divine talisman

Chapter 1374 Zuoqiu Enmity [Part 7]

A hoarse, mocking voice echoed in the empty hall.

Zuo Qiuhong and Zuo Qiu Sheng did not dare to say more.

However, they are indeed very clear that Zuoqiu Taiwu is definitely an outlier among the Zuoqiu clan, in his heart there is only the Zuoqiu clan, and there are no factional disputes.

In other words, he will neither oppose Zuoqiu Feng's ruling the family nor support him, everything is based on maintaining the continuation of the Zuoqiu family.

This also means that once a crisis occurs within the Zuoqiu Clan, especially when it involves the survival of the Zuoqiu Clan, he will never stand idly by.

"Kong'er's death was entirely his own fault, and Linghong's death deserved it too!"

Suddenly, Zuoqiu Taiwu snorted coldly, his old face was indifferent, "Actually, I have known for a long time, ever since Axue was tricked and lost his position as Patriarch, the root of this disaster has been planted, but I never thought that, This catastrophe will come so quickly."

Zuoqiuhong and Zuoqiuhong looked at each other, but they didn't think so in their hearts. From ancient times to the present, the victorious king defeated the enemy. Back then, Zuoqiuxue was a woman, how could she take over the position of Patriarch?

"I know what you are thinking, do you think that Ah Xue deserved to die back then?"

Suddenly, Zuoqiu Taiwu cast a cold glance at the two of them, which made the latter tremble in fear, not daring to think about it anymore.

Zuoqiu Hong took a deep breath, and said bravely, "Old Ancestor Taiwu, what happened back then is over, and now our Zuoqiu Clan has become a laughing stock in the Three Realms, and there are many internal crises. If we don't solve this disaster, I'm afraid... I'm afraid ..."

He didn't finish his sentence, but Zuoqiu Taiwu understood what he meant, his old face suddenly became older, he was silent for a long time, and finally waved his hand and said: "Let's go, this matter... I will give Zuoqiu an explanation of."

It was the Zuoqiu family, not Zuoqiufeng or Zuoqiu Huanglin!

The meaning of this is self-evident, Zuoqiu Taiwu will make decisions and actions to heal the internal crisis of the Zuoqiu Clan, but not to consolidate Zuoqiu Feng's position, nor to reply Zuoqiu Huanglin, but to For the continuation of the entire Zuoqiu Clan!

The two of Zuoqiuhong naturally understood this, and they both heaved a sigh of relief, bowed and saluted immediately, took their leave and left.


After leaving the main hall, Zuo Qiuhong suddenly said: "Tell me, what kind of decision will Patriarch Taiwu make?"

Zuoqiu Sheng was stunned, and there was a gleam in his eyes: "It's very simple, now only by killing that evil son, can we give Zuoqiu an explanation and stop the mouths of all living beings in the world!"

"Kill Chen Xi..."

Zuo Qiuhong murmured, and suddenly said: "This is Daohuang Academy. With the methods of the academy, I am afraid that Taiwu Patriarch will detect and stop him if he doesn't do anything, right?"

Zuoqiu Sheng smiled meaningfully: "What if Patriarch Taiwu already has the intention of sacrificing himself?"

Zuo Qiuhong was shocked: "That's not the case, is it?"

Zuoqiu Sheng shook his head: "I can't be sure, but I can be sure that as long as Patriarch Taiwu makes the right decision, that scoundrel will definitely die!"

After a pause, he said with a leisurely smile: "Just wait, maybe in a few days, the news of Chen Xi's death will spread throughout the fairy world. , even if you want to help Chen Xi get ahead, you will only find him on the head of Taiwu Patriarch, and will not hurt our Zuoqiu Clan."

Zuo Qiuhong's heart was pounding. With his current status and cultivation level, he still couldn't help being shocked when he heard such a thing.

Because he knew very well that if such a thing happened, the consequences of Taiwu Patriarch would be unimaginable!

"Ancestor Huanglin did this, isn't it a bit..." Zuoqiuhong couldn't help but said.

"Ruthless? Hmph, if it wasn't for the last time he made a move on the battlefield outside the territory, that scoundrel would have been killed by our calculations, how could so many things have happened?"

Zuoqiu Sheng snorted disapprovingly, "Let's go, this kind of thing needs someone to bear it after all."

The two chatted through sound transmission, and left quickly, intending to report today's events back to the Zuoqiu Clan.


"Lingxiao, where is Chen Xi now?"

In the empty hall, Zuoqiu Taiwu was silent for a long time, and suddenly spoke.

Accompanied by the sound, the Taoist boy hurried in, bowed and said, "Report to Master, Senior Brother Chen Xi is currently retreating in the Jianlu Cave Mansion to prepare for the Dao Emperor's Ancient Land in three months' time."

Zuoqiu Taiwu nodded, and suddenly sighed: "When he returns from the Dao Emperor's ancient land, let him come and see me."

The Taoist boy named Ling Xiao nodded quickly: "Here."


Iris Immortal Prison.

The clear brook is murmuring, white clouds are curling up, in front of a thatched hut by the brook, in a small courtyard surrounded by green fences, Zuo Qiuxue, dressed in plain clothes, is still sitting at the stone table as usual.

It's just that she didn't sew boots today, but was holding a cup of hot tea, quietly looking at the green mountains and green waters in the distance, in a daze, her expression was in a daze, and she didn't know what she thought of.


Suddenly, a deep voice sounded from a distance.

