divine talisman

Chapter 1375 Test Strength [Part 8]

In the world of stars.

Chen Xi had a solemn expression, his back was straight, his brows were peaceful, and there were strands of sacred aura permeating his whole body.


The power of the Five Elements Divine Rune roared, roaring like a vast ocean, and under the fusion of Chen Xi's "Unity of the Way" method, nearly one-tenth of this colorful five-element ocean had already turned into the power of runes.

Those runes are bright in color, composed of red, black, yellow, blue, and gold five kinds of divine splendor, filled with a grand and vast sacred atmosphere.

They are different from the Daluo divine pattern. They are like the traces of stars passing by, and the rhythm of lotus leaves blown by the wind. They are invisible and qualityless, and there is a magical atmosphere everywhere.

That is the breath of the Law of the Cause!

But it is still very weak now, only occupying three tenths of the entire Five Elements Ocean.

And this is what Chen Xi gained from retreating in the star world for half a year!

It took half a year to integrate three tenths of the Five Elements Divine Patterns, and this was only with the help of Liguang Shengdao Beads, Kunwu Futon, and Baisheng Xuandao Book. From this we can see how difficult it is to "unify the Tao".


Half a year has passed in the world of stars, and a month has passed in the outside world.

During this month, the news about Chen Xi beheading Zuo Qiukong continued to ferment, which also caused the disciples and teachers of the Zuoqiu family practicing in the Dao Emperor Academy to receive all kinds of criticism no matter where they went. Being pointed at.

One can imagine how aggrieved and angry those Zuoqiu teachers and students felt under such circumstances.

In addition, there is another matter that has attracted the attention of many inner court disciples, that is, in two months' time, the Dao Emperor Ancient Land will be opened!

At that time, ten disciples from the inner court will enter it to practice, and among the ten disciples, there are Li Ling Qingwu, Ye Tang, Chen Xi... and the most dazzling disciples in the inner court.

And the one who received the most attention was not Ling Qingwu and Ye Tang, the two bright figures in the fairy world, nor the other disciples, but Chen Xi!

Today's teachers and students of Daohuang Academy have all heard that Chen Xi has advanced to the realm of Saint Immortals, and entered the level of seeking the sacred path. Compared with this, the Buddhist disciples who entered the academy with Chen Xi back then, Ji Xuanbing, Zhao Mengli, Zhonglixun and others are still wandering in the Daluo Realm.

And all of this happened in just less than a year!

In other words, since Chen Xi advanced to the Great Luo Realm, it took him less than a year to advance to the Saint Immortal Realm. Such a heaven-defying speed of promotion really shocked many teachers and students of the academy.

In addition, it is now widely rumored that Zuo Qiukong was also killed at the hands of Chen Xi, which made Chen Xi's prestige in the academy reach an unprecedented height.

It can even be said without exaggeration that the current Chen Xi has even left Ling Qingwu and Ye Tang behind.

Under such circumstances, the news that Chen Xi was about to enter the Dao Emperor's Ancient Land in two months' time naturally attracted a lot of attention.

Can Chen Xi get the approval of the Dao Emperor Ancient Land?

When Chen Xi returns from his experience in the Dao Emperor's Ancient Land, will his cultivation reach another level?

Will the current Zuoqiu family take revenge on Chen Xi in the academy?

Each of these unknown questions became a hot topic in the next period of time.


It was Chen Xi's first year of closed-door training in Star World.

The outside world has passed two months.

During this period of time, he successfully fused the Five Elements Divine Runes to about [-]%, and his whole body was filled with a grand and sacred aura.

And on the third day before the opening of the Dao Emperor's ancient land, he was still a step short in the end, and he was able to fuse the five elements of the gods to about [-]%.

But even so, Chen Xi could feel that his own combat power had improved significantly, but he couldn't be sure how strong it was.

"It seems that we can only go to the Magic Luo Wonderland again..."

There were only three days left, Chen Xi did not intend to continue his submerged cultivation, and immediately got up and left the world of stars.


Magic Luo Wonderland.


With a flash of Chen Xi's figure, he had already entered it familiarly. After a few flashes in a row, he had already arrived at the platform in front of the third floor of No. 70 of Illusionary Wonderland.

There are a total of 36 floors in the levels in the Imaginary Wonderland. The first 36 floors are for the disciples of the Xuanxian Realm to sharpen, and the middle [-] floors are prepared for the disciples of the Daluo Realm.

And the last 36 weights are prepared for the disciples of the Holy Immortal Realm.

Of course, to enter the level above the 73rd floor, you also need to pay the star value, which is 500 million.

"Uh, I didn't notice, I now have 900 million star points..."

Chen Xi took a look at his Purple Ribbon Star, only to realize that his star value had tripled before he knew it!But this is also normal, like his current ranking rewards on the Purple Ribbon Gold List, and his clearance ranking rewards in the first 72 floors of Magic Luo Wonderland... each month has brought more than 1000 million star points.

Now it is normal to have more than 900 million stars.

Unless one day his ranking is squeezed down, this situation will continue.

On the platform in front of the third floor of No.70, the number of people was obviously much smaller. When Chen Xi arrived, there were only five or six figures standing there.

"Chen Xi?"

"Have you broken through?"

