divine talisman

Chapter 1376 Searching for the Immortal Sword [Part 9]

The third floor of Magic Luo Wonderland No.70.


Chen Xi's figure appeared out of thin air. At this time, his temperament was different from before. His black eyes were deep and calm, glowing with wisdom-like brilliance, and his whole body was moving silently. Dirty temperament.

And when he acts, the aura of his body is as vast as sacred, just like a saint coming, wanting to educate all living beings and preach the world.

This is the unique aura of the Holy Immortal Realm, especially when one develops one's own laws of the holy way, one looks from afar, just like a real ancient sage, connected with the heaven and the earth, and taught all things above.

"Breakthrough begins." That familiar old voice resounded through the world.

Accompanied by the sound, a man in black appeared out of thin air, his face was blurred, and the surging power of the holy way lingered around him.


As soon as the man in black appeared, he stepped on the void, teleported out of the air, and cut Chen Xi's throat with a palm, as fast as lightning, fierce and precise, with an incomparably terrifying aura.


Chen Xi's aura shook like thunder, his thick black hair flew upside down, and his whole body instantly exuded the majesty of a saint coming and patrolling the mountains and rivers.

At the same time, wisps of holy aura evolved into colorful runes, flowing around his body, releasing a palpitating majesty.


Lifting a palm and shaking it hard, Chen Xi's figure remained motionless like a rock, while the opponent was sent flying by this blow, crushing a long and narrow crack in the void, and finally shattered into pieces, turning into light rain flying~

"It's too weak. The strength of the No. 70 third-floor man in black is even worse than that of Brother Yu Wendong..." Chen Xi shook his head.

"Pass through the barrier, time, one breath."


Accompanied by the sound, a wave of green glow swept out, leading Chen Xi to disappear.

No.70 four floors.

No.70 five floors.

No.70 six floors.


In the following time, Chen Xi climbed up layer by layer like a broken bamboo, and he hardly felt any pressure, and even made him rarely have the opportunity to use the power of the holy way of Talisman that had not been successfully integrated.

It's not that the men in black in these levels are too weak, but that the current strength that Chen Xi possesses is too perverted.

In terms of Qi refining cultivation, he is more than a hundred times that of the saints of the same generation.

In terms of Dao Xin cultivation, he has reached the highest level of the four levels of the secret power of the heart, the "heart baby".

In terms of law control, he has mastered the power of the seven perfect Da Luo divine patterns, and at the same time has fused the five elements of the divine patterns to the point of near perfection.

In terms of combat experience, Chen Xi, who has fought countless bloody battles with a group of immortal kings, is definitely stronger than his peers, not weaker.

In terms of kendo cultivation, he has reached the sacred and inviolable realm of the sword god!

Under the combination of all kinds of power, even though Chen Xi has not yet fully developed his own holy way of talisman, the combat power he has mastered has already reached an astonishing level, enough to be among the top level among his peers.


It wasn't until he entered the No.90 floor of Illusionary Wonderland that Chen Xi felt a surge of pressure.

The opponents were eighteen black-clothed men who possessed the level of the Holy Immortal Realm, and they were exactly the same as Chen Xi except that they lacked wisdom and martial arts will.

Regarding this, Chen Xi was not surprised but delighted, and threw himself into the fight.

And in his palm, the Immortal Sword of Lanxing swept hundreds of millions of holy brilliance, each ray of holy brilliance was a ray of sharp and chilling sword energy, and each ray of sword energy contained the dense and dazzling power of the holy way of talisman .

Such a blow can be said to startle ghosts and gods, and it is extremely sacred and vast.


The sword qi was vertical and horizontal, and the mighty power of holy brilliance roared and stirred like a violent ocean of sword qi, enveloping all the eighteen men in black.

Puff puff……

In just a moment, severed limbs flew across the sky, light and rain exploded, and eighteen men in black all died!

And Chen Xi finally realized the power of the holy way!

This kind of power is completely different from the Da Luo God Rune, with a crushing power of the highest and holy, just talking and laughing, it is enough to turn the world around and collapse mountains and rivers!

However, Chen Xi still had some regrets. After all, he hadn't created his own holy way of talisman, otherwise the power he displayed would definitely be even stronger.

"Pass through the level, 36 breaths!"


After a stick of incense.

On the platform beyond the third floor of Magic Luo Wonderland No.70.

"It's been an incense stick of time, and Chen Xi has no chance to set a new checkpoint record."

Someone let out a long breath of foul air and felt extremely relaxed. This is only normal. Although Chen Xi had many miracles and honors, he had only just stepped into the Holy Fairyland after all.

Without mastering the power of the law of the Holy Way, if he can create a new record, it is no longer a miracle, but a subversion!Beyond the boundaries of ancient times to the present!

But obviously, it is impossible for Chen Xi to achieve this step, because in that case, he is afraid that he will be regarded as a heresy by the law of the world and wiped out.

"That's right. The most important question is that Junior Brother Chen Xi has only advanced to the Holy Immortal Realm not long ago. If he can wait until he masters the laws of the Holy Dao and come back, I absolutely believe that he can set a new record."

Others agree too.

Only Guo Dongsheng frowned and said, "Everyone, have you forgotten that when Junior Brother Chen Xi broke through the No. 30 level from the sixth floor to the 72nd floor, he didn't do it overnight."