Accompanied by the sound, Zuoqiu Feng's majestic and majestic figure appeared in the fenced courtyard.

Zuo Qiuxue didn't seem surprised by this, without turning her head, she said calmly, "Ever since Konger came here last time, I knew you would come soon, but I didn't expect it to be so soon."


Zuoqiufeng raised his thick eyebrows, and sat directly opposite Zuoqiuxue, looking at the other's familiar face, a complex look could not help but appear between his brows.

After a while, he said: "Kong'er has already suffered a disaster." The voice was calm, but the sadness in it could not be concealed.

This time, Zuo Qiuxue was stunned, she didn't feel sad, she just smiled: "You won't say that my child killed him, right?"

Zuoqiufeng took a deep breath, his expression had returned to indifference, he nodded and said, "You guessed right."

"This is retribution."

Holding the hot tea in her hand, Zuo Qiuxue stared at the sky in the distance, "When we met last time, he tried all means and couldn't kill Xi'er, so it's reasonable to die at Xi'er's hands now."

Speech is cold and calm.

"You are Kong'er's sister-in-law! When you were young, you liked him very much. Why is it like this now?"

Zuoqiu Feng forced himself to suppress the anger in his heart, and asked coldly, "Just because of Chen Lingjun? Or because of that evil son who shouldn't have been born in this world?"

Zuoqiu Xue abruptly turned her head, with a calm expression, quietly staring at Zuoqiu Feng, and suddenly smiled: "In the past, you would not be so annoyed, does the current situation of the Zuoqiu family make you feel difficult?"

Zuoqiufeng's heart shuddered, and he broke free from all kinds of emotions immediately, his mind was cold and clear, because he knew very well that his younger sister was definitely an existence of great wisdom and near monster.

In front of her, any mood swings would be captured by her, and she had to be more vigilant.

He was silent for a long time before he said: "I came here for one thing only, as long as you promise not to care about past grievances, everyone in the Zuoqiu clan can take Chen Xi into the Zuoqiu clan and admit that he is the Zuoqiu clan If he is willing to change his surname to Zuoqiu..."

Speaking of this, he was silent again, as if thinking about it, and finally said: "He can even inherit the position of the next Patriarch!"

Zuoqiu Xue was stunned when she heard the words, and said after a long time: "Is this Zuoqiu Huanglin's idea?"

Zuoqiufeng's face darkened: "This is the wish of the Zuoqiu clan!"

Zuo Qiuxue smiled: "You are still as hypocritical as before."

Speaking of this, she looked at Zuoqiu Feng thoughtfully, and said with a smile: "It seems that the ability Xi'er possesses now is about to threaten the survival of the Zuoqiu Clan, otherwise how could Zuoqiu Huanglin make a promise?" Such conditions?"

No matter how much Zuoqiufeng controlled his emotions, a chill and haze could not be restrained from appearing between his brows, and he said coldly, "Axue, you'd better not provoke me."

Zuo Qiuxue turned a deaf ear to it, and her smile became brighter. She sat at the stone table and said, "You should be clear that the grievances between us have never been with Chen Lingjun. Wouldn't care at all."

Zuoqiufeng frowned and said: "I just want to ask whether you agree or not, I'm not afraid to tell you, now Patriarch Huanglin has sent people to Daohuang Academy to ask Patriarch Taiwu to make a decision. I will never see your son again!"

Mentioning Zuoqiu Taiwu's name, Zuoqiu Xue narrowed his eyes and fell into silence.

"Axue, the past grievances are over, why do you insist on this? Do you really have the heart to watch our huge Zuoqiu clan fall into crisis?"

Seeing that Zuo Qiuxue remained silent, Zuo Qiufeng hurriedly struck while the iron was hot.

"Xi'er killed your son." Zuo Qiuxue sighed quietly.

The corner of Zuoqiufeng's lips couldn't help twitching violently, and immediately said seriously: "For the benefit of the entire Zuoqiu family, this trivial matter is nothing."

Zuo Qiuxue heard the words, but waved her hands and said: "You go, you can forget the things of that year, but I will not forget, otherwise I, Zuo Qiuxue, will be too sorry for my father!"


Hearing this word, Zuoqiu Feng's face turned livid, as if he had been touched by a scale, and a murderous intent surged in his heart.

"Why, you have endured for so many years, can you finally bear to do it?"

Zuoqiu Xue glanced at him, her expression as calm as ever, "If my guess is correct, that old fellow Zuoqiu Huanglin probably already told you not to do anything to me."

Zuoqiufeng laughed angrily: "You think I will listen to him?"

Zuo Qiuxue said slowly: "I don't know if you listen or not, but I know you dare not kill me, otherwise the Zuo Qiu clan will only be destroyed in your hands."

Zuoqiufeng's eyes were filled with coldness, and he really wanted to fight desperately, but in the end he forced himself to hold back and walked away.

"Axue, I have already given you the opportunity, but you don't cherish it, then... don't blame me for being rude!"

The voice was icy cold, filling the sky and the earth, and Zuoqiu Feng's figure had disappeared.

"Opportunity?" Zuoqiu Xue, who was sitting quietly in the fenced yard, had a hint of sarcasm on her lips, "It's worth noting such an opportunity!"


ps: Around 8 o'clock in the 11th update, my fingers are about to cramp, but I must grit my teeth and stick to the 10th update. Brothers, please give more monthly tickets to encourage me~~ Let me burn~~

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