Dao Fruit Spirit, Chi Cangsheng, the dean of the inner courtyard who is known for his violent personality, seems to have changed into a different person. He has all kinds of enthusiasm and gratitude for Chen Xi, and Chen Xi is greatly moved. Can't bear it.

So he had to say goodbye and leave.

Of course, when he left, he also took away three rare treasures, Liguang Shengdaozhu, Kunwu Futon, and Baisheng Xuandao Book, and Chi Cangsheng made a promise that Chen Xi would come to him for anything in the future, and he would not refuse.

Chen Xi was obviously extremely satisfied with this result, and felt that this trip was worthwhile.

Using a Dao Fruit Spirit in exchange for three treasures that would be of great benefit to him in joining the Dao, and winning Chi Cangsheng’s promise, was totally worth it, and even such gains exceeded Chen Xi’s expectations.

After all, although he has eleven Dao Fruit Spirits in his body, they are of little use to him now. Even if he advances to the Immortal King Realm in the future, to prove Dao Conferred God, he only needs one Dao Fruit Spirit That's all.

As for the excess, it is natural to make the best use of it.

And in Chen Xi's plan, it is absolutely possible to use this extra Dao fruit spirit to win the promise and support of some old antiques in the academy.

In this way, when he takes revenge on the Zuoqiu clan in the future, he will be able to win the help of many immortal kings!

Of course, Chen Xi would not give this thing away casually, and even for the sake of safety, he even asked Chi Cangsheng not to leak this news, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.


After leaving the place where Chi Cangsheng lived and cultivated, Chen Xi went straight back to the Sword Cottage Cave Mansion.

He first took out the jade slip that recorded the news of the Dao Emperor's ancient land and looked it up carefully. Compared with joining the Dao, he cared more about whether he could get the approval of the Dao Emperor's inheritance, so that he could go to the Dao Emperor with enough star points. Exchange river map fragments.

The reason is also very simple. After experiencing ups and downs in the Conferred God Realm, he deeply recognized the extraordinaryness of the fragments of the river map.

How could this treasure be able to fight against the "Eye of Heaven's Punishment", resist the coercion of the "Banquet of Conferred Gods", and help him resolve a series of murders? How could it be an ordinary thing?

Not only that, he was able to condense his various Dao laws into Da Luo Shenwen, he was able to successfully advance to the rank of Saint Immortal, and he was able to obtain many Dao fruit spirits... all thanks to the fragments of the river map.

But now, he already has six fragments of the river map, and only three pieces are needed to make up the complete river map. He will not just watch the fragment of the river map of Daohuang Academy being taken by others.

"Undead King Tomb!"

"The Coffin of Immortal Underworld!"

"The pool of blood!"


Carefully flipping through the jade slips, Chen Xi became more and more surprised as he looked at them. He never expected that the Dao Emperor's ancient land was not just buried with the Dao Emperor's inheritance, it was also full of many dangerous areas and many opportunities.

That is both a test and a temper.

According to the jade slips, even if you enter it without the inheritance of the Dao Emperor, your strength will be greatly improved after you get out of the many tests in it.

And there is not only the inheritance of the Dao Emperor, but also many other places of opportunity.

In the history of Daohuang Academy, this ancient land of Daohuang will be opened every ten thousand years, and no more than ten disciples will enter it each time.

And the disciples who can obtain the approval of the Dao Emperor's inheritance are even rarer, and even in most cases, no one can obtain the approval of the Dao Emperor's inheritance.

As for the specific reasons, you can only really understand it if you go in and walk around.

However, it was said in the Jade Slips that the current dean of the Dao Emperor Academy was recognized by the Dao Emperor's inheritance back then!

"In three months' time, the Dao Emperor's Ancient Land will be opened. During this time, we must be fully prepared and do our best to obtain the approval of the Dao Emperor's inheritance!"

After a long time, Chen Xi took a deep breath, and there was already a hint of determination between his brows.


In the world of stars, Chen Xi sat cross-legged on the Kunwu futon, crossed his hands in front of his abdomen, and embraced the Liguang Holy Dao Orb. Three feet above his head, the Hundred Sages' Proclamation Book was opened, and bursts of heaven-like holy sounds came out. Tao Zen sound.


As Chen Xi fell into deep meditation, the Kunwu futon glowed with wisps of golden glow, each wisp of glow fluttering with rows of mysterious lines, covering Chen Xi's entire body.

And between his palms, the Liguang Sacred Dao Bead radiated hundreds of millions of light, which echoed with Chen Xi's whole body energy, faintly exuding a sacred and vast aura.

In such a state, Chen Xi began to deduce and integrate the five elements' divine patterns. His mind, sea of ​​consciousness, and even his soul were all in a state of tranquility and tranquility, like a moon-full blue sea.


The power of the Five Elements Divine Patterns turned into a sea of ​​colorful colors, which was surging in Chen Xi's heart. Red, yellow, cyan, black, and gold, the laws of the Five Elements Dao merged into one, converging into the Five Elements Ocean.

And as Chen Xi began to join forces, the atmosphere in the ocean of the five elements changed suddenly, fine waves, circles of ripples... all gradually evolved into mysterious runes.

This is his attempt to integrate the Five Elements Divine Runes into the Dao of Talismans, and the entry is surprisingly smooth, but compared to the ocean-like turbulent Five Elements Divine Runes, the waves and ripples fused into runes are extremely small.