Everyone was stunned, and then they were all shocked. They remembered Chen Xi's glorious record. In just a few months, he broke through the sixth floor of No. 30 several times, and finally leaped to the No. 1 position of the clearance stone tablet, shaking the academy.

And this time, Chen Xi advanced to the Holy Fairyland, can he create the glory like last time?

No one dares to be sure, but no one dares to deny it.

Because he is Chen Xi.

A dazzling figure who is always creating miracles!

Just as everyone was deep in thought, Chen Xi's figure appeared on the platform out of thin air.

At this moment, his brows were furrowed, his breath fluctuated a little, but he didn't look embarrassed, he didn't linger long, and turned around and left the Imaginary Wonderland.

"How much time?"

After Chen Xi left, someone couldn't help asking.

"A stick of incense for three quarters of an hour! Only a quarter of an hour away, we can break the record of Gu Yueru who is ranked tenth!"

Someone responded in amazement.


As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden gasp on the platform.

Although this record has not broken the record, it is enough to make everyone stunned. After all, everyone knows that Chen Xi has just entered the ranks of saints, and he has not even mastered the laws of the saints, so he was able to break through the final stage in such a short period of time. 36 levels, if you give him some time, wouldn't it be enough to easily create a new record?

"This is Junior Brother Chen Xi, who will always be different from others." Guo Dongsheng murmured, with a look of admiration on his brows.


"It's still not enough strength. If I can control the complete law of the holy way, I won't be so embarrassed when I break through the [-]th floor. It took me two quarters of an hour."

After returning to the Sword Cottage Cave Mansion, Chen Xi began to examine himself, sorting out and summarizing his performance in the Imaginary Wonderland.

In the end, he found helplessly that if he wanted to quickly pass through the one hundred and eighth level, the only thing he had to do was to master the complete laws of the holy way.

Of course, Chen Xi's so-called speed means killing the opponent in one fell swoop. If it's just to shorten the time, it can also be done in other ways.

For example, to improve one's own cultivation, to completely integrate the five elements of the gods, or to change to a more powerful fairy sword than the Lanxing fairy sword.

Especially the Lanxing Immortal Sword has made it difficult for the current Chen Xi to give full play to his own advantages. After all, although this immortal treasure is inherited from Hua Jiankong, it is only a top-grade immortal artifact of the Zhouguang rank.

After reaching the realm of the holy immortal, the only thing that can match it is the Taiwu rank fairy sword!

"It's a pity that the sword talisman is kept by Hua Jiankong, otherwise, with the various fairy materials I have collected on my body, it is enough to increase its power a lot..."

Chen Xi curled his lips. Of course he knew that the reason why Hua Jiankong took away his sword talisman was for his own benefit, and he was worried that his identity as the descendant of Shenyan Mountain would be leaked and cause unnecessary trouble.

"Now, I can only find another fairy sword that is convenient..."

Chen Xi thought for a long time, took a deep breath, and immediately turned around and left the Sword Cottage cave.


"Brother, are you going to go to the Star Value Hall to exchange for a Taiwu Rank Immortal Sword?"

Aoba said in surprise.

"That's right, but I don't know the rules there, and I hope you can give me some advice, Junior Brother Qingye."

Chen Xi nodded. After he left the cave, he went straight to find Qingye, in order to exchange his own star value for a Immortal Sword in Hand.

This is also something that can't be helped. In two days, the Dao Emperor's Ancient Land will be opened, and he must make full preparations in all aspects.

He has a lot of powerful treasures on him, such as Xuanhuang Gourd, Hentian Seal, Qingdou Palace Lantern, etc... But those are not fairy swords after all, and they cannot fully display his "Sword God" cultivation base.

"How can you talk about giving advice, I am very happy to serve Senior Brother Chen Xi."

Qingye smiled shyly, and led Chen Xi straight towards the Star Value Hall.

After a while, Chen Xi and Qingye appeared in a beautiful palace. The palace occupied a huge area, and inside it were rows of crystal counters, displaying various rare treasures.

This was not the first time for Chen Xi to come here. Wang Daolu had brought him here after he had won the position of leader of the Dao Discussion Society of the Seventh Academy last time. On the fourth floor of the main hall, he obtained a fragment of the origin of chaos.

But that time he came in a hurry, as if he was looking at flowers on a horse, and he didn't understand the rules in the star value hall, so this time he brought Qingye along with him.

"Senior brother Chen Xi, all the immortal treasures of Taiwu rank are displayed on the third floor of the main hall, come with me." Sure enough, Qing Ye was familiar with this place, and led Chen Xi straight to the depths of the main hall.

Along the way, many students and disciples were picking and exchanging magic weapons. When they saw Chen Xi, they all cheered up and greeted him with enthusiasm.

But most of them didn't know each other, so they could only nod to him with a smile.

Even so, those disciples were all very excited, and they all praised Chen Xi for his meekness and gentleness, without the slightest bit of arrogance. This is the demeanor a master should have...

And so on.

It wasn't until he reached the third floor of the palace that Chen Xi heaved a sigh of relief. To be honest, he still doesn't get used to the atmosphere of being constantly complimented, making himself look like a different kind...


ps: It’s after midnight on the 10th, it might be a bit late, I’m going to be exhausted, I’ll take a bath first to refresh myself~~

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