divine talisman

Chapter 1377 Qingping Immortal Sword 【Part】

The Chiba Immortal Sword, the lower level of Taiwu, the body of the sword is covered with 600 layers of restrictions, and the sword can surprise ghosts and gods. It was forged by Ou Peng, a great master of refining, with a value of [-] million stars.

Longyin Immortal Sword, middle-level Taiwu, blends the soul of black dragon into it. The body of the sword is tempered by 37 high-level immortal materials such as emerald cold iron from outside the territory, King Kong Wanming Stone, Jiuxiao Ziyunjing...etc., inherited from the chief of the inner courtyard Teaching Jiang Yu's hand, value: 300 million stars.

Shaking the Immortal Sword, Taiwu Advanced... Value: 930 million stars.

Taichong Floating Light Immortal Sword: Extreme Taiwu Rank... Value: 600 million stars.


In front of the counter on the third floor of the Star Value Hall, Chen Xi quietly looked at the extraordinary imposing and precious celestial swords displayed inside, feeling deeply moved in his heart.

It's so expensive!

A Taiwu low-level fairy sword is priced at 600 million star points. If you are an ordinary disciple, you may have to struggle for many years to save such a star value.

Of course, in Chen Xi’s eyes, this star value was nothing. What made him gasp was the top-grade Taiwu-level immortal sword. The value of almost every disease was above 3000 million star points!

3000 million stars!

If it were Chen Xi from before, he simply wouldn't dare to expect extravagantly.

But now, he has nearly 1000 million star points in his account every month, so he can afford such expensive treasures.

"Senior brother Chen Xi, what grade of Taiwu rank sword do you plan to exchange for? Maybe I can introduce it to you. I was lucky enough to be a waiter again back then, so I know about it."

Aoba smiled shyly at the side.


Chen Xi glanced at the other party in surprise, and said with great interest, "Then tell me, among these top-grade Taiwu-level swords, which one is the most powerful?"

Qingye frowned and thought about it, then shook his head and said: "The power of the best immortal treasures has reached the limit, so there is only a distinction between suitable and inappropriate."

Chen Xi nodded: "That's true."

"However, I think these three fairy swords are very suitable for you, brother."

Qingye smiled, pointed at some of the best Taiwu-level swords, and said, "This Mingguang sword was the sword of Zhou Zhili, the dean of the outer courtyard. This sword is left here to exchange for star value."

He pointed to another fairy sword, and said: "This blood frost fairy sword was brought back from an ancient relic by the dean's disciple Hua Jiankong back then. Because it conflicted with the way he practiced the sword, it was left here. .”

"As for this Qingping Immortal Sword... This sword is transformed from the 36th-rank Qinglian leaf of the ancient world. It is mysterious and beyond the scope of the Taixu rank. It was held by a great man who reached the sky and killed many powerful gods. , causing a sensation in the world."

Speaking of this, Qingye couldn't help showing a look of regret, "Unfortunately, this sword suffered a catastrophe back then, and the damage was too heavy, and now it can only exert the power of the best martial arts."

"Qingping Immortal Sword..."

Chen Xi stared at the past, but saw that the sword was clear and translucent. It was about three feet long and two fingers wide. There were strands of mysterious textures on its surface, like the veins of a lotus leaf, releasing a mysterious and obscure aura.

It's a pity that many of the secret lines on the surface of the sword have been seriously broken. If it weren't for this, the momentum diffused by this sword would never be just that.

"It is indeed a pity."

Chen Xi sighed softly, moved his eyes away, and landed on the two fairy swords of Mingguang and Xueshuang, looked them up a bit, and shook his head.

It's not that these two immortal swords are not good, but from the aura emanating from the sword body, Chen Xi instantly judged that they were not suitable for him.

In the end, he still set his sights on the Qingping Immortal Sword. The more he looked at it, the more regretful he was. What a treasure it was, how could it be destroyed like this.

"Could it be that Senior Brother Chen Xi fell for this sword?"

Aoba couldn't help reminding, "For so many years, this sword has been left here. Although it is worth 3000 million stars, it is not because no one has chosen it, but because it is too damaged. Even if it is exchanged, the number of times it can be used Once it reaches a certain limit, it will completely collapse, which is extremely uneconomical.”

Chen Xi nodded, what Qingye said was to the point.

He also saw that the Qingping Immortal Sword seemed to still be able to exert the power of a top-grade Taiwu rank fairy treasure, but once it was used, its power would gradually weaken as the number of times increased, until it collapsed.

It is really not worthwhile to spend 3000 million star points to exchange for such a fairy treasure, no wonder it has been left here for so long and no one cares about it.


Chen Xi made up his mind, took out the Purple Ribbon Star and handed it to Qingye, saying, "Qingye, help me exchange it."

Qingye was stunned, a little in disbelief, and couldn't help but said, "Senior Brother Chen Xi, are you sure?"

Chen Xi smiled: "I'm rather curious about this treasure, and want to study it."

"But this is 3000 million stars!"

Qing Ye felt pain for Chen Xi, grinned and said, "Such a star value is enough to exchange for other powerful Taiwu rank immortal treasures, senior brother, why don't you think about it?"

Chen Xi shook his head: "No need."

In the third floor of the star value hall, not only Chen Xi and Qingye, but many people have been sizing up Chen Xi since he entered.