But even so, the entry is amazing enough.

You must know that when other saints first joined the Dao, they would inevitably hit a wall again and again. It is impossible for them to make progress as soon as they first joined the Dao like Chen Xi, even if that progress is extremely small, but in the end Didn't hit a wall.

The reason is that Chen Xi had prepared for a long time before, constantly deduced various methods of "harmony", and finally chose the one that was most suitable for him.

Now with the auxiliary functions of Liguang Shengdaozhu, Kunwu Futon, and Baisheng Xuandao Book, he was able to achieve this step so smoothly.

This means that if a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools and make all the preparations in advance. Once he starts to act, it will naturally have an incredible effect.

At this moment, he fell into a strange state, as if he was listening to the wonderful truth of the holy way, the six senses, the heart of the way, the soul... Constantly deduce all the five elements of the gods, and integrate them one by one into the talisman that he has mastered. middle.

This kind of progress was extremely slow, even boring, but Chen Xi didn't realize it, he forgot himself, forgot where he was, and forgot the passage of time.


On this day, Chi Cangsheng, the dean of the inner court, also chose to retreat, and all affairs of the inner court were handed over to the chief instructor Wang Daolu to handle.

But compared to that, Chen Xi's closed-door retreat attracted quite a few voices of regret.

People like Ye Tang, Fozi Zhenlu, Ji Xuanbing, Zhao Mengli and others all wanted to discuss with Chen Xi, and then exchange what happened in the City of Sins that day.

And some new members of the Chen Union also wanted to witness Chen Xi's demeanor.

Unfortunately, when Chen Xifu returned to the academy, he actually chose to retreat, so they had no choice but to give up.


In the inner courtyard of Daohuang Academy, in front of an ancient palace.

This is the place where Zuoqiu Taiwu, an old antique in the inner courtyard, lived and cultivated.

On this day, Zuo Qiuhong, the vice president of the Outer Academy, and Zuo Qiusheng, the chief instructor of the Danzang Academy, came to visit together.


"Exactly, my master started retreat three days ago."

In front of the hall, a Taoist boy replied respectfully.

Zuoqiu Hong and Zuoqiu Sheng frowned. They were ordered to come here this time, the matter was of great importance, but now Zuoqiu Taiwu went into seclusion, what should we do?

"Could you go to report and say that I'm waiting for something urgent, it's imminent."

Zuo Qiuhong said bluntly.

The Taoist boy hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement, and entered the hall.

"That kid Chen Xi is back, now we just have to see what decision Taiwu Patriarch will make." Zuo Qiuhong watched the boy who served the Tao leave, and then he frowned and sighed, his expression was covered with a layer of gloom.

Because of Zuoqiukong's fall and Zuoqiu Linghong's death, these days, people in the fairy world are discussing this matter everywhere, even Daohuang Academy is no exception, which makes Zuoqiuhong and other members of the Zuoqiu clan feel a lot of pressure. Being pointed at everywhere, that kind of feeling, not to mention how aggrieved and uncomfortable.

It was precisely because of this reason that the Zuoqiu clan members hated Chen Xi even more, and they really wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood!

"I hope so."

Zuoqiu Sheng's expression was quite gloomy, and he said slowly, "Now that the patriarch is going to the Yuanwei Immortal Prison to meet Axue, I don't know what the result will be. I don't want to accept that scoundrel into our Zuoqiu clan."

Zuoqiu Hong was stunned, nodded and said: "Yes, I am also extremely opposed to it, but it is a pity that this was personally arranged by Patriarch Huanglin, and we can only follow orders, but in my opinion, Axue will definitely not accept this condition gone."

At this moment, the Taoist boy returned and said, "Seniors, my master is here to invite you."

Zuoqiu Hong and Zuoqiu Sheng lifted their spirits, and immediately followed the Taoist boy into the main hall.

The hall is grand and empty.

The extremely old Zuoqiu Taiwu sat alone in the center of the hall, his cloudy eyes seemed to be sleeping, and his whole body exuded a sense of tranquility and peace.

"Greetings to Patriarch Taiwu."

Zuoqiu Hong and Zuoqiu Sheng saluted together with respectful expressions, while the Taoist boy left with great interest, and there were only three of them left in the hall.

Zuoqiu Taiwu waved his hand: "Speak directly if you have something to say."

Zuo Qiuhong immediately took out a jade slip and handed it over respectfully: "Patriarch Taiwu, this is Patriarch Huanglin who asked me to bring it personally, saying that after you read it, you will definitely make the right decision."

Zuoqiu Taiwu frowned, but finally held it in his hand and looked it up carefully. After a long time, he put down the jade slip and fell into a long silence.

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly became silent.

Zuo Qiuhong and Zuo Qiusheng waited quietly, not daring to disturb each other.

"For the Zuoqiu family?"

Zuoqiu Taiwu asked suddenly, his voice was hoarse, and no emotion could be heard.

Zuoqiuhong and Zuoqiusheng nodded quickly.

Zuoqiu Taiwu's old face suddenly showed a thick mocking color: "I have to say, among the current clan, Huanglin still understands me and knows that I can give everything for the Zuoqiu clan..."


ps: Around 7:9 in Chapter 10, continue to call for the monthly pass ~ Violent No.[-] is not far away~~

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