"So it's Junior Brother Chen Xi. Could it be that you're also here to break through?"

However, despite the small number of people, five or six disciples of the Holy Immortal Realm clearly recognized Chen Xi, and when they saw him arrive later, they were all surprised.

Chen Xi naturally didn't know who the other party was, but he still greeted them one by one with a smile, and immediately his attention was attracted by the customs clearance stone tablet on one side.

On the customs clearance stone tablet, Hua Jiankong is ranked first!

When Chen Xi saw this name, he immediately remembered his own sword talisman, which was still kept by Hua Jiankong.

"This ranking, I'm afraid no one has been able to break it for many years..." Chen Xi shifted his gaze, and saw Xuanyuan Pojun, Wang Daolu, Zhou Zhili, Jiang Yu among the names ranked below Hua Jiankong... The names of the others are almost all old antiques in the academy.

There were only a few or two names, and Chen Xi had never heard of them before, and he was not sure whether the other party was an old antique in the current academy, or a disciple of the Holy Immortal Realm in the inner courtyard.

"Junior Brother Chen Xi is probably coming to this place for the first time."

A young man came forward with a smile and introduced him enthusiastically, "The top ten on the customs clearance stone tablet, eight of them are old antiques in the academy, and the records they created have never been broken."

After a pause, he continued, "Nie Xingzhen of No. 9 and Gu Yueru of No. 10 are the existences of the holy fairyland in our inner courtyard. Similarly, the two of them are respectively ranked No. One and two."

Dou Tian Sheng Bang!

Chen Xi has also heard that in the inner courtyard, there are about 300 disciples from the Great Luo Realm, and about [-] disciples from the Saint Immortal Realm. According to the different cultivation levels of the disciples, two lists are also made, namely, The Purple Ribbon Gold List and the Doutian Holy List.

And this Dou Tian Saint Ranking is naturally the place where the disciples of the Saint Immortal Realm compete, with a total of [-] rankings, and those who can rank among them are the top existences in the Saint Immortal Realm.

Nie Xingzhen and Gu Yueru are able to rank first and second respectively on the Doutian Saint Ranking, one can imagine how terrifying their strength is.

However, with such a powerful Saint Immortal Realm being there, Chen Xi couldn't help being a little surprised that he had never heard anything about them since he entered the academy.

But soon, the young man's explanation made Chen Xi suddenly understand.

It turned out that Nie Xingzhen and Gu Yueru were also influential figures in the academy before, but for nearly a thousand years, the two of them have been retreating and meditating, attacking the Immortal King's Way, and gradually, there is very little news about them.

Freshmen like Chen Xi had never heard of their names.

"Thank you, brother."

After understanding all this, Chen Xi cupped his hands.

"Haha, Junior Brother Chen Xi, don't be too polite. I just entered the academy earlier than you. Oh, by the way, my name is Guo Dongsheng, and I come from the Frozen Immortal Continent."

The young man was extremely enthusiastic and introduced himself with a smile.

Chen Xi had a good impression of Guo Dongsheng. After exchanging pleasantries with him, he turned around and jumped into the entrance leading to the third floor of No.70, where he disappeared in an instant.

"It's a blessing to be able to gain a little relationship with someone like Chen Xi this time."

Guo Dongsheng looked at the place where Chen Xi disappeared, and murmured endlessly.

In today's Dao Emperor Academy, Chen Xi's reputation is like the sky, and there is no one who can compare with him. Being able to talk with Chen Xi and gain a little relationship is something that many disciples are quite looking forward to.

Guo Dongsheng is one of them.

"Dongsheng, do you think Junior Brother Chen Xi can set a new clearance record this time?"

Seeing Chen Xi leaping into the third floor of No.70, the other disciples of the Holy Immortal Realm on the platform all moved over curiously and began to discuss.

"I think it's a bit mysterious. As far as I know, Junior Brother Chen Xi has just stepped into the realm of the Holy Immortal. I'm afraid he hasn't created his own law of the Holy Way. The hope of setting a record is extremely slim."

Before Guo Dongsheng could open his mouth, someone murmured, "As soon as these words came out, many people agreed with them. They all knew very well that the names on the stone tablet for clearing the customs had all developed their own laws of the holy way, and This is just a basic requirement.

In addition, there are also extremely strict requirements for personal cultivation, combat experience, martial arts will...

This can be seen from the names on the customs clearance stone tablet, like Nie Xingzhen and Gu Yueru, they are both ranked first and second on the Doutian Saint Ranking, but now they are ranked ninth on the customs clearance stone tablet No. 10 only.

Under such circumstances, how could it be possible for Chen Xi, who had just advanced to the Holy Immortal Realm, to set a new clearance record?

"I think Junior Brother Chen Xi is fine, don't forget, he is Chen Xi!"

Guo Dongsheng frowned, and immediately there was a trace of confidence in his expression. Yes, because he is Chen Xi, he must be extraordinary.

Because of this name, it represents too many miracles and glory!

Hearing the words, the others were all startled slightly and fell into deep thought.


ps: I won’t write more about the Imaginary Fairyland Breakthrough and Doutian Shengbang in the future. In addition, the 9th update will be around 12 o’clock in the morning. I will continue to call for monthly tickets. My eyes are sore and my brain is confused. Continue to encourage me~~~

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