At this moment, seeing that he insisted on exchanging 3000 million star points for a broken fairy sword, there was an uncontrollable strange look on his cheeks, but no one was going to mock Chen Xi, but he felt like he was being taken advantage of. Do you think there is no place to spend too much star value?

Chen Xi turned a deaf ear to all of this.

Seeing Chen Xi's resolute demeanor, Qing Ye could only sigh, and took Chen Xi's Purple Ribbon Star and lightly imprinted it in a concave notch on the surface of the crystal counter.

There was a buzzing sound, and the Qingping fairy sword turned into a clear light and flew out.

Qing Ye quickly took it in her hand, carefully placed it in a jade box, and handed it to Chen Xi together with the Purple Ribbon Star.

Chen Xi sized up the Purple Ribbon Star, and sure enough, he found that in an instant, the star value he owned had decreased by 3000 million, leaving only 900 million or so.

Then, without looking at it, he directly put away the jade box containing Qingping Sword.

When the other disciples nearby saw this, they immediately sighed in their hearts, and couldn't understand Chen Xi's behavior of being taken advantage of.

"and many more."

Qingye was about to leave, but was stopped by Chen Xi, "Junior Brother Qingye, help me choose another fairy sword."

Qingye was stunned for a moment, and he finally fully understood that Senior Brother Chen Xi exchanged the Qingping Immortal Sword for the purpose of research, otherwise, how could he exchange for another celestial treasure?

"Then...brother, do you still want the ultimate martial arts sword?" He couldn't help asking.

"Of course." Chen Xi answered it as a matter of course.

But the other disciples couldn't help twitching the corners of their lips when they heard the words, and there was an indescribable envy in their hearts. It was another Taiwu rank top-grade fairy sword. This guy...is really rich and powerful!

At this moment, they couldn't care less about whether Chen Xi had been taken advantage of or not. There was no other reason. He had a star value and was willful!Who can control it?


When Chen Xi and Qingye left from the third floor of the star value hall, they already had two extra fairy swords on their bodies, one Qingping fairy sword and the purple vault fairy sword.

This Purple Vault Immortal Sword is worth 700 million stars, not top-notch in every aspect, but when it comes to comprehensive power, it is quite remarkable.

And Chen Xi took a fancy to this point, and the fighting methods he mastered were not rigid, and needed the assistance of a fairy sword with comprehensive power.

As a result, he now only has more than 900 million star points left.

If he wanted to exchange the fragments of the river map, he didn't know how long it would take to accumulate them, but Chen Xi wasn't worried, as long as he could get the approval of the Dao Emperor's inheritance from the Dao Emperor's Ancient Land, he would devote himself to earning stars. In addition, he has tens of millions of star points in his account every month, so he doesn't have to worry about not being able to collect enough star points.

If you can't get the approval of Dao Emperor's inheritance, then no matter how many star points you have, it's useless.

"Senior Brother Chen Xi, why did you exchange for this Qingping Immortal Sword?" After thinking about it, Qingye still couldn't help asking.

Chen Xi thought for a while, then smiled and said, "Don't you think this fairy sword is very unusual?"

Qingye was startled, and his heart moved. Could it be that Senior Brother Chen Xi had noticed something unusual from Qingping Immortal Sword?

But he didn't ask aloud, this is Chen Xi's treasure after all, even if there is any mystery in it, it still involves some dirty things, he won't ask rashly.

"By the way, in addition to exchanging immortal treasures in this star value hall, isn't it possible to exchange treasures for star values?"

When he reached the first floor of the star value hall, Chen Xi suddenly remembered that he still had a lot of rare immortal materials that he didn't need, and maybe he could take this opportunity to exchange all of them into star points.

"Yes, there are two ways to exchange star points in the star point hall. One is to store your treasures here and mark the exchanged star points. If other members of the same sect need this item, they have to pay the star points to exchange. However Throughout the transaction process, the academy will take [-]% of the star value fee."

Aoba quickly explained, "The second way is bidding, but it is for some rare treasures, which are stored on a special bidding platform, marked with a minimum price, and then given a bidding deadline. When the bidding deadline is up, The person with the highest bid will get this treasure, but the academy will take [-]% of the star value fee from the bidding."

The college is going to draw another commission, it's so dark!

After hearing this, Chen Xi almost couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Senior brother Chen Xi, what treasure do you want to sell?" Qingye asked.

"Most of the rare immortal materials are obtained from the Boundless Sea, and a small part are obtained from the battlefield outside the territory." Chen Xi replied casually.

Boundless sea!

Extraterritorial battlefield!

Hearing these two words, Qingye immediately understood that the treasure that Chen Xi wanted to sell was absolutely extraordinary, and immediately suggested: "I suggest that senior brother go to the bidding platform to exchange."

Chen Xi shrugged his shoulders: "Although the college's fees are too harsh, this is the only way to go now."


ps: The 10 update is over, I'm almost exhausted, my waist hurts so much that I can't straighten up, but I feel a little unhappy in my heart, our Fuhuang just ranked in the top ten, and we were severely killed to the 11th place, quite Worried, alas~~

But the brothers and sisters' hard work today, Jinyu saw it in their eyes, and I was really touched. I thank the big guy, and I can't blame anyone. The other party has too many wealthy people, and there is nothing I can do.

Of course, this month is not over yet, goldfish will never say defeat lightly!I also hope that brothers and sisters who still have monthly tickets in their hands can give support, and thank you goldfish in advance.

Finally, good night everyone, see you tomorrow!